hare krishna

5 years, 1 month ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna Maharaj pamho agtsp.

hare krishna Maharaj i am super happy to be writing this letter because you know i have been lost but i am still alive or at least i think so. i feel great full to have the chance to have this connection with you. we have the determination no matter what we do where we are or whatever we will keep chanting the holy names with Prabhupada's blessings and yours. i feel sorry i missed your visit here in barcelona.

basically our plan this winter its to go to andorra to snowboarding, keep tattooing and chanting the maha mantra.

recently i have visit the temple and got the asociation of Isvara Dasa from mayapur the spanish devottee. we are training to gather some friends and make some programs at my place. please gave us your blessings so we can actually make it happen. 

I want information please about how to connect again with japa joe. also maybe i become able to send you some donation can you please give me the information where i can do it.

thank you so much for the inspiration to continue believing in this moment.

Please forgive my impertinence.


Bhakta Jorge Carlos Florez Llanos

HpS - AgtSP. Please read the current "News" and next issue in our web page at www.jayarama.us!

This is the Jorge who spent some time in Bhaktivedanta Manor in England???

We don't have Japa Joe exactly anymore but we try to always broadcast the Full Morning Program through GoToMeeting.com (737 859 341) wherever we are. We go back to Mexico City tomorrow so we will be at the Temple, so there will be no Mangala Arati on line but class will be online Monday and Tuesday at 7.30 AM Mexico hour there. Thank you.


5 years, 1 month ago by indira in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Maharaha. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupadha y a todos los asociados de Caitanya Maha Prabhu.

Siempre es agradable saber de usted y de sus actividades, y de salud que se encuentre bien.

Para informarle que sigo cantando las 16 rondas cada día aunque algunas veces me cuesta mucho, sigo leyendo los libros de Srila Prabhupadha y sigo adorando a mis deidades. Acabamos de volver de India y me e inspirado cada día más a seguir con mi práctica espiritula gracias a la misericordia de Radha y krishna, hace unos meses mi esposo y yo hemos venido a vivir a nueva Vrajamanda para estar más cerca de la asociación entre devotos y estar más cerca de Radha Govinda Candra y seguir sirviéndoles más de cerca. Espero que esta carta allá sido de su agrado. Su sirvienta bhaktin Indira. Hare krishna.

HpS - TlgaSP. Es desafío para nosotros cantar cada día! Pero es cierto el resultado es súper. En nuestra estupidez no podemos recordar quien es su buena ser??? 😲

Banana Llama Diploma

5 years, 1 month ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


Gurudeva today I received my Diploma of my Diplomado.

I got an A. I want to offer this to U.

I hope to see U soon. We are watching your classes in Mexico.

Hope to see you soon.

We will see in which schedule we will worship the deities in Chosica.

Thanks Gurudeva

Trying to be your disciple

Chandramukhi dd

HpS - ASA -- Thank you. AgtSP... What is you Diplomada?


5 years, 1 month ago by parama karuna das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna Gurudev pamhr,tlgaSP,dandavats pranams.

Espero se encuentre bien viajando y predicando para el placer de Srila Prabhupada, siempre es grato para mi escribir sobre mi reporte en sankirtan y sadhana.

Estubimos en Buenos Aires Argentina para el festival de Ratha Yatra realizando una nueva obra de teatro El Gita dirigida po ss Bhaktimarga swami, la historia muy conocida por ud entre Krishna y Arjuna fue muy dinamica nunca habia hecho este tipo de dramas experimental talves bailado si, pero actuado no, tubimos buenas opiniones de los espectadores, gracias a los actores y bendiciones de los organizadores fue un exito. Adjunto fotos.

En Lima tenemos el deseo de distribuir libros este año con sus bendiciones para el placer de Srila Prabhupada.

Radharani mi esposa tomo iniciación por ss Jayapataka Swami, su nombre es ahora Radharani Gopi, maharaja me pregunto q me parece mientras lo trasladaba desde su hospedaje hasta el templo fue un lindo intimo momento. El bebe sigue creciendo la ultima ecografia nos dice q tiene mas de 2 kilos y probable nacimiento sea en Febrero. hicimos gratos servicio para Maharaja JPS y su Doctor durante su estadia en Lima. Como siempre realizo q somos sirvientes de todos y no hacemos separaciones de fe porq todos servimos al Acarya quien es srila Prabhupada en la manutencion y propagacion de la conciencia de krishna.

Tenemos ahora una pequeña Dvarka Sila de 4 cakras misericordia para incrementar nuestra adoracion.

Muchas gracias en ocuparme en su servicio y asistirlo en su sankirtan Gurudev su sirviente

Parama Karuna das

HpS - Muy bien predica por medios de teatro! Puede organizar algo similar en Peru? Sila, hijos - Tratamos realizar nuestra parte en la adoración y entender el parte de Krsna.

Banana Llama ! So sorry..

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj HH Hanumat Presaka Swami Guru Maharaj!

Please accept our humble obeisances at Your lotus feet..

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

So sorry....for mistaking 72nd birthday .Kindly forgive me...so sorry for making the wrong edit. Not sure whether the first letter reached or not.

HpS - Just a small detail. 😐😐 🤠

We are taking up the online Bhakti Sastri course with Mayapur Institute.

We think of offerings to be made for Srila Prabhupada.....roses come to our mind....Gardenia....milk...kacchories...we are not experts ..we keep trying.....with the hope that someday.....we may be able to serve better...

Kindly help us to serve Srila Prabhupada...Guru and Gauranga.....We thank Srila Prabhupada for blessing us with our spiritual master....Thank you merciful Guru Maharaj for accepting us as Your disciple....

Your unworthy servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Cooking with love. Takes time to learn, no? Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet are the best shelter!

Banana Llama!! So very sorry....

to Mayapur, bcc: me

Dear Student,

Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada, Srila Gurudeva and to all the vaishnavas and vaishnavis.

We from Mayapur Institute heartily welcome you. Thanks for taking an initiative to do an in-depth study of the Sastras which was Srila Prabhupada's desire [Reference: Student Handbook (SHB) - Page 4]. Thank you for signing up for Mayapur Institute's Online Bhakti-sastri 2019-20. 

For your information, all of you are students of Batch 4 in which the real-time online classes will run on Mondays and Thursdays – 6.30 pm to 8 pm Indian Standard Time. And HG Padma Sundari Devi dasi shall be teaching the first module. All other teachers who are teaching the other modules will be disclosed to you by her.


Kindly find the link below to download the files:

1. Student Handbook (SHB)




2. Srila Prabhupada Quote book




3. Memorization slokas (file link is shared) for all Modules. You can download the file from the Link:


4. Course Schedule (file attached).

Kindly help us to serve Srila Prabhupada...Guru and Gauranga....we keep trying ....with hope...

Your unworthy servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - AgtSP Paoho. Very interesting. Guess it depends a lot on the teacher, how the courses go. Please keep sending your experiences with the course?