KDPC Cocina Hare Chrisna en Chile!

4 years, 5 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

Todas las gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Hare krishna Gurudev: Comienzo mi reporte contando que los seminarios sirven mucho para mi predica personal, con las chicas del jardín y otros.

los temas siempre son variados he interesantes,

como cantar una buena japa,

(lo importante de hacerlo temprano,

con una buena postura,

técnica de respiración para lograr la concentración, etc..) ,

[][] los seis síntomas de amor (intercambio de regalos, Prasada para tener buenas relaciones personales)

][][] y liderazgo, comunicación (tener las herramientas para solucionar problemas o gestionar en forma adecuada proyectos de predica) este viernes cada participante explicó una receta de cocina (pastel de papa, torta, helado, halava de zanahoria 🥕 mote con husillo etc...)



. . . estuvo muy entretenido y aprendimos recetas nuevas para ofrecer a Krsna.

El año pasado

hice el curso de dicipulos

y me quedó muy claro

la importancia de Srila Prabhupada

en nuestro avance espiritual.

además de aprender cosas técnicas de iskcon .

Con todos estos cursos, seminarios confirmo que el conocimiento es crucial para incrementar nuestra fe en krishna, --[con entusiasmo y en la compañía de devotos]--

Muchas gracias por su inspiración para mejorar y ayudar en la predica. Se despide su sirviente Raman Reti devi dasi

"KDPC" LAD, here, Sir. (Politics and the Pandavas)

Hare Krishna, dear gurudev. Pamho, AGTSP!

About a year ago I was summoned to be part of the legal board of ISKCON Peru. You told [HpS/ASA - Suggested! 😎] me to try it for a year. Well, a year has passed and nothing happened. Therefore, as you encouraged me to help a little in that area, I now ask your permission to decline.

HpS-ASA - You also seemed to push it a little and try to get some reaction from the President etc. Ooof! We can't give up on the Institution, but if one way doesn't work, then as friends of each other and servants of Srila Prabhupada we have to try another way. Srila Prabhupada tried for years to get The League of Devotees et al.

So, if you think it is best to resign, at this point I certainly bow to your ideas, but with this attitude that with whatever ability and nature we have we will never stop trying to expand ISKCON not only as a community of friends, but also as a formal institution. O.K.?

In reality, administration was never my true service, it was always education, for that I have trained outside and inside ISKCON. In civil life I got a master's degree, I only need the thesis that was frustrated with the pandemic. I'm not sure yet about the PhD. Within ISKCON I have taken practically all the courses they have. I am now taking Teachers Trainnig III. Whenever there is an opportunity, I study. I consider myself an eternal student and an eternal teacher. Everything I learn I share with my students. I have a Bhakti sastri group, another of Pada padma and one of the Disciples Course. I also have seminars every Friday. And I listen as much as I can to your lectures and the lectures of other devotees from whom I learn a lot.

So, I'm going to do my thing. Personally, I believe that the solution to the ISKCON problems, whatever it may be, I do not believe that it will be solved by the administrative area and I say it with knowledge of the facts. The solutions will be given by a concerted force from the various areas of ISKCON, which seems quite far from reaching, cohesion, cooperation, unity in diversity. You are very optimistic, I am not. However, I have not stopped fighting, I always do what I can, but the area where I can help a little is in the educational area. I already have experience of when I enter administration I do not help at all. What's more, I create more inconveniences. That is why I am declining the position assigned to me. In any case, it was never legalized. I think other devotees will do much better.

With my girlfriend [Fiancee], Raman reti devi dasi, we [and I] are very excited doing Sankirtan projects. We want to do different things. Distribution of prasadam, Food for Life and also with gourmet prasadam for the wealthier classes. We plan to do bhajans in the open air and whatever we can. Make contact with the Municipality of Chosica or some NGO to do bigger programs, if Krishna allows it. Actually what we always think is to start something and Krishna will decide if it becomes big or we continue on a simple platform. We will live a "high thinking life." That is our moto.

I always wanted to preach in schools and educational and cultural institutions, let's see how things are presented. I also want to dabble in universities, but again, I will put my effort and Krishna will show me where to go.

My asrama situation I would describe as a process from grhasta to vanaprasta. We will do charity and serve together in the temple 2 days a week in the morning, apart from everything described. Really, I have seriously thought about this, I think Raman retir will be a big boost in my life. She is very determined, very organized and will not let me slack. Now, when I don't feel like it, I just watch Netlix with a pint of chocolate ice cream and oatmeal cookies. With her I will be very inspired to do service. "Women are the inspiration of men and in that sense they are better [stronger] than men" S.P. [https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/1/9/27/#bb15340 ]

Thanks, gurudev, for all your inspiration. I learn a lot from you. For me it is an honor and a pride to be your disciple. I am always trying to follow your discipline. Your instructions are my soul and my life, really. I'm not perfect, but I try my best.

