Karuna Virus Dialog (KVD)

4 years, 4 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

AGTSP.... Paoho.... Start a dialog with our Primary Health Provider, Dr. Amit Singh. He was Gurukuli when I was visiting Vancouver, Canada, and his father is initiated devotee. Extremely nice devotee:


You know that NgD went for Karuna Virus testing, as he has some fever, no?

Now, we are getting pushing to go to local testing center, but we are quite hesitant.

1. We got conjuntivitis in a 1st class medical center.

2. We have no symptoms and never had any but outside safe distance association with Prabhuji.

3. We are doing voluntary quarantine. Only going for solitary walk around the block until...

4. On Wednesday NgD gets results and if it is not positive then less reason to go for testing, and even if we do test positive there is not much that we can do, no?

So rather wait until Wednesday before any testing and risk infection in the Clinic.

What is your first opinion?

Socrates viewed his death as a blessing. Mrs. Socrates viewed it as a curse.

Indian Monkey Warrior

4 years, 4 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Guru Maharaj,

  Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

HpS - Level Feet! AGTSP.

  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

  All glories to Guru parampara.

ASA - !!!

  Gurudev, Everyday is Vrndavan and Battle of Kurukshetra.

ASA - Hare Krsna! Sounds like Rasa-vibhatsa. Improper mixture of mellows, but..... and expert can do it!

  When in Japa there is vrndavan. Then onboard on office chariot is Kurukshetra.

HpS: Jaya!

  You teach very clearly - get up early and done your rounds early. which helped a 

  lot to understand between these two.

  There are many teachings from you. Currently focused on below two:

1. Get up early and done your rounds early.

2. mam anusmarai yudhaya ca - 'Think of Me and fight.'

 HpS - Very nice!!!!!

  am able to balance & drive with above two on both front, gives me satisfaction.

  Japa is Vrndavan. we know how you see Krsna - in person everyday, can understand 

  Very tiny now. Then thoughts come in mind how bigger and consistent you see. It 

  increases deeper respect for you.

  Thank you so much Gurudev.

your fallen servant,

Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - What projects are you doing at work? How is your family??? Temple??? Use KDPC!! Thank you. Your association is so nice.


4 years, 5 months ago by Bhakta Loren in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja!

Please accept my danvadat pranams at your feet.

HpS - Hmmm! That may be rather exaggerated!! 🙂 All glories to Srila Prabhupada! We are maybe 75% his servants and 25% beasts.

My last entry to the blog detailed some less than ideal news about the state of my sadhana & if you asked the Lord to help me, i was helped in a very surprising way.

HpS - ASA -- My goodness, how exciting!!! What will he say, "Next!". This is a fun letter.

Cecilia and I had a home invasion robbery in the middle of May. Thankfully everything such as my car, all my tools, and the higher value electronics were all insured, so aside from the car the claim process went without a hitch. We replaced our doorbell with a ‘ring’ doorbell that a has a feature where you can view crime or attempted crime footage captured by neighbors within a 2-3mi radius & there is footage being shared from our neighborhood every day, every night. One detail i found most surprising about the robbery- ive over-collected a lot of music equipment, and somehow, there was not one thing taken that i had any real attachment to whatsoever! 😮

HpS - Isn't amazing!! We really usually only need very simple tools to do our service.... Then we integrate with other craftsmen and their ability to get the whole job done. Achintya bheda abheda tatttva. Very exciting. Hope you are better adapted to dealing with thieves, though!!!!

I know with no doubt that I love the Lord & wish to follow and walk with those who seek him, but as outlined in my message to you last year, I could fall so far below the standard i vowed to keep that i could hardly expect that i was paying forward enough of the blessings and mercy bestowed on me to please my benefactors or inspire others significantly. Since 2008 i have been consistently swinging back and forth like a pendulum, from making a great effort towards spiritual life and when i reach the point of diminishing returns, and creating problems without simple solutions, slide back down into pointless short term sense gratification. Id use drinking and smoking as a placebo to simply forget or postpone dealing with issues that i could not find a simple way to solve & like someone with shattered passenger window, cover it with plastic and tape, or catching a flat tire, keep rolling forward now on the spare tire, than rather use discipline and intelligence to look more honestly at my own part in how these problems come upon me.

