report 4

5 years, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna maharaj,


dont know what to write or report. but still as committed to write fortnightly report. We could see your problems you are facing travel with 72 years old over worked donkey. dealing with fools like us (preaching in western/western oriented world is very very difficult). Salute to your resolute purpose.

some question you asked in previous letter

  1. Learning to cook for Krsna. Do you have a fixed number of rounds/day that you will do until the next report?

now our family is staying with us in bodh gaya. so we are not cooking. may be it is a mistake. we dont know much to cook. can cook only rice based dishes or dishes which can be fried. one maid comes in morning cooks for afternoon and morning, and then wife cooks for evening.

our target is 16 rounds a day. but this week we fizzled out. fighting with body is tough.

2 How long will you stay at your present location?...

minimum one month.we have given multiple job interview, lets see if they materialize.

maximum, we dont know...

little hopeless for ourself (may be we are not trying that hard) ... good to see you that there devotees are there to encourage and take care of you, whatever way they can...

in nutshell i think we degraded from last report, may be not able to fix family in daily schedule.

tired of shooting in smog, need some breath/food.


Previous report at node 10282

HpS - AGTSP paoho. It is just a benefit for us that you write with you news and effort. Now we will look at report number five. Then a few more letters and DTC for you et al. Obeiscance to the Parikshit and Mataji.

Hare Krishna. Muy Urgente 2 -rectificacion

5 years, 5 months ago by wilfredo in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Hare Krishna Maharsh. La presente carta es para rectificarme en cuanto a un mal entendido con mi autoridad de Isckon Lima pues Prabhu Yamuneshvara nunca me ha obligado ha asumir el cargo de Presidente de la Junta Legal por el contrario se tratade una falta de comunicacion de mi parte con mi autoridad administrativa debido a mis labores y ocupaciones y considero superado todo mal entendido con mi autoridad de Isckon Lima y atendiendo a su atenta respuesta anterior prosigo con mi servicio, su seguro eterno servidor. Visala Das.

HpS - Jaya! Pero puede ayudar en la administracion. TlgaSP. Esperamos mas noticias de Vd. a veces!! La conciencia de Krsna es llena de sorpresas.

LAD, Change of habit. Cambio de hábito

5 years, 5 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, dear Gurudev.

Please receive my obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I have not written for a long time, basically because of laziness and negligence. But I always keep your instructions in mind and they are, for me, my life and my soul.

ASA - Ha! Ha! Hare! But our instruction is to write some times! What do you have to say. It is wonderful seeing you in the FMP on line. It was wonderful seeing you in Lima!!!

Thank you, gurudev, for always being there in my difficult times and directing my service.

HpS - AGTSP!!! We are just sprinkles of his mercy!

The topic of ashrama change is already discussed personally, however, I want to inform the attentive followers of the Blog what has happened lately in my life. I do it to present a perspective. I do not pretend to be a role model of anything, in fact, lately I have been a bad example in that area.

It turns out that ten years ago I met M. Raman ret (spiritual sister from Chile) when she came to do some service in Chosica with an enthusiastic group of young Chilean devotees. At that time I was a brahmacari (more or less) and we acted respectfully. She returned to her country and we never contacted each other again.

In May of this year, I already wearing white, it occurred to me to contact her on Facebook. Then an interesting dialogue began that it didn't have when to finish. After a month of talking by wasap almost every day, actually every day, I realised that our friendship had turned into something different. I proposed to associate and she agreed. She also felt that we were surprisingly compatible.

Of course, the central point was, is, our spiritual advancement. We immediately begin to comply with the protocol and the appropriate vaisnava etiquette. First, ask for the consent, approval and blessings of the guru. We found it fundamental. There are cases that the guru finds out when everything is consummated, and sometimes the female devote pregnant. For the success of this important issue, first the blessing of the guru. Then we announce it to our respective authorities, then to the older devotees and friends, and of course, the family. We feel that without the blessings of the guru and the Vaisnavas there is nothing successful.

HpS - Is a fact!

The first thing I made sure is that Raman reti dd was serious is her spiritual life. She is. She quickly connected to the FMP, before she did it alone, but she was no longer alone anymore. Then we connect to the systematic study of Srila Prabhupada's books. She took the current Bhakti sastri group and is currently getting updated.

Krishna at the center is the success in a couple's life. We joined in a vanaprastha mode, a bit modern, sui generis, because we are both special people.

We are not going to build "our love nest". It is clear to us that we join together to improve our spiritual life, our sankirtan. To be better people, better devotees. She will come to live in Chosica if everything goes well.

Gurumaharaja, you always recommend to the couples to get to know each other 6 months to a year. As your disciples we are following that standard. She recently came to meet my mother. I will go in September to meet her parents. If all goes well, we should get married in July next year.

HpS - Jaya!

Dear gurumaharaja, once again, I ask for your blessings to be a good example and not to embarrass you. With Raman reti we have talked a lot about your ideas about Krisna's conscious partner. We are clear that Sita Ram is the royal couple, our Kings, and we are their mono-servants.

