Isvari*s Report (little urgent)

5 years, 4 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna Dear Maharaja,


All glories to sankirtana of Sri Caitanya!

May your love for Krishna always grow and deepen.

It is amazing how Krishna teaches and guides us. 2 weeks ago you recommended us to hear a SBG class from Srila Prabhupada, and I did this (class of SBG 1.2.6).

Too, I read your offering to SP.and thanks to those 2 events I could understand the importance of to realized Srila Prabhupada. That SP disappears would be a catastrophe for ISKCON, we would be a dead body.

Now I understand in greater depth the vital importance of partnering with SP and of seeking at all costs to be pure and this as you sometimes mention it is not an option is a necessity.

If we do not do SP we will not be able to keep ISKCON devoted to SP. Thank you very much for allowing me to understand this, I do not want to overwhelm you with so many words, more thanks to you I understand the really important and urgent: If I realized SP, he will always be with me and I can share SP with others.

HpS - "Hello. I want you to meet my grandfather!"

Regarding my sadhana, lately I have not been able to get up at 4am. I have felt very tired in part to the excessive use of the computer and I was loaded with activities that exceed my capacity. I am now organizing to do what I can really do.

HpS - Have the same problem, but not so bad that we don't get up.

For now I have left pujari services, I am concentrating on other services among which is preaching and supporting Gandharva das in the tasks he considers I can do.

I finish my rounds even more, I must improve the concentration, it is a fact that if I get up at 4am my concentration will improve.

The last time you came unfortunately for me I could not interview you, I hope this time I come I can do it.

HpS !!! Con el otro mitad de la naranja.

In conclusion, I am very grateful to you. Despite all the problems I feel optimistic. Here in Lima the administrators have many problems and fail to harmonize, when I found out about this, I felt very sad. And thanks to you I understood that Time is short and the disciples of SP will soon leave, if we do not value the disciples of SP and turn our gaze towards him, he will have lost a great valuable opportunity.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to his good disciples that lead us to him!

May Sri Nrsimhadeva always protect you.

with much appreciation and respect

ys Isvari dd

HpS - Brahmanas have to protect and inspire the Administrators.

Questions disturbing me ( little urgent )

5 years, 4 months ago by RiturajMajumder in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna gurudev.

Dandavat pranam at your lotus feet.

HpS - ASA --- Lettuce feet. AGTSP..... so so so so nice to hear from you!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada The founder acharya of ISKCON .

Respected Srila Gurudev H.H. Hanumatpresaka swami Maharaj

Hope you are doing well. I am also OK physically . Sorry for not writing . I had nothing to say and was guilty that i cannot follow the basic standards.

HpS - We are all struggling to come up to the next standard. Feel proud that you made this our that effort.... and got this or that result. Report. Got 55% on the test. 60% was passing. Last exam I got 45%

My mind is always troubling me . I am tired now of fighting against my own self . If i follow strictly then i start seeing the bad around myself . I remember you said people in Syria have more challenges than me ..but I am not in Syria.

HpS - In India? You know that there are people in India with worse situations than you. Some worse, some better. Start from where you are, no?

I have few questions that i humbly ask you . Kindly help me understand .

1) Why did you initiate me knowing that i am a complete failure in spiritual life ? ( i had never hidden anything from you )

HpS - As far as I knew you were following the standard for first and second initiation given by Srila Prabhupada when you were initiated into that level of class. You certainly seemed sincere then and you even seem sincere now. Ajamil tried to avoid fall down but still he did and then after a long time he achieved SUCCESS, maybe quick, may be slow, may be 4-hours and 15-minutes but it is our own individual path so here we go!

2) why after chanting and everything still i am not able to control my senses and mind permanently .When will the higher taste arise?

HpS - Again. It is very individual. Look at how many stories there are in the SB! Many different paths. As long as you are chanting you are making progress. Of course, the more you can introduce other techniques, eg. mangala arati.... the more effect the Chan Ting, Ting, Ting will have.

3) Why cannot i be a nice person ? What's wrong with me ? I am always critical of everyone and myself .Even after trying very hard i cannot seem to control my critical mind.

HpS - Maybe because you are perfectionist? I just don't know in detail.... but there is a reason .... and "kalau dose nidhe rajan...." harit kirtan destroys even the Karma of the biggest monsters. maybe you are Jaya or Vijaya taken birth in Iskcon. Maybe one day you will meet Jaya! Some enchanted evening you will see him standing.... Ha! Ha! Ha! (Twirl your mustache).... Chant. Chant. Chant and be happy. May not be perfect, but it can be progressive. Are you a psychiatrist yet?

