Piyari mohan y eventos en ISKCON Chile.

3 years, 3 months ago by priyasakhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna GM.



Muchas gracias por Su respuesta.

Jagannatha y 2 devotos más visitaron a Piyari Mohan el viernes pasado. Tomaron prasad con él y su familia, cantaron y conversaron. Estuvieron con él como 6 horas. Esperan visitarlo otra vez. El esta bien, con su psiquiatra y siguiendo su tratamiento.


Extrañamos Sus visitas a Santiago Mandir, quedarán en nuestro corazón.

Si todo sale bien, podremos visitarlo en enero junto a mi familia en Ashoka Van, y si Krsna quiere podremos estar para el día de Su Vyasa Puja.

Jagannatha hace lo mejor que puede en el servicio de la administración, junto a los devotos (Maha Anandini Radha dd y Dina Dayal das).

Y me gustaría distribuir libros en diciembre, veremos qué se puede hacer.

Gracias GM.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Priya Sakhi dd

HpS - Muchas gracias. Piyari tiene mucho hacer para corregir esta situacion tan, tan grave con la pobre Mataji!


Mundo material.

Esperamos noticias acerca del calendario de Enero pronto.

Es super que ISKCON tiene reputacion ayudar todos sus miembros, aun a veces ayudar es un fuerte pata en .... .

KmDD Report

3 years, 3 months ago by karunamayi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva 🙇

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Ruego al Señor Nrsimhadeva para que lo proteja siempre.

Sigo cantando mis 16 rondas, 4 principios, gayatris y pensando diariamente en usted que es mi mayor refugio.

No pude quedarme New Asokavam porque había perdido mi equilibrio emocional. En ese estado no podía hacer un servicio adecuado.

En estos momentos me encuentro en casa de Arjuna.

Quisiera tomarme un tiempo a cierta distancia de todos.

Espero recuperarme pronto y tomar su asociación nuevamente.

Perdone mis ofensas Gurudeva.

Su aspirante a discípula....

Lo extraño mucho....

Karuna Mayi Devi Dasi.

Dear Gurudeva 🙇

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I pray to Lord Nrsimhadeva to protect him always.

I keep singing my 16 rounds, 4 principles, gayatris and thinking daily of you that you are my greatest refuge.

I couldn't stay in New Asokavam because I had lost my emotional balance. In that state he could not do an adequate service.

Right now I am at Arjuna's house.

I'd like to take some time away from everyone.

I hope to recover soon and take your association again.

Forgive my offenses Gurudeva.

His aspirant to his disciple ...

I miss him so much ....

Karuna Mayi Devi Dasi.

HpS - TlgaSP. Thank you very much! Our mind and body are 73-years old and we want to help so many good people as you and others, but we don't have the strength to do too much as personal consultant any more.

Right now three different devotees, families, are asking for URGENT advice. All very nice people. It makes us feel bad that we cannot help as a counselor.

Mangala ananda Das said something that we remember about three years ago in BsAS: I has taken we seven years to realize that you are my spiritual master and not my psychologist. Yet we are certainly willing to help with as much strength as we can in whatever way we can.

We have heard from Patraka Das about some of the problems that you all have had in your Ashrama, and our basic perspective is that it is not so important what happened as what is happening.

Your determination to chant etc. is guaranteed to put you back in the battle very soon. We only to die a wonderful death and then follow behind Srila Prabhupada into the next sacrifice.

Send us more news or questions as necessary. If possible we can take help from devotees like Patraka et al and even discuss these topics a little.

Thank you.

Better Sanga

3 years, 3 months ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glory to Sankirtana Movement by Gaur Nitai & All Glory to Srila Prabhupada and his faithful devotees.

ASA - 😁 😁 😁 😁

Dear Gurudeva: How was your travel? no doubt your constant activities in devotional service are very inspiring to continue in this way, (sato vṛtteḥ) the Sankirtan's way. I chant everyday and I like reading Srila prabhupada books, I constantly try to share what I have learned, (dadāti pratigṛhṇāti).

