PAMHO. Pandaveya Prsni das. Spain.

5 years, 1 month ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.



I am Pandaveya prsni Das, from Spain (Pablo of the Parikrama)

I know it's been a long time since the last letter, about a year, or maybe something else. I apologize…

In this time, I have had a couple of falls, but I have always sung my rounds, and thanks to Krsna I have never lost sight of the goal.

Thanks to the blessings of Srila Prabhupada, you and other merciful devotees I have had many great accomplishments, and that is why I wish to thank you, especially me, for not having managed to make everything perfect in this time.

Either way, I get up to Brahma muhurta, sing my rounds, and then 4 more in each sandhya. I have come to this in a natural way, I don't try to look anything, but it certainly works. I am very happy with my singing, honestly. The depth of consciousness that is obtained by singing well, I manage to keep it much of the day, even many times continuously, except for very brief moments. I'm very happy. It is as if death had stayed far away. I'm very happy.

My obeisances Guru Maharaja.

I translated the first verse of Brahma Samhita and it took me a long time to feel happy with the translation. I think I'm going to translate everything into Spanish, but it's going to cost. It is very deep and mystical spiritual.

It has been a year and something very moved. I have had to move 4 times for studies and work, and finally I hope in a few months to finish in Valencia, where my son Varuna has moved with his mother, and I hope that I no longer move from there. I love Valencia, I've lived there before, they call it the city of light and flowers, and I think it's true.

I have taken the academic title of emergency medical technician, to work in ambulances ... one more thing.

Varuna seems fine, but the mother doesn't let me see him and I've been judging her for months for that. Everything will be fixed and we will see each other as before. He is 12 years old, he's a boy now. I´m 41 now…jajaja

I read the blog every day, and the Kapi, twitter and youtube hoping to find something.

I am always happy to see you so well.

A big greeting, I think I can say, your faithful follower, Pandaveya prsni das


HpS-ASA -- AGTSP thank you for writing. thank you for the news..... we have worried, trying to get any news of you... do you have any chance to preach, teach? getting any association of srila prabhupada's iskcon.... ? tha k you again. write more oftennnnnnnnnn

Banana Llama Reporte

5 years, 1 month ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurumaharaja: 

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias! 

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Es muy refrescante leer Su reporte de México, muchas gracias por la tolerancia e infinita misericordia.

En nuestro servicio puede haber más errores que aciertos pero un vaisnava como Usted puede ver cualidades por la naturaleza apreciativa que le caracteriza, como dice, Krsna ajusta nuestros errores.

Leí en alguna traducción del Mahabharata "el amor no es ciego, el amor en un tercer ojo que sólo ve las cualidades del ser amado " 

En nuestras relaciones familiares con el esposo y amigos ¿Se puede ser tuerto o extraterrestre? 

ASA - TlgaSP!!! pfanrh... Pienso que no. Tenemos dos ojos y somos de la tierra. Pero somos extraterrestre en el sentido que somos de Vaikuntha!!

Debe ser más profunda esa reflexión :) En realidad quería compartir con Usted para entender más, me agrada esa frase, soy sentimental. 

1_ Reporte personal ya envié a informe

2_ Reporte del templo: 

Prabhu Yamuna ya está informado de los regalos para la marathon, envía su gratitud, haré unas tarjetas especiales para el arte de Karuna Mayi, gracias a la estimada mataji!!! Gracias Perú :) 

ASA - !!

3_ Para corroborar, envío la lista de los devotos que fueron aceptados por la autoridad del Templo y por Usted para tomar refugio y de los candidatos para iniciación, he solicitado a cada uno que escriban al blog tal como nos indicó. 


1) Francisco Baltazar Téllez 

Nac. 16/06/1979

2) Haidee Natyelli Coronel Garza


Iniciación Harinama

1) Héctor Manuel González Arredondo

Nac. 01/ 03/ 1992

2) Marco Antonio Galván Torres

Nac. 31/12/ 1968

Segunda Iniciación

1) Laghubhagavatamrta Das

2) Mandali Badra Das

3) Arya Srestha Das

HpS - Muchas gracias. Esta ayuda mucho!!

Experimentando que estamos juntos en el canto del maha mantra . 

Muchas gracias Gurumaharaja!! 

También estoy enviando informe de bhakta Marco pues aún no logró arreglar su cuenta, parece que muy pronto, esperamos no quedar en el fondo de las tinieblas.

HpS - Luchando con la tecnologia moderna. Tecnologia tradicional son las cuentas de Japa!!

Vuestra eterna sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd. 

*Prabhu Maharsi envía sus reverencias, encontré una linda foto de la autoria de Francisco. 

