Una Severaa inquietud

5 years, 3 months ago by evergimenez in Personal Sadhana Reports

Haré krishna querido Maharaja!!

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Todas las glorias a srila Prabhupada🙏🏻🙌🏻!

Ante todo espero se encuentre bien, le comento que sigo firme en mis prácticas de cantar el santo nombre y leer las escrituras. Realizando un curso precioso en el templo de Buenos Aires. 

Quería expresarle una duda que me inquieta, debido a obligaciones materiales (trabajo en el horario de brahma muhurta) me resulta muy difícil hacer el programa matutino. 

 Que me aconseja pueda hacer con respecto a esto, y como poder mejorar mi práctica con respecto a ello?

  Espero no molestarlo, y espero en el tiempo pueda darme la misericoria de su refugio y permiso de poder servirlo a usted, en su misión. Así también servir en la misión de Srila Prabhupada 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻!!



I will do Krishna dear Maharaja !!

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada🙏🏻🙌🏻!

First of all I hope you are well, I tell you that I remain firm in my practices of singing the holy name and reading the scriptures. Making a beautiful course in the temple of Buenos Aires.

I wanted to express a question that worries me, due to material obligations (work in the hours of brahma muhurta) I find it very difficult to do the morning program.

 What do you advise me to do about this, and how can I improve my practice with respect to it?

  I hope not to disturb you, and I hope in time I can give myself the mercy of your refuge and permission to serve you in your mission. So also serve in the mission of Srila Prabhupada 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 !!

HpS - ASA --- Best thing is to pray to Krsna and work to change your work so that your can chant Hare Krsna with devotees during Brahma muhurta. Beyond that you can keep a good program of hearing and chanting before or after work and you can find some way to squeeze Krsna into your work during the Brahma muhurta. Bhaktivinode Thakure as a judge under the British government but even while in court he was thinking how his cases were manifestations of Krsna lila.

"Ahh, this poor widow who is being harrased by her husbands greedy relatives is like a little calf that I have to protect like a cowherd boy with Krsna from jackals."


HpS - ASA --- Lo mejor es rezarle a Krsna y trabajar para cambiar tu trabajo para que puedas cantar Hare Krsna con devotos durante Brahma muhurta. Más allá de eso, puede mantener un buen programa de audición y canto antes o después del trabajo y puede encontrar alguna manera de exprimir a Krsna en su trabajo durante la muhurta Brahma. Bhaktivinode Thakure como juez bajo el gobierno británico, pero incluso mientras estaba en el tribunal pensaba cómo sus casos eran manifestaciones de Krsna lila.

"Ahh, esta pobre viuda que está siendo hostigada por sus codiciosos parientes de su esposo es como un pequeño ternero que tengo que proteger como un pastorcillo con Krsna de los chacales".

Sri Brihad bhagavatamrta and more...

5 years, 3 months ago by amala karuna das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to You, Srila gurudeva.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, please accept my obeisances, here in Cusco trying to serve You, Gurudeva, thanks for Your letter, I send you the Spanish translation of Sri Brihad Bhagavatamrta, I would like one day it can be printed and distributed popularly. I hope You like it and I will please You in some way.

These days I have a doubt, if Srila Sanatana Goswami's top work is Sri Brihad bhagavatamrta, being Lavanga manjari, how does she write such an extensive book about Sakhya Rasa? I am probably flying where I should not.

I wish to tell You that I have tried to lead my life in a way that in the future I can return to serve in some temple, I regret to say that I have been swimming against the current. I do not know to wich ashrama I belong.

Forgive me please my offenses , forgive please for this laconic letter.

Always praying for Your mercy. amalakaruna das.

