Urgent PTD Anual report sadhana!!

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja


Sorry im late with the report this dicember has been with so much movement . Arriving from Vraja and Srila Prabhupada Sankirtan maratón is taking my life..

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP! Paoho... Hey!! You gotta post it in the Report's Section of this Blog! Monkey and Piggy are terrible bureaucrats and unless it is there they will cast you into the outer darkness and only let you return for the Sunday Feast!

16 rounds they wasnt so good but we keep on chanting...(I had some days very difficult to finish rounds) ..In Vraja chanting was nectar.

HpS - Same for us!

4 R.P no intoxicación (some time I took some chocolate but very little). no gambling 100% in control, no ilícit sex 100% (I still have the desire but its under control...much less than last years [ASA - Much less desire or much less under control. Ha! Ha! Ha! Grammar is powerful]) no meet [meat] eating 100% under control..

Mangala Arati 95%...

ASA - Super!!

I start the year 2019 with book distribution pumping, winter was very good for reading and studing , India trip was bery good, Vraja mandala Parikrama was Realy estatic....I had brought Giriraj Silas for worshiping in asram Mar del Plata..

Arriving Argentina from India was Tuff it took time to get in Argentinian mood again..Back to Sri Govardhana Mar del Plata with Adi yajna das and Nikunja vihary das and I FINISHED FOR FIRST TIME THE COMPLETE SRILA PRABHUPADA CAITANYA CARITAMBRITA...very Happy por this..

HpS - 😁 😁😁😁

And finishing Srila Prabhupada maraton in this days ...

ASA - We did a case of of LOB, a case of NOI, half a case of TLC hard copy and misc BG etc.

Im very Happy and I feel really fortunate that you are my guru Maharaja...Im very thank full to have your asosiation during this year..Im realy Sorry about my discualifications..

Your servant

Panch tattva das

HpS - We think we are all really fortunate to be in Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON, to have such a group of friends, and then to invite others to join. Please send more news after a few weeks. And post your Report in the Reports!

Banana Cathedral!! Happy Vyasa Puja ...celebrations galore!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj HH Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaj!

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj!

Please accept our humble obeisances at Your sweet lotus feet.

HpS - Where did I put them!??? They must be in Goloka!

Happy Vyasa Puja dear Guru Maharaj,

HpS - Happy we hope for Vyasa!

We are sending some pics taken at the Sri Radha Damodara temple , Toubul on the 72nd vyasa puja of HH Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaj. Please accept our humble offerings dear Guru maharaj. Sending you pics of the offerings...glorification by HG Radhacharan Prabhu, HG Banamali Prabhu and our godbrothers and godsisters.

Distributed NOI , Message of Bhagavad (in local language), Mahaprasadam ....nice kirtan by HG Gadadhar Prabhu.

Your servant always,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - We lookat pictures!!! Very nice!! Many nice cakes!! We pass them on to Krsna!!!! Krsna-kakes! Krsna and His friends run in the forest!! Then they are so hungry!!!!!

Chant Hare Krsna under the authority of Srila Prabhupada!

banana llama

5 years, 1 month ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

todas las gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna Guru. M., le escribo nuevamente para contarle como estuvo su vyasapuja. salió todo muy bello, íntimo, en casa del p ananda vardana. con alankriti y manjari nos dedicamos a decorar y hacer las guirnaldas de Srila prabhupada, los seis Goswami y usted todo trajeron cooperación para el pasadam, yo di una pequeña clase, quede muy conforme.

HpS - Jaya!!!!!! Jaya!!!!!! Eternamente en los pies de Srila Prabhupada ofreciendo girnaldas y Kirtan!!!!!! Reverencias a todos....

Banana Llama......Thank you once again Guru Maharaj!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj!! Please accept our humble obeisances at Your Lotus feet.

HpS - Lettuce feet.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Today is solar eclipse.....hope you would allow me to share a sweet realization ....

HpS - Yes, yes, but the bitter realizations are very nice also.

Yesterday we were informed by one of our senior temple devotees that we would follow the Govindaji Temple norms....of not giving darshan about 3 hrs before the eclipse , which meant...we would not be getting mangal arti darshan.....we were so upset. We thought we would at least sing the Vaishnava songs . When we reached the temple, just 4 of us, including our temple president, HG Radhacharan Das Prabhuji attended. No songs....just pujaris doing the offerings behind closed doors...soooo upset. Then we 4 decided to chant together. We chanted ...and by the time we completed 2 beautiful rounds....could hear and feel our Srila Prabhupada chanting with us....I thought it was an auditory hallucination...but the voice continued for such a pretty long time till our group chanting ended . Thank you Guru Maharaj for your immense mercy. Only you can do this for us Guru Maharaj...

