
5 years, 5 months ago by ricardo.cifuentes108 in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

Haré krishna maharaj

Por favor acepte mis reverencias, soy Richard Cifuentes de Santiago de Chile, tengo 36 años y conocí a los devotos hace mucho tiempo atrás. Hace algunos años comencé a asistir regularmente al templo de iskcon Chile en Santiago y en su última visita escuché sus clases y realmente sentí una inspiración profunda en mi corazón. Soy estilista pero actualmente me ocupo en distribuir inciensos y libros de Srila Prabhupada.

Maharaj realmente espero poder interactuar con usted y poder conocerlo más.

Se despide

Su sirviente

HpS - Hare Krsna. Desculpa tan mucho tiempo responder!! Estuvimos en Gira de Sud America etc. Ooooof! Estuvimos entrando en contacto con tan mucho gente que es imposible responder a cartas. Todos los desafillos son oportunidades de Krsna purificarnos del diferente apegos, vanidades. Adelante! Espero podemos ser util por Vd! Vamos a visit a Chile mes del Noviembre.

Hari Bol !!

5 years, 5 months ago by Bhacktamarcos in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hari Bol ! dear Swami , please acept my humbles reverences, it,s a long time since i wrotte you the last time, i hope you are well in all aspects.

HpS - Life in this world is like living surrounded by wolves, no?

When i found the Bagavad Gita and i readed it 19 years ago i never thouth i would be constantly trying to be able to follow the 4 principles and chanting 16 rounds.

Chanting the rounds is not dificul, what i m unable to do is follow strictly the 4 principies.

I try to adjust as much as i can....i hope some day Rama Radha and Krsna give me their mercy.

HpS - EVERYBODY IS DIFFERENT. It was years after Srila Prabhupada met Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati and in his heart accepted him as his spiritual master that he formally took initiation. Do YOUR work. Yes, look at those around you, but in the end you also have challenges that NO ONE ELSE faces. They may be very deep.

I know you will be in Madrid in September, if there is any service i could do i would be happy to do it.

HpS - We are working on Education and the Sacred. Go to any art or cultural events and see if there is anyone who might be inclined to hear about Krsna from The Teachings of Lord Caitanya. Meet them. See if we can meet them. You have the greatest wealth. Some contact with Srila Prabhupada's words.

Please acept my sinceres reverences. Hare Krsna !

190810 JGD Report to ASA-HPS

5 years, 5 months ago by in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dvadasi, Gaura Paksa

Sridhara Masa, 533 Gaurabda

Paksa vardhini Mahadvadasi

Fasting for Pavitropana Ekadasi

Srila Rupa Gosvami -- Disappearance

Sri Gauridasa Pandita -- Disappearance

Radha Govinda Jhulana Yatra

Dear Guru Maharaja,

To share days with you was a completely uplifting (I love this English word) experience, as always but fortunately, every time I can appreciate it more.

Certainly, to be your emergency translator is challenging as always too, mainly, because it requires three things that are most difficult for me: a good English vocabulary, listening skills and a focused mind. Sometimes I make a parallel with my spiritual advancement in devotional service, I feel that I'm advancing but when there are moments of tests, I can realize that my improvement is almost imperceptible, but still, something is there. My conclusion is we'll continue trying. I hope to be useful when you still need it.

With this trip, I remembered how good is to have the association with guru directly, if is possible to get it. Thank you and Abhiram Prabhu and my Peruvian godbrothers and sisters for allowing me taking your valuable association and their.

When I came back I couldn't say goodbye, but I thought that is pretty possible to have your association in the year also because you give us so much chances to do it like this monkey warrior blog.

So, here is my attempt to do it.


My new year resolution was don't go to the bed without chant 16 rounds. I know that this is our initiation promise, but a way to accomplish for me was deleting the "debt of rounds" concept. Only one day in march I chanted 15 but the next day immediately I chanted 17. That day was before Gaura Purnima, so, still, I'm doing well with this new year resolution.

HpS - My dandavats to you.

