KDPC - Guidance on Marriage

4 years, 5 months ago by sriram in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

HpS - AGTSP!!!

In relation to this reply from you in my previous letter, https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/11216/, I have asked the temple authorities for a recommendation letter for initiation and they have stipulated a few conditions that i need to satisfy before issuing the letter.

I have to serve the temple for a few months with their digital initiatives like Newsletters and quizzes and also attend the weekly bhakti vriksha program close to me.

I have been doing both for the last month or so and hopefully, i get the letter soon.

I have also been doing the disciple course and i am about 20% in. Will try to finish it soon, maharaj.

HpS - Very nice. I heard from Srila Prabhupada in the beginning when things for me seemed to face so many obstacles, that "in the beginning there may be obstacle in advancing in devotional service, but one should go ahead with enthusiasm." I did it! Fall down, get up, fall down, get up!! Make progress.

I also got Tulsi Maharani from the Dallas temple, when i was visiting my brother in May, maharaj and i have been taking care of her.

HpS - and She will take care of us!

I have been chanting 16 rounds and following the regulative principles, although i have missed completing my rounds a few days in between as work has been crazy maharaj. Have been working 12 and 14 hour days regularly for the last 4 weeks. I will definitely try to make up the missed rounds.

HpS - Keep account. Krsna will NEVER punish us for taking the time and strength to chant 16-good rounds. He will be able then to link us to material as well as spiritual success!

I need some advice, guru maharaj. My parents have started talking about getting me married in earnest and i would be grateful for some clarity on it maharaj. I don't want to get married. I was talking to my brother, Srinath and he says that if i don't want to get married, then i have to go to an ashram and live full time as a brahmachari. But i don't think i am ready for that too. So, i am kind of stuck in the middle where i don't want to marry and also not ready to completely leave material life and live in an ashram.

HpS - Living in an Ashrama can also be material life. Mayavadis are materialists and they live in Ashrama. Spritual life is chanting and dancing, even while you are at work. Fingers dance on the adding machine keys as yoiu make monery for Krsna.

Get married, go to the university. These are practical decisions. Go to war and try to kill people and not be killed also. So we give a little attention to them and make decision.

Maybe good to get married with a good person. Give you both stability in life. Maybe not.

Real thing is to focus on 1st intiation under authority of Srila Prabhupada, and then can make practical decisions about the other things.

Maybe tell you parents that Srila Prabhupada never suggested marriage before Hari-nama Diksa.

Thank you. Nice to hear from you.

I need some guidance on how to proceed on this, guru maharaj. I will take your words to heart and follow whatever you say.

Your Servant


KDPC. Jayanta das

4 years, 5 months ago by jayanta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna Gurudev: Pamho. Toda la gloria a Srila Prabhupada y sus seguidores fieles.

Espero que se encuentre animado cuando lea esta carta.

HpS - Su carta es la animacion! Desculpa poco demurra responder! Festival tras festival!!!

Estoy leyendo regularmente el blog (en el móvil me da la opción de idioma); ahora leo todas las cartas y puedo ver mejor el perfil de sus discípulos. Encuentro que todos tienen algunas cualidades mas desarrolladas que yo. Voy comprendiendo mejor la función del blog y hay muchos problemas o desafíos comunes que compartimos. También hace que nos sintamos mas unidos en el grupo.

Hace varios años (18 o 20?) me dijo algo en el asram del templo de Madrid que no he olvidado y que me ayuda a situarme en el medio ambiente: "Uno tiene que vestir según su edad".

HpS - Es un consejo de Chanakya Pandita. Pienso es verdad. Srila Prabhupada utiliza.

Para mí es una frase muy profunda y con un gran significado práctico: Además de tener en cuenta kala, desa, patra también debemos tener en cuenta nuestras propias circunstancias. Este mantra junto con "No pienses que vas a encontrar un lugar donde sentarte y descansar" han sido dos conceptos filosóficos prácticos que intento no olvidar y que me ayudan en mi desarrollo personal y espiritual. Gracias.

HpS - Eso es un sitio de austeridades, no? Vamos a morrir.... por Krsna o por nada!?

Puedo observar que lleva un ritmo de vida muy intenso y eso provoca preocupación o ansiedad en muchos discípulos. En mi humilde opinión no estaría mal reducir un poco el tiempo dedicado a la predica (clases,cartas, etc,.); eso aumentaría un poco el tiempo para la meditación y reflexión. Cuando viajamos a menor velocidad apreciamos mejor el paisaje o entorno.

HpS - Gracias. Tratando hacer lo. Hay otros cambios con la edad mas que energia.