HpS - Night of the Living Prabhupada!!!! I thought that there was no deity worship, neither behind or without closed doors, during the influence of eclipse. For sure we can chant the Gurva astakam during those times, no?

Our online bhakti sastri is with The Mayapur Institute. HG Padma sundari DD is taking our Module 1 classes. Other teachers are HG Yugala Preeti DD, HG Padmanayana Das, HG Krishna Keshav Das.We are informed that NOI classes will be taken by HG Vidvan Gauranga Das. All from Mayapur institute.

HpS - Very nice!!!!

Started reading the CC from today. Please give us the mercy to understand the pastimes of Gauranga and to serve with love and devotion.

HpS - We read it right before Mangala arati daily. We are in a 7-page long purport where Srila Prabhupada presents the refutation by the acharyas of sankara acharya's mayavadi commentary on the vedanta sutra!

Your ignorant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Can you make a frog from chemicals!!! What about a tadpole??? (small one?). Can you make people smile?

A Panamenian devil's report

5 years, 1 month ago by radha in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to srila prabhupada!

All Glories to you 

Jay sri vraja dham! 

Thank you very much for your association in Chile... And for your inspiring classes, this year has been a year full of challenges, it was good to be in Chile for a while and do service for the preaching program (krishna west) , I studied energetic healing at one holistic school, I found that they have a very good system because it helped me a lot, to work with my inner childhood demons and that kind of stuff. 


I'm chanting my rounds but with many, many offenses, my teachers told me that I have asperger syndrome and its difficult for me to concentrate in diferent environments, i will have to make a better effort f9 that, but I get up very early and in chile I used to go to the temple. Now I'm in florianapolis, Brazil so we do fmp at home with my friends.huge gayatri issues, sometimes i forget one of the three..... Am i closer to Hell?

ASA - No, but always try to improve!!


It took me many years to accept myself, but this year I finally decided that I don't want to go against my nature anymore, since im hurting myself for no reason , I tried to convince myself that I could be with a male devotee and get married because of the influence of the Vaisnavas, many years, when I am not really attracted to men, so that was a big mistake, and I think that I could a have a nice spiritual life with a Vaisnavi, I consider the masculine nature very intense and uncomfortable for me and my spiritual life. I hope you understand me 🐼

HpS - Basic principle is that we are not the male or female gross or subtle body. Rama candra took a vow of friendship with Sugriva. That is just as permanent as marriage vow with Sita, no? There is absolutely no idea that there was any, any, any sense gratification in the relation of Rama with Sugriva or Sita devi! So if you like having girl friends, that is fine. If you want to make some vows of dedication in that relationship, but we think it is crazy to call it marriage. Marriage is between partners of the opposite sex to have children. Hmmm of course there is Vanaprastha. Chant 16-nice rounds and follow the four principles strictly.


I am translating the books of H. H. Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha maharaj, one of his sevakas asked me if I could do it, as they had no one to do it in Spanish , so I accepted, it is a blessing , since i had the opportunity to meet him before he left his body. And we are making arrangements to work remotely at Nios treasury department, along with prabhu OM from Chile. I hope to help you as best as I can and I am very happy for your next vyasapuja, I would like to have your blessings to return to India for a while and continue my ayurveda studies, and get inmerse in Radharani's seva.

HpS - God bless you!!!! Who is Bhakti vallabha tirtha Maharaja? One of Srila Prabhupada's godbrothers? Were there two with the same name? Picture of three TASMANIAN Devils attached..

You are a very amazing soul. Get to work! Send news.

 Please forgive my offenses

HpS - Haven't noticed any!

 Y S. 

Radha carana d.

 Panamenian devil

Ambarisa m Das (HPS vyasapuja offering) Banana Llama?

5 years, 1 month ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Dev

Nama Om Visnu Padaya Krsna Prestaya Bhutale Srimate Hanumatpresaka Swami Iti Namine.

Please accept our humble obeisance

Finding words as a means to glorify you personally is a path that it is simplified to deep gratitude. Your presence, guidance and love are matchless gifts that has affected my life towards happiness.

guru kṛṣṇa-rūpa hana śāstrera pramāṇe

guru-rūpe kṛṣṇa kṛpā karena bhakta-gaṇe

CC Ādi 1.45

“According to the deliberate opinion of all revealed Scriptures, the spiritual master is no different from Krsna. Lord Krishna in the form of a spiritual master, liberates His devotees. ”


You Guru dev is the mercy of Krsna that is bestow upon his disciples. Guru dev I only have to offer you my own life and the intense desire to purify my conscience to be a useful means for your sacred and loving Sankirtan. I am very conditioned and my direct perception of Caittya Guru is altered by the interference of my mind, but I have Faith and gratefulness in the presence of the Mahanta Guru Hanumatpresaka Swami that gives me knowledge and teaches the process of how to serve Radha Krsna.

jīve sākṣāt nāhi tāte guru caittya-rūpe

śikṣā-guru haya kṛṣṇa-mahānta-svarūpe

CC Ādi 1.58

“Since it is not possible to have the visual experience of the presence of the Supersoul, it appears among us as a liberated devotee. This spiritual master is none other than Krsna himself ”

HpS - By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada we hope our can represent Krsna in terms of our actual spiritual advancement. Any of Srila Prabhupada's Brahman disciples are spiritual masters, no?

