KDPC - Deliver Ring to Sita

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

HpS-ASA -- AgtSP!!! Pamho... -[;o]/\___

I came across the attached painting yesterday and immediately thought of you. I think you might like it. It has the entire leela of Hanuman delivering the ring to Sita. It was painted by a famous artist from Chennai called Keshav. You might know him.

HpS - No..... my loss.

I have uploaded the DTCs in google drive that others can download from here - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11EPWsm3vFp9WmKMOsw7EXLhexnazc3Dt?usp=sharing

HpS - The paramhamas can extract milk from water! It is a media experiment for us. How to preach? How to do Sankirtan? Srila Prabhupada was experimenting with new forms always.

I was not sure about distributing it to others. You can delete the link if you feel so. They are incredible.

We are chanting our rounds and following the principles.

HpS - Thousands of homeless dogs sleeping in the street thank you. When we are "chanting our rounds and following the principles" the whole world benefits. Chant with your lips, brain, heart!!!

In our daily reading we are reading SB 4.7. Divya and I really like reading together and it has become an activity we like doing together. In Saturday SB classes when we read the 9th canto, there were many chapters about family lineage. I was not very interested in knowing the names. But when we went through the same in SB 4.1, it was as if I knew those people. I was eager to know Devahuti's family after reading so much about her in the third canto.

ASA - Yes! It is a fact, no? Each time we go through it, it becomes more know to us. That will happen eternally, no??

By your mercy, we are getting a little taste for reading Srimad Bhagavatam. We are enjoying reading Srila Prabhupada's purports and are able to understand a bit too.

We will be completing NoI in the Bhakti Sastri program in the next 2 weeks. I am learning so much running this program both in terms of knowledge of scriptures and also dealing with devotees. We started with 20 students and 2 students dropped out, which I think is no so bad. It is taking a lot of my time and energy, but I like doing it.

ASA - 10% drop out is great.... the result is eternal, 'nehabikramo naso sti...'

I have been listening a lot recently and I can genuinely feel that my perspective of Bhakti has widened. I had a very narrow view of how things should be done, probably due to my upbringing. But now I think I am understanding things from a deeper perspective. This podcast between Caitanya Caran prabhu and Hari Parsada prabhu titled Intellectual diversity in scriptural understanding was especially enlivening - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9AvIEF7JlU.

The temple is still closed. Nanda Braja prabhu and family are here. Janmashtami and Vyasapuja are going to be online. But luckily, my service in the temple is on Wednesdays and Vyasapuja falls on Wednesday this year. I'll get to do Prabhupada's guru puja arti if no one pulls rank on me :)

The process seems to be working although there are so many more things I need to work on. It is only by your mercy that I am able to perceive it. Thank you so much Guru Maharaja for everything you do for us.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

HpS - Thank you!!! We prepare to the Friday presentation through Youtube for Nashville yatra. If you just go on like this Srila Prabhupada says we will become preachers on the level of Narada Muni. .

- “KDPC” - Spanish poetry and a little bit more

Hare Krishna dear Maharaja !

Please accept my respecful obeisances...

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I just hope you are in good health or the best as is possible.

ASA - Do cockroaches have good health? Does Lord Brahma have cholera? ? . ?

I'm writing to you regarding one of your answers, 5 weeks ago approx., when I sent an attempt from a Bhaktivinoda poetry's translation:


You said: "Save copy of the poem. Maybe work on the translation more. You can also write another poem in Spanish based upon the ideas."

So, I wrote a new one with a new lyrics, more personal, but trying to keep the original spirit of what I felt Bhaktivinoda wanted to transmit, and keeping the same verse structure as Bhaktivinoda's original. It goes in spanish at the end of this message. Please, accept it as an humble offering in this special Balarama Purnima day (in fact, night: full moon is hanging on the sky right now).

ASA - Moon, moon in the Sky, Do you see witches flying by?