HpS - Muchas gracias!!!!!! Ya son las 3.27AM. Tiempo para preparar para FMP. Hace bastante frio aqui pero tenemos calentador (aun viejo). Una DTC!!!

Banana Llama.....struggling with our report!

All glories to Srila Prabhuada! All glories to Guru Maharaj!

Please accept our humble obeisances at Your sweet Lotus feet..

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

We had a great session last Monday. We used zoom apps and had our first online Bhakti Sastri class! The first thing we were told to give a brief introduction about ourselves...through the video which was obviously shared. Then second thing...we were asked a very relevant question..What do you hope to acheive by doing Bhakti Sastri? Straight away....the essence of preaching came to our mind....and we answered ....for preaching through Sastric knowledge conforming to the mood and mission of Srila Prabhupada....our facilitator was happy...

Lots of homework given...starting with Module 1 ...BG. We are told to read BG chapter 1 upto 1.22 ...prepare the relevant 8 questions as given in the Student Hand book. ....besides the Preface and Introduction.....and write an essay on the Mood and mission of Srila Prabhupada...We feel so happy.....we feel connected to Srila Prabhupada and Guru Maharaj....

Ohhhh....we forgot to tell you about the kirtan....just before the class we all waited for everyone to join....was so beautiful...soulfull....

We are struggling with the Annual report...want to go on writing and writing...but there are some letters in the blog....little on Diksha guru and Siksha guru... For us we are so thankful to Srila Prabhupada for blessing us with Guru Maharaj as our diksha guru....we do not have any doubts...Srila Prabhupada is so merciful...

There is a Prabhuji who desires to be initiated by Guru Maharaj... we are encouraging his whole family to be initiated. They are chanting 16 rounds and following 4 regulative principles. He is attending temple mangal arti since this month. How can we help him guru Maharaj ? We requested him to read and follow the Guru tattva given by Guru Maharaj...

HpS - Hare Krsna. First is to take shelter of Srila Prabhupada by reading his books, associate with devotees, develop practical relationship with Temple and they can read the Kapi Dhvaja and write here as they like. After six months of that process they can think about becoming a formal aspirant for initiation by an ISKCON Diksa guru etc. O.K. AgtSP!!

We are praying for Srila Prabhupada's mercy ..for whatever we can offer on 28th Dec...

Your insignificant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Thank you. We will write a DTC with all our current news!!!!! Thank you! Again, with whom is this Bh. Sastri course?

(BANANA LLAMA) ANNUAL REPORT / Krsna! Krsna! / Indira-Sakti Devi dasi

5 years, 1 month ago by Isabelle in Personal Sadhana Reports

🌻Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaja🌻

🌸Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.🌸

I hope you are very well and that your trip to Houston has been good.

We are very happy and grateful, because Krsna gives us His greatest mercy with your presence in our lives. This 29 we will offer you a nice Vyasapuja and like always, we will also honor the Sri Guru Parampara 💛


I also want to thank you, for this space of analysis and mediation about our process, every instruction of yours is a blessing.


Your time is sacred, so I will try to be brief and positive in this report:

16 Rounds and 4 principles:

HpS - ASA --- Did you post this at the Report link here in the Blog!!??? Have to do that also to satisfy the Borro Cracy!!!

The principles has been kept firm. About the rounds, there is good news, during your last visit in Lima, I shared with you my problem, about the loss of my rounds. You told me to set a minimum of rounds and beat my mind in order to complete them daily. I did that with 8 rounds and slowly regained the normal standard of 16 rounds 😊😊 Now I am very well, you encouraged me very much with your words, I really felt a failure as a disciple and as a devotee, i was very very depressed,

HpS - Depression is the Black Witches greatest weapon. Always be enthusiastic to progress, even if low down.

but you looked at me and said “you are doing well!” and hearing that filled me completely with enthusiasm, you blessed me! Millions of thanks Gurudeva, I have had many realizations, and it sounds silly but, every time I realize more, that the process is easier the more we understand how much we need it. It is our only and unique medicine. I've been watching some seminars to improve japa on youtube, I saw a 5-part seminar by Amarendra Prabhu called "The Art of Chanting" and I also saw an Urmila Mataji class called "Liberation Through Sound" they have served me a lot, I know that everything I learn is thanks to you, because the spiritual master is the one who reveals the knowledge to the disciple. Thank you very much for being in this world dear Gurudeva, the pure devotees of Krsna are extremely merciful with fallen souls.


Studies: You told us that being depressed we have to regain enthusiasm with intelligence, so I read Madhurya Kadambini, I needed to understand my process and read it helped me a lot to become aware of my own situation and my condition. IT WAS EXCELLENT. I am going to read it again taking notes because there are many details that I need to always remember.