4) what did you consider before initiating me?

HpS - Our conversations and recommendations of others whom I trust.

Other than this i am fine . Currently again in shillong (choose to study anatomy - was getting ENT but with my health and rest of the would be too much to do so much hectic work ..anatomy is more relaxed. No night duty)

HpS - Very nice. I hope you find some nice friends with whom you can find a sane niche in ISKCON. I have seen such people.

My parents are also OK. (my mother also wanted me to ask you this questions .)

Sister is slowly becoming vegetarian .She plans to shift to USA for her residency . Planning to give USMLE step 1 next year .

Thank you for your austerities for our sake . I am sorry that you suffer because of me .Thank you for the kindness .

Rturaj Krsna das

Shillong , meghalaya.

HpS - Reading any exciting stories???? Got any nice places you like to go? Any sane friends??? Of course, in the material world we would have to ask, "Any half way sane friends."

Urgent SB Class Radhastami

5 years, 5 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


Gurudeva please your blessings I was invited to give the class in Chosica for Radhastami (Srimad Bhagavatam) (2.8.18)

Also may U be so kind and guide me. For instance may I include one pastime of Srimati Radharani

I am more focus on my material life but devotees constantly invites me, that day I give classes the whole day, but I am going to do my best.

Thanks Gurudeva


Candramukhi dd

HpS - Jaya. Our class from today for Radhastami sending to your email address. Wonderful day. YEs include pastimes. First nice rounds and then be a little, little, servant of Krsna.


5 years, 5 months ago by parama karuna das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna Gurudev TlgaSP pamhr

Es grato para mi escribirle nuevamente.. seguimos con nuestro sadhana diario atendiendo a Nitay Sacidulal y Salagran Varaha sila a través de la sucesión discipular, a través de su misericordia. Desde mangal aratik hasta krishna book.

Vida familiar en buen entendimiento q somos sirvientes de krishna y la unión es para practicar cada dia conciencia de krishna, cantando, cocinando, adorando, sirviendo de muchas maneras, distribuimos lo q krishna nos da a los familiares y amigos, Radharani continua sus estudios en la universidad.

No tengo mucho reporte sobre mi ayuda en la mudanza de la parafernalia de Jaganatha Baladev Subadra a su nuevo hogar, solo q el nuevo templo es una casa muy grande, es mi deseo puedan ser atendidos de manera correcta, aunq me pidieron ayuda en comprarle flores todas las semanas aun no eh respondido si hare o no el seva...

Festivales de Janmastami y Aparicion de Srila Prabhupada pude otorgar mi servico nuevamente como pujary en el templo del entendimiento Chosica mandir, fue muy lindo, para Radhastami celebraremos en casa de prabhu Jagadish con sus deidades Radha Vinod Vihari.

Tengo invitacion nuevamente de ir a la India en 2020 y continuar con mi seva de teatro alado de Bhakti Marga swami y todo el team, estoy muy feliz por ello esperamos esta vez pueda ir mi esposa conmigo y tener esa maravillosa experiencia de estar juntos en el santo dhan, Vrindavan..hari bol..!

Tengo una pregunta q es ser un pandit y un thakura?

HpS - Pandita means scholar and Thakura has different meanings but we use it as a very nice title of respect. I think when your disciples become Prabhupada's, you become Thakura.

Hari Bolo! Hari Bolo!!! Hop you get more and more on the inside of this life! Yes only weeks until we are in Lima again.

Lo esperamos en Lima en Octubre para ser utiles en su sankirtan Gurudev.

Su sirviente

Parama Karuna das


5 years, 5 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna querido guru.M

por favor reciba mis reverencias

todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Hace tanto tiempo que no le escribo que no se como comenzar simplemente por mi negligencia ,quiero disculparme por esto , pero aprendí de este error. Hace muy poco tiempo lo vi en Lima fue una bella experiencia por muchas razones . la primera, después de 10 años volví a ese hermoso país , mis hermanos espirituales fueron muy amorosos conmigo, la segunda razón volver a ver a Radha Madan Vihari después de tanto tiempo fue muy emocionante por que alguna vez le prometí volver a visitarlos y la tercera razón de mi visita era poder hablar y seguir alguna instruccion sobre mi cambio de ashrama con P. Laksmana- Agraja ( hermano espiritual de Perú). aunque ya él hablo con usted de este tema personalmente quería sus bendiciones ademas de narrar un poco de como fue este lindo reencuentro.

