Barely Alive and Not So well in Radha Kalachandji Dhama, Texas

4 years, 5 months ago by mishrabhagavan in Personal Sadhana Reports

Gauranga! Hanumat Preshak Swami, Humbles and Glories.

Nandabraja Dasa, a nice disciple of yours from the Northwest Territories has moved into the Radha Kalachandji Dhama Texas community.

HpS - Yes! We got some news from him!!! He moved especially for the school for his wee little ones. 😎

He has one of the best houses on the block, right across the street from the mandir. It used to be owned by a Yavanah family who proclaimed that the Hare Krishna people will never get it. Eventually though they had to sell and a wealthy Vaisnava from India snapped it up.

ASA - Such is the changing face of war!

Entonces the entire quadron is all families of Hare Krishna devotees creating a vaisnava village within the Dallas city limits. With the carona pandemonium access to the temple room is very restricted, so the devotees do a lot of Arotiks at Tamal Krishna Goswami's Samadhi in Kalachandji Parque. (foto)

HpS - Super!!! They can put up "frontier signs": Virus free zone.

You are doing a good job as a guru. When people question ISKCON's parampara system I always say that the system is good, you just need the right people.

In Chile and every where else that I meet your disciples, it is a treat. They all have special concern for the Hare Krishna morning program.

HpS - Danger is not then building on that foundation with book distribution! Thank you for your example. War is not won by clean good looking soldiers who haven't got a scratch. War is won by soldiers that get get knocked down, broken tools, but stagger back to their feet and step back into the line, no? Thank Misra-bhagava Das.

Since I got back from Chile there's been challenges. Daily recitation of 16 rounds Hare Krishna maha mantra japa is a long slugfest with the mind. Then in the evening I have been shoving out on Sri Krishna sankirtan. All of that does not feel good until it is done.

Sankirtan is rewarding once we get out there. Over 40 people bought Srila Prabuupada's books from me and I gave each of them the Hare Krishna mantra card and say "diga" while pointing to each santo nombre. Some people chant really clear as if it were not the first time. Others did not have the pious credit to recite Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

"Karma la Justicia Infalible " is my best selling book. It opens with the oracion, "Este movimiento para la conciencia de Krishna tiene por objeto llevar a todos las entidades vivientes de regreso a su estado de conciencia original. "

We hope you will see a reason to visit us in Dallas again. I pray this meets you well. Mishra Bhagavan Dasa

HpS - We think this Karuna-virus maybe a central feature of life on the planet. It may be a milestone in the history of industrialization. We should start moving to rural communities, villages, and then we can control this stuff and go to the Big City once a year for Calicos and Farm Tools. Is correct! Lock down in infallible justice, no?

Diksa en Mejico

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports



Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja

Le envié un mail con el tema aspirantes de ISKCON México. Me recomendaron pedir las cartas de recomendación a prabhu Tejasvit, internamente hay varios inciertadumbres entorno a su cargo por ello la intención de mi carta es saber si realmente es la persona a quien debo dirigirme para que no suceda lo mismo que el año pasado. Muchas gracias por su gentil y misericordiosa atención. 

Vuestra servidora. Asta-sakhi Dev Dasi.


HpS - ASA -- Gracias para esta esfuerza. Tenemos que obtener la opinion de S. S. Guruprasada Swami, GBC, en esta persepective tambien?????? VAmos a buscar su carta en Yahoo!! Hay otro como Arista, Lalita G . . .JB . . . . quien podemos involucrar en estas esfuersas?

Dayanidhi Das Assaults Truck

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Asta sakhi Devi Dasi Whatsapps us:



Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja. 

Prabhu Dayanidhi ( San Diego) tuvo un accidente el sábado, quedó muy golpeado, tuvieron que drenar un hematoma de su pierna, gracias a Kṛṣṇa no tiene fracturas, ahora se encuentra más estable, esperamos que hoy Lunes o mañana salga del hospital, tendrá que tomar días de descanso en su servicio.  

Él es un devoto humilde y no quiere molestarlo a Usted informándole, es un pujari muy fijo por tantos años y nos inspira, por favor otorgue sus bendiciones a nuestro hermano espiritual 🙏 

Vuestra servidora


ASA - Hare Krsna!!!! Esperamos era una gran ayudha en su advanza espiritual!!!!!! We will text him!!! Todo el mundo canta un Maha-mantra fuerte para el ya!...... !

Pandemic in India

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my humble obeiscances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

On 23rd March, a public curfew was announced by Hon. Prime Minister of India, which was extended further as Lockdown and is still continuing today- on 16th May. Tomorrow, further notices are expected regarding it. Till now as many as 85,940 Corona cases have been registered officially while death toll stands at 2,752. No transportation is allowed with exception of some necessary items like – grocery, vegetables, milks etc. Almost all industries, commercial firms, trains, airplanes are closed. In order to facilitate the students and labours locked down in others state 15 special trains are running since 1st May. So, overall life is standstill for most of the people.

In temples, visitors are not allowed. However, devotees are utilizing this opportunity for outreach. Famous ex-Indian Cricket Team Captain Mr. Saurav Ganguly is supporting ISKCON Kolkata to feed 10,000 people prasadam every day.