I want to take this opportunity and let you know that I'm so happy working for Solaris again, this is very very important for me in every sense. So, thank you so much for give this opportunity to me and letting me try serving you using my skills... you are so merciful... The dynamic duo is again in the house and little monkey is back! 

Thank you so much for everything,

all glories to Srila Prabhupada !

Hare Krishna!

Your aspiring servant,


HpS - ASA --- We have been run over by a herd of rhinocerous today. Maybe 1000 with pearls in their ear ring stampeded this way.

Seven people called on the tele phone. 42-were in class today, the Hawaii, ballet...

Now we will continue with our search for Sita. We are sending out drones all over the universe.

We hope your song travels just as far. We have a lot of ground to cover. Journalism is the devotees best service. !!!! Hari Bolo!!!! Hari Bolo!!

Bh V Tha wrote pages of song BOOKS, what to speak of songs!!!! So much to translate??

​Canto al Alma del Saragrahi Vaishnava (Oda a Bhaktivinoda Thakur)

1. ¡Qué pobres aquellos 

Que pierden sus días

En alborozo sin sentido y alegría festiva!

Consciencias ocupadas para siempre

Por formas venenosas de líquidos alcohólicos.

2. Estallidos de cristales sobre la calle 

Que brillan y hechizan el mirar

De quienes se sienten atraídos

Hacia el abrazo de licor perdido 

Y entregan el corazón;

Esclavos del vino que nunca ves superar

Lo que ha sido llamado desgracia y deshonor.

3. ¿Acaso estaría el hombre destinado a ser

Un bruto en su actuar y sentir?

¿Será esa la suerte del que finalmente creyó 

Ser el dueño de todo lo que le rodea?

¿Apartarse de la intuición y del sentido común?

4. La gloria del hombre tiene significado 

Cuando relata con gracia cómo alcanzar lo Divino,

El hombre está hecho para vivir y amar

Aquel hermoso abrazo que afirma desde el Cielo.

5. Vehículo de carne nuestra desgracia

Cárcel mortal que encadena

El alma, 

Por muy antiguos errores ha sido confinada

Y dentro de un cuerpo 

Debe intentar elevarse de nuevo.

6. ¿De qué sirve este juego infantil?

Nunca ganamos, nunca disfrutamos,

Realmente nunca lo alcanzamos...

Y decae dentro de cien años

Una rosa marchita que se lleva el viento.

7. Ni tan solo un rosado matiz queda

De esta y la otra vida 

Ir y venir, antes y después, 

Dentro y fuera del tiempo, para nada;

Alma solitariamente independiente se le ve pasar

Con el bien y el mal sobre la mente.

8. ¡Eco profundo se escucha rugir

La voz inmemorial del pensamiento! 

¡Qué feroz se ve su aspecto!

Envueltos en asombro divino 

Nosotros leemos los Libros Sagrados de la Naturaleza.

9. Para el hombre su vida es un problema oscuro

Cortinas y humo de izquierda a derecha

Y no se encuentra aquel alma

Que venga a decirnos 

Lo que existe más allá de nuestra vista.

10. Y entonces una voz, reconocida y tan profunda, 

Sentimiento que aparece intenso dentro de nuestro interior;

¡Ser Humano! ¡Eres un alma eterna!

La muerte nunca te podrá disolver.

11. Para ti, el Ser Supremo en lo alto 

Eternamente mantiene

Una reserva de felicidad, allá arriba,

Sin tiempo ni final; 

Tú eres el que anhela Su más puro amor.

12. ¡Oh mi amor eres Tú! 

Poder benigno que hechiza

Ahora derrito mi alma ante Dios

¿Cómo poder describir con palabras de la tierra

Aquel suave y expansivo sentimiento?

12. Disfrute, tristeza, 

¿Qué más de lo que hereda la carne?

El alma que duerme 

Finalmente concluye que puede participar.

13. Y entonces, mis amigos, para qué tal disfrutar

De qué lamentarse por todos los demás;

Las mujeres, el vino y la carne de las bestias,

No encontrarás ahí jamás el amor que anhelas.