hace 10 años atrás conocí al P. Laksman en el templo de Chosica. Él vivia en el templo como Brahmacari. nos comunicamos muy formal . al poco tiempo regrese a Chile donde nunca más nos comunicamos, pero en mayo de este año recibí en mail del prabhu donde saludaba y preguntaba por mi, desde ese momento comenzamos hablar a diario y nos dimos cuenta que eramos bastante compatible, al mes de hablar me propuso asociarnos ,estuve de acuerdo con esta propuesta ya que se que es un buen compañero para nuestra vida espiritual. Lo primero que acordamos fue informarle a usted de este hecho para recibir su aprobación y bendiciones ,ademas de decirle a nuestras propias autoridades y recibir las bendiciones de los vaisnavas

Tenemos claro que esta unión es para nuestro avance espiritual, vamos a unirnos en modalidad vanaprastha y así avanzar juntos donde krishna sea el centro de nuestra vida.

Ademas de ir a Perú hablar con usted de este tema , era reencontrarme con P. Lashman, visitar a la Madre de él y reafirmar lo que a la distancia nos unía , le puedo decir que fue un buen encuentro el Prabhu es un buen compañero preocupado, amable pero lo principal un buen devoto , donde me motivo a tomar bhakti sastri ,a escribir en esta plataforma y cada día me ayuda a comprender distintas cosas que me cuestan y muy amablemente da las respuestas a mis dudas. tambien debo decirle que él vendrá en septiembre a conocer a mis padre.

Ademas de darle este resumen sobre este tema tan bonito para mi y pedir nuevamente sus bendición ,quería informar lo que estoy haciendo en mi vida espiritual.

trabajo en 2 lugares cuidando a unos pequeños de 5 y 6 años Aurora y Renato buenos chicos donde les refuerzo sus habitos , tareas y juegos a diarios me gusta lo que hago porque me permite poder poner música devocional ,mostrarles imagenes y darles prasada. por otro lado en mi vida espiritual cada dia me levanto temprano a cantar mis rondas ,estoy en el programa de GoTo Meeting.... ya que al trabajar lejos no alcanzo a ir al templo como lo hacia antes , atiendo a mis deidades en casa de Goura Nitay que usted me autorizo en algún momento. con respecto al servicio en el templo debo organizarme para tomar algo mas fijo ya que por mis horarios de trabajo se ha hecho dificíl, contribuyo con una donación mensual al templo (mantequilla para el gui)

muchas gracias por toda su misericordia se despide su sirvienta eterna Raman Reti Devi Dasi

HpS - AgtSP.

Thank you for your letter. Yes, write more often. I thought you sent this letter before, no? I thought I answered. Marriage, Vanaprastha, is very nice arrangement. Of course, it is Kali yuga and so many things are not normal, but if we all do Sankirtan together we can adjust everything and have a nice community for preaching and getting free from all material attachment.

Thank you!!'

Hope to hear more.

Personal Sadhana report

5 years, 5 months ago by nalini in Personal Sadhana Reports

Srila Prabhupada ki jai, Sri pada maharaja ki jai, Hanumat Presaka Maharaj ki jai.

My sincere reverence to my guru Maharaja. All glories to you.

How can I express my joy when I receive a reply from my guru. Your reply make me smile and really my pleasure knows no bound.

HpS - AGTSP!!! Paoho. Sorry is taking one week to answer!

Now what I am always thinking is that when and how I will be able to stand on the platform of a qualified devotee.

My associates are Banamali Prabhu, Ramanuja Prabhu, Mataji Saradha, Mataji Nichinta and some other Prabhus.

HpS - Very nice. All we need is to get, and give, good association. Institutions will follow from that.

Maharaja we have completed a short course on Vaisnava Sadacar, a compilation of Srila Prabhupada's teachings under the guidance of HG Ramanuja Prabhu. All these are from your divine mercy.

My daily routine is morning home mangal arti, chanting, go to temple for Bhagavatam class and come back at home and doing some house duty. At night 9 to 10:30PM is my study hour of the scriptures.

Hare Krishna

Yours unqualified servent

Nandi mukhi Devi dasi

HpS - Very nice!!! What are you studying??? What are your family relations? Who are the innocent people that you meet each day to whom you can give good advice?