Blessings from Manipuri Vaisnavas

5 years ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

On Friday, December 27, 2019, 08:23:20 AM CST, Aarif Shaikh <[email protected]> wrote:

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabupada.All glories Sri Guru and Gauranga.

On this auspicious day of your appearance we are praying to Lord Krishna for your good health.

Maharaj, we are very fortunate to become as your disciple. We don't know much but we are still trying to pleased Lord Shri Krishna to become one of his devotees according to your instructions. Please bless us so that we can serve you birth after birth.

Hare Krishna 

Your servant 

Anand Shyam Das & Hladini Radha Devi Dasi


HpS - Hare Krsna. Thank you very much. Please bless us by writing to this Blog at least every three months about your service, Sankirtan!!!!

News from Saci and Caitnya

5 years ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Received this in our Yahoo account.


On Thursday, January 9, 2020, 07:49:21 PM CST, sachimata devi dasi <[email protected]> wrote:

Hare Krisna Dear Gurudeva

Vancha Kalpa to your lotus feet.

Finally I got your e-mail address and I was trying to do a nice letter, but the time goes fast and I did not send it according the plans. 

I would like to Thank you for all your patience, love, tolerance with us. I was so embarrassed after I left California. I thought the worst, but Mississippi was amazing place to live. Your instruction gave me peace to my heart. I lived according your blessings. The last time that I received an instruction from you was in Atlanta, when we meet personally. 

Actually my family and I lived in Alachua. Gaurangi is studying at the Gurukula. She is in 5th grade now and she is so talented. She is good student, their teachers loves her because she is a model student. She play piano, play soccer and draw beautiful pictures. She is introvert and smart girl. Caitanya Lila works at Home Depot. He got up every day at 3:30 AM to worship his 200 Silas and goes to work. (He is worshiping every morning since August 2007) He works in the garden department and he feels OK because he did not deal with any contamination when he works. (such as alcohol, meet, money)

I work in a retirement place, as a home care nursing assistant. I preach as much I can to senior that want to know about God. Sometimes I gave them some books, prasad and Caranamrita. 

We are working only 40 hours per week and we have time for chant japa together, goes to the temple to heard Bagavatham class and eat Prasad. We spend more time at home at evening time . We live close to the temple (12 minutes)

I wanted to let you know about us and what we are doing.

Last year you are here and I did not know that you are giving a symposium in the Gurukula. In the future I would like to know about your visit and I can receive you at home or do some program here. All devotees like s to have programs at home and I would like to have you in our house too. I hope heard about you soon.

Thank you so much again.

Hare Krishna.

At your service,

Sacimata dd.

HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna! AGTSP. . . . Please accept our humble obeisances. .... Yes! Long time since we heard from you!!! Yes! We talked with Caitanya and Gaurangi when we were in Alachua like three years ago. Is very nice to hear about your nice position in Yoga. You must have been monks and nuns in you last life???

We always put our Calendar in the Kapi Dhvaja, News, in our web-page, www.JayaRama.US! Very best wishes for your spiritual progress, Sankirtan, please send news at least quarterly, every three months, Gaura-purnima!!! So much news you can accumulate. Read the Kapi Dhvaja and this Blog. Again, our very best wishes for you contribution to Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan!!!!!!

Flying Fish mother update

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our most humble obeisances. 

All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada! All glories to your continued sankirtan and your peaceful arrival to Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Hari bol!

We have been overcome many times this last year by the fact that we may lose out on the rare opportunity to associate with you Gurudev and we will be very lost if we ever lose this opportunity. There’s also the very sobering and sombering realization that we are not very qualified to associate with elevated Vaisnavas most especially the spiritual master. We realize how much you have tolerated us because our purity is and was between 10-20/80-90 The last 20 years and we are increasing it now with some small realization that we are running out of precious time. We are praying to become more sincere/serious. It’s slowly increasing to 25-30/70 (25-30 percent pure actions/intentions 70/80 still impure conditioning/self motivated actions). When we are struggling with our rounds and work obligations we tumble down to 0-10 and the only way back up is to chant again the next day and try to make up the rounds during the week (treacherous cycle. Trying to find an easier less demanding job. This may be working at Aja’s school as a counselor instead of an agency). Our weekly activities steadily are: attending 4 evening Aratis a week, assisting with service of cooking 4 offerings, following 4 principles strictly (we do indulge in chocolate and sweets too often and decaf sugary beverages!), Sunday school and Sunday cooking services as they arise, 16-20 rounds (still making up from getting behind in November) (4-6 in the morning), studying/reading twice a week personally and two other times with Aja and SB for kids Sunday school group (after our Sunday school bake sale we were able to purchase Aruddha’s Canto 2 and 3 workbooks for the kids! We are very excited. :)) ).