I believe the Lord wishes for something better for me than a beer before bhakti shastri or a smoke after a stressful & hectic day. Once again id find myself to the back wall of that dead-end again.. i give up the nonsense for some time, trying to clear my conscience with the Lord but knowing in the back of my mind its only a matter of time til ill be finding myself running the wrong way again.

HpS - Yeah, but https://vedabase.io/en/library/bg/2/40/!!! We go up and down day to day, week to week, but in the long run whatever we can do for Krsna makes our long term trajectory upward.

One significant way that i hope this time is different... Is after being issued my firearm safety certificate- i know that at this point an error in judgement can have serious consequences for myself and those around me. Up until we had a repeat violent felon with no regard for rights, safety, or lives of others enter our home looking to victimize us, I always though that having a firearm safety certificate was more of a liability than a necessity.

I am very very grateful to the Lord’s mercy in delivering a wake-up call to me by someone else’s negligent behavior rather than face the consequences of my own (although i would never physically harm anyone who was not gravely threatening myself or others).

They say people never change, but i also believe in miracles, because on more than one occasion the Lord and/or his servants have cared enough to turn a great loss into a complete restoration in my life. When things get tough now i dont feel like i have any business turning back because as mentioned the certificate that i have can have terrible consequences unless used safely and responsibly by someone who is not impaired with tendencies toward an error of judgement.

I also signed a lease to my own place in oakland again. The altar i have at home now is in our bedroom and so i cant really worship there before 7-8am & so now that will change. And im hoping to be able to take part in the morning program at the Berkeley temple more often.

Please let me know if i may be able to help with some minor repairs or other service in Murfreesboro soon or after travel is safer. Very open to suggestions on how i could become more fixed up/better devotee. In need of training and guidance. Since the robbery Always completing my rounds and for a while now, doing good with my regs aside from a caffeine drink or tea here and there.

thanks very much for your guidance and mercy,

Hare Krishna

your hopefully less troubling disciple,

Loka Bandhu Rama Dasa

HpS - Hare Krsna. Thank you for the letter. Why not set short term goals for Sadhana, Japa, put them here and then report the result. What is Cecilia doing? Got a Nunchuka certificate?

Hari Bolo Narotam Armijo, Chile

4 years, 5 months ago by narotam_armijo in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krishna maharaja, le ofrezco mis humildes reverencias, todas las glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada, ojala se encuentre bien, con respecto a la pregunta que hizo en el reporte anterior, pues si estoy asistiendo a las clases, pero de manera virtual por medio de guías que no tienen mucho sentido de existir, ya que mas que enseñar solo están ahí para que los profesores se ganen el sustento, pasando a otro punto gracias a su consejo ahora canto entre 10 a 12 rondas todos los días e intento llegar a las 12 todos los días, sigue siendo algo complicado, pero cuando me acostumbre podre seguir aumentando rondas hasta que llegue el punto en el que pueda tomar refugio en sus pies de loto.

Debo agradecer a el Prabhu Panca Tattva Das por enseñarme como funciona el sistema de comunicación en este blog, ya que no sabia de que manera responder a sus preguntas, si era a través del mismo informe que por el que me pregunto.

Sin mas que añadir me despido y espero que este mal que es el cuerpo no interfiera con nuestro avance espiritual.

Hari Bolo Maharaja


Hare Krishna Maharaja, I offer my humble obeisances, all glories be to Srila Prabhupada,

I hope he is well, with respect to the question he asked in the previous report, because if I am attending classes, but virtually through guides that do not make much sense of existing, since more than teaching they are only there for the teachers to earn a living,

moving to another point thanks to their advice now I sing between 10 to 12 rounds every day and I try to arrive at 12 every day,

it is still somewhat complicated, but when I get used to it I can keep increasing rounds until I get to the point where I can take refuge at his lotus feet.

I must thank Prabhu Panca Tattva Das for showing me how the communication system works in this blog, since I did not know how to answer your questions,

if it was through the same report that I was wondering about.

Without further ado I say goodbye and I hope that this evil that is the body does not interfere with our spiritual advancement.

Hari Bolo Maharaja

HpS - As we wake up to the value of the Holy Names we will chant them all the time!!!!!! Much essential work to be done. Other soldiers are trying to fight without us and screaming at us to wake up!!!