Home: Well, by recovering the enthusiasm and regularity of my rounds, many things are being recovered, the daily puja to our deities, and I have finished making two sets of new clothes to Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva, Srimati Subhadra and Sri Nrisimhadeva . It makes us extremely happy.

ASA - I bet all the other Deities in Chosica are envious of how nice they look and your Deities are very proud. Ha Ha Hare! Picture attached?

In the temple, I am currently cooking on Saturdays, the fifth and sixth offering of the day. I'm making garlands on Sundays. I am also replacing a few pujaris. I have also started serving the Vedabase, with Mitravinda mataji, in communication with Prabhu Prahlad Nrsimha.

HpS - And also running the restaurant, no?


Please excuse any offense, awkwardness and ineptitude during your service Guru Maharaja,

 I really want to improve and be able to be your disciple.

I ask Sri Nrisimhadeva to protect you every second and that Srimati Radharani always cover you with her warm mantle of love.


Please please please Srila Gurudeva, I ask you bless me so that I can always be firmly established in sadhana and at your service.


“…krsna se tomara, krsna dite paro

tomara sakati ache

ami to kangala krsna krsna boli

dhai tava pache pache…”

your eternal servant

Indira-Sakti devi dasi

HpS - Thank you so, much!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we run to the evening program. Please go with Gandharva Das with us!!

report 12

5 years, 1 month ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

previous node: 10583,

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP.

We have joined Banaras Hindu University, hope things will improve now.

We read Chaitanya Charitamrita Adi Lila ( Lord Chaitanya As Gardner), we did relish it a lot. We will continue to read it. Still dont have Japa Standard. We will get up quickly to previous standards.

Thank you for your constant support

monkey follower.


HpS - Thank you for many years (ears) of friendship and very, very, very valuable help in all these projects. Lettuce c your next report. Of course, fix up some Japa Vraja you can do for one fortnight and then do it and take your next vow.

Reporte de sadhana

Todas lasglorias a Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias 🙏

Le escribo después de tiempo por que sé que se encuentra viajando y deseo que se encuentre muy bien de salud, en mi última carta le compartí que estaba comenzando a estudiar Bhakti sastri en Cultura del Bhakti el curso está dividido en 10 módulos + introducción tengo de tutores a (Parampadam das) y (Gokulananda das) se lleva el estudio de Bhagavad-gita- Néctar de la devoción- Upadesamrta y Sri Isopanisad. por ahora estoy en el módulo 4 le cuento que me encuentro muy feliz de comenzarlo y realizar de manera más profunda la conciencia de Krishna.

Mi esposo y yo retomamos el proyecto de Canoas se está volviendo a sembrar y limpiar el terreno de la finca, pensamos en un futuro comprar una vaca para protegerla y ofrecer su leche a Krishna 🐮 Gadadhar se encuentra muy feliz entusiasta con el proyecto y le pide sus bendiciones para crear un hermoso lugar para Krishna y compartir la filosofía con otra perspectiva de la vida como la sustentabilidad. también ampliamos el restaurante que teníamos y abrimos un hostal para hospedaje en el mismo edificio del restaurante.

Estamos muy felices de su próxima visita a México y ya reservamos un espacio para estar presentes durante su estadía, mi esposo y yo platicamos con los devotos y admin. del templo sobre realizar una fiesta de prasadam y pastel por el cumpleaños número 5 de nuestro hijo Jay Govinda y humildemente le ofrecemos una invitación siempre y cuando usted se encuentre disponible si no lo entendemos perfectamente el festejo se llevará acabo aproximadamente a las 2:00pm el día 12 de diciembre.

le agradezco por su tiempo de leer esta carta Gurudeva deseo que se encuentre bien y primeramente Krishna nos vemos en Diciembre 🙌

su insignificante sirviente Ananda maya devi dasi

HpS - TlgaSP... Pfanrh... Claro, somos triste no ser capaz responder antes, pero juntos aqui en Mexico y Cuernavaca puede ver tan occupado somos mientras viajando. Ya afuera podemos our los muchachos con la pinyata.

Claro, la cumpleanyos de Govinda era muy bien. Estamos esforzando hacer algo educar nuestra familias y las Demas, y Krsna estaba utilizando nuestra pequenyo esfuerza y cambiando en algo super util.

Claro, Ambien, estamos recibiendo reportage de Gadadhara Das acerca del hostel y esperamos visitar a Monterrey en Abril o Mayo. Pero... somos juntos junto juntos siempre por nuestra servicio a Srila Prabhupada!! Esfuerza cantar mejor Kirtan y Japa como fuente de su Sankirtan.

Hare Krsna!

Hare Krsna!!!!!