We are also trying to follow your instructions to have a study group the last 4 months which has created an opportunity to be held accountable for regular reading. Lalita and Alisha attend regularly as well as two others through goto meeting every Tuesday at 7 since September, sometimes give or take 1-2 other devotee ladies. We have completed NOI and almost Isopanishad. Format is discussion of questions from two texts from the TPP review, read/discuss relevant points discussed in the two texts we read independently (review the TPP to help guide the discussion of the texts), read a new text together and answer TPP question pertaining to text. We also end the study group with a discussion question based on the text of how to apply concepts learned from the text to our life (this creates an opportunity to “express realizations” or talk confidentially, or sharing advice on how to apply KC). We try to take turns with coming up with a question. Sometimes new comer ladies also attend and we change the format to more reading so they can have the association of Srila Prabhupada (and not us, since we like to speculate too much).

We would like some advice and blessings on how to best continue (maybe we are doing it all wrong, in fact, maybe we are being offensive!) The general inspiration came about last September when we realized we want to regularly read the Bhakti Sastri books again and follow the TPP. We remembered your advice was to grab a study partner (and Dosey doe to Goloka! It’s the highlight of our week. But hopefully not dosey doe to hell!) We want to make sure we are doing this correctly and with guidance. We weren’t sure if it would be sustainable but now there is regular attendance by at least 5 devotees.

Second is We wanted to take a moment to express the very real sentiment that we have missed the go to meeting morning classes. In fact, our morning sadhana became a little codependent to it (we realized that our sadhana was wavery without the inspiration of the class and this is immature. Our sadhana should be independently strong enough to sustain!) . We know you have many other letters and services to attend to Gurudev. We are praying for a small particle of sincerity so we can try to serve you putting our faulty ego, sense of identity, polluted western born belief systems to the curb. We hope we have still something left to offer. 

Heavy discussion point for another week: how to not feel like the child stuck in the middle of a messy divorce and stay afloat during the recent shift in Boise leadership.

Thank you Gurudev.

We feel like a floundering flying fish with no home in the land or sea. Praying for improving our enthusiastic rounds so Krsna can lead the way.

Your fallen servant,

Kamagayatri Dasi

HpS - Jaya! AGTSP! Paoho. We feel exactly like you. How is the Murari Das? We would like to get a less stressing job, something besides being a member of the Executive Committee of Ministry of Education, Latin American GBC, Diksa Guru relating to GBC. Ooof! Administration is very tough. Also traveling and preaching is tough. Also serving our senses is tough. Hare Krsnas have been called sugar freaks.

We struggle to find solutions.

For us basic principle is to chant as much as we can. 24-hours a day is the best. You can make plans for serving Krsna, but better to chant Hare Krsna. The Kirtan will give you plans, drive your chariot moment to moment!

Of course, the first plan he gives us is get up early and get your rounds done, well.

We are trying to put our teaching into the Kapi Dhvaja every two weeks, the Blog, daily, by personal visits. Please look at the KDh. Supposed to go out tomorrow. Will have Calendar suggestions. Comments on general topics like yours (and ours) that are affecting all of us and how to write to the Blog.

Basically we are still very, very, very weak from all this travel, but seem to be coming back up slowly.

Thank you! You are definitely winning. Living a good life. Reminds us of the final scene of Saving Private Ryan.

Despues de tiempo

Hare Krsna Maharaja por favor acepta mis respetuosas reverencias a tus pies de loto...

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Todas las glorias a Sri Goura Nitay!!!

Maharaja hace mucho no esribo,ha sido un año cargado de mucho, creo ahora fue bueno,porque de todo aprendi aunque en su momento pensara que no era asi...

Cumplo 4 principios, Canto las 16 rondas y las 4 que desde cusco tome como voto, despierto cada dia a las 2 de la mañana y voy al templo a cantar mis rondas, siempre quiero terminar temprano, siento que mi dia es mejor asi y cuando no pasa, suelo ponerme mental.....el mes de noviembre y diciembre estuve yendo mas tarde, porque sentia mucho frio y me enfermaba, la verdad creo me gano la mente, igual me despierto temprano y canto mis rondas ,aunque la verdad no es lo mismo ...tengo servicio en el templo ,en las fiestas y festivales ayudo en la cocina y el de las guirnaldas lo estuve haciendo todos los dias, todos los altares pero hable para descansar un dia,porque ya soñaba flores :) asi que los domingos descanso

Estoy haciendo el curso de Bhakti Sastri con p. LAD y de ese modo tengo lectura,estoy colectando con prasada ,creo es lo unico que se hacer,la relacion con la familia (mama,hijos),es perfecta las cosas cambiaron de una manera increible ,en este momento vine a pasar unos dias con ellos navidad y fin de año,ya que para mi mama son fechas imporgtantes,mi hija termina la universidad psicologia,mi hijo se presenta a la marina y el ultimo aun en colegio.