It is very difficult for me to serve others, it is sad to know of devotees who were very enthusiastic, good preachers or pujaris and now have lost their faith, or have left the movement, especially when new people meet them and they are their reference about the devotees.

ASA/Buck White: https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/4/31/6/ !!!

Pracetas were good devotees, go deviated, but came back. Is a common story, no? So, we have to look for devotees who have deviated but because of their experiences are now ripe to hear the advice of Narada Muni!

Even within ISKCON there is a lot of disunity, it's difficult to be honest and humble, but even there are devotees who do not believe this is essential. I don't stop trying to get a better sādhana, I'm still a very neophyte, although I feel very fortunate to have your tireless effort on this path, you're a great example for me to follow. I'll keep by your grace chanting Hare Krishna and sharing what I learn from the Bhāgavata.

your crew member AniruddhaKrsna Das.

HpS - ASA --- You are getting bigger challenges so you can be a bigger devotee! Maybe you will be Vidura in your next life!!!!

More news as it develops.

Use the PC in the Kapi Dhvja.

Rama Vijaya - Second Initiation

3 years, 3 months ago by sugopiradha in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Since the beginning of this year, I've been contemplating the benefits of taking second initiation. I remember how you often mention in your classes that first initiation is experimental, and that real initiation is second initiation. At the time of second initiation is when Krishna accepts one as similar to Himself.

HpS - Yet, as we understand Srila Prabhupada is commenting that according to Srila Jiva Goswami Hari-nama diksa is sufficient. The second initiation is a formality. A very good formality in most cases.

Guru Maharaja, I wake up at 3:45 AM daily, chant my rounds, do Mangala Arati, and listen to SB and BG classes. I wanted to humbly request for second initiation from you. I received first initiation in 2017 and have seriously kept my vows since then. I think that second initiation will help me achieve a greater degree of purity, cleanliness, and punctuality to serve Krishna.

If you bless me with second initiation, I wish to serve Sri Sri Jagannath, Baladeva, Subhadra, and Gaura Nitai along with my parents, after the grand opening of our temple on October 3rd.

Your servant,

Sugopi Radha Devi dasi

HpS - Sounds fine to us! I think Srila Prabhupada would be very pleased. Brahmana and then a Goswami and then Vrajabasi!

You have taken the disciple course, no?

We would need the blessings of your local association, Mama, Poppa, all the devotees here in the Blog!

A letter of recommendation from the Temple President (Piyari mohana Das).

Yes, Rama vijayotsava would be a great day.

Who will do the fire sacrifice?

Hare Krishna!!

3 years, 3 months ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Gurudev

All Glory to Srila Prabhupada, Please accept my obeisances

I hope you are well I have seen that you have arrived in Peru, I regret not being able to visit you for the moment, I have been very absorbed with my challenges, just this month I was able to reflect a little more, I was in Rosario and in Buenos Aires in the temple, it was a much needed recharge, ... on the farm in general well, from January to June I was accommodating the Asram, the success was to spend the winter without allergy and heated, I contracted covid at the end of July, it was mild, and I had a vaccine. I have returned to my reading of NOI and finishing the SB for the first time Canto 10 part 4, I got in Portuguese the songs 11 and 12, and I go for Them, my life slow in reading, now I am in Pinamar visiting some Devotees, I will stay a few more days, later I will travel to the South, to visit My Parents. Over 4 starts and 16 rounds fine Mangalartik could be even better, positive mood His disciple, Chitrak Prabhu, has taken me in Service, in live classes on FB for Buenos Aires, and he has been very good for Me. I hope to be able to visit you and serve you at some point, as well as ask you personal questions when you go to live in Radhakunda, even if it was only a short time that I stayed there. Thank you for accepting me as Your Disciple. At Your Service Adi Yajña Das

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!! Thank you for such a nