Guru Maharaja

5 years, 4 months ago by jagatbd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja PAMHO, AGTSP. I finally can write to you on this blog, thank you very much for the registration.

HpS - AGTSP!!!! Paoho. Yes. We even get behind here sometimes, but regular letters become impossible. We were getting 500-letters a month! Now it is like 150-so we can answer and others see the answer to their questions. We have our tickets for Mexico in December. Details in the Kapi Dhvaja today.

My wife is Pooja

5 years, 4 months ago by aja.govinda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and your service unto him.

My wife's name is Pooja and she chants 16 rounds and serves Deities at home daily doing pooja daily. She is eager to advance in spiritual life, but still we both have material attachments like family and attachments to material things. We still both have to advance a lot.

I am back in the USA working in my role as Assistant Professor. I am now guiding my students to register the Vedanta club officially as a registered university organization. We are planning for a Dusshera and Diwali program to distribute and preach Srila Prabhupada's message to the students of Texas A&M University - Kingsville.

Hoping to gain your priceless association in Houston next.

Thank you for keeping me in your holy association over emails.

Your aspiring servant,

Aja Govinda dasa

HpS - Our respects to your esteemed wife. Now she can also join the preaching and it will be attractive to so many people is the program as a Grhastha perspective also. We will post the Houston dates in the Kapi-dhvaja today! Hope you follow in the footsteps of Bh. Vinod. Th.!!!

Reporting before you travel urgent

5 years, 4 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


Well, I am fine with a lot of work, which I think in a way is an excuse to keep me busy and not think. Nevertheless, I am preaching through my teaching (vegetarianism), I teach Environmental Education, English I to IV and English for Journalists. I like it a lot. In my classes we discuss how to be an educated person.

I am studying a diplomate "English teaching as a second language" at Universidad de Piura in Miraflores, the campus is really beautiful. I am learning a lot.

My kitten Peregrino is very cute I sleep with him. My sister's kitty (Mia) is pregnant. Now I can understand what is to mate like cats and dogs. My God ¡¡¡ Ulyses is Brahmacari ¡¡¡ It will be really nice to have finally babies at home, at least from cats haha.

On Saturday we have a meeting about all this New Board stuff. It is delaying so much, we can see how suffers come from attachment to pride and power mostly. I am kind of disappointed, but I will help in whatever I can and do my best. At the end everything comes to light.

HpS - AGTSP paoho Yes, it can be so crazy. I can only do so much a day. It drains energy. Brahmanas can deal with these things with no attachment to buildings and profit, but preaching means teaching.

I am building good relationships with my colleagues

I am collecting gems with rings I love them, I continue doing gem therapy.

Gurudeva I hope you have a nice trip. I do not know if I can travel to Houston I do not want to leave my sister alone, but we will see.

See U on October

Your eternal servant


HpS - We will see you in Lima within five weeks! Can you get in touch with Radha-ramana Das and M. Amrta Devi Dasi, his wife? They are all coming with the two boys and collecting sarees and kids clothes etc. If you and some others can get to know them before they come it will be great. I'm sure they can do programs like Bhajans at the Jesuit schools etc. Just for her to talk about her life would be very interesting for people.

I just Radhika-ramana Das' phone number to the Whatsapp group with you and The Parasurama Das.

Get a simple practical life in the material world. Of course, there could be a nuclear war at any time and change everything, but try to live simply. Try to get a simple position in the VAD system and chant Hare Krsna. Make friendship with devotees, and then we can W A K E U P!!!

See you in 4-5 weeks.

Have looked for your Bh. Vai. Diploma but no luck so far. Will look again. We can apply for a duplicate!

Bhakta Piero and his broken self esteem

5 years, 4 months ago by bhaktapiero in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva 

Please accept my humble obeisances 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada 

Now i am here in Cabildo, my knee is better, in all this time i could to know better my ksetra. How works my mind and body. Is so complicated. A think that this work helps me in the future problematical situations. I have serious problems in my relationships, i behave like a child searching acceptation, care and love. Now, i am working in my self to improve my self esteem, this is broken. I found the concept of inner child, i trate to accommodate this concept to our philosophy, and i take this like my false ego, all the memories of all lives that scream and cry like a baby. What do you think about this concept?

HpS - Yes, we are all like 3-year old children. We have some independence and free will but it is very small. So we must be under the care of Durga or Radha. We chose.

Krishna said in the Bhagavad gita that we have to surrender and don’t be afraid. I choose surrender myself, but only by your mercy i can reach the ultimate goal. So please Maharaja, take my self and take my back to home, back to Godhead.

HpS - I only know Srila Prabhupada and that mixed with my own passions. Let us all take shelter of him in his books, deity and then we can see Krsna through that relationship. Then surrender to Krsna happens, through his transparent heritage.

Chant more rounds better. Do mor Sankirtan better.

I am starting to be a Kanishta devotee, still i can’t relate in a good way with all devotees, Piero is so arrogant, pride, envious and selective. I want to purify myself to don’t committed offenses, i wish that this be my only preoccupation, my only fear.

HpS - Yes, don't offend devotees and we con go back to Krsna. Best way to do that is to understand what are the services of different devotees and help them.

So thanks very much Gurudeva, i hope to join us soon to serve you, for the moment i am reading Krishna book in english and memorizing english words, is difficult when i have to speak. 

Hare Krishna.   

PS: Sorry for the FMPiero Preguntas, is a remainder of my broken self esteem that always is thirsty of attention by any means. Obeisances. 

Bhakta Piero.   

I had problems with my blog's profile, so i had to created another. Bhakta Piero at your service.

HpS - Thank you. Yesm we have a lot of purification to do, but even now it is better than being with the Karmis. Even now it is nice. Enjoy ISKCON now, plan on realizing the transcendent ISKCON in the furure.

Hare Krishna

5 years, 4 months ago by purnamasidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

How are you Gurudeva?

HpS - AGTSP paoho. I guess we are like everyone. This place is guaranteed to be filled with distress. The happiness is not real happiness. It is relief from distress. Only happiness is dying so we can live!

We have just come back from NVM. There, we have celebrated Janmastami and Srila Prabhupada’s appearance day. Beautiful days surrounded by very nice devotees.

On Janmastami’s day, Radha Govinda Chandra premiered a suit in Lila and pink colours. They looked very beautiful. I am very happy, I could participate in the making of their bracelets. Beautiful and elegant cristal ones for them in such a special day.

NVM has several families with children living in there right now. So, Nimai and Sarasvati also had a great time with friends.

Now, we are back home, getting ready for back to school. We are also working on the academic contacts and organizing the sat sangas we will resume in September. I am also looking for some devotees to help me with the Spanish Child Protection Office. I have to elaborate and impart workshops for parents and local CPO teams in different Temples, but I need a team to do it.

Thank you for your Twitter, Blog and all the things you write. It helps me a lot during the busy days I have got.

Waiting very happily to see you soon in Spain. Your servant,

Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. Srila Prabhupada has made so, so, so many nice devotees, and they give so much nice realization to the world. Without him what kind of world would it be?