Libros y más Rondas de japa!!

5 years, 5 months ago by Gadai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, reciba mis respetuosas reverencias, seguimos aquí en Huancayo - Perú, sigo con la distribución de libros de Srila Prabhupada, solo salgo en las mañanas hasta la 1 pm.

HpS - Fijado!

Me toma 1 hora en carro llegar al centro de la ciudad donde tengo que hacer sankirtan, hay gente muy buena, pero la mayoría están atraídas al desarrollo económico, eso los vuelve muy duros de corazón, pero igual sigo y trato de mantenerme refugiado en los santos nombres de Krsna, pensamos en que mientras aumentemos nuestras rondas podremos distribuir más libros.

HpS - Si! Puede buscar gente mas favorable, pero en cualquiere sitio encontramos comunicar conciencia de Krsna a nuestros vecinos. Krsna es el sabor de agua!!

Tengo un problema con un tío paterno, es un problema de terrenos, bueno, no puedo decir muchos detalles por este medio, solo esperamos que pueda haber alguna ayuda divina de parte de Krsna,

HpS - Hari Bolo!

solo podemos refugiarnos en el santo nombre y en los libros de Srila Prabhupada, en el sadhana, en atender a las Deidades, solo hacer Servicio Devocional, no hacer esto para logros materiales, solo para satisfacer a Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - Los Pandavas tambien luchando acerca de terreno con la familia.

Mi esposa Nadiya Nivasi esta bien, cumplimos 10 años estando juntos, de los cuales 2 años fueron de noviazgo y 8 años de casados, bueno, mi esposa esta trabajando en una entidad privada acá en Huancayo. Ella en una carta le contara los detalles.

HpS - Llego su carta pero no contenido. Una buena esposa es muy raro encontrar!!!

Nuestra rutina a cambiado, nos levantamos a las 3 y 30 am, algunas rondas de Japa hasta las 4 y 30 am de ahí Mangal artik , bueno, nosotros empezamos a cocinar el almuerzo a las 5 am pues por la rutina mi esposa tiene que llevar su almuerzo al trabajo, nos turnamos para cocinar, un día cocina ella y al día siguiente yo, a las 6 am atendemos a las Salagramas Silas y Govardhana Sila, un día yo, un día ella, lectura Srimad Bhagavatam (canto 3, Segunda Parte, capitulo 23 "La lamentación de Devahuti", Texto 1). Cuatro principios regulativos.

Prabhu Adveita Takur estuvo por aquí, Huancayo, hicimos sankirtan juntos, fueron como 4 días agradables, estuvimos haciendo planes de sankirtana viajero, pero todo quedo en planes, ojalá pueda viajar nuevamente con Prabhu Adveita takur Dasa.

También seguimos en tramites de documentos de la doble nacionalidad italiana, arreglando y corrigiendo mi partida de nacimiento, hay una pequeña falla, pero es corregible, bueno, pensamos que sera interesante tener doble nacionalidad, esperemos todo salga bien, Sankirtana por Europa.

Bueno Guru Maharaja, me despido, que Nrisimha lo proteja mucho, ojalá algún día podamos volver a conversar en persona, una abrazo de parte mía y reverencias de parte de mi esposa Nadiya. Hare Krsna.

Gadai Gauranga Dasa

HpS - Gracias su noticias! Nunca deja su Sankirtan, aun que hay resultados pequenos. Por Sankirtan viene inteligencias como aumentar esta Sankirtan misma. KRSNA va a arrelegar todo para Vds. Italia, Tios....Nos vemos en Octubre!


Personal Sadhana and Mandir Report

5 years, 5 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to A C Prabhupada, Sripada Marsha and HpS Maharaja!

Radha Krsna Ki Jay, Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu Ki Jay. Goura bhakta brinda Ki Jay

Dandavat Pranam,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji Maharaja's padamachran that I am so sorry, that I could not write and response timely. Now we are planning to form a new committee after expire of the old committee period. Next Sunday, the Nanda Utsav day we will go and try to form the new committee. We had requested time and again but the Secy. is not take up the necessary formalities for conducting a general body meeting.