En cuanto a mi sadhana personal lo mas resaltante es que mi objetivo sigue siendo volverme un devoto puro para poder ser mas útil en la Misión del Swami Bhaktivedanta, en esta vida o en la siguiente o en ambas.

San Pedro de Álcantara le decía a sus frailes: " Si ayunas lavate la cara", (para que nadie note tu austeridad). Así que he comprobado que cuando comparto cualquier austeridad que hago con los demás, maya viene y me golpea poniendo circunstancias adversas o relativizando mi fuerza. A veces yo golpeo a maya y a veces maya me golpea a mí. Es cierto que con la edad los sentidos pierden fuerza de forma evidente, sobre todo en el plano burdo, pero aún estamos resolviendo conflictos con los sentidos.

Dejamos mas disertaciones filosóficas para otras intervenciones.

Sin mas, se despide su sirviente (algo torpe)

Jayanta das.

HpS - Gracias. En la Biblia dice: Cuando hagas austeridades y ayunos, no salgas con cara larga, más bien haz tus austeridades en tu armario y Dios, que ve todas las cosas en privado, te recompensará en privado.

Muy hermoso, no???

Ya, no tiene que ser mensenjero para el Estado, puede comensar ser mensenjor por Krsna. Puede escribir mensajes para Krsna!

“KDPC” Pandaveya Spain.

4 years, 5 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Agt Radhe Syam!!!

Agt Nimai Nitai!!!

Jay Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Gurudeva!

I hope You had a happy birthday from Balarama.

HpS - Also hope Lord Balarama had a Happy Birthday!!

I wish You all the best in Krsna consciousness, and that You are doing your best.

I just wanted to tell you that I am very well. My rounds very good. Advancing very well in Krsna consciousness. Very happy, and I believe tt this is exclusively the merit of the association by the holy names.

ASA - Su SU S U P E R!

I don't have much to tell you, and what I would like to tell you I cannot say here because it would be politically incorrect, except that people are looking for their own ruin by living as they live.

All the hours that I am conscious I recite internally or externally the holy names, or some holy name. This is the same as the first Christians, the desert fathers, or like the real Sadhus or Babajis.

At this moment in my journey, it is being a good complement for the rounds, and above all, for meditation on the objective of the rounds ... the why.

Honestly, I'm ashamed of people and how they behave, and I see it impossible for them to have a good ending.

I would like to tell you a lot of things, but I think it would be artificial at the moment.

...Oh, I have read the entire SB, without meanings, and it has been a very different experience, I imagine that especially for those who are familiar with the teachings of SP, if not it is perhaps a bit disorienting.

I wonder if the timelessness of this SB recitation is Sukadeva Goswami's sting. I don't think Suta Goswami would have recited it so out of chronological time but for Sukadeva Goswami.

I think it helps to understand that this universe is outside the laws of time ... for advanced, of course.

My humble obeisances, Gurudeva.

I remember a lot about you and me at the Vrndavan Parikrama. One of the best things that has happened to me in life, without a doubt.

At your feet, and greetings.

Hare Krsna.

HpS - Thank you.

???? https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/1/9/28/

Some information about Desert Christians in antiguity, no? Have to dig through some of the infomation to find the valuable. Have any other sites? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copts

"KDPC" Prabhupada, ISKCON Mexico, Vyasapuja Offering de HpS

Querido Gurumaharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Hace poco hablaba con mi esposo sobre la grandeza de Srila Prabhupada, él vino a esta parte del mundo en el momento correcto, no antes cuando era más joven, no después, el Occidente necesitaba de aquel sabio de edad justa que demostraba tanta sabiduría y potencia en sus palabras, toda una vida de preparación para satisfacer a su Gurudeva; los malestares, mareos y ataques al corazón en el Jaladuta no fueron más que enseñanzas de como se sirve al maestro espiritual en medio de las dificultades... es un humilde razonamiento. Nos gustaría saber su apreciación por favor. 

Me siento muy agradecida con Usted Gurumaharaja, porque por su infinita misericordia puedo intentar ser parte del glorioso ISKCON de la gran personalidad Srila Prabhupada, aquel ISKCON que Srila Prabhupada visualizo un día, aquel ISKCON que nunca fue pequeño para Su Divina Gracia.

Muchas gracias por sus esfuerzos de cada día por mantenernos en la práctica espiritual, soy sentimental y a veces me preocupa mucha actividad de Su parte para nosotros, sin embargo sé que Usted irá equilibrando lo necesario, tal como él médico dosifica la medicina al paciente, Usted es el maestro y por acá su tonta discipula sentimental.