What strikes me about all this is that I am not a blind follower. I don't do things just because you say them, but I really feel them important and they coincide with what I think. I don't really understand this feeling, maybe it's my big ego, but I feel happy. Happy to have met you, happy to have accepted me as your disciple, happy to be in this great institution, happy to have the friendship of so many wonderful devotees, happy to have Srila Prabhupada, happy to be who I am, happy to have found a devotee who is going to help me become a better person, happy to belong to Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan movement, happy to have Prabhupada's books, happy to be able to offer Krishna wonderful prasadam, happy to be alive here and now. And when it is my turn to leave, I will be happy because I will go to another place to continue doing what makes me happy.

Your servant,

Laksmana-agraja das

HpS - Oh, Many Happy One! Thank you for your letter. You must be a great fool also, because I agree with so much of your analysis of the situation, plans etc.

Well maybe several fools can reach some intelligence.

I agree with all you are saying. We made our point above also.

Only thing I thin might be different is that I think from my intelligence and from what I have heard from others eg. Hector, Jagad-guru (CNN) et al, that a very likely scenario is that we will not go back to normal. Krsna may allow an antivirus for the Karuna virus, but then peoplel will not trust the industrialization model as much as before. Of course, the solution is to start to return to the Vedic model of mostly self sufficient villages that link to the county, nation, world in a practical sense.

So your Sankirtan plans may want to look in that direction. Maybe your should become teacher/counselor for the Mayor of Chosika (A Different Kind of City). Next letter.

Picture of Happy Dogs attached.

Write with the breaking news!!

Diksa en Mejico

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

Querido Gurumaharaja: 

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

En esta oportunidad es para retomar el tema de los candidatos para primera y segunda Iniciación de sus aspirantes en ISKCON México. 

Govardhanesvari me informó hace un tiempo que terminando la contingencia la autoridad del Templo se reuniría con los aspirantes. 

Actualmente el templo ya abrió las puertas al público en general observando el protocolo del gobierno, así que prabhu Vrajaraja me recomienda que este tema lo debe atender prabhu Tejasvit , quien está fungiendo como administrador y apoyando con labores de presidencia, el Templo continua sin presidente pero se está buscando, es la información que nos dieron recientemente. 

Gurumaharaja, si Usted está de acuerdo puedo presentar el tema al nuevo administrador para poder obtener las cartas de recomendación para los aspirantes que se considere. 

Como sabemos la situación de la pandemia continua de diferentes formas en cada país, algunos de sus discípulos, con la protección de Sri Nrsimhadeva no hemos interrumpido nuestros servicios en el Templo, nos estamos cuidando personalmente y tomando refugio en Sus Señorias para seguir sirviendolos en esta situación. 

Estamos apoyando en los festivales. 

Está situación también es para los aspirantes, ahora hay el temor más presente de poder dejar el cuerpo en cualquier momento sin haber recibido la iniciación. 

Marco Antonio es un aspirante cuyo 2 hermanos han dejado el cuerpo en una semana, todo esto lleva a una reflexión. Gracias a Usted él y nosotros podemos observar un sadhana y asistir regularmente a clases. 

Respecto al tema de la desaparición de Dadhisara dd, ella se contactó con un devoto, por ahora quiere intentar esa relación difícil por su voluntad. 

Muchas gracias por su gentil atención, por sus instrucciones y constante ayuda que nos brinda, somos muy afortunados de su santa asociación, que Sri Nrsimhadeva siempre le proteja, es nuestra humilde oración.  

Disculpe cualquier ofensa por favor.

Quedo atenta

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd

Copia a mi esposo. 



Dear Gurumaharaja:

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

This time it is to return to the subject of candidates for the first and second Initiation of their applicants in ISKCON Mexico.

Govardhanesvari informed me some time ago that after the contingency ended, the Temple authority would meet with the aspirants.

Currently the temple has already opened the doors to the general public observing the government's protocol, so Prabhu Vrajaraja recommends that this issue should be addressed by Prabhu Tejasvit, who is serving as administrator and supporting with presidency, the Temple continues without a president but is being sought, it is the information that they recently gave us.

Gurumaharaja, if you agree, I can present the matter to the new administrator in order to obtain the letters of recommendation for the applicants considered.

As we know the situation of the pandemic continues in different ways in each country, some of his disciples, with the protection of Sri Nrsimhadeva we have not interrupted our services in the Temple, we are taking care of ourselves personally and taking refuge in Their Lordships to continue serving them in this situation.

We are supporting festivals.

This situation is also for the aspirants, now there is the most present fear of being able to leave the body at any time without having received the initiation.

Marco Antonio is an aspirant whose 2 brothers have left the body in a week, all this leads to reflection. Thanks to you, he and we can observe a sadhana and attend classes regularly.

Regarding the issue of Dadhisara dd's disappearance, she contacted a devotee, for now she wants to try that difficult relationship of her own free will.

Thank you very much for your kind attention, for your instructions and constant help that you give us, we are very fortunate in your holy association, that Sri Nrsimhadeva always protect you, is our humble prayer.

Excuse any offense please.

I stay tuned

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd

Copy my husband.

HpS-ASA - Yes, please contact the Temple Authorities. Please post the communications in the Blog, that way we can get help and advice from Senior devotees, everyone. Thank you so. much.