HpS - It is Kali yuga! Even in Treta yuga there was Ravana!!! Ooof! But Vibhisana was a devotee and had his Sanga even in Lanka. He said that being a devotee of Visnu in Lanka was like being a tongue surrounded by sharp teeth. How are our disciples, your daughter and son-in-law.

My chanting activities is improving and continuing 16 or more rounds. Sometimes tearing in my eyes remembering the wrong deeds in my life and requesting for pardon.

HpS - Yes, and not do more stupid things now!! I feel same way. AGTSP!!!

Now, I am reading 10.33.6 ; Purport - Srila bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakura states that Devaki, besides being the name of Vasudeva's wife, is also a name of mother Yasoda, as stated in the Adi Purana "The wife of Nanda has two names - Yasoda and Devaki". Please explain the underlying ideas.

HpS - Oooof! I do not know! I've heard that they are such good friends that they have almost the same name. It means like worshippable by the Devas?

  • What about the janma lila of Subhadra, the sister of Krsna and Balarama? From which book we may get the interesting story of Subhadra? Is She the wife of Arjuna?

HpS - Yes, she is Maha maya if we are bad and Yoga maya if we are good. I only know of Her as she is mentioned in the Krsna book. She was born from Yasoda and exchanged with Krsna.

  • How to improve the last one of the 10 nama aparadha ?

HpS - Prabhupada one time said that we should just do it!! Many techniques. See what works, walking while chanting is good for attention for some, not for others. Of course, more attention early in the day! Just try and good ideas will come!

Yours fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - You are so kind to write to us. We really hope to see you soon. Now we go!

Personal Sadhana report

5 years, 5 months ago by nalini in Personal Sadhana Reports

O spiritual master! You are nondifferent from Lord! you are giver of divine wisdom to the conditioned souls like me. Kindly accept my repeated Obeisenses to your divine lotus feet. All glories to you. A glories to Srila Prabhu pada. Maharaja please make me ennable to assist you in the service of the Lord.

HpS - AGTSP paoho Thank you for your letter. I hope you are reading the DTCs and the Kapi Dhvaja. Then you can understand that while traveling it has been IMPOSSIBLE to answer all of the very wonderful letters that we get. We see maybe 100 people in a day while traveling. Here in our base camp we finally have some time to answer mail. We are a very selfish person. If we have any good qualities it is because Srila Prabhupada has taken a spark of devotion and used it. AGTSP!

I am very very happy to receive a response from you. Maharaja we are going on Bhagavatam class every morning lecture by Banamali Prabhu and Ramanuja Prabhu and also performing kritan every Sunday. We have also done basic Arcana procedures under the guidance of Ramanuja Prabhu. I am seeing Kapi Dhvaja as you instructed . I am 10km far from the Temple.

Hare Krishna

Your unworthy & unqualified servent

Nandi mukhi Devi dasi

HpS - More news. Send a letter so we can answer it before we start traveling again. How do you occupy yourself during your days? Who are your associates? Do you tell them about Krsna even indirectly eg. the taste in water, the light of the sun.

Después de la lluvia

5 years, 5 months ago by YugalaKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

Capitulo 2: Después de la lluvia

Hk pamho querido Gurudeva creo que en la anterior carta el robot corto texto y no vi respuesta de Ud. después de perder el vuelo intente dos veces más viajar entre llantos y ruegos, la tercera fue la vencida me costó la bolsa de viaje, aun así tuvimos que correr de un lado a otro buscando datos. Aunque esto es una prueba de Krsna saque dos conclusiones prácticas, a veces cuando uno no tiene experiencia en vuelos es mejor ir a la oficina de la empresa de vuelos antes y presentar toda la documentación para tener el visto bueno, lo que piden en el aeropuerto es el número de ticket y este llega generalmente al correo después de comprar por internet. Y siempre es bueno ser uno de los primeros así si hay un imprevisto uno puede solucionarlo a tiempo, en fin hay un sin fin de medidas preventivas.