Realmente mi intención en esta carta es implorarle por favor si nos puede compartir su ofrenda de Vyasa-Puja 2020 de Srila Prabhupada. 

Seríamos muy bendecidos! 

Gurumaharaja, por otro lado, el Templo de Ciudad de México ya está abierto al público en general bajo un protocolo de sanidad del gobierno, hay un cupo límite de asistentes, uso obligatorio de cubreboca, gel, distanciamiento etc. 

Hemos celebrado Jhulan yatra, estuve a cargo estos 5 días de atender a Radha Krsna chotas y sus variados arreglos para tal pasatiempo, gran misericordia una vez más este servicio, ahora en medio de la pandemia a sido una gran bendición.

Ayer en el festival de Sri Balarama varias patrullas circulando y supervisores acercándose al Templo, es muy cierto que los devotos son como gatos : ) difíciles de organizarlos a cada quien en un lugar. Nos informaran cómo serán los próximos festivales.

Hubo propuestas de que se celebre los festivales con austeridad pero también pujaris que desean que no se deje de ofrecer lo máximo posible a las Deidades haciendo el mejor esfuerzo, en este festival una vez más Su Señoría Mandan Gopal ha demostrado que El es quien provee a través de sus sirvientes con variedad de flores, más de 108 ofrendas de bhoga, abhiseka, un gran pastel y buen varuni. 

Sacinandana y Arya Srestha prabhus están apoyando mucho en el templo.

Prabhu Tejasvit ahora es el nuevo encargado del Templo ( aclaró que no es el presidente) 

Que Sri Nrsimhadeva nos proteja en estos intentos por servirle. 

Muchas gracias por su generosa atención .

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd. 


Dear Gurumaharaja.

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Recently I was talking with my husband about the greatness of Srila Prabhupada, he came to this part of the world at the right time, not before when he was younger, not after, the West needed that wise man of just age who demonstrated so much wisdom and power in his words, a lifetime of preparation to satisfy his Gurudeva; the discomforts, dizziness and heart attacks in the Jaladuta were nothing more than teachings on how to serve the spiritual master in the midst of difficulties ... it is a humble reasoning. We would like to know your appreciation please.

HpS - We read Lilamrta from vedabase.io almost every day and we cry at how much mercy, effort, blood, srila prabhupada gave to make this movement grow. then it could reach many people including you and me.

I feel very grateful to You Gurumaharaja, because by your infinite mercy I can try to be part of the glorious ISKCON of the great personality Srila Prabhupada, that ISKCON that Srila Prabhupada visualized one day, that ISKCON that was never small for His Divine Grace.

HpS - We feel that Srila Prabhupada is 99.9999% pulling us. We try too little to help.

Thank you very much for your efforts every day to keep us in spiritual practice, I am sentimental and sometimes I worry about a lot of activity on Your part for us, however I know that You will balance what is necessary, just as the doctor doses the medicine to the patient. he is the teacher and here his silly sentimental disciple.


Really my intention in this letter is to implore you please if you can share with us your offering of Vyasa-Puja 2020 from Srila Prabhupada.

We would be very blessed!

Gurumaharaja, on the other hand, the Mexico City Temple is already open to the general public under a government health protocol, there is a limited number of attendees, mandatory use of mask, gel, distancing, etc.

We have celebrated Jhulan yatra, I was in charge these 5 days of attending to Radha Krsna chotas and his various arrangements for such a pastime, great mercy once again this service, now in the midst of the pandemic it has been a great blessing.

Yesterday at the Sri Balarama festival several patrols circulating and supervisors approaching the Temple, it is very true that the devotees are like cats:) difficult to organize each one in one place. They will inform us about the upcoming festivals.

There were proposals to celebrate the festivals with austerity but also pujaris who wish that they do not stop offering as much as possible to the Deities by making the best effort, in this festival once again His Honor Mandan Gopal has shown that He is the one who provides through his servants with a variety of flowers, more than 108 offerings of bhoga, abhiseka, a great cake and good varuni.

Sacinandana and Arya Srestha prabhus are supporting a lot in the temple.

Prabhu Tejasvit is now the new head of the Temple (clarified that he is not the president)

May Sri Nrsimhadeva protect us in these attempts to serve Him.

Thank you very much for your generous attention.

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd.

HpS - ASA -- Thank you so, so, so much for the ISKCON Mexico news!!!!

Vyasapuja Offering

We offer our humble obeisances to His Divine Grace Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, author of the book, KRSNA: The Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Founder Acharya of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness.