Respects to your big family of devotees.

GopiPad and Bhoomi

4 years, 5 months ago by sarita108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj!

Hope this message finds you well!

. . . . Happy belated Janamastami, SP Appearance Day! And Early Radhaastami!

ASA - - - '@'pop~ AGTSP!

I have a couple of big (material) news. I bought a condo so now I will begin suffering with the perks of home ownership.

. . . . . Of course, it’s Krishnas home so I will do my best to keep devotees coming and going. We just did 'vastu puja' on Saturday and house energy feels better.

ASA - Lots of Prasdam for the Vastu purusa??

We also got a puppy and named him Bhoomi. He listens to Kirtan and falls asleep.

ASA -- Iskcon Brahmacari!!

We are teaching him to bow in front of the altar. He helps with the loneliness and bouts of mild depression I sink into. I know Krishna’s hanging in there with me too but it’s hard to see and feel Him at times.

ASA - In Bhagavad Gita 19.21 Krsna says, "Amongst friends during Pandemics I am dogs who's names begin with "B"".

Also trying to keep thinking of SP but that relationship doesn’t feel tangible.

HpS - Get a BIG pidture of Srila Prabhupada and put it in front of where you work, eat...

Always struggling but always trying. I keep in touch with Trivikram Das in Chile and offered him a chance to come to the US to try working. Association with god-siblings is always revitalizing.

I hope your health, literature projects, solaris, iskcon education work, and virtual sangas are always flourishing! Thank you for your mercy gurudev.

Your struggling servant,

Sugopi devi dasi


ASA - What kind of work are you doing? Do you have your OWN Deities? Do They eat well and have nice baths (even in the mind, offering drops of water in the Acamana cup as paraphernalia), go for rides in the Sunshine?

What is your Daddy doing? He seem like he should be working on some project meant to conquer the world (with love)?

KDPC - Hare Hare

4 years, 5 months ago by bhaktina lali in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las glorias a Usted gurudeva.

por favor acepte mis reverencias

espero se encuentre bien de salud.

por acá las cosas en Argentina estan alocadas a causa de la pandemia. seguimos encerrados, en cuarentena.

ASA - Como bujos en sus cuevas?

yo salgo a trabajar y regreso al encierro. en un punto fue beneficioso, mejore muchísimo mi sadhana. como le comenté en mi carta anterior, estoy haciendo servicio en krsna west. estoy muy feliz y entusiasmada. hay mucha gente nueva cantando rondas y leyendo a Prabhupada con nosotros.

por la mañana bien temprano me conecto a cantar rondas con Madhu y los devotos de chile, cuando puedo me quedo a clase de Bhagavatam. a veces la maternidad no me permite darme esos tiempos para la clase, entonces cuando no puedo, me quedo leyendo sola. se que no es lo mismo, pero asi no pierdo el ritmo de lectura.

ASA - Es como arroz y dahl. Amobos son necesario en proporcion, no?

estoy cursando bhakti sastri de manera virtual con Param padam, y además estoy estudiando instructorado en yoga infantil. ocupando la mente y el cuerpo.

estuve hablando con Hridayananda das goswami por cuestiones de Krsna West y le pedí fuera mi siksa guru, usted esta de acuerdo con esto gurudeva?

HpS - Si, tengo mi pequeno comprehension de su posicion, y el es mi Siksa guru de esta modo. Por ejemplo, aun entre las Brajavasis, no toma Siksa de todos de la misma manera. No pregunta como desarrollar asuntos de amor conjugal de los pastorcillos de vacas.

Como Diksa guru mi consejo siempre es elegir Siksa gurus solamente en terminos de como su Siksa aumentar nuestra realizacion de 16/4. O. K/?

16 rondas diarias. principios bien. tratando de transformar lujuria en amor (es difícil, cada día es una lucha contra la lujuria).

ASA - La bruja continua hasta que estamos 100% limpio. Jaya, Bruja Negra!

extrañando la asociación con los devotos, estar en un kirtan bailando y cantando.

ahora la vida es virtual. amor en separación.

dejo foto del dia de la iniciación, 7/7/19 en buenos aires, y de mi hija govinda lila.

HpS - Super.

intentando servirlo siempre,

līlā-sukhī dd.