. . . .

HpS - Somos muy debil. No pudimos leer esta parta de su carta. Aparece todo bien!!!! Mientras estubvimos en Peru, estuvimos preguntando de Vd. No contacto directo. Karuna dijo que Vd era mucho mejor en conciencia!!

Maharaja te pido me des tus bendiciones para poder seguir con mi sadhana y mi mente no se vea perturbada por mis tontas frustraciones,para poderte servir y ser util en este movimiento de sankirtana...


bhaktin Amparo

HpS - Pienso que Vd era una devota en su vida previa. Una noble que le gusts la vida religioso pero no puede ser una monja!

Mas noticias! Lea la Kapi Dhvaja.

A word of hope

Very recently, you were around here, things continue as Krishna wants, but let's not forget that we are in Chile, the strangest things happen often.

We continue with the restaurant administration service, trying to improve day by day.

I hope I don't give you a problem yet

his eternal servant

Lalita Madhava Das

HpS - Hare Krsna. Very nice to read this letter. We wrote to Amara gauranga Das and Srila Virabahu Das about some suggestions for administrative improvements in Santiago and Virabahu Das said, Let's wait until Jayapataka Swami's visit and see what he says. So, guess we should get back to them again about what's happening. Music, music.... give food for the body, but food for the soul. Always have music at every meal. Have the current CD, music, available for sale where they buy the meal, no?

More updates

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to you. 

Just a couple more updates that I failed to mention in my yearly report. 

I am very thankful to have Radhika Raman Prabhu and Srinivasa Prabhus guidance this year. I would be lost without their example and without them connecting me to you. Also, working with Srinath Krishna Prabhu on your Vyasa Puja book was a really nice service. I am very thankful for Radhika Raman Prabhu engaging me in this and for Srinath Krishna Prabhu being so tolerant.

Another high light for us this year was your Karl Yung seminar at BSU. Also, we have been really enjoying the Twirl Your Beads book. Aja really likes your recipes and your drawings! 

I heard somewhere that I mime [Who?] said that the turning point in his career was when he stopped trying to be interesting and started to be interested. I have been trying to apply this to kirtan and my own songs and performances. However, It’s a great struggle to be in the performing arts arena. Whether on social media or in a venue... there is so much seeking for fame, distinction and admiration. I am trying to stay connected to You and Prabhupada so as to not fall pray to this losing game. It is such a lonely, empty, and futile pursuit to try to be Krishna! It seems so obvious when you have good association. Any praise I get I am trying to give to you, internally. 

HpS - We are 97% product of Srila Prabhupada's hard work at least. AGTSP! You do contribute something. I do. How much? What is it??? That is self realization, no?

Been listening to this narration of NOI.

Really nice background music and interludes! I really appreciate the pace of the narrator. I’d like to begin your systematic study of NOI in the coming year. This narration is helping in the meantime. 

I would also like to write on this blog more frequently. It’s been a big challenge. I always feel like I am wasting your time and just talking about my self. I’d like to not approach you like a therapist and develop an understanding of Guru Tatva.

If there has been any advancement this year it is due to your inspiration to chant at least 8 rounds after Mungal Arati.  

We are chanting 16 rounds( maybe 40 percent are enthusiastic and on good days 60 percent)

Following the four regulative principals strictly.

Maharaja, Anadi and I are going to India on Feb 3rd to March 12th. We will be attending the ILS (ISKCON Leadership Sanga) course in Mahapur and then going to Vrindavana. I am hoping that we can see you here in Boise before we leave. 

HpS - We will probably visit there after March 15th!

How can I serve you?

HpS - By serving Srila Prabhupada! You are doing a good job now! More will come. More will come.

Can Lord Nrsimhadeva slay the demons in me? 

HpS - Yes, but it will take some time. 😁

Thank you for your continuing guidance and inspiration. You are living proof to me that this process works. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

Your aspiring servant,

-Nitisara das -

HpS - Thank you. Let's look at two more letters. Yours is very nice!