Srila Prabhupada, we suspect that our attempts to illuminate your glories on your Vyasapuja day are like a candle trying to illuminate the sun. The flame just becomes invisible. On the other hand if we are allowed to consider the task like a fire-fly trying to illuminate some of the features of your lotus feet then we might be able to make a small contribution to today's activities.

When your divine grace was in Berkeley. California in 1975 we heard from your lips that anyone who chants the Pancha-tattva Maha-mantra and follows it with the Hare Krsna Maha-mantra has achieved the perfection of life, but if they wanted to preach they should probably read your books.

Then, when asked by a reporter what would happen to your movement when your divine grace died, you answered firmly that you would never die, you would live forever in your books.

These two statements are our life an soul.

Thank you.

We try to always be chanting Maha-mantra internally and externally under the shelter of your divine grace's lotus feet and over and above that read and preach from your books.

Now we read Caitanya-caritamrta daily before Mangala-arati, and it is 90% a novel experience for us. We understand it with so much more depth than before. We see that your divine grace's book is deep beyond our abilities to plumb.

Then after Mangala-arati we read and discuss a little with the devotees in Spanish. Before we were doing Nectar of Devotion, but now we are read a verse a day from the Light of the Bhagavata. We find the purports as direct truth, illumination, on such topics at Veganism, administration in ISKCON etc.

We keep a daily Srimad Bhagavatam class. Sometimes it is with an online group, sometimes local temples. We are integrating our study with the development of questions for the Bhakti-vaibhava diploma with your ISKCON Board of Examinations.

We cite your books from Vedabase.io and the concepts we have learned therein in our humble attempts to preach in the university, Jungian, world classical literature and interfaith communities.

They are the guide for devotees advancing from adau sraddha, sadhu sanga... to prema.

Thank you Srila Prabhupada. We feel we have always been a heavy load that you have had to drag forward in our purification, but we are experiencing practical advancement.

We hope that we can be a little, pleasing, grain of sand under your lotus feet, in the sandy path that is your ISKCON, helping your Sankirtan expand and expand and expand.

Thank you.

Your very fallen servant, Hanumatpresaka Swami

11 March 2020.

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

4 years, 5 months ago by zareth bhaktin in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva 

Por favor acepte mis reverencias 

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada 

Por la misericordia del santo nombre me he sentido apegada a cantar temprano mis rondas y ha conectarme con usted algunos días para hacer mangalarrik, todo esto hace que mis días sean más activos y felices, y de los sucesos tristes logre sobrepasarlos de la mejor manera.

He estado leyendo el segundo libro de Srimati Radharani ahora que lo traducieron al español. Tiene tantos pasatiempos de Satyabhama y Rukmini con Krishna que siempre quise conocer, no cabe duda que las cualidades de Srimati Radharani son ilimitadas, me sentido muy atraída y refugiada a ella últimamente. He extrañado mucho el santo dham, pero sobre todo el templo de Rādhā- Damodāra y Sri Radha-Kunda. Tengo muchas ganas de volver algún día, aunque me siento ya sumamente afortunada de haber podido estar aunque sea una sola vez, esos momentos viven en mi corazón.

Por ahora me encuentro escribiendo mi tesis de la universidad, respecto a temas como la migración y el arte. Y también haciendo cubreboca para vender. estoy por terminar un diplomado de educación en la Universidad de Anahuac, que me ayudo mucho a reforzar estrategias para dar clases de Arte. En el módulo sobre desarrollo humano, vimos una película llamada El estudiante, está en YouTube, https://youtu.be/KD5HXtRxf8M la he estado recomendando mucho Gurudeva ya que habla sobre las etapas de la vida humana, la adolescencia y el ser adulto, las pruebas y dificultades de la vida. Ocupando como base las enseñanzas de El Quijote de La Mancha, me hizo recordarlo mucho a usted y su prédica. En mi ensayo final concluí que, un adulto tiene la capacidad de resolver problemas y situaciones difíciles, pero que para la prueba más grande que es la muerte, las personas siguen sin tener la preparación adecuada y que solo la conciencia de Krishna puede brindar para lograr un desarrollo completo de la humanidad.

Le manda muchos saludos mi mamá, aún agradecida por haberme dado su refugio. 

Siempre mi mayor prueba será vencer al sueño, al capricho de dormir, vencer el embrujo. Y a qué mi memoria me falla para recordar versos, y leer más. Desearía hacer mejor las cosas y ser más experta. Pero no logro perfeccionar algún servicio aún.  Agradezco que por medio de la tecnología sea posible estar cerca de su persona tan ejemplar en las mañanas. 