HpS - Sorry that we have not answered earlier. As you can see from the Kapi Dhvaja etc. we are drowning in this tour. I don't know why BBAmrta is in sakhya rasa. Maybe because he thought that would be more practical for the audience he was approaching, no? Wishing allllll success in clarifying your ashrama and ISKCON details. Of couse, this is Kali yuga and we don't expect perfection from VAD!!!

banana llama

5 years, 3 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

todas las gloriasa Srila Prabhupadas

Hare krishna Guru .M comienzo mi reporte explicando que a pesar de las dificultades que están pasando en el país sigo firme en mi servicio, canto mis rondas a las 3 20 de la mañana aunque a veces por cansancio me despierto a las 4 trato que no se repita muy seguido hago la técnica del vaso de agua y el reloj lejos de mi para poder levantarme de inmediato , ademas de dormir temprano . Hace tiempo me di cuenta que siempre estoy pensando en muchas cosas a la vez siento que es bueno en algunas cosas por ej, para crear e mis cuentos ,collage, decorar etc .. donde mi imaginación sirve y dejo que la creatividad se manifieste pero en otras ocasiones me perjudica porque me distraigo y pierdo tiempo ,entonces tome la determinación de cambiar este habito . lo que estoy haciendo es hacer una cosa a la vez concentrada y ha resultado . soy feliz por esto .sigo leyendo , estudiando bhakti sastri además tomare el curso de discípulos con p Laksmana ya que solo he hecho el curso de bhakta . con estas dificultades en el país estoy trabajando no muy seguido pero me ha servido para estar en casa junto a mi familia . y por ultimo guru .m sigo los domingos con mi servicio en el templo además de una donación mensual .

se despide su humilde sirvienta Raman reti devi dasi


All glories to Goura Nitay

All glories Srila Prabhupadas

Hare Krishna Guru M; I begin my report explaining that despite the difficulties that are happening in the country I remain firm in my service,

HpS - Jaya. That will spread out like a light and make the actions in the country productive.

I sing my rounds at 3 20 in the morning although sometimes due to fatigue I wake up at 4 treatment that I do not Repeat very often I do the technique of the glass of water and the clock away from me to get up immediately, besides sleeping early.

Some time ago I realized that I am always thinking about many things at the same time I feel that it is good in some things for example, to create my stories, collage, decorate etc ... where my imagination serves and I let creativity manifest itself but in Other times it hurts me because I get distracted and waste time, so I decided to change this habit.

What I am doing is doing one thing at a time and concentrated.

I am happy for this.

I continue reading, studying bhakti sastri and I will also take the course of disciples with p Laksmana since I have only done the bhakta course. With these difficulties in the country I am working not very often but it has helped me to be at home with my family. and finally guru .m I continue on Sundays with my temple service in addition to a monthly donation.

his humble servant says goodbye Raman ret devi dasi

HpS ASA -- Is good, but we want more! Do what you are doing but give it more depth. You have to start accepting disciples, personal students, with the help, approval of your family, Yatra, everyone.

See you in three weeks!

Banana Llama from Mar del Plata

5 years, 3 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Please accept My humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

I'm sorry for the situation in Chile. I hope devotees are doing fine and that they are able to cope with the situation using SP teachings.

HpS - Hare Krsna. AgtSP. Paoho. So nice to hear from you! Maharaja Pariksit took the pending bite from the Snake Bird as a benediction. https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/1/19/4/. Of course we see the immediate problems and are not callous to them, but we see the broad spiritual perspective as the most prominent!

Such a good fortune that you return to Argentina so soon.

Shonu + Bernardo, guau!!

I hope we can speak in person!! I want to ask you an advice about what I'm feeling. Being so much involved in administration turns me very mental and is affecting my Japa. Sometimes is very difficult to focus in Hare Krishna maha mantra. Also teaching at university increases this situation. I'm thinking whether is worthy being in such an environment. I hope I could speak with Radhika Raman Prabhu about this situation.

HpS - Yes, he has given good presentations on this for our Ministry of Education Symposia.

How to get taste and focus in Holy Name? Sometimes although I attend Mangala Aratik I can not chant my rounds properly.

Thank you Gurudev,

At your service,

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - I think it is something very specific. I would suggest that if we don't attend Mangala arati then our attencion would be even worse. I chant mechanical rounds sometimes but I see that even on a physical level it purifies and empowers my body to act well during the day. Also it is good exercise for the mind. Discuss this Chapter with devotees, make a report here for benefit of all of us: https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/3/28/

Yes, so, nice to see everyone so soon!!!!

