pray for harmony

5 years, 2 months ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada & All Glories to Sankirtan Movement by Gaura Nitay.

Dear Gurudeva:

Please accept my humble obeisances; By your Mercy, I have been remembering Damodara in this month, I continue fighting to be able to Chant better, avoiding offenses, so unfortunately I still do not succeed, but I don’t give up; Thanks to very good souls, who are just beginning to Chant, I keep motivated to pursue that goal.

I receive some invitations to speak and introduce Krishna to more people. I’m doing small programs, meantime I meet new people, and always talking to them about Krishna, however there are few people in each place that I can attend. With them I like to read the life of Srila Prabhupada, as well as the Basic books Pada Padma(SB), BG, NoI, Iso, LoB & another songs.

I would like to express to you my gratitude for your arduous activity in building a better world, as iskcon's purposes points it out.

I don't have the perfect sadhana, I keep the basics, I still fight against the sleep, against the Chant without attention and I strive to serve them who ask me for help. I hope to gain your blessings to do it properly, oneday.

Sincerely, your crew member AniruddhKrsnaDas.

HpS --- Thank you. AGTSP.... Keep going ahead like this. All success is guaranteed. See you 10th December in Mexico. How is the Kapi Dhvaja?

News Boise, Jayanta > Jiyada

5 years, 2 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

On Monday, November 11, 2019, 06:55:05 PM CST, Jayant Kashikar <[email protected]> wrote:

Hare Krishna Swamiji,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada, and all glories to You!

Hope this email finds You well.

Swamiji - please accept my sincere apologies for not writing you earlier. Few days back, HG Radhika Raman prabhu really encouraged me (despite my hesitation out of shyness) to write you about my initiation. I am very pleased to inform you that on September 22nd - His Grace Vaisesika Maharaj accepted me as his disciple and granted me Harinaam initiation. In presence of my family, HG Anantarupa prabhu, and many devotees - I was awarded Jiyada-nrsimha das as my spiritual identity at the ISV temple by Guru Maharaj. It was such a joyous occasion for me and I consider your blessings & guidance a big part of this mercy on this fallen soul - along with guidance from HG Anantarupa prabhu and Radhika Raman prabhu. I am very grateful to be part of Srila Prabhupada's extended family and look forward to lead Krishna conscious life - in service of Vaishnavas. 

I am also happy to inform you that our Saturday morning Srimad Bhagavatam reading continues and we have now completed first four modules of 3rd Canto (according to study guide provided by Your Grace). Next Saturday (11/16), participants will be presenting summary of Chapters 10 - 15 to the group and will continue reading chapter 16 onward. Having your study guide is a blessing for this group and hoping to continue reading Srimad Bhagavatam for years to come.   

Hoping your health is going well; especially with all the travels. Thank you for sending the Kapi Dhvaja news letters, and thank you for your continued guidance & blessings - hope to have your darshan soon and looking forward to your association and opportunity to serve you in person.  

Please forgive me for my shortcomings and please continue to guide & instruct me on ways I can serve Srila Prabhupada's mission.      

Your aspiring servant:

Jiyada-nrsimha das

(Jayant Kashikar)

November 11th, 2019

Boise, Idaho

HpS - Jaya! AGTSP paoho. Thank you for the news. We have thought about you and the SB group many times but you can see from our Kapi Dhvaja that we are just drowning in these traveling Sankirtan activities.

Are you getting the Kapi Dhvajas? We put a lot of effort into getting them out regularly. We are struggling to be fixed in intense devotional service. Srila Prabhupada presents such an immeasureable example.

First initiation! Second, third .... 16,108 intiations!!!!!!!

From the KDh you can see the efforts we are making to offer better facilities for the Sastric studies.... Books are the basis..

Respects to everyone!!

(KDh Priority Code) Reportaje De Santiago

5 years, 2 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupadar

Hare krishna Guru.M comienzo mi reporte contándole que he cocinado a la deidad varios días en este mes por reemplazo de algunos devotos ,me di cuenta que a pesar de mi dificultad me gusta mucho entro casi 2 horas antes para cocinar tranquila , cada vez que puedo veo vídeos para decorar mejor la ofrenda o alguna receta nuevas para preparar, así que muy feliz. comencé el curso de discípulos los días domingos junto a varios devotos donde hace muy enriquecedora la clase , ademas de seguir con bhakti sastri los sábados , sigo cantando mis rondas antes de mangalaarathi, levantando a la deidad pero algo nuevo que agregue fue leerles un verso cada de día del Srimad Bhagavatam (canto 1 ) . también le cuento que solo estoy trabajando con niño al día en las tardes fue un arreglo de krishna porque tendré más tiempo para hacer mi vida espiritual en la madrugada ademas de los programas matutinos cuando usted venga

se despide su humilde sirvienta Raman Reti devi dasi

HpS - ASA --- TlgaSP. Paoho. Muchas gracias su reportaje. Muchas gracias. Cual lejos del Templo es su casa? Yo estuve haciendo la ofrenda y Arati de media dia en el altar de San Francisco, lo cual es bastante grande en una temporada y cada dia despise de la ofrenda y antes del Arati ara como 12. minutos para leer. Era una experiencia super. Cada dia doce minutos de Caitanya Caritamrta. Oyendo que Srila Prabhupada estaba recomendando eso, leyendo bastante dia un poco diferente libros. Por ejemplo Lilamrta Durango desayuno. Etc.