"KDPC” - Krishna Janmashtami and SrilaPrabhupada Vyasapuja Celebrations

4 years, 5 months ago by divya in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to you. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Guru Maharaj hope you are safe and doing well. I have been chanting 16 rounds daily and following four regulative principles. We are reading Srimad Bhagavatham daily and we have completed 3rd Canto and started 4th Canto Chapter 7. Daksha and Shiva story.

It is amazing to read Srimad Bhagavatham. Everytime when we read Prabhupada purports I feel so energized and it becomes interesting chapter by chapter.

Due to Covid the temple had made all online arrangements for Janmashtami. So we had to stay at our home and celebrate Janmastami. Maharaj this time by your mercy for the first time I was successful in keeping Nirjal Fasting for Janmashtami.

I kept myself engaged in dressing the deities and preparing different kinds of Bhoga for our deities. By your mercy Guru Maharaj i was fortunate to get garland service in the temple on Janmashtami and was able to take darshan of the most merciful deities Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji.

I made garland for Jaganath, Baladev and Subhadra Maharani. At home we sang kirtans till midnight and distributed bhoga to couple of devotees and chanted nice 16 rounds on Janmashtami.

HpS - A few devotees is enough!

Maharaj on Prabhupada Vyasapuja Day I was able to do service in the Temple Tulasi house. I was also able to help in making preparation for the Vyasapuja feast in the temple. I am not such advanced devotee but by your mercy Guru Maharaj i got all the services to do in the temple and spend most of the time in the temple in these festival days.


Guru Maharaj every Thursday we have service of waking up Srila Prabhupada in his quarters. I went for the service and read my vyasapuja offering before him. For 5 mins i was choked and was trembling with fear. But somehow i tried reading by looking at his lotus feet and felt that he was listening to me and reciprocating to whatever i am saying. I asked for forgiveness before him for whatever offense i committed till now and asked for giving me enough intelligence so that i will never repeat them even by mistake. I offered my obeisances by touching his lotus feet and felt that he was keeping his hand on my head and giving me his blessings. This was the best Vyasapuja experience Guru Maharaj. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - When in India for one year, 1996-7 we got to go Mayapura regularly. There would not be too many devotees there and we could sit in Srila Prabhupada's room and chant in front of his murti. It was just the same. We felt at any moment he could move and say, "So!!?". Terrifying. ... but he is so, so, so, kind. Yes, try to do better!

Guru Maharaj please engage me at your service and please let me know how can I serve you forever.

Yours eternal servant

Divya Sri Devi Dasi

HpS - Thank you for your association. Krsna will send you and your family more and more confidential service. For our records, what is your civil name and date of birth???? Thank you !!!!!!

KDPC - Life in Argentina, New Govardhana & Bachelor Beans contribution

will also would like to contribute to Bachelor Beans. Please tell me how i can do it!!

Here some advice According to Ayurveda.

Most important thing is to honour Prasadam at regular times, every 3 or 4 hours. 75% during breakfast and lunch and 25% afternoon and dinner. Optimus is to have 12 hours of fast between dinner and breakfast. You can fast longer than 4 hs during day, if you have a very Sattvic lifestyle, but Pitta type people should drink warm water often, to avoid too much internal heat. Also is very important to consume double quantity of healthy fats (preferably 50% ghee and 50% seeds, nuts, coconut, avocado and vegetable oils) than carbohydrates.(cereals and potato, sweet potato, carrot, beet, pumpkin). This will boost your liver to transform energy, create tissue and eliminate Ama, cooling your intestinal tract and blood, resulting in a more efficient utilization of Prana thus building Ojas (improves immune system). Legumes and Paneer (cheese) should be consumed according physical activity. Spices should be there mixed with ghee during cooking to enhance process explained above (avoid chili, it dries tissues, black pepper with turmeric, or ginger root, turmeric, coriander and fennel seeds if you are Pitta type). Protein and carbs should always be accompained with 1.5 times of fiber (green vegetables, brocoli, coliflower, cabbage, asparagus, brussels sprouts, zucchini,etc)

Never mix at the same time raw with cooked food. If you are going to eat both in same meal, first raw then cooked. Never eat raw food after eating cooked food, nor before sunrise or after sunset.

Thank you so much Gurudev,

At your service,

Nikunja Bi

Hello, HpS

4 years, 5 months ago by donkey-1 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Hanumatpresaka Swami,

This is Bhakta Beauford,

We met when you were in Oxford with Ravi Gupta and the Center for Hindu Studies, many years ago. Of course, my name is not Bhakta Beauford, but to keep from getting fired from my academic post I better us a pseudonym when writing here.

I've kept an eye on your publications and classes for these many years?

I have a question? How does one stop smoking? Thank you??!!

HpS - Thank you for your kind attention! Hare Krsna.... First, do you really want to stop smoking? The following technique works but the result often is that people discover that they really don't want to stop smoking. There is a deeper reason why they do it.

Before every inhalation chant one Maha-mantra.... and as much as possible all the while you are smoking chant HK/HR. Hope to hear from you again as is practical!!!!