ripe banana

5 years, 3 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

¡ Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Hare Krishna Guru.M .acepte mis mas humildes reverencias , comienzo mi reporte un poco mas tarde de lo que habia planeado debia solucionar el tema de mi servicio fijo. ya que por mi trabajo no puedo ir en la semana, lo solucione será los días domingos en el cual lavare los baños del templo y lo que necesiten de mi .ademas de reportar mi servicio fijo en el templo. sigo con mi sadhana en casa de 3 :20 de la mañana para cantar mis rondas , guru astakam con Prabhupada , leo me preparo para levantar a mis deidades puja simple mas fruta y luego a trabajar . trabajo bastante pero al hacer mi sadhana todo fluye ademas de esto sigo con b.sastri con p laksmam ya pasamos al nectar de la devoción . para su visita de este año tendré el servicio de decoración de las conferencias igual que el año pasado espero hacer un buen servicio con el aprendizaje anterior. por ultimo Guru .M le comento que p Laksman vino a Chile a conocer a mis padres fue una bella experiencia donde ellos aceptaron al devoto muy contentos por su respeto y formalidad conmigo. ademas el devoto dio 2 clases en el templo como servicio.

se despide su humilde servienta Raman reti devi dasi


Ingles for Translate.google.com

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Hare Krishna Guru.M. Accept my humblest obeisances, I begin my report a little later than I had planned to solve the issue of my fixed service. Since for my work I cannot go in the week, the solution will be on Sundays on which I will wash the temple baths and what they need from me, besides reporting my fixed service in the temple. I continue with my sadhana at the house of 3: 20 in the morning to sing my rounds, guru astakam with Prabhupada, I read I prepare to raise my deities simple puja more fruit and then to work. I work a lot but when doing my sadhana everything flows in addition to this I continue with b.sastri with p laksmam we already pass to the nectar of devotion. For your visit this year I will have the conference decoration service just like last year I hope to do a good service with the previous learning. Finally Guru .M commented that p Laksman came to Chile to meet my parents was a beautiful experience where they accepted the devotee very happy for his respect and formality with me. also the devotee gave 2 classes in the temple as a service.

his humble servant says goodbye Raman ret devi dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna

Es muy agradable saber de usted y gracias por usar el Código Secreto mencionado en el último Kapi Dhvaja para atención prioritaria. Tu Sadhana suena maravillosa. No importa si tenemos un gran servicio, trabajo, o uno pequeño desde el punto de vista material. Krishna puede enviarnos a las personas más importantes del mundo para que nos enseñen cuando Él quiera. Si continúa como lo hace, parece que se comprometerá cada vez más confidencialmente con el servicio de Krsna.

Te veo pronto.

Personal Sadhana and Mandir Report

5 years, 4 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Guruparampara, AC Prabhupada, Sripada Maharaja and HpS Guru Maharaja!

Radha Krsna Ki Jay, Goura Bhakta Brinda Ki Jay!

Dandabat Pranam Guru Maharaja,

HpS - AGTSP paoho We are very sad to take one month to answer to this letter, but we have been traveling from USA to England to Spain and now we are preparing for India. Also we do administrative work for the GBC, etc. etc.

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji Maharaja's padmacharan that after getting Gurujis amrtabani from time to time, I can continue upward in the spiritual life. Last Sunday, we try our maximum effort to form a new committee to manage the Thoubal Mandir but unfortunately, we can't trace out the old documents of Registration of Society Act, Govt. of Manipur. Actually it was registered in the year 2006, and all documents were handed over from Secretary to Secretary. Now we need to register a new one, for this we are preparing the list of the members, with photos, adhar separately only then we can submit the documents and get the new Registration No. For preparation of all this documents we will take at least two months.

HpS - Have the same fight with the air tickets, temple management! Just go ahead and don`t waste time. Do it all efficiently and try to keep the records safe this time.

My normal activities of spiritual life are continuing, Mangal Arati, Japa, Remembering of selected slokas from Gita, Bhagavatam, NOI, Brahma Sanghita, Ten rules of Veisnaba. Now the proof reading of the translation of "Gita As It Is " in Manipuri (both Bengali and Meitei Mayek) by Prabhu Partha Sarathi Das is in the final stage. It is also a big work.

HpS - With all the purports!!!?

My daughter and son-in-law are staying in Bangalore and continuing their services there.

All the initiated bhaktas of Thoubal are not so active as we expected and can not met so frequently.

Yours fallen Servant

Yamuneswara Das

HpS - We are in India from 2-12. Maybe we can talk on phone. I think it is easy to see Krsna in Manipur. Here it is like looking a wall made by a machine. So much mechanization happening!