Gracias por ser tan comprensivo, piadoso y paciente conmigo. Sin su refugio sería muy difícil Gurudeva. Oro porque su salud siempre se encuentre bien 🙏

jaya Nrisimha deva

Atte Satyabhāmā dd de México 🐒


Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

By the mercy of the holy name, I have felt attached to singing my rounds early and connecting with you for a few days to do mangalarrik, all this makes my days more active and happy, and I manage to overcome sad events in the best way.

I have been reading Srimati Radharani's second book now that it has been translated into Spanish. She has so many Satyabhama and Rukmini pastimes with Krishna that I always wanted to know, there is no doubt that the qualities of Srimati Radharani are limitless, I have been feeling very attracted and sheltered to her lately. I have missed the holy dham very much, but especially the temple of Rādhā-Damodāra and Sri Radha-Kunda. I really want to go back one day, although I already feel extremely lucky to have been able to be even once, those moments live in my heart.

For now I am writing my university thesis, regarding issues such as migration and art. And also making a mask to sell. I am about to finish a diploma in education at the University of Anahuac, which helped me a lot to reinforce strategies to teach art. In the module on human development, we saw a movie called The student, it is on YouTube, https://youtu.be/KD5HXtRxf8M I have been recommending it a lot Gurudeva since it talks about the stages of human life, adolescence and being an adult , the trials and difficulties of life. Based on the teachings of Don Quixote de La Mancha, it made me remember you and your preaching a lot. In my final essay I concluded that an adult has the ability to solve difficult problems and situations, but that for the greatest test which is death, people still do not have the proper preparation and that only Krishna consciousness can provide to achieve a complete development of humanity.

My mother sends her many greetings, still grateful for having given me her refuge.

My greatest test will always be to overcome sleep, the whim of sleeping, to overcome the spell. And why my memory fails me to remember verses, and read more. I wish I could do better and be more expert. But I can't perfect any services yet. I am grateful that through technology it is possible to be close to his exemplary person in the morning.

Thank you for being so understanding, compassionate and patient with me. Without his shelter, Gurudeva would be very difficult. I pray that his health is always good 🙏

jaya Nrisimha deva

Atte Satyabhāmā dd from Mexico 🐒

HpS - Thank you for sending fotos (!) but use the Protocol for Letters described in the Kapi Dhvaja or our Sub-human Mail Clerks will send your letter to Timbuktu.

Chant all the time!!!!!

Tomorrow's Ecuador Bhakti sastri class

4 years, 5 months ago by jambavan in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeissances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I think you asked your disciples should write you letters very frequently. So, I am understanding that I've been failing so much on this. I am ashamed!

HpS - Once a year at least in the Disciple Report, but other than that it is nice every few weeks or as things progress.

How are you? How is your health? I heard you in some online class, and I thought you were in good health.

HpS - Go to jayarama.us/news.html

I'm very happy to contact you again!

HpS - I am happy but to here that you are happy makes me VERY happy also.

Tomorrow you are giving lecture for Bhakti-sastri students from Ecuador, I am one of them, so tomorrow we'll meet you there!

HpS - Did you join the class?

About sadhana still I am having difficulties with my rounds, I did what you said, (to write down as a debt the rounds not finished every day) and worked well, but then again I forgot to write them down... I have to start again with this.

HpS - Yes, otherwise you will become Indra in your next lifetime.

I am a little committed to my work, this is giving difficulty, but at least the good point is that I am understanding that it's not that I don´t have time, but I don't have proper organization and productivity (for Krishna).

Still we are organizing the sunday feast for Medellin devotees (we were doing it until the "plandemic" started). We rented a place in the center of the city. That was a small success, and more devotees were coming. Like 10-12 devotees and guests every sunday.

When the virus crisis started, then we started to give every day class in the evening by internet for Medellín members. Still today we are doing it, every day. And that is being a super good experience, devotees and guests are learning very fast, and taking very seriously the sadhana and the practices. I think that was a huge discovering for congregational preaching.

HpS - And you can mail Prasada to each other?

The fact that they are participating every day becomes a strong connection with other members of the congregation and gives them strength and enthusiasm to practice the sadhana.

Also we have one special guest one day every week, until now we had the visit of HH Bhakti Sundar Maharaja, HH Bhakti Prabhupada Vrata Damodar Maharaja, and HH Yadunandana Maharaja. Please also we would like to invite you, of course, to share with us one meeting. Maybe you can contact me by Whatsapp +573046044200 to speak details on this.

Maharaja I feel like my preaching is some kind of independent from your desire, your personal service. Should I do something different? Should I change something?

Your humble servant

Jambavan das

HpS - Please read the Kapi Dhvaja at the above link! That will give you all the answers and connections for your next step with ASA!!

Thank you.