🐷 oink . Vgd report and news 😊

3 years, 3 months ago by Bhakta Victor Junior in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna querido Gurudev

Mis más sinceros y respetuosas reverencias. TlgSP

Estoy muy feliz de poder participar más seguido del FMP en Gotometing.

Mi trabajo anterior muy estresante y ahora trabajo independiente, me siento mejor en Ck.

Actualmente cantando +16 rondas 4 principios y Mangalartik 6 veces por semana 🙏

Estoy haciendo Pujari en el templo de Iskcon Asunción (Paraguay) los sábados y domingos, full time, despertando, cocinando, ofreciendo bhoga, artiks. Desde hace al menos 1 año de forma regular.

También haciendo Harinam (chanting on streets) cada 15 días. Mi servicio favorito.

Actualmente estudiando también reina Kunti Y Manual de adoración de deidades (libro de iskcon vrindavan)

Mi esposa se inició con Ss Jayapataka Swami hace unas semanas, vía zoom, ahora su nombre es Naráyani Gourapremi dd.

Espero se encuentre muy bien de salud. Gracias por permitir compartir mi reporte y noticias con usted.

Su sirviente

Vijaya Govinda das.


Hare Krishna, dear Gurudev

My most sincere and respectful obeisances. TlgSP


I am very happy to be able to participate more often in the FMP in Gotometing.

ASA - We are very happy to have your association.

My previous job very stressful and now I am freelancing, I feel better at Ck.

ASA - Results of Bhakta yoga in the level of Vaidhi Bhakti. Relief from stress and then everything becoming harmonious.

Currently singing +16 rounds 4 principles and Mangalartik 6 times a week 🙏

I am doing Pujari in the temple of Iskcon Asunción (Paraguay) on Saturdays and Sundays, full time, waking up, cooking, offering bhoga, artiks. For at least 1 year on a regular basis.

ASA - You have earned the right to do the same thing in Nabadvipa with Nimai?

Also doing Harinam (chanting on streets) every 15 days. My favorite service.

ASA - With flags, nice pamphlets, parrots on sticks, acrobats, bags of popcorn?

Currently studying also Queen Kunti and Deity Worship Manual (book of iskcon vrindavan)

My wife initiated by H. H. Jayapataka Swami a few weeks ago, via zoom, now her name is Naráyani Gourapremi Devi Dasi.

ASA - Super good!!! I hope she is reading Caitanya caritamrta every day. Including more people reading. Becoming a Nabadvipa vasi also!!!!!

Drown everyone in Krsna prema!!!

I hope you are in very good health. Thank you for allowing me to share my report and news with you.

HpS - This body does not get diseases, this body is a disease. For our age our body is good for doing the very best service.

Even the old men in Dvaraka who saw Krsna daily were filled with youthful energy..

The photos are very, very nice! I hope you get a nice hand carved altar for Gaura Nitai and every morning and evening so many people joining for Kirtan.

Your servant

Vijaya Govinda das.

Hawaii - Monkey lady in Houston

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



The adventure of Sta Eulalia and the movie is just beginning ¡¡¡¡

It was so refreshing to see you again. Thanks for all your mercy, association, insights, gifts, etc

Today I had a very busy day as a professor in 2 universities such a lot of material to be prepared and corrected pffff. I have classes until 10: 30 pm. So I totally agree to your suggestion that I have to work only until 50 years old. That's it ¡¡¡¡

The university insisted that all their professors join an " International Neuropsychology and Education Internship" It is pretty demanding but also very compelling.

As we were discussing about my trip to Houston I am attaching some pictures that maybe you find it useful. I am chatting with Subhra Mataji. She has some suggestions about your next Sri Vyasa Puja, January 3rd 2022. I will go to Sta Eulalia on October 7th. So I hope to have the opportunity to talk to You at least 20 minutes about this topic.

Thanks in advance

See you in FMP

Trying to be your disciple


HpS - Thank you for using the FMP, Blog, Priority Code! Today it was "Hawaii". Haw. Haw. Haw. A sinister way to get devotees to join the FMP!.


Haw! Haw! Hare!

Your news is very inspiring for us. We realize that we are small people in this academic atmosphere in many ways, so we are trying to find our way to help others in preaching in the academic atmosphere.

We are just investigating this Sta. Alelelia Ashrama. It is a nice name, nice Sta! So far is very good facility offered by Krsna. Of course a large part of it is to arrange for freedom from pandemic and unknown serial killers by living in a village.