14. Tu naturaleza es amar a tus hermanos

Y devolver tu corazón a Dios

Solo Él sabe que tu esfuerzo ha sido sincero;

Testigo cierto y claro.

15. Olvida el pasado que duerme

Y deja de soñar con el futuro

Actúa siempre en el tiempo donde estás

Y el avance llamarás.

16. No digas esas frías ideas sin razonamiento 

Que el alma se crea espontánea 

Y que será destruida;

Las inertes reglas mecánicas de la Naturaleza Material.

17. Solo el Ser Supremo entiende

Por qué nos dio la vida y todo

El alma puede extinguir

O conectarla con los placeres elevados

Su promesa eterna cumplir.

18. Así que tú, Alma, 

Empuja tus pasos hacia adelante

Lucha contra todo acto malvado 

Odio y Lujuria son sus soldados 

¡Haz de ser un héroe de verdad!

19. Mantén tu posición original 

En el mundo espiritual

Tan firmemente como puedas 

Nunca dejes que la ilusión te derrote

¡Aguanta alma héroe!

20. Alma del Śaragrāhi Vaiṣṇava

Tú eres el ángel más hermoso

Tú que guías,

Guíame a Vrindavan

Y dime el poder de Su espíritu.

21. Allí mi alma descansa 

Una vez libre de la materia 

Sobre los brazos infinitos de mi amante

Paz eterna y amor trascendental

Son la magia de mi canto.


KDPC - "A True Warrior on the Front Lines" won first place

4 years, 5 months ago by sugopiradha in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Life and the struggle with Maya go on. I beg for your blessings for some determination so I may follow your instructions and move forward on this path back to godhead.

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna! Hare Rama! We are attached to some bad habit and then we replace it with a less bad habit and suffer the pain of letting go. Then we do it again, and again, and again, and then one day..... we have no more bad habits!!

The movie "A True Warrior on the Front Lines" won first place in the ISKCON News Kindness Pandemic contest. I received a $150 Amazon gift card as a prize. I would like to offer the gift card for Lord Narasimhadeva's service. Is it okay if I forward the claim code to your email Guru Maharaja?


Your insignificant servant,

Sugopi Radha Devi Dasi

HpS - Can you spend it for Lord Nrsmha Deva? I know that is more austerity, but it would be very nice. Tell us how you invested it?!!!!! Very nice.

We can take the stories in SB and then put them into modern context.

[KDPC] Sadhana & preguntas

4 years, 5 months ago by nicole_silva in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaja, please accept my sincere obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

I hope that you already feel better about indigestion and your health in general. I keep praying to Krsna and Nrsimhadeva for yout well-being.

Maharaja, your response to my previous letter was wonderful. Thank you very much for all your encouraging and enlightening words. They helped me understand many things.

My sadhana has been fine. There are times when I feel like my rounds are not adequate. I must pay more attention to them. Sometimes I find it difficult to focus on the names of Krsna. I found a way to pay more attention to my japa (sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't). Still, "the mind is restless, turbulent, stubborn, and very strong ... and to subdue it is more difficult than controlling the wind." Every moment trying to improve.

Since January of this year, Tulasi Maharani came to my home, and I have tried to serve her in the best possible way. But now, there is a fungus that is attacking her, and I am doing my best to provide her the best care. I find it hard not to feel attached to her, and it hurts me a lot to see her suffering. Still, I continue to do arati and occupy their leaves to offer to Krsna. I hope that with time it improves her condition.

Japa singing in a group on Mondays goes very well. Every week more people come in, and we connect with the maha mantra for an hour. Being able to be a channel to deliver Srila Prabhupada's teachings (trying) to others is beautiful. I am very grateful to be engaged in that way in service.

I wanted to tell you that I am in Bhagavad-Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Krsna Book and Nectar of devotion book clubs. I really like reading, and now, thanks to "Karuna Virus", I have been able to take the time to study. I hope to have a better understanding of the science of Bhakti in order to serve the devotees, you, Srila Prabhupada and Krsna in the best way. Based on this, can I present my concerns and doubts that appear from reading in future letters?

HpS - Yes... You can see how many letters we have and then just adjust your questions in terms of that. Also, you will see that many of your questions will probably be answered in other letters.

All this world "calamity" has suited me very well. The most important thing was to be able to connect to FMP every morning and have your association and the devotees. I thank you immensely for your mercy, Maharaja.

I hope I can serve you in a better way every day.

May you have a very good day, afternoon and night, and may Radha and Krsna protect you infinitely.

Eternally grateful to you


Nicole Silva, aspiring servant.

(Ps: ¡Happy Balarama Purnima! Sorry about my english. I used google translate and my little knowledge. I hope it was understandable 🙌)

HpS - It is very nice. You just have to write in such a way that you think the robot will understand. You seem to have done that perfectly!

KDPC / Sadhana Piyari Mohan das _ 1-08-20

4 years, 5 months ago by bhaktapiero in Personal Sadhana Reports

Google translator

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


As you asked me, now I am writing you my sadhana report.

Gurudeva, 2 days ago I put into practice something that I had never done in the temple under normal conditions. I was advised to have 9 hours of rest, knowing that the hours that rest before 00:00 are worth two.

I fell asleep at 8:30 p.m. and woke up at 2:00 a.m. This has been amazing, I have been able to sing 14 rounds before mangala arati and everything has changed, my perception of things is clearer and safer, I have been able to put myself in the mode of goodness, but as the hours pass, I begin to identify myself more with the body, the mind and the situations.

Before doing this, I was waking up at 3.00 or 3.15. I recently integrated reading a little before I started singing, and it's very good, no more than 15 minutes. This schedule has allowed me to sing between 1 and 6 rounds, depending on the situations in the morning.

On the other hand, the standard that I always had was to get up at 4.00 and when the mode of ignorance is too much, sometimes I got up a few minutes later. The problem with this modality is that I was late to mangala arati.

As for the rounds, I hardly complete them before 10, only on special occasions is that I have sung rounds before lunch, and very rarely in the afternoon, after lunch.

With the new sadhana I can finish my rounds calmly before 5.30, I beg you and Krishna to allow me to keep this sadhana, it is a great experience!

HpS - ASA - Jaya!!! Hare Krsna!!!

Lately I have been able to eat what is necessary and necessary, I lost weight, since all the stress and anxiety made me "take refuge in the prasadam", I ate a lot, and my stomach showed it. Now I'm fine, I hope I don't get malnourished hahaha, as necessary and fair, I have a taper that helps me regulate the amount I consume.

In the past I have been able to regulate my appetite, but as time goes by again comes a wave in which I eat too much. Instability.

As for reading, I spent many weeks studying little, generally 30 minutes, and there were days when 15 minutes. I always read the Bhagavad gita daily. I must confess that there was a day when I didn't read anything. That was months ago. Bad experience.

I am currently reading Srimad Bhagavatam for 1 hour ideally and in parcels, at different times I am reading other books, 5 to 15 minutes each: Nectar of devotion, Bhagavad gita and Upadesamrita. Besides I also read a book by SS Praladhananda Swami, about health and the book Vaisnava Compassion by Satsvarupa Swami, the latter was recommended to me to do a good administrative job.

At night I read the Krishna Book in English for a few minutes, and sometimes I also read the science of self-realization in English but at other times to learn a little more about the language.

I try to learn new words in English, it costs me, as well as learning verses in Sanskrit. I am also beginning to learn the songs of the temple with their meanings, it is a sacrifice, my mind is very vague, it retains for short times, but I apply memorization techniques to achieve it. Music helps me remember.

I practice a little pranayama, yoga and self-massage, to regulate my nervous system, I also have a diary where I write down my experiences and I also draw on the same sheet, then I share the drawing on instagram. I write poetry when I can tweeter. At night I play some music in a scattered way.