One of the results of this is that several days I went to bed at 2 am, to finish my rounds. Is interesting, because is a very suffering situation, but still I feel that my relationship with the Holy Name is in peace now. When I stay one entire year like this I plan to share something related to (article, workshop) because I know that a lot of devotees have this problem of debt rounds.


Like to teach is to learn, twice I had this idea of preparing the Janma Seminar, a three days seminar about Sri Krishna Bhagavan's Birth, one day every week before Janmastami. Your suggestion about to consider Gopal Campu was excellent.

I was considering taking the book "Srimad Bhagavatam Tenth Canto Symphony of Commentaries, Volume 1 (Chapters 1-3)" by ISKCON Devotees, Gaurapada Dasa (Translator) and Matsya Avatar Dasa (Editor) (the only of the series that I have), and others like Garga Samhita, like you suggested me too. And also some scholars books. I discovered a very good encyclopedia about Krishna called "Krishna, Krishna in History, Thought, and Culture: An Encyclopedia of the Hindu Lord of Many Names" by Lavanya Vemsani Ph.D., a history teacher from a university from Ohio.

However, obviously, I started with "Krsna The Supreme Personality of Godhead". When I just started my re-reading plan I realized how not ready I am to talk about these topics because basic questions arose. It wasn't frustrating to know that this sweet seminar should wait at least one year more to be prepared. Actually, it was wonderful to know it because my new propensity to study one specific topic profoundly would be completely covered to study these three first chapters of the 10th Canto from different perspectives. One smile draw in my face when I discovered my inability. Just plan something about Krishna Katha is sweet.

SO, here my first basic question Gurudev, if you could help me to understand more:

Considering that Prabhupada wrote in the KB, first chapter:

"It is said, therefore, that a saintly person can tolerate all kinds of miserable conditions of life, a learned man can discharge his duties without awaiting favorable circumstances, a heinous person like Kaṁsa can act in any sinful way, and a devotee can sacrifice everything to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead."

So, from this, Could we understand that Vasudeva and Devaki really suffered the loss of their first 6 sons and the whole painful situation with Kamsa, only for Lila, for the Krishna pleasure, and not that they should learn or suffer something from their previous birth like sages?

HpS - I don't know. Their previous lives are described as Prsna and Sutapa or something, no? They seem to be very free from Karma, but we also se Devahuti and Kardama Muni who were the mother and father of God, but still had some attachment. Aditi was Mother of God, Lord Vamana, but she was attached also, no? I don't know exactly.


My wife Carolina and Rasarani are very well.

HpS - That's nice. We hope their hearts are becoming purified constantly.

We travelled to NYC to attend the Ratha Yatra there and to be with H.H. Radhanath Swami and other Prabhupada's disciples one week. It was impressive. Regarding initiation, Carolina should wait more time to take initiation. 5 years until now already since she has this desire. But it happens if you want to take initiation from a guru who is not visiting your zone, I tell her. But she is very convinced and will wait any time necessary.

HpS - \'o'/

We are the Ananda Vardhana's partners in Madhu now. Since this year, only devotees work there cooking everything: Our good cousin Luis Ramirez (we called Yiyo. He likes your lectures a lot), his wife Andrea Tapia (Bhakti Sundar Goswami Aspirant), Gargacarya Das (your disciple) and his wife Nitya Siddha Devi dasi (Bhakti Marga Swami's disciple). And the consciousness has changed, we can appreciate the importance, not just to offer the bhoga but cook with Krishna consciousness. And this month Eloy Arcos (sheltered by Bhakti busana Swami) a young devotee who lives in the temple, have joined us in the Sales area but here in Santiago. Finally, a senior lady works there also, just a few hours once in a week putting the labels on the bags of the bread.

My whole experience managing and learning from my current fulltime job at iF is demanded here. My role is the general management of the company and the financial area. Is very challenging but I'm a father now so I take it very seriously also.

