“Nitai-Gauranga”...Pandaveya Spain

4 years, 4 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva!


Agt Radha y Krsna!

I hope you are doing your best in all aspects.

HpS - ASA - Thank you, and the same to you!!

First of all, thank you very much for everything Gurudeva, your letters are like reading letters from a very close relative who is abroad.

In your last letter you asked me if I had more information about the first Christians, the ones I call the desert fathers, because that's what some call them.

They are not exactly the Koftos as I understand it, as the Desert Fathers were the first cloistered monks according to Christian history. The precursors of the monasteries as such, since apparently there were not before, of course ... they were the early days of Christianity. And surely the Koftos are descendants of these communities, or the base communities of those Christian times in those areas like Egypt, I don't know exactly that.

The desert fathers were hermits, and they isolated themselves imitating Jesus Christ in the desert, waiting for communion with God thanks to their Tapasias and devotion.

For me, what impressed me the most about them, as I read, is that they practiced continuous prayer of the heart, or a very similar method. They prayed to Jesus Christ, or mantra-like formulas, non-stop.

Statements like this one inspired me with great respect and admiration for those people or communities:

[... However, taking into account the nature of the prayer to Jesus, its origins can be discovered in the search environment of a continuous prayer that intensely seals the spiritual history of the first Christian centuries, particularly the pilgrimage of the Fathers of the desert. The common doctrine of primitive monasticism is the search for the ideal of continuous prayer. It is said of Saint Anthony of Egypt (c.250-356), who has gone down in history as "the father of monks" that he "prayed constantly, as he had learned that it was necessary to pray incessantly in private." The aspiration to incessant prayer is nourished by orientations like those of Saint Paul that exhort us to live "persevering in prayer" (Rom 12,12) and to pray "without ceasing" (1Thes 5, 17) ... ]

Here I leave the link of a pdf talking about continuous prayer, it´s ok; http://www.acharia.org/downloads/oracion_continua_corazon-2.pdf

The closer one gets to the original practitioners, close to some envoy or prophet, the more one realizes that the Vedic Vaisnava culture is the original source of all the water that falls on the world, not due to a material origin in time, that a lot of that too, but because this Vedic knowledge drinks water from the hand of God, Krsna, in person.

Really, if I think about it calmly, to this day, that due to the corruption, the influence of kali yuga, and the time itself that bundles everything when being moved by living entities, it is almost impossible to really see the teachings of Jesus Christ somewhere, or Muhammad, etc etc ... even Krsna ... and even Srila Prabhupada if we look at it closely. Therefore, it is as if Srila Prabhupada's quick preaching is really, without exaggeration or mythologizing, a true new global evangelization on the essence of the “perfect and private teachings” of the prophets or guides of all the religions on earth, previous at this time, that have been lost.

Srila Prabhupada was empowered to expand on earth again, to all places without distinction, in unison, this river of life, lost. I am fully sure of this statement.

Forgive such a long letter this time.

Have good days until the next letter, I'll see you on Twitter and blog every day.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.


P.D: How young you "happy hippies" were!!

HpS - Thank you! Here is a Text and Purport you might like??!! https://vedabase.io/es/library/sb/3/24/34/

KDPC - Arriving at Yale

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

As per your brilliant suggestion, yesterday we made a cake for NOI's anniversary (pictures attached),

HpS/ASA -- Jaya Srila Prabhupada. Maybe it will become more robust! Add more pages from having so much birthday cake.

. . . and offered it to the NOI copy that you signed for us many years ago. I also read the Sanskrit and English translations as you mentioned in the SB class.

HpS - Rupa Goswami, Rupa Manjari, must like that!

Guru Maharaja, after three years of being initiated, my dull self is finally beginning to realize the importance of strict Sadhana that you emphasize. A few days ago you mentioned in a class that getting up at 4 AM, FMP, chanting, morning SB class, and evening BG class are essential for all devotees, regardless of their Varna and Asrama. Then, if one is a brahmana, one has to do at least 1-2 hours of extra reading a day.

HpS - We heard Srila Prabhupada instruct a Temple President that no intelligent man (or woman (or thing)) would be happy without one hour of reading each day. An intelligent person needs to satisfy their mind with stories, reading, no?