I have finished the administration course that I was doing online, now I want take a communication course and also Bhakti Sastri if it is possible.

I continue with my service of the magazine and helping in the area of ​​the communication department. In the temple I help with various cleaning and cooking. Soon the deities will come to the temple, then I will cook them directly.

PS: Misra Bhagavan das returned to the US on July 11, currently in the temple is Bh Eloy, P Vasudeva, P Govinda Damodara, P Sebastián, M Daniela and M Phyllis. In our commune of Santiago the quarantine still continues.

My obeisances

Your Clown Servant

Piyari Mohan das.

HpS - Wow! Such a long letter, but very nice!!! You need a superman suit! Our respects to the other devotees. Interesting that the Misra-bhagavan Das was able to fly back to USA. He is such a unique person. He doesn't give up. Inspite of so many challenges from his senses and mind, he distributes books!!!!!

YOur Sadhana seems great.... just go on. Always remember that you are a person and Krsna is a person. He is always changing!!!



Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada


Como usted me pidió, ahora le escribo mi reporte de sadhana. 

Gurudeva, Hace 2 días que puse en práctica algo que nunca había hecho en el templo en condiciones normales. Se me aconsejó tener 9 horas de descanso, sabiendo que las horas que se descansan antes de las 00:00 valen por dos. 

Me he dormido a las 20.30 y despertado a las 2.00. Esto ha sido asombroso, he podido cantar 14 rondas antes de mangala arati y todo ha cambiado, mi percepción de las cosas es más clara y segura, me he podido situar en la modalidad de la bondad, pero al pasar las horas, comienzo a identificarme más con el cuerpo, la mente y las situaciones. 

Antes de hacer esto, me estaba despertando a las 3.00 o 3.15. He integrado hace poco el leer un poco antes de comenzar a cantar, y es muy bueno, no mas de 15 minutos. Este horario me a permitido cantar entre 1 y 6 rondas, dependiendo de las situaciones en la mañana. 

Por otro lado, el estándar que siempre tuve ha sido levantarme a las 4.00 y cuando la modalidad de la ignorancia es demasiado, aveces me he levantado unos minutos después. El problema de esta modalidad es que llegaba tarde a mangala arati. 

En cuanto a las rondas difícilmente no las cumplo antes de las 10, solo en ocasiones especiales es que he cantado rondas antes del almuerzo, y muy pocas veces en la tarde, después de almuerzo. 

Con el nuevo sadhana puedo terminar mis rondas tranquilamente antes de las 5.30, ruego a usted y a Krishna que me permitan mantener este sadhana, ¡Es una experiencia genial!

Últimamente he podido comer lo justo y necesario, bajé de peso, ya que todo el estrés y ansiedad me hicieron “refugiarme en el prasadam”, comí muchísimo, y mi estómago lo demostraba. Ahora ya estoy bien, espero no desnutrirme jajaja, como lo justo y necesario, tengo un taper que me ayuda a regular la cantidad que consumo. 

En el pasado he podido regular mi apetito, pero al pasar el tiempo nuevamente viene una oleada en que como en demasía. Inestabilidad. 

En cuanto a la lectura estuve muchas semanas estudiando poco, generalmente 30 minutos, y hubieron días en que 15 minutos. A diario siempre leo el Bhagavad gita. Debo confesar que hubo un día en que no leí nada. Eso ya fue hace meses. Mala experiencia. 

Actualmente estoy leyendo 1 hora el Srimad Bhagavatam idealmente y parceladamente, en diferentes horarios estoy leyendo otros libros, de 5 a 15 minutos cada uno: Nectar de la devoción, Bhagavad gita y Upadesamrita. A parte también leo un libro de SS Praladhananda Swami, sobre salud y el libro Compasión Vaisnava de Satsvarupa Swami, esté último se me recomendó para hacer un buen trabajo administrativo. 