Por seguir esta Bhagavata Dharma podemos convertir en predicadores en el nivel de Narada Muni, pasando por todo el mundo con nuestra guitaro.

Nos vemos en unos dias!

Hare Krsna !! From Bodh Gaya

5 years, 2 months ago by parikhshith_pradhan in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj,

I am Parikshith Pradhan son of Harsh pradhan.

how are you ?

HpS - Hare Krsna! I know you! You are my friend for many years! Let us both be friends of Srila Prabhupada, Krsna, everyone.

  1. i want krishna but how i will do bhakti properly for krishna
  2. how i will do chanting properly

parikhshith pradhan

HpS - Can you chant on beads every day!? It is hard work but each mantra, round, has such potent effect! How many rounds can you chant each day for the next two weeks?

Hare Krishna

5 years, 2 months ago by Rashmin dd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

It has a been a very long time since my last letter. Too long.

ASA - Yes! AGTSP. If you continue in this way you may become a frog in your next life! haw! Haw Hare!

Some things have happened this year that have taken my time. We have moved across the country to a new province up here in Canada and it took quite a long time to settle.

I was reading through an old diary I had while I was living in the Toronto temple before I married. I was in such bliss doing devotional service. It is hard to believe I was that person before. I feel jealous of that past me. But now I guess my service is to raise and take care of my family even thought it wears me out. Anyways, I am doing much better with my japa this year.

ASA - There is no service like Mother!!! Mother Yasoda!!!

I hope to get your association some time in the future. I just wanted to get back in the rhythm of writing on this blog. Thank you so much for your mercy. I don't fell like I deserve it.

Your aspiring servant,

Rasa-mandali dasi

HpS - Who are you associates in your new world? What do you kids do???

Saranagati Dasi México

5 years, 2 months ago by sarahii in Personal Sadhana Reports

Haré Krishna Gurudeva por favor acepte mis reverencias 🙏🙏🙏

Al parecer mi anterior carta se envió sin texto no se qué pasó pero vuelvo a escribir.

Antes que nada pido disculpas por no escribir tan constantemente 🙏🙏🙏 aún así siempre estoy al pendiente de su Sankirtan.

Estamos cantando nuestras rondas, 4 principios y 80% Gayatris.

ASA - SB 10.47.63. . .

Mi esposo y yo estábamos haciendo servicio en el Altar un día a la semana pero por ahora lo dejamos nuestro trabajo en el mundo material nos absorbe demasiado pero esperamos pronto poder retomarlo, por lo mientras atendemos nuestras Deidades y Shilas en casa tratando siempre que nuestro hogar sea un templo.

Mis hijos Ramananda y Lilavara comenzaron a asistir al colegio donde afortunadamente aceptan muy bien que sean vegetarianos aunque siempre estoy preocupada porque me gustaría que estudiarán con más devotos desafortunadamente eso no es posible por ahora pero leemos el Krishna Book y tratamos de hacer puja antes de ir al colegio.

HpS - Si! Tiene que luchar fuerte comunicar Bhakti a ellos, por que aun que son buen personas en la ecuela son Karmi vadis. Haz algo para un resultado personal!!

Recientemente fue el Ratha Yatra y pude observar que cada vez son más concientes de quién es Krishna y eso me inspira, en ocasiones me siento muy tonta y descalificada para enseñarles la conciencia de Krishna pero recuerdo que el ejemplo es nuestra carta más fuerte, afortunadamente mi esposo tiene una naturaleza Brahminica fuerte y los niños siempre tratan de imitarlo.

Estamos muy felices que pronto tendremos de su asociación en Diciembre y yo estoy tratando de hacer arreglos para poder viajar a Houston a su VP se que soy una discípula muy tonta pero me he propuesto tratar de estar más conectada y hacer más por Usted.

Perdone que está carta se volvió demasiado larga 🙏🙏

Su aspirante a sirviente

Saranagati Dasi.

HpS - Gracias!!! Su carta y su sacrificio ayudar Srila Prabhupada en ayudar la gente servir a Krsna. Sin eso no hay ninguna sentido en esta mundo!!!!!!! Adelante!!!! Busca grandes maravillosas en el servicio de Krsna. GRANDES!