I always tried to wake up early at 3:30 or 4 AM and it would happen for about 3 days of the week, and then I would fail for the rest of the four days. But recently, I have been trying to follow that instruction and by your causeless mercy, as I have no strength, I was able to wake up at 4 AM for 6 days of the last week and finish my rounds (there is still a lot of progress to make in controlling the mind) before the Bhagavatam class. I also am trying to listen to either Srila Prabhupada's class or another class on BG in the evening.

HpS - Radharani and the Gopis will give you your Super-girl cape in a few weeks if you keep this up! Then you can fly all over the world with Them fighting evil in the hearts of men! We are not joking (much [we are basically monkeys])!

My reading was also on and off before. For the first few months of the year, I read 30 minutes of Bhagavad-gita every day (with only a few rare exceptions) and finished reading it once, but then I stopped that when my Sanskrit course started. Now I decided that I should read something (whether a paragraph or a few pages) every day based on the workload I have from school.

HpS - Yes! Just read a little of CC before Mangala arati, Lilamrta during Prasadam.... Read little here and there regularly and you will become addicted.

In another class you mentioned that this is a Sankirtan movement and we all cannot just hear and be content. We have to spread the message to others. So I am trying to make a simple graphic containing a quote from Srila Prabhupada based on my reading for the day. I post them on my whatsapp status and some people look at them (though I am not sure if they read them :)).

HpS - If the same thing keeps happening again and again and again and agaain... and.... someone will notice it, no?

Guru Maharaja, how do we gain enthusiasm to follow the process strictly?

HpS - 'Tad gada mula hantri', NoI Three, no? How does a dry sponge become wet by being repeatedly plunged in the water? Watch it! Science experiment.

I also watched a cartoon of the three little pigs story to learn more about how to connect it with the modes.

HpS - For some like you, with which pig do you identify? What construction materials do you get from Home Depot? Who is the Big Bad Wolf in your life?

Guru Maharaja, I beg for your mercy that I may follow your teachings and Srila Prabhupada's teachings sincerely. The reason I wrote all of this is because I am a very dull-witted and fallen soul and I have no power to fight Maya other than your mercy. I didn't want to be bragging in any way, I hope it did not come through like that. I am only learning the basics of devotional service.

With heartfelt gratitude and appreciation,

your insignificant servant,

Sugopi Radha DD

HpS - We are still learning the basics. Hope we can help you a little is relating to Srila Prabhupada. We all continue as eternal members of his Sankirtana Party. Super respects to your esteemed Father and Mother and (Aunts and Uncles??).

You have joined a University with incredible heritage. I guess the Wikipedia article is correct.


Beautiful looking cake!

Beautiful looking house.


KDPC, reporte desde chosica

4 years, 4 months ago by Amparo Hernandez Castillo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja!!

Acepta por favor mis respetuosas reverencias ....AGTSP !!!!

.-Maharaja, como cada reporte empiezo a contándole de mi sadhana,4 principios y 16 rondas ,desde hace más de 2 años canto 4 rondas más que lo hice como voto y las canto durante el día,ahora se hace un poco más pesado el terminar...

.-Ya Goura Nitay está en el altar ,siguiendo lo que me dijo,les ofrezco incienso,fuego,agua,flor,pañuelo, perfume,tratando de conservar siempre puntualidad y limpieza,como usted me dijo,las despierto con dulce y a las 4.30 AM me conecto al fmp y mientras cantan yo hago el aratik y a media día les ofresco lo que haya cocinado,siempre con un dulce y a las 6.30 pm leche.

.-Tuve la oportunidad de hacer algún servicio en las fiestas para Radha Madana Vihari,mucha felicidad para mí .