Me quedé algo asustada pero eso fue pasando una vez que llegué al dham, me encontré con otras viajeras solitarias y diversos personajes de aeropuertos, casi viajo con un devoto de Brasil, pero como la segunda intentada no hubo cupo no fue posible, me pegué a latinos para facilitar la comunicación, pero en Munbai no había latinos a pesar de tener muchas horas de espera no salí del aeropuerto, el sueño pudo más.

Después de 11 días de viaje en bus y en avión, de Lima a Brasil, de Brasil a India dos días de pesadilla, llegué a Mayapur y felizmente me esperaban mis amigas Gaura, Sarvani, lo cual era una bendición. Llore de emoción ante el Panca Tattva. Mayapur es como un lugar de cuentos de hadas, me sentí como una espectadora, pudimos hacer oblaciones a los difuntos, a las mamás de madres Candra Mukhi y Manasi Ganga.

El baño del río me dio mucha felicidad, me despedí demayapur saltando como una loca ante Sri Nrsimha, pronto regreso ese es mi consuelo y la aventura ahora es Vrndavan, al fin camino al lugar más puro del mundo, Jay Gurudeva. Sabemos que muchos devotos y amigos se preocuparon por nosotros oraron por mi bienestar, les estamos completamente agradecidos, sabemos que gracias a ellos pero sobre todo gracias a Sus bendiciones, estamos muy felices aunque con poco laksmi, se aceptan donaciones, Jijijiji.

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

Del anterior reporte esto faltó....

El día de mi partida camino al aeropuerto me sentí muy agradecida pues las personas me ayudaban con las maletas, el croquis de los devotos, era muy bueno no había forma de perderse, Radha me mando una excelente lonchera, en metro llegué al imponente aeropuerto Guarulios de Chile, felizmente un bus nos dejaban en el terminal correspondiente, a pesar de salir con anticipación había mucha cola, cuando tocó mi turno casi al final el counter me explicó que faltaba un documento, que tenía treinta minutos para buscarlo, lo conseguí minutos después que el counter cerró, la señal de fiwi fallaba por ratos, mi hermano espiritual Abhirama desde Perú, compadecido de mí desgracia, gestionaba en tiempo récord el documento, a pesar que rogué y supliqué, no me permitieron volar, y en un instante el sueño de todo una vida… se acababa en un instante, como si una torre de casinos cayera, así de frágil es la felicidad, en un momento estas riendo y al otro destrozado, posiblemente uno de los momentos más tristes de mi vida. Mi hermana Nitya Kishora que pasó por una experiencia parecida me consoló explicándome que debía llorar y molestar a los counter al día Sgte. para sensibilizarlos y me permitieran volar....


Chapter 2: After the rain

Hk pamho dear Gurudeva I think that in the previous letter the robot short text and I did not see your response after losing the flight I tried twice to travel between tears and prayers, the third was the expired cost me the travel bag, even so We had to run from one place to another looking for data. Although this is a test of Krsna draw two practical conclusions, sometimes when one has no experience in flights it is better to go to the office of the flight company before and present all the documentation to have the approval, what they ask at the airport This is the ticket number and it usually arrives in the mail after buying online And it is always good to be one of the first so if there is an unforeseen one can solve it in time, finally there are endless preventive measures.

I was somewhat scared but that was happening once I arrived at the dham, I met other lonely travelers and various airport characters, I almost traveled with a devotee from Brazil, but since the second attempt was no place it was not possible, I stuck to Latinos to facilitate communication, but in Munbai there were no Latinos despite having many waiting hours I did not leave the airport, the dream could more.

After 11 days of traveling by bus and plane, from Lima to Brazil, from Brazil to India two days of nightmare, I arrived in Mayapur and my friends Gaura, Sarvani, were waiting for me, which was a blessing. Cry with excitement at Panca Tattva. Mayapur is like a place of fairy tales, I felt like a spectator, we were able to make oblations to the deceased, to the mothers of mothers Candra Mukhi and Manasi Ganga.

HpS - Yes, is like a fairy land if you are under the protection of the fairy princess!

The river bath gave me a lot of happiness, I said goodbye to mayapur jumping like crazy to Sri Nrsimha, soon I return that is my comfort and the adventure is now Vrndavan, finally I walk to the purest place in the world, Jay Gurudeva. We know that many devotees and friends cared for us prayed for my well-being, we are completely grateful, we know that thanks to them but especially thanks to His blessings, we are very happy although with little laksmi, donations are accepted, Jijijiji.

His daughter who loves him:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

From the previous report this was missing ....

On the day of my departure on the way to the airport I felt very grateful because people helped me with my bags, the sketch of the devotees, it was very good there was no way to get lost, Radha sent me an excellent lunchbox, by subway I arrived at the impressive Guarulios airport From Chile, happily a bus left us at the corresponding terminal, despite leaving in advance there was a lot of queue, when it was my turn almost at the end the counter explained that a document was missing, that I had thirty minutes to look for it, I got it minutes later that the counter closed, the fiwi signal failed at times, my spiritual brother Abhirama from Peru, sorry for my misfortune, managed the document in record time, although I begged and begged, they did not allow me to fly, and in an instant the dream of a lifetime ... it ended in an instant, as if a tower of casinos fell, this is how fragile happiness is, in one moment you are laughing and the other shattered, possibly a or the saddest moments of my life. My sister Nitya Kishora who went through a similar experience comforted me by explaining that I should cry and annoy the Sgte day counter. to sensitize them and allow me to fly ....

HpS - We saw this and answered. What can we say. You are the most fortunate person, girl, in the world. You have seen the Pancha-tattva in Mayapura. Now you will see Radha-Krsna in Braja. It seems the external austerity is really for internal purification. We hope some nice devotee gives some nice donation. Please send more news. It is our life and soul.

Daily Activity and Spiritual Experience

5 years, 5 months ago by divya in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeseinces. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Thank you so much Guru Maharaj for replying to my previous letter. It was so peaceful to read your letter. No words to express that feeling.

HpS - AGTSP paoho. So sorry that it has taken some time to answer. I guess you can see our situation in the DTCs here and the Kapi Dhvaja.

Guru Maharaj I have read the verses which you have told me to read and also the Guru tatva document.

Prabhupada has beautifully explained the importance of a spritual master in our life and has told to approach a bona fide spiritual master in the line of disciplic succession.

Therefore I would like to surrender myself to you Guru Maharaj and would like to engage myself in your service.

Guru Maharaj I am following the four regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds daily. Somedays I miss my rounds but keep account of it and try to complete it. Please forgive me Guru Maharaj. I will try to catch up my rounds and complete them.

Guru Maharaj I would like to thank you for letting us do deity worship. This keeps me so engaged in devotional service. I like to dress Nitai Navadwip Chandra and I feel that I want to spend hours doing this service. Everyday I get up and think of how should I dress them and serve them. Sometimes we both can feel the reciprocation from them.

Everything with regard to them affects us deeply. And now we have started worshipping tulasi maharani and we feel the same reciprocation from her.We also got attached to our Tulasi Maharani and are trying to take care of her in the best possible manner. We need your blessings Guru Maharaj in whatever small things we do in our spritual life.

By your mercy Guru Maharaj we got a chance to serve Mukunda Dutta Prabhu by cooking breakfast for him. It was such a blissful experience.

I would like to share our experience with you the next time I meet you Guru Maharaj.

Eagerly waiting to meet you Maharaj.

Please let me know if I could serve you in any way possible.

Your aspiring servant


HpS - It was very, very nice to see you, Srinatha and brother in Houston! Thank you for your association. We answered a few questions then. Any more now??? There are obvious steps in your spiritual life: Get fixed in chanting all your rounds, making them up promptly if one day you fall behind, get your Ashrama, Grhastha Ashrama, situation clear.

Please send more news of ISKCON Dallas from time to time!!!