Thank you for stimulating our latent propensity to serve Krsna, to instruct us to contemplate to connect deep in the heart and link us with Paramatma.

You are so kind that you accept our imperfect service and occupy us in your Sankirtan to purify our existence. Thank you for giving us your association.

‘Sādhu-saṅga’, ‘sādhu-saṅga’ - sarva-śāstre kaya

lava-mātra sādhu-saṅge sarva-siddhi haya

CC Madhya 22.54

"The verdict of all the revealed scriptures is that even a moment of association with a Sadhu, pure Devotee can make us achieve complete spiritual perfection"

You share your Kirtan, studies, virtual presentations, lectures, dreams, visits traveling tirelessly, etc.

Guru dev thanks for your generosity, enthusiasm, empathy, tolerance, advice, blessings, inspiration and for the incomparable gift of being our Diksa and Siksa Guru.




hopeful to be a useful disciple Ambarisa Maharaja Das

HpS - We have always been impressed and inspired to improve our service by your association. Thank you. Thanks to your family!!!

Spanish version

Hare Krsna Guru Dev

Nama Om Visnu padaya Krsna Prestaya Bhutale Srimate Hanumatpresaka Swami iti namine.

Por favor acepte nuestras Humildes Reverencias

Encontrar palabras como medio para glorificarlo en mi persona es un camino que se simplifica al agradecimiento profundo. Su presencia, guía y amor son un regalo incomparable que ha afectado mi vida hacia la felicidad.

guru kṛṣṇa-rūpa hana śāstrera pramāṇe

guru-rūpe kṛṣṇa kṛpā karena bhakta-gaṇe

CC Ādi 1.45

“según el dictamen deliberado de todas las Escrituras reveladas, el maestro espiritual no es diferente de Krsna. El Señor Krsna en la forma de maestro espiritual, libera a Sus devotos”

Usted Guru dev es la misericordia de Krsna que se deposita sobre sus discípulos. Guru dev solo tengo para ofrendarle mi propia vida y el intenso deseo de purificar mi conciencia para ser un medio útil para su sagrado y amoroso Sankirtan. Soy muy condicionado y mi percepción directa del Caittya Guru se ve alterada por la interferencia de mi mente, pero tengo Fe y agradecimiento en la presencia del Mahanta Guru Hanumatpresaka Swami que me brinda conocimiento y enseña el proceso de cómo servir a Radha Krsna.

jīve sākṣāt nāhi tāte guru caittya-rūpe

śikṣā-guru haya kṛṣṇa-mahānta-svarūpe

directa del Caittya Guru se ve alterada por la interferencia de mi mente, pero tengo Fe y agradecimiento en la precencia u presCC Ādi 1.58

“Puesto que no es posible tener la experiencia visual de la presencia de la Superalma, aparece entre nosotros como un devoto liberado. Este maestro espiritual no es otro que el propio Krsna”

Gracias por estimular nuestra propensión latente a servir a Krsna, a instruirnos a la contemplación para conectar en lo profundo del corazón y vincularnos con el Paramatma.

Usted es tan bondadoso que acepta nuestro servicio imperfecto y nos ocupa en su Sankirtan para purificar nuestra existencia. Gracias por regalarnos su asociación.

‘sādhu-saṅga’, ‘sādhu-saṅga’ — sarva-śāstre kaya

lava-mātra sādhu-saṅge sarva-siddhi haya

CC Madhya 22.54

“El veredicto de todas las escrituras reveladas es que incluso un momento de asociación con un Sadhu, Devoto puro puede hacernos alcanzar completa perfección espiritual”

Usted nos comparte sus Kirtan, estudios, presentaciones virtuales, clases presenciales, sueños, visitas viajando incansablemente, etc.

Guru dev gracias por su generosidad, entusiasmo, empatía, tolerancia, consejos, bendiciones, inspiración y por el incomparable regalo de ser nuestro Diksa Y Siksa Guru.




esperanzado en ser un útil discípulo Ambarisa Maharaja Das