I also strongly urge the blessing of all the devotees who read this letter to do things well in favor of our gurudev and Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you all for your blessings and to you, dear gurudev, who are our refuge and guide in this world.

Your servant,


(M. Raman reti will soon write to him too)

HpS - Thank you! We, I , you, so many make some progress and then stumble from some attachment. Maybe too much pizza late at night, but Krsna arranges another chance and the next time or third time . . . solve that problem and move ahead, no?

We can only hope you and everyone rapid progress in waking up, because Krsna can use our help!

Of course, you have so many previous relations with devotees of all genders, ages, natures, and changing your Ashrama like this means that they also have to contemplate their new relationship with you and the esteemed Raman reti Devi Dasi. Whatever was real in previous relationships will always be real. We just have to include it in the growing reality.

Thank you.

Visit to Murfreesboro earlier this year

Hare Krsna!

This is Acarya-nistha Das brahmacari from Chicago Illinois. This was a Sankirtan report from back in June that we had a little trouble posting.

I Recently got to visit Murfreesboro for college outreach cultivation efforts. Some very favorable students at MTSU and we held a small program with some of them. I was privileged to stay with Hanumatpresaka Mahārāja at his ashram for the weekend. I was deeply impressed with Maharajas austerity and simplicity. Felt like Vrindavan in Tennessee. Ecstatic tele- Mangla arati with Peruvian devotees, class, Kirtan and our greatest treasure Krsna Katha.

Mahārāja gave nice talk on BG 12.10 at the weekly Friday program on Bhakti vs Karma Yoga; very relevant for grhastas yet was surprised hardly any questions: perhaps the topic flew over some heads.. Thank you again Mahārāja and we’ll see how we can try to contribute to the preaching there.

Your aspiring servant,

Acharya-nistha Das

HpS - AgtSP. Yes, a little slow in posting. 😀 Two months. We have traveled from the Boro to Houston, Lima, Buenos Aires and back etc. How can we help you? What is your Sankirtan style???

Walking in a Knife

5 years, 5 months ago by Piero Saavedra Torchio in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna Maharaja

Here, in Santiago Temple, At rest by doctor's order. I want to recover to be more useful in the temple. The devotees have been very merciful with me, i'm lucky.

As I said to you, i will travel to Peru in October to serve you in the Education of Sacred program, I have already the tickets, and then, come back to Chile with you for more service, i pray for good health to be useful.

HpS - ASA - !!!

I want to tell you that in our yatra we start to do a census, is a necesary tool for improve our administrative service, to do better things for ISKCON Chile.

HpS - What things will you ask in the Census?

You asked me to do a good service to our yatra, until now, i have not done too much. I'm planning to be one year more in Chile to do the best i can, flowing your instruction.

I leave here a few questions:

  • When we come back to the spiritual world the guru is there or he is still here?

HpS -

  • When your enter to the spiritual world you become a liberated soul?

HpS - and

  • How often comes to the Earth planet Lord Gouranga?

HpS - I do not know the exact answer but please look here and tell us what you find:

Thanks Maharaja.

Hare Krishna.

Piero Saavedra Torchio - ISKCON Chile

HpS - Thank you Bhakta Piero. Guess your mobility impairment is arrangement by Krsna for you to use your legs less and your brains and hands more?

URGENTE - Junio 2019/ AmD Report_Reenviado

5 years, 5 months ago by anandamayadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis reverencias.

Fueron lindos días con su santa asociación, los discípulos neófitos estamos muy apegados a la manifestación externa del Maestro Espiritual, aun sabiendo que vani es más importante, estamos muy apegados a vapu, especialmente con una personalidad tan dulce y amable como usted. En fin solo serán 3 meses…

Nosotros, después de 2 años en Lima, nos mudamos a la casa de campo de los papás de Karuna en Chaclacayo, y de hecho ahora participaremos más en Iskcon Chosica, y estamos aceptando a la Junta de templo como nuestra nueva autoridad local. Por ahora hemos empezado a dar SB Class los días sábados, y participaremos nuevamente en el programa que alguna vez inauguramos en el templo realizando varias horas de kirtan los días domingos. Hay algunas ideas y propuestas para hacer, como pujari, algunos seminarios y otros, ojala tengamos las facilidades.

HpS - ASA -- 'hagamos lo que hagamos regularmente lo perfeccionaremos'. has estado sirviendo repetidamente radha-madana bihari. Lo perfeccionarás, ¿no?

En la nueva casa estamos atendiendo diariamente a Giriraj - Krsna Balarama - Nrishimhadeva, además tenemos una planta de Tulasi, y podrían ser más, Si nos permiten traer unas macetas del templo. El regalo de Puspa Gopal Prabhu, si no es el mejor, está en el top tres de los mejores regalos que me han hecho en mi vida.

HpS - Govardhana-sila. tal vez algún día te haga un invitado en su hogar, Vrndavana.