On the other hand, Carolina wants to be fired out from her job because she wants to dedicate 100% time to Rasarani, at least the first years. She has sick leave now.

Also, the idea to be an entrepreneur, with the experience in our company Madhu is encouraging her to create another thing. Is pretty possible to arrange something to receive some money from L@t@a-m Airlines because her 13 years working there, and with good evaluations. Now is with We'll see.

Rasarani is a very smiling and active little girl of 1 year and month now. In April she suffered and domestic accident, she had been hospitalized for an occipital fracture, that is, in the lower area of the skull. When I received the call it was a very powerful experience like a new father. We asked the blessing and prayers from everyone, even we requested 'good vibes' from our atheistic friends, and it worked very well. She doesn't have any sequel, nothing physically at least.

HpS - Incredible. Unless we chant good rounds it will be impossible for a man to not become attached to his daughter. We heard Srila Prabhupada say that father's attachment for daughter is the strongest attachment in the material world. There is sex desire, there but it is subtle, I am the supreme friend, "suhrdam sarva bhutanam".

- - - - - - - - - - -

So, I will finish here, I had another two sections; Service and Education and The Sacred, but I will prefer to dose the information because I think that I might be fatiguing you. Just one thing connected with this topics, the festival managers asked me to give the Balaram class festival, do you have any suggestion, a particular story to share, something that you think that could be good for the new people and devotees who will attend to hear?

HpS - Discuss a little how Balarama is Guru. How Krsna has to be "GOD" but out of His kindness He expands Himself as Guru, O.K.? So many stories!! Give a little summary of them. Pick one and read it also??!

Thank you for your time.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj.

Your servant

Jagad Guru Das

HpS - Thank you. AgtSP!! We will put our news in the DTC after we answer some more letters.

Personal Sadhana and Mandir Report - Manipur

5 years, 5 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Gloris to Sri Guruji Maharaja, Sripada Maharaja and A.C. Prabhupada

Gouranga Mahaprabhu Ki Jay, Radha Krsna Ki Jay,

Goura Bhakta Vrinda Ki Jay

 Guruji Maharaja! Dandavat Pranam,


Please accept my humble obeisanses unto Guruji Maharajas padmacharan that I am now reading Bhagavatam 10.29.39 Purport : last part................. " but by force You have already taken Laksmi, the wife of Narayana, from Vaikuntha and are carrying her around on Your chest. Out of shame she has assumed the form of a golden line on Your chest, and she takes her only pleasure there." What is the underlying story mentioned here? Please explain.

HpS - Jaya! So nice to hear from you! So, nice. You can see we are little dogs trying to run with the Big Dogs - Rupa Goswami, Srila Prabhupada.

We looked at the Purport and it is Srila Visvannatha Prabhupada's commentary. He sees things by his direct experience of the Spiritual World. We cannot add any more comments. If we go on changing we will also see this.

How is your Japa vrata? What results do you get from that? Any news of the devotees. We post our little news in the Kapi Dhvaja and then the DTCs here.

Yours fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das

Hare Krsna Maharaj

5 years, 5 months ago by jibeshdas in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krsna Maharaj,

  Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

  All glories to Guru parampara.

  This is Jibesh Das from Malda, am writing with the help of HG Girivaradhari-Gopal Das.

  Hope you are good in health and doing well.

  Sorry for posting letter late, actually doing book distribution village-to-village so 

  less contact with connectivity so could not able to reach Girivaradhari-Gopal Das.

  while, will try to write as much as possible.

  Maharaj, following 4x16 for many years. i was working as goldsmith for many years and 

  left this job around 2 and half years back after that doing book distribution in 

  villages of bengal.

  am 35 years old and elder son. we are 4 members in our family. Mother, 

  younger brother, sister-in-law and me. we have our home in Malda city ( near ISKCON

  temple ). Mother is also follower of ISKCON.

  Leading a bachelor life and will continue so.

  Please accept me in your shelter for to serve Srila Prabhupada.

your aspiring servant,

Jibesh Das

HpS - Very nice to hear from you! AGTSP. paoho. Your service is great inspiration to us. Sorry we are slow answering! Also going village to village.

What about taking Diksa from more local ISKCON guru and let us be a Siksa guru with his approval? In any case we just want to be of service to you.

report 5

5 years, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP

previous report on node: 10327

i am writing to you because I was suppose to write you in two weeks. Hence I am writing.

i can see your austerity in preaching, traveling, meeting devotees, taking classes, consultation, organizing, etc....

i will be frank with you, we are tired and see any point in continuing Krsna consciousness the way its going, its just ritualistic. It seems the city life , city mindset and city job is sucking our energy. roughly 9 hours of work is a big problem it seems especially in Univ ambience and esp with the academic literature we have to study. We dont like to study that literature. We see futility of our existence devoting 9 hours to it.

HpS - You are intelligent guy. So you are probably right. It is futile, but is there a FRUITFUL existence. We got back to Tennessee. It was so nice to be 'home'. We had problems immediately. Back window was blasted out of the Mercedes. Had twenty five unanswered letters. One was from Social Security demanding a personal interview in June and then a cancellation of our old age benefits. Then the State cancelled our medical benefits because of that, but we are in our home so much easier to work on the problems. One day for Social Security. Benefits quickly reestablished and they say Tennessee Medical will follow auto matically. Then next day back window. Six hours of work but go it done.

So, we are facing problems too. Biggest problem was just like yours.

The second day back we were exhausted. Weak. Could only chant a few rounds, but next day some energy returned, and we chant when we can. It is work, but the result is so much interior strength, intelligence. Some times we have to chant slowly just moving our lips and tongue. Ooof, but if we put 16-rounds before any other priority all the rest will fall in place.

we live like a zombie, no one to talk to about devotional service directly.. Our violence with wife has not gone away. It erupts every now and then though frequency has decreased. Somehow can not tolerate her criticism and can not even forget dreadful past we had along with devotional activities. Wife was chanting but left it due to our mis behaviour. fought in front of kids, neighbors, parents etc

may be are trying to be too much of devotee in todays age and in our circumstances ( no example to look upon, no associate to reveal, non-offered diet, very little support from family).. may be just focus on getting mind control. thats it.

home responsibilities / no support / in-congruent academic literature is eating us. our body has broken many times, though strangely tummy size has increased. but feel very tired , demotivated mostly.

sangat-sanjyate kama

some days we can get our rounds and morning program done before breakfast. but other days thing are just dancing on fire/ fire fighting. tired body and mind. we agree we are living value incongruent life may be due to want of money.

we figure if want to live properly in our circumstances, need to wake up at 230, get 8 rounds and arti done before wife and kid wake up. then do little pranayam, exercise, reading, planning, misc activities, then study empirical or demoniac literature, then 9 hours office, back to home. we get tured a lot in betwee. office people can not afford/tolerate us resting in Office hours. by night we are dead. eat and sleep if fortunate and alarm working, get up at 230 again, otherwise just wake up before family todo mangal arti. but then chanting is missed.

we do think we can not continue to breathe this way, either of family/job/ rituals/body/mind has to change.

i know as sannyasi , you are not suppose to talk regarding this matter. but most of grhasthas have given up our case it seems. or we dont know the one till now, may be we are not sincere enough to get the one.

dont know even if we are making sense.



HpS - I remember one time Sridhara Swami, Srila Prabhupada's esteemed Godbrother said that in all case we just have to go on. If the soul is really an eternal servant of Krsna, then it will react a certain way. We may doubt it and try to find success in material life. Cheap and become rich and satisfy family, but if it really is servant of Krsna, then all these things will be unsatisfying, though we may try to lie to others and our selves, but we just have to regroup our army, and go back after the problem

  1. Get an Acharya eg. Jesus Christ or A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
  2. Ask from him how to wake up.
  3. Formally matriculate (eg. Prabhupada 16-rounds, 4-principles)

So, fix four rounds/day until your next letter and do them. O.K.?