Saranagati Dasi México
AGTSP. Paoho. No content in letter!
AGTSP. Paoho. No content in letter!
Hare Krishna Maharaj,
Please accept my humblest obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupad!I’m sorry I haven’t been writing often. I do think of you every day and say your pranam mantras every morning. Morning program is going on every morning ( a curtailed version at times) and the intensity had died down for a while but it’s slowly getting back to normal. Nothing major has happened besides some inner self work that made me shift around some of my sadhana (almost down to bare minimum sadhna honestly) but still following the principles and regulations. Japa Nama sent me some pictures and he really pushed me to write to you thought it feels like there’s no new updates. I did tour around Spain and visit the temple in Barcelona in July and did some solo traveling.
Perhaps (Krishna willing) I’ll move more into the grhsta path this year *my parents had some horoscope readings done and it seems to be looking that way- who knows*. Family is good and my mom was remembering you the other day. They want to see when you decide to come to Richmond again. Radhika Raman prabhu was in town also a few weeks and it was blissful to see him again.
Today is my birthday (27) - please do give me your mercy. I pray to always remember Krishna and never forget Him and be engaged in any service I can. Thank you gurudev for your causeless mercy. Please keep me sheltered.
Your always struggling servant,
Sugopi dd
HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna. AGTSP. Paoho. If you are reading the Kapi Dhvaja you know why we are so so so, slow in answering letters. It is very nice to hear from you. Chant! Radha and Krsna and the Gopis will engage grab you and put you into your confidential service!!!!
More news with the Priority Code in the Kapi Dhvaja.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!
All glories to Guru Maharaj!
Please accept our humble obeisances at Your sweet Lotus feet!!
HpS - The most we might hope for is lettuce feet.
Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj!!
Its been such a long time ....the way we feel it!! We had accompanied HH Haridasa Goswami Maharaj at Sikkim for preaching programme.
HpS - Super!
The centre is just about a couple of years old but the activities are dynamic. We had wonderful association with the few , dedicated devotees there ...that was during the Jhulan yatra. The mountains were pure serene. We could get a glimpse of Mount Kanchenjunga ....Krishna is so kind to let us see the ice capped mountain ...normally the visibility depended on the weather ..which was for most part of the day foggy. On that fateful morning when we were supposed to leave the place..we could marvel the glories of that beautiful mountain.
HpS - King of the mountains!?
We are continuing with our mangal arti at the temple along with the SB classes. We are now into SB 3.12.22.
The printing of NOI in local language is over. We are left with only the printing of the cover page and the pictures. Thank you Guru Maharaj for your mercy.
HpS - Oooh!!!! We want to see copies!
We are just back yesterday...from Nabadvipa Parikrama with HH Haridasa Maharaj....we are still crazy..... we were around 20 of us together...after the Nabadvipa parikrama 3 of us broke from the group and landed at Jagannatha's Puri....barely 6 months from our last visit there....thank you soooooo much Guru Maharaj....I do not deserve such causeless mercy. There, at Puri , the devotees call this month Dharma month. We paid our obeisances to Radha Gopinath temple and the eternal Siddha Bakul.
Nabadvipa Parikrama was so full of love and longing! Its so hard for us to describe in mere words....everywhere..we just could feel...His beautiful it must have been when the merciful Lord and His eternal associates played the eternal pastimes.
We are so sorry that it took so long to write to you dear Guru Maharaj.
Will write more...soon.
Sending few pictures.
Your ignorant servant,
Sarada Gaurangi DD
HpS - Very nice to hear from you!!! We saw Krsna svarupa Das and his family while we were in India. We want to make cultural and academic agreements with the Universities that we are associateiong with here in India and Manipura.
Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj.
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you
Very Sorry Guru Maharaj i was not able to update you about my Sadhana for couple of months. My health condition was down. I was suffering from Gastro intestinal virus and it took 2 months to recover.
I am chanting my rounds and following 4 regulative principles, doing temple sewa as much as i can and taking care of the deities and tulasi maharani. Still there are few rounds to catch up. Hopefully I will catch up very soon.