.-Sigo el curso de Bhakti Sastri ,hice un ensayo sobre el 1 capitulo del Bg y las razones de Arjuna para no pelear,esto me llevo a pensar muchas cosas de mi vida ..... Y pude ver cómo en muchas ocasiones es el sentimentalismo lo que nubla la razón y por más que nos dicen que no somos el cuerpo y se acepta en teoría ,pero cuando debo vivirlo enfrentarlo no es tan fácil. Tambien quedé pensando ,en el Bg se dice que Krsna ya había decidido matar al bando opuesto (los kurus,duryodhana) ,el ya les había dado muerte ,por el hecho de haber ofendido a su devoto y solo usaba a ARJUNA como un instrumento y eso lo aplique a mi,dándome cuenta que cuántas veces me pasaron cosas y si salían bien yo tontamente pienso...... ES PORQUE YO ASI LO QUISE!!!! Y en realidad es Krsna quien así lo dispuso ,siento tanto tiempo perdido luchando con la mente y el cuerpo para vivir una mentira ,una vida no real..... Cada día pido porque a pesar ,del apego a la familia, las personas que quiero ,la aflicción y tristeza que esto genera,siempre sea conciente de Krsna y acepte su voluntad, de que todo pasa porque el así lo quiso y es lo que me corresponde ...

.-Pero todo lo que me corresponde por karma, ¿Es Lo Que Krsna Quiere?...

.-Mi lectura va en el BG cap 9 ,el krsna Book cada noche y estoy leyendo otra vez los libros pequeños.

.-Agradezco mucho poder participar y tener su asociación en el fmp ,en las clases ,el poder participar me motiva e inspira mucho para mejorar mi servicio,mis rondas,mi entendimiento.

Siempre agradecida por haber conocido la Conciencia de Krsna,a Srila Prabhupada y a Usted Maharaja..

su aspirante a sirvienta

Bhaktin Amparo



Hare Krsna Maharaja !!

Please accept my respectful obeisances .... AGTSP !!!!

.-Maharaja, as each report I begin to tell you about my sadhana, 4 principles and 16 rounds, for more than 2 years I chant 4 more rounds than I did as a vow and I sing them during the day, now it becomes a little heavier finish...

HpS - Siempre ua desafilla! Es la Yajna mas fuerte, pero el resultado mas fuerte tambien!

.-Goura Nitay is already at the altar, following what he told me, I offer them incense, fire, water, flower, handkerchief, perfume, always trying to keep punctuality and cleanliness, as you told me, I wake them up with sweets and at 4.30 AM I connect to the fmp and while they sing I do the aratik and at midday I offer them what I have cooked, always with a sweet and at 6.30 pm milk.

HpS - Espero hay un foto de Ellos fin de esta carta

.- I had the opportunity to do some service at the festivals for Radha Madana Vihari, much happiness for me.

HpS - Probalmente para Ellos tambien. AgtSP

.-I follow the course of Bhakti Sastri, I did an essay on the 1st chapter of Bg and Arjuna's reasons for not fighting, this led me to think many things about my life ..... And I could see how many times it is sentimentality clouds reason and even though they tell us that we are not the body and it is accepted in theory, but when I have to live it, facing it is not so easy. I was also thinking, in the Bg it is said that Krsna had already decided to kill the opposite side (the kurus, duryodhana), he had already killed them, for having offended his devotee and only used ARJUNA as an instrument and That applied to me, realizing that how many times things happened to me and if they turned out well I foolishly think ...... IT'S BECAUSE I WANTED IT SO !!!! And in reality it is Krsna who arranged it, I feel so much time wasted fighting with my mind and body to live a lie, a non-real life ..... Every day I ask because despite my attachment to family, people What I want, the affliction and sadness that this generates, always be aware of Krsna and accept his will, that everything happens because he wanted it that way and it is what corresponds to me ...

HpS - Un libro tan fuerte, no? Y SB, CC, solamente son mas detalles, mas detalles!!!!

.-But all that is due to me by Karma, is it what Krsna wants? ...

HpS - He has his plan. His servants, like Srila Prabhupada, have their plans, but they all, also want to know what is our plan!! We are little, but we have some potency!

.-My reading goes on BG chap 9, the Krishna Book every night and I am reading the little books again.

.-I am very grateful to be able to participate and have your association in the fmp, in the classes, being able to participate motivates and inspires me a lot to improve my service, my rounds, my understanding.

Always grateful for having known Krishna Consciousness, Srila Prabhupada and You Maharaja ..

your would-be maid

Bhaktin Amparo

HpS - Donde esta su residencia? Chosica? Relacionada con La Yugala-kishora Dasi!!! Otros?

KDPC: Esperando ver florecer.

4 years, 4 months ago by YugalaKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

HK Pamho, Guru Maharaja quisiera que pronto viniera para ayudar en alguno de sus eventos, será pronto?

