Barely Alive and Not So well in Radha Kalachandji Dhama, Texas
Gauranga! Hanumat Preshak Swami, Humbles and Glories.
Nandabraja Dasa, a nice disciple of yours from the Northwest Territories has moved into the Radha Kalachandji Dhama Texas community.
HpS - Yes! We got some news from him!!! He moved especially for the school for his wee little ones. 😎
He has one of the best houses on the block, right across the street from the mandir. It used to be owned by a Yavanah family who proclaimed that the Hare Krishna people will never get it. Eventually though they had to sell and a wealthy Vaisnava from India snapped it up.
ASA - Such is the changing face of war!
Entonces the entire quadron is all families of Hare Krishna devotees creating a vaisnava village within the Dallas city limits. With the carona pandemonium access to the temple room is very restricted, so the devotees do a lot of Arotiks at Tamal Krishna Goswami's Samadhi in Kalachandji Parque. (foto)
HpS - Super!!! They can put up "frontier signs": Virus free zone.
You are doing a good job as a guru. When people question ISKCON's parampara system I always say that the system is good, you just need the right people.
In Chile and every where else that I meet your disciples, it is a treat. They all have special concern for the Hare Krishna morning program.
HpS - Danger is not then building on that foundation with book distribution! Thank you for your example. War is not won by clean good looking soldiers who haven't got a scratch. War is won by soldiers that get get knocked down, broken tools, but stagger back to their feet and step back into the line, no? Thank Misra-bhagava Das.
Since I got back from Chile there's been challenges. Daily recitation of 16 rounds Hare Krishna maha mantra japa is a long slugfest with the mind. Then in the evening I have been shoving out on Sri Krishna sankirtan. All of that does not feel good until it is done.
Sankirtan is rewarding once we get out there. Over 40 people bought Srila Prabuupada's books from me and I gave each of them the Hare Krishna mantra card and say "diga" while pointing to each santo nombre. Some people chant really clear as if it were not the first time. Others did not have the pious credit to recite Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
"Karma la Justicia Infalible " is my best selling book. It opens with the oracion, "Este movimiento para la conciencia de Krishna tiene por objeto llevar a todos las entidades vivientes de regreso a su estado de conciencia original. "
We hope you will see a reason to visit us in Dallas again. I pray this meets you well. Mishra Bhagavan Dasa
HpS - We think this Karuna-virus maybe a central feature of life on the planet. It may be a milestone in the history of industrialization. We should start moving to rural communities, villages, and then we can control this stuff and go to the Big City once a year for Calicos and Farm Tools. Is correct! Lock down in infallible justice, no?