Por las noches leo el Krishna Book en inglés unos minutos, y a veces también leo la ciencia de la autorrealización en inglés pero en otro horario para ir aprendiendo un poco más del idioma. 

Intento aprender nuevas palabras en ingles, me cuesta, como también aprender versos en sánscrito. También estoy comenzando a aprenderme las canciones del templo con sus significados, es un sacrificio, mi mente es muy vata, retiene por cortos tiempos, pero aplico técnicas de memorización para lograrlo. La música me ayuda a recordar.

Practico un poco de pranayama, yoga y automasaje, para regular mi sistema nervioso, además tengo un diario donde voy anotando mis experiencias y también dibujo en la misma hoja, luego el dibujo lo comparto por instagram. Escribo poesía cuando puedo en tweeter. En la noche toco un poco de música a manera de dispersión. 

Ya terminé el curso de administración que estaba haciendo de manera online, ahora quiero a tomar uno de comunicación y también Bhakti Sastri.

Sigo con mi servicio de la revista y ayudando en el área del departamento de comunicación. En el templo ayudo con limpieza varias y cocinar. Pronto vendrán las deidades al templo, luego les cocinaré directamente a ellas. 

PD: Misra Bhagavan das retoró a EE.UU el 11 de Julio, actualmente en el templo está Bh Eloy, P Vasudeva, P Govinda Damodara, P Sebastián, M Daniela y M Phyllis. En nuestra comuna de Santiago todavía sigue la cuarentena.

Mis reverencias

Su Sirviente payaso

Piyari Mohan das. 


KDPC Madana Gopal

4 years, 5 months ago by Madhavendra Puri das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva, hope you are really fine, pamho agtSP!! 

Last time I wrote, more than one month ago you asked me, HpS - How is your garden??????? Getting to know your neighbors more???

Relationship with neighbors is very little, just with one neighbor, having more exchanges, he take prasadam some times, we go to fly little kites with his sons and Lalita Gopi, nice guy, having more interchange with parents from the waldorf kindergarden where we are part, I already give some LOB in there, some interesting people, here all educational activities, and some more are completley stoped because of the quarantine or social distancing...They have nice community spirit in this waldorf enviorment, now participating in a online vegetarian food fair in the school, so giving out some prasadam there, its good at this strange period when the adaptation is a must. Still could not work in what I do, in face to face mood with courses, workshops, meditations, etc, trying to adapt to social media. Last week i give a lesson in the online iskcon disciples course, it was nice, despite i m not a very institutional guy, apreciatin more and more ISKCON and the great greatness of our Srila Prabhupada.

This world is increasingly unlivable, realizing this, allways really, but now a little bit more, that all my depresivness, loneliness, etc, is the forgetfullness of Krishna, to put him in the real center of my life. In this way life goes in the waves of conciousness, some times happy, sometimes sad, while being in illusion.

Thank you so much Gurudeva for all your efforts assisting us via online, with many lectures, FMP, it is very helpfull and nutritius for all.

ohh, the garden is developing fine, now the cold winter is very harsh for the plants, spring climate coming very soon, we were doing an orchard, getting some vegetables from there, fighting with the foxes and cats not to defecate there hah, also we put some flower plants, and fruit trees, slowly growing :)

ys, Madhavendra P.D

HpS - Thank you. AGTSP!!! We are surprised the foxs don't try to eat the cats??!! Biggest control of Maya is fear of death, no? Disease is a little death. Old age is a lot of diseases. Death is the sum-total of all possible bad experiences.

Yet, we cannot die. That is the problem in some ways. We cannot escape our responsibilities. O.K. Take responsibility for our actions. Ask Krsna to please help us to correct the mistakes we have made. If we have to change bodies.... today.... next week.... because of AIDs, Diptheria, Cholera, Coronary Infarcation...... Koruna virus, Robbers.... O.K. Always working on being devoteed ALL THE TIME!!!!

Thank you for your mercy.

Yare dekha... where ever we go just try to teach BG, SB, CC, NOD.....!