Similarly, ISKCON Delhi has been supporting government by providing prasadam for lacks of people everyday. Delhi Chief Minister appreciated his work of ISKCON.

Devotees in general are utilizing this time for increasing their sadhana and also conducting online classes practically everyday and discussing Krishna-katha. Now, in this lockdown, no one is able to put excuses like- ‘I am busy’, and hence participation has increased. Also, regular devotees are becoming more fixed up in their individual sadhana, since there is no travelling. From devotees point of view, I feel this lockdown has helped many to become more serious in their individual sadhana. Also there are ample opportunity to undergo different e-cources being conducted by different temples and thus deepen their understanding of bhakti.

Devotees are taking this opportunity in positive spirit. Of course amongst most miserable are those who are addicted to intoxication and not getting anything in this tough situation. The crime has reduced to practically nil in India while ‘in-house’ quarrels are in rise than ever.

I have been in Haldia since last 2 months. It’s a small village near the oil-refinary factory of Haldia. These days have offered me wonderful opportunity to go deeper in my own sadhana. I am able to regularize my sadhana and increase it. Devotees here organized a yagya on Sri Nrisimha Chaturdashi for protection from Lord. It’s just unimaginable to be in such a situation. 

Your servant,

Purushottam Keshav Das

HpS - Jaya!!! Please send an update like this here!

Narotam Armijo, Chile

4 years, 5 months ago by narotam_armijo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja

le ofrezco mis humildes reverencias,

todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada,

le saludo de la comodidad de una casa en pandemia,

esperando que se encuentre libre de todo mal que pueda afligir su cuerpo,

HpS - TlgaSP. Gran honor oir de Vd!!! El cuerpo es mal!

le quería informar que estoy siguiendo los 4 principios y cantando 8 rondas diarias, aprovechando este informe me gustaría pedirle alguna instrucción para aumentar mi conciencia espiritual en estos días de cuarentena, sin mas que agregar y esperando que se encuentre bien me despido, Hari Bol.

HpS - Hare Krsna, Hare Rama. Basicamente canta Hare Krsna, mas y mas. Muy simple. Esta Vd. estudiando en la escuela secular???????

Decade Sadhana Report

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports


Dear Guru Mahajaraja, here Madhu from Chile.

I hope you are doing very well in these days of a Pandemic.

I will try to report my last 10 years:

I had to abruptly leave ISKCON about 10 years ago more or less.

After the JPS Stroke I was left without protection from GBC, RGB and TP attitude towards me, even came a point where I even received physical violence in the form of kicks from an very senior administrator.

Many spiritual leaders publicly cut me off from verbal and social association in a systematic way from Chile, even using Photoshop, invented that I drugged myself and bathed naked with many women.

We were with Panchali for very lonely and sad years, but it was an incredible training for what was to come.

Five years ago we officially started our activity in Krishna West together with HDG, who has given us a lot of confidence and inspiration.

Today we manage many KW programs in Sudamerica together with Panchali, KW Mexico, and KW Chile.

We call our KW program in Chile Bhakti yoga Club. In this project that we started completely alone, Panchali and I have already made 120 new bhaktas in the last year of which about 20 chant 16 rounds or more and many several people chant a few rounds daily.

To summarize here is a list of the programs we run and maintain:

  • 6 BV cells
  • morning japa 5 am every day
  • Bhagavatam 8 am every day
  • Bhagavad gita in the evenings 3 days a week
  • YouTube TV channel
  • International distribution magazine, "Ekadasi Times"
  • Home Schooling Education Program for children. "Without Blackboard"
  • Sadhana program for the afternoon 20 hrs. Monday through Thursday, this includes Kirtan, Japa, and reading.
  • Workshops every Saturday on a Vaisnava topic
  • Open talks for the society on spirituality issues every Sunday.
  • Bhakti Yoga Club for Universities
  • Member Care Mentoring Program
  • Abuse prevention department inside and outside the community
  • Active distribution of Prabhupada Books, this month alone we delivered 5 Bhagavatam collections and more than 40 BG within our community.
  • Leadership training once a week

We are also promoting our future sustainable ecological project outside of Santiago.

I am also developing together with Param Padam Prabhu and other Vaisnavas, a Magister in theology to introduce in the universities.

In a future letter I will report the activities we are doing at the South American level.

S.s Madhu

HpS - Wow! Srila Prabhupada, Ki Jai! It is very nice to hear from you. You letter came to our Yahoo account, which we can't answer too much. We only use it for private discussions after we deal with things generally here in the Blog.

Please write here using the protocal mentioned in the Kapi Dhvaja.

There are many "ISKCONs", no? One is the institution with Temple President, GBC structure. If that is not correct then write to me, us here! Then there is the ISKCON that is the community of friends, and also the ISKCON that is our personal relationship with Srila Prabhupada.

Krsna West as far as I know is a part of the ISKCON Institution in Latin America.

In Kali-yuga Institutions are always with problems, but Sankirtan partys can be great.

How can we serve you??