Estoy sembrando semillas espero que pronto den fruto, un jardín sin flores o frutos es triste, me parece pecaminoso no embellecer la tierra, deseamos que todo florezca, amo la belleza de la creación. En algún momento deseamos servir en el pujari y ahora a diario lo hacemos, una vez por día, es un buen ritmo nos da tiempo para otras actividades. Nos consuela, recordamos Vrndavana, con los pujaris nos asociamos, la mente está ocupada y satisfecha.

Estoy llevando un curso breve de educación TTC 3 on line, nos da entusiasmo. El encierro a veces nos sume en ignorancia y siento que me estoy acostumbrando a la soledad, y me estoy volviendo ermitaña, más de lo que soy, como algo impersonal, sabemos que Krsna nos lleva como el viento, ahora estamos aquí, mañana no sabemos.

En una clase donde Ud. mencionaba que estar en Vrndavana le dio tiempo de pensar y recordar porque se volvió devoto y lo que deseaba hacer. Me ocurre algo así, no me basta con tener techo y pan, o servicio. Espero que la soledad clarifique y nos permita entender como servir.

Las fiestas nos tuvieron bajo presión, a veces nos cuesta cantar, un año raro, de introspección y podemos descansar, tener paz. Mientras organizamos el pujari, las profesoras de colegio siempre piensan en orden, planificación, limpieza. Esperamos ayudar lo mejor que podamos el tiempo que Krsna nos lo permita.

Por favor sus bendiciones para el servicio actual y el futuro.

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi (La Surabhi azul)

' ' ' '


HK Pamho, Guru Maharaja would like you to come soon to help in some of your events, will it be soon?

HpS - ASA -- TlgaSP!! Pienso por hyper media y no con cuerpo burdo! Possible proxima anyo vamos a Peru para un anyo?

I am sowing seeds, I hope they will soon bear fruit, a garden without flowers or fruits is sad, it seems sinful to not beautify the earth, we want everything to flourish, I love the beauty of creation.

HpS - Nuestra deseo tambien! Abustio de rosas! Arbol de peras!!

At some point we want to serve in the pujari and now we do it daily, once a day, it is a good rhythm that gives us time for other activities. It comforts us, we remember Vrndavana, we associate with pujaris, the mind is occupied and satisfied.

HpS - Vd es una de las mas afortunadas personas en el universo. Mas que Donald Trump... !

I am taking a short TTC 3 education course online, it gives us enthusiasm. The confinement sometimes plunges us into ignorance and I feel that I am getting used to loneliness, and I am becoming a hermit, more than I am, as something impersonal, we know that Krsna is carrying us like the wind, now we are here, tomorrow we do not know.

HpS - Si, experiencias muy interesante. Pienso solucion es cambio de modo de vivir. Hector Bejar, su companero de baile, tambien piensa la misma. Pero que lastima! Vamos a dejar esta tierra, esta pais, pronto, entonces predica donde estamos.

In a class where you mentioned that being in Vrndavana gave you time to think and remember why you became a devotee and what you wanted to do. Something like this happens to me, it is not enough for me to have a roof and bread, or a toilet. I hope that loneliness clarifies and allows us to understand how to serve.

HpS - 👍

The festivals had us under pressure, sometimes it is difficult for us to sing, a rare year, of introspection and we can rest, have peace. While we organize the pujari, the school teachers always think in order, planning, cleanliness. We hope to help as best we can for as long as Krsna allows us.

HpS - Alumnos virtuales! Esta bien!!

Please your blessings for current and future service.

His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kishora Dasi (The Blue Surabhi)

HpS - Gracias Yugala kishora Dasi! Nos vemos pronto en una jardin muy hemosa donde hay Radha y Krsna. No Deidades.... Radha y Krsna!!! "Hola, Yugi! Como esta? Hace mucho tiempo. Todo pasada bien?"

KDPC- Hare Krishna

4 years, 4 months ago by cdhulipati in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

Thank you for replying to my previous letter, I am always looking forward to your instructions. 

ASA - Hey!!! AGTSP!! paoho. "KDPC" is NOT the Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code! That is its name. Just like NASA is the name of the organization. The KDPC is in the Kapi Dhvaja each issue in the Letters to the Editor section. Your valuable letter was almost lost!!!! 😮

I have been waking up at 4.30am on most days of the week. I am doing mangala aarti also with flowers and incense. Waking up early has helped me chant most of my rounds with full concentration, thank you so much for your instruction maharaj. Attending your Srimad Bhagavatam classes has helped me become more detail oriented in my personal study of scriptures. 

HpS - ASA --- Without the Sanga we would be 97% lost!!

Under the guidance of Srinivas Prabhu and Sundari Radhika Mataji, I was able to complete the Disciple Course and receive the certificate.

ASA - Super!! Certified Bhaktin!!!! Now you can criticize President Trump with authority. 😎

I am also helping Kamagayatri Mataji in the Sunday school by helping kids recite important Bhagavatam verses from canto 2.

I would be eternally grateful if you accept me as your disciple.

Your insignificant servant,


HpS - ASA -- We are really happy to get your association. Who are your associates, family, employers, co-workers? What is your community eg. Indian, Delhi, Sharmas??

Thank you!


4 years, 4 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All Glories to H. H. Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaj! Please accept my humble obeisances at Your sweet sweet sweet Lotus feet....

HpS - I guess we have sweet lotus feet, but they are covered by matter now!!

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Seems like a long ..long....long..time ago.....

Hope this letter finds you in the best of Krishna Prema!! We long for Guru Maharaj's association each moment of our lives....without Your mercy ....my life is insignificant and wasted...

HpS - AgtSP!!!! We realize how nice Srila Prabhupada has been to us sometimes! .... What would we have without him... 😕

Continuing to read SB in the morning. SB3.25.8 Reminds me how ignorant I am . And how important and essential it is to be connected to a bona fide spiritual master.

HpS - !!

Guru Maharaj , would you please explain to us the process of entering into the kingdom of God tri-pada-bhuti-gati ....a little in detail?

HpS - Wow! Of course this is described in the SB again and again eg. Canto One, The Pandavas Retire Timely, but one very nice description starts at:

https://vedabase.io/en/library/cc/madhya/19/151/ . Is O.K? LC gives excellent description of all the stages.

Father has a name given by our grandfather who was an astrologer, gave the name Shyamacharan to father. We have started the Srimad Bhagavatam now after the BG. Father finds reading SB very liberating. Yesterday, with deep apprehension he asked whether he shall be able to complete the whole SB !! We are in SB 1.3.24. Thank you Guru Maharaj for your priceless mercy. We remain indebted to you forever.

HpS - Can you read the KRSNA book with him!!!? That is the essence of the SB, all the Vedic literature!

Some senior Vaisnavis ,disciples of Sripad Damodara Maharaja formed a fb group BSDS Vaisnavi Sanga and they mercifully kept me in the sanga. Yesterday we had our first video conference hosted by HG Vridapriya Mataji at zoom. We discussed in detail the song Ohe Vaisnava thakura.....we went on and on...for 2 hours ..and yet wanting still more..! Senior Mataji announced me to read the last verse..Krishna se tomara......immediately , dear Guru Maharaj , you came to my mind....and I felt like running ...pache...pache....after you...as always. I wish we could form a group of our godsisters too....with Your guidance ,Guru Maharaj.

HpS - Tuesday, our ASA, SB class is organized by ASA ladies!

Yesterday on Ekadasi, we celebrated a festival , 'Heikru Hidongba'. Heikru ,in Manipuri language is Gooseberry/Amla. Only after offering the season's gooseberry first to Shree Shree Radha Govinda on this day can gooseberry be taken. Before this, we are not allowed to eat gooseberry. So we tasted this year's gooseberry yesterday. Traditionally, there is also a boat race in the lake adjoining the temple complex. And the winner is gifted with garland of heikru by the King. We still follow the tradition till today. We are sending some photos .

ASA - Yes! We know about this. We saw the canal!! Such feelings of separation from Manipur.

Thank you Guru Maharaj for this life. Thank you for protecting our bhakti.

All glories to Bhakti vinoda Thakur.

Dhai tava pache pache,

Your most insignificant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Hare Krsna! Hare Krsna!!!!!!! May you share your consciousness with so many people!! Thank you!!! Broadcast the news of Manipur to the whole world!