For those who want to enter in the village and live without masks, there needs to be proper health and quarantine, no?

What is that?

Your travel in taxis, not busses, no?

Are they certified safe?

Other wise it is so nice here that we can sit outside in the many nice patios at a safe distance, even without masks, and talk in the swift breezes!

Nueva asoka van, Ki Jai!

Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan Ki Jai.

The photos are very nice, but need captions, explanations. I guess we can download them.


Priya Sakhi dd-URGENTE

3 years, 3 months ago by priyasakhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Mharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada!.

Espero que haya tenido un buen viaje a Perú.

Escribo para reportarme.

16 rondas diariamente

3 gayatri mantras

4 principios regulativos

Clases de SB en Vaishnavas Care

Estamos en la recta final del curso BVB, del 2° canto.

Comenzamos un nuevo y último "Curso de Discípulos" para que la nueva profesora se pueda entrenar. Tenemos 20 estudiantes, muy entusiastas!!!.

Pienso en preparar un nuevo curso Bhakti Sastri para el próximo año. Espero poder lograrlo.

Jagannatha Caran continúa con su servicio en la administración y su trabajo.

Las deidades ya están en el templo desde Radhastami.

Unas devotas están haciendo una pintura muy linda en el templo. Le envío fotos.

Sukadeva está listo para rendir su examen libre para tercer grado.

Indira está asistiendo a su escuela de lenguaje. Siempre muy entusiasta.

Gurudev, espero que éste pequeño reporte lo encuentre bien.

Muchas gracias por todo Guru Maharaja.

HpS - Thank you for your report and the news of everyone. First our service is regulated but then we start to see specific things that Krsna needs and to be in His confidence, no?

Few hours ago we arrived in Sta. Aulelia, New Ashokavan. So far is good place.

Now we will do Gaura Arati Kirtan.

When we chant we are connected.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

3 years, 3 months ago by rohini in Personal Sadhana Reports



Mi querido Gurudeva

Por favor acepte usted mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias, ¿Cómo esta Ud.?, ¿Su salud va bien?

Que gusto poder comunicarme ahora con Usted, por favor perdone mis ofensas.

Cuanto desafío presenta Krsna en la vida, y aún así, es cierto es muy misericordioso, es indudable que ama a sus hijos.

Y por añadidura, Krsna, nos manda un representante suyo, el maestro espiritual, quien es infinitamente amable.

Que Krsna lo proteja Gurudeva, cuídese, cuídese mucho por favor. Es muy bueno tenerlo a usted.

Hare Krsna Rama!!!

Jaya Gurudeva

Su discípula.

Rohini dd




My dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances. How are you? Is your health doing well?

HpS - So much time has passed and no news from you or your family! 😀 For our age our health is very good. AGTSP! We are in La Perla, Callao and tomorrow go to stay for six months in Sta Aulelia.

What a pleasure to be able to communicate with you now, please forgive my offenses.

How much challenge Krsna presents in life, and yet it is true that he is very merciful, it is undoubted that she loves her children.

And furthermore, Krsna sends us a representative of His, the spiritual master, who is infinitely kind.

May Krsna protect you Gurudeva, take care of yourself, please take good care of yourself. It is very good to have you.

Hare Krsna Rama !!!

Jaya Gurudeva

His disciple.

Rohini dd

HpS - How is you daily Japa? Other practices of Srila Prabhupada's yoga? Relishing reading his books?

Manipuri Sankirtana - Gaurangi

3 years, 3 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !All glories to HH Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaj!

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj. Please accept our humble obeisances at Your lotus feet.

HpS - AGTSP! We have lettuce feet now, but maybe you can see our Svarupa, and its feet.

Thank you Guru maharaj for Your kind mercy. We started reading BG with a group of young girls every evening since the last 2 weeks. They are from different parts of India and they are such a great source of inspiration for me. They are chanting every morning through zoom platform. Two of them are from Manipur, one is pursuing Medicine and the other, Law. They come to temple on Sundays. Last Sunday both of them took Srila Prabhupada Lilamrita. Thank you...thank you ..thank you Guru Maharaj ..for this immense mercy.

We continue with our regular Sunday BG classes with HG Ramanuja Das , from 4pm to 6pm , nice study group with about 20 serious devotees, some aspiring to take initiation. We pray to Srila Prabhupada and Guru maharaj that we become Your servant always....if only Guru Maharaj allows ....hurt, wounded, lost,fallen....let it be....but a fighter for You always....and even if defeated ...let me fall at Your lotus feet forever.....again and again!