I have started learning Harmonium so that I can do some kirtan for Nitai Navadwip Chandra. By your mercy I got new sewa in the temple. Every monday i have to do tulasi aarti in the tulasi house, water tulasi plants and pluck manjiris for Sri Radha Kalachandji. I make garlands for Jaganath Baladev and Shubadra Maharani and Chota Radha Kalachandji and for Srila Prabhupada once a week.
Guru Maharaj, I attended ISKCON Disciples Course and cleared the same with 87 Marks out of 100.
HpS - ASA --- Jaya!! Vidvan!!
I think I am ready for initiation. Please accept me as your disciple and give me shelter under your lotus feet so that I can help you in the mission as the servant of the servant of the servant.
Yours aspiring servant
HpS - AGTSP paoho. I think it has been such an austerity for you to come as newly married lady to America, meet a whole new world of people etc. that you have shown that you are a very, very sincere person in Dharma.
All we need is a letter of recomendation from Temple President!!!
We hope the Kapi Dhvaja and DTC here are giving a good idea of our situation.
Hare Krishna Maharaha, reciba mis más humildes reverencias.
Espero que esté bien de salud y que el viaje a India allá sido bueno.
Querido Maharaha sigo cantando las dieciséis rondas, estoy leyendo el libro de Srila Prabhupada titulado las enseñanzas Caitanya Maha Prabhu estoy en el capítulo titulado servicio devocional por apego, también para informarle que dentro de una semana iré con mi familia a India por kartika.
Gracias por su tiempo.
Su sirvienta Bhakctin Indira.
HpS - Jaya!!!! Teachings of Lord Chaitanya is very nice to know then to use for preaching to the academic people!!!
All glories to Guruparampara, AC Prabhupada, Sripada Maharaja and HpS Guru Maharaja!
Radha Krsna Ki Jay, Goura Bhakta Brinda Ki Jay!
Dandabat Pranam Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji Maharaja’s padmacharan that to get one or more letters in a month or so is charging me and renew more and more energy to do spiritual activities. Yes, I can imagine why Guruji Maharaja did not reply my letter because of Guruji's previous series of engagements. That is why, I try to write letter after getting the reply of the previous one. As I am not qualified in all field, I could not lead them on the other hand some senior devotees are influential the womenfolk but no spiritual inner quality.
The translation work of Bhagavat Gita As It Is is same as English publication means : From the beginning "Critics Praise Bhagavat As It Is, Setting the Scene, Preface, Introduction, Sangskrit Sloka, English Diacritics, Sanskrit Words meaning, sloka Meaning, Purposrt, Appendixes, A Note About the Second Edition, the Author, References, Glossary, Sanskrit Pronounciation Guide, Index of Sanskrit Verses, general Index, The International society for Krishna Consciousness Centres Around the World. In the same size of the book, the number of pages will triple. So the size will be selected proportionate of the pages. We plan to publish in the month of December, but it will be difficult. The proof copies will be worship on the 9th December, 2019 the foundation day of University of Bhagavat Culture.
My routine work of reading is continuing slowly Cento 10 Chapter 5 Text 26 : The Deliverance of Mucukunda, Mucukunda saw the four armed form of Sri Krsna. Please guide and bless me, I am innocent, young, grihasta family. Only Gurujis blessing I can perform some activities for my personal.
Yours fallen servant,
Yamunesvara Das
HpS - AGTSP!!! Paoho... So sad we could not see you or visit Manipura. We were in India from 1-12th of this month but was all, all, all, work with the Ministry of Education. Krsna Svarupa Das and his family came from Assam(?).
Now we are in South America in the middle of this big series of conferences with the Universities on Education and the Sacred.
Your program sounds good.
Work with devotees in administrative organization as much as you can. Always develop friendship with devotees, Kirtan, lecture, Kirtan, Prasadam, as much as possible without too much concern of administrative details.
We are thinking of Manipur in all these educational programs and want to have official cultural echanges through the universities. All glories to BG As It Is. Gita Jayanti is almost the same day, no?? How is your daughter, family?????