Seguimos luchando para cantar un poco más de 16 rondas diarias, y seguir los cuatro principios. Hemos dejado el SB por las movidas del mes de mudanza, pero ya estamos de nuevo tratando de mantener la lectura diaria.

Estuve leyendo el CC Antya Seis sobre el encuentro de Ragunath das Goswami con el Señor Caitanya, para encontrar iluminación acerca de la atención de Giriraj Govardhana, y me sirvió mucho, hemos aumentado un plato más para él en Nuestro altar y todos los días lo bañamos con agua flores y tulasis, aceite, ghee, tilaka. y luego come sus frutas por la mañana. Nos enteramos que le gusta los sandesh.

Parama Karuna le regalo unos ojitos clásicos de la India, nosotros intentaremos memorizar el verso que nos recomendó:

hantayam adrir abala hari-dasa-varyo 

yad rama-krsna-carana-sparasa-pramodah 

manam tanoti saha-go-ganayos tayor yat 


De todos los devotos, esta Colina Govardhana es el mejor! ¡Oh mis amigos! Este monte suministra a Krsna y Balarama, junto con sus terneros, vacas y pastorcillos de vacas, con todo tipo de necesidades: agua para beber, hierba muy suave, cuevas, frutas, flores y verduras. De esta manera, la colina ofrece respetos al Señor. Al ser tocado por los pies de loto de Krsna y Balarama, La Colina de Govardhana parece muy jubiloso. (SB 10.21.18)

Por otro lado, le prometí que escribiría en el Blog acerca de la conversación que tuvimos sobre colgar en youtube los videos del Gurukula de la época en la que estuvimos dirigiéndolo, por supuesto con su permiso, en el carácter de secretario de NIOS, quienes son dueños de la autoría de dichos videos, con la idea de que los ex alumnos, profesores, padres y comunidad tengan acceso a dichos archivos.

Voy a escribir otra carta para tocar otro tema.

Solo tres meses. Esperamos verlo pronto, por ahora buscando conexión en el mantra.

A su servicio Gurudeva.   

Anandamaya das

HpS - ASA -- Gracias! Tiene que invitar devotos, devotas, a su hogar para festivales a veces. Candramuki Devi Dasi y su hermana por ejemplo! Si continua de esta manera va a ser un devoto en nivel de Narada Muni!

Gracias por todo su asociacion mientras estuvimos en Peru!! Gracias a La Cocinera!!! Octubre. Graba una intrevista con Puspa-gopal Das, "Cuales son las mejor cosas que ha aprendido en su vida

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, please accept my obeisances.

They were beautiful days with their holy association, the neophyte disciples we are very attached to the external manifestation of the Spiritual Master, even knowing that vani is more important, we are very attached to vapu, especially with a personality as sweet and kind as you. In short it will only be 3 months ...

We, after 2 years in Lima, moved to the country house of Karuna's parents in Chaclacayo, and in fact we will now participate more in Iskcon Chosica, and we are accepting the Temple Board as our new local authority. For now we have started to give SB Class on Saturdays, and we will participate again in the program that we once opened in the temple performing several hours of kirtan on Sundays. There are some ideas and proposals to make, such as pujari, some seminars and others, hopefully we have the facilities.

In the new house we are attending Giriraj - Krsna Balarama - Nrishimhadeva daily, we also have a Tulasi plant, and they could be more, if they allow us to bring some pots from the temple. The gift of Puspa Gopal Prabhu, if it is not the best, is in the top three of the best gifts they have given me in my life.

We continue to fight to sing a little more than 16 rounds a day, and follow the four principles. We have left the SB because of the moves of the month of moving, but we are again trying to keep the daily reading.

I was reading the CCA Six about Ragunath das Goswami's encounter with Lord Caitanya, to find enlightenment about Giriraj Govardhana's attention, and it served me a lot, we have increased one more plate for him at Our altar and we bathe him every day with Water flowers and tulasis, oil, ghee, tilaka. and then eat your fruits in the morning. We learned that he likes sandesh.

Parama Karuna gave her some classic eyes from India, we will try to memorize the verse she recommended:

hantayam adrir abala hari-dasa-varyo

yad rama-krsna-carana-sparasa-pramodah

manam tanoti saha-go-ganayos tayor yat


Of all the devotees, this Govardhana Hill is the best! Oh my friends! This mountain supplies Krsna and Balarama, along with their calves, cows and cowherd boys, with all kinds of needs: drinking water, very soft grass, caves, fruits, flowers and vegetables. In this way, the hill offers respect to the Lord. When touched by the lotus feet of Krishna and Balarama, Govardhana Hill seems very jubilant. (SB 10.21.18)

On the other I promised him that he would write on the Blog about the conversation we had about posting on YouTube the videos of the Gurukula of the time in which we were directing him, of course with his permission, in the capacity of secretary of NIOS, who are owners of the authorship of these videos, with the idea that alumni, teachers, parents and community have access to said files.

I will write another letter to touch another topic.

Only three months. We hope to see you soon, for now looking for connection in the mantra.

At your service Gurudeva.

Anandamaya das

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