Still at Canto 4 SB chapter 14....so relevant with the modern times....king on one side ...thieves and rogues on the other side ,exploiting the ones in the middle!!!!

We wait eagerly for Your reply dear Guru Maharaj,

Your ignorant servant always,

Sarad Gaurangi DD

HpS - Jaya!!! Imagine when all those girls, people, become as advanced and occupied in Sankirtan as you are now. They will enlighten the hearts of so many people.

Next we will look for the letters from Isana Das. Please see what he has to say about Manipuri preaching. We hope we can become absorbed in Manipuri Sankirtan.

H. H. B. S. Damodara Swami, Ki Jaya!!!

Hare Krishna

3 years, 3 months ago by purushottam in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna

Respected Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

Thank you so much Maharaj for the reply. It is always inspiring to read your words. Although I am insignificant, you are always available to encourage and guide us. I am unable to read all the posts, but at least few I read and get updates. You and your scholarly disciples/ friends/ team are offering a great service in the mission of Srila Prabhupada.

I dont wish to burden you too much and try to keep things short. Because of my past experience, I have given up any thoughts of going to any project under a few devotees. Going to Kolkata reminds me of nightmares I had.

I had started an online credited course with BRC. However I could not submit the projects because of busy schedule. I don't know how much they would be agreeable to take me.

Regarding subject, since I am already pursuing a course in Sanskrit, I would like to complete the same, than entering a completely new arena-history. Krishna willing if I would be able to offer any service for NIOS, it would be my great fortune.

I am sorry for being unable to accept your suggestions and instructions.

I am very grateful to you for offering the expenses. Although I have no support from my temple authorities, there are few friends and well wishers who are supporting me. I hope if I serve the mission of Srila Prabhupada, he would not keep me deprived of my basic necessities.

Few days back I came to Patna. Here there is one devotee Mohan Prabhu, who joined here from Haldia, Kolkata shortly after I came. Sadhana is a little better. Also, few days back 2 brahmacharis from ISKCON Chowpatty came here. They are strongly suggesting that Patna has a huge potential for preaching, so tolerate the difficulties and focus on strong practice of Krishna Consciousness and preach, conduct courses on Gita. Actually a huge marvelous temple is coming up here, that too very much in the heart of the city. It is scheduled to be inaugurated on 14th December, 2021. After inauguration, a huge number of people are expected to visit temple. He suggested to preach together with Mohan Prabhu and there would be preaching explosion.

On the other hand, devotee who has a temple at a village near Sitamarhi is also arriving there on 13th September and do basic repairs and constructions to make it habitable. 2 devotees are also expected to stay there, so I would at least have some association.

And the temple president is asking to take start and take care of a center at Muzaffarpur and he would send some devotees there also. Muzaffarpur is a city in between Patna and Sitamarhi. In case he really starts any center there and offers financial support, I think there is no harm in preaching over there. So, now it appears that I have lost one place- Darbhanga to preach but three more opportunities have come up- Patna, Muzaffarpur and Sitamarhi.

I don't know how things will unfold but I did get some strength by association and encouragement of Chowpatty Brahmacharis- HG Rudranath Prabhu and HG Vrajaraja Priya Prabhu.

I seek your prayers, blessings and association (if you plan to come to India).

Please forgive my mistakes, shortcomings and offenses.

Your insignificant servant

Purushottam Keshav Das

Attached- photos of Ram Laxman Sita Hanuman temple at a village Narha, 12 Km from Sitamarhi city.

HpS - AgtSP! Thank you for your letter!!! I have been feeling so bad that I have not been able to answer letters from wonderful devotees like your self.

Maybe you can see how much we have been struggling, struggling, struggling with all these diverse aspects of attention to disciples, body, weather, NIOS.

Krsna has been giving us many, many, undeserved opportunities for success in our little Sankirtan efforts and we hope we can show you more results soon.

Of course, we were thinking that it might be ideal for you and NIOS if you could work with the BRC, but we are super, super, happy to hear of the many opportunities that you have which may occupy your abilities to even more utility.

We heard that Bh. Siddhanta Maharaja would recommend Caitanya Caritamrt before Bhagavatam and BG to some people.

We find it is very useful in the beginning. There is so much modern lila in it, demonstrations of SB and BG.

Of course, the proper preaching books are different for different people.

Don't just try to distribute books, but make book distributors, no?

Then we can help the world even more!

Please send news after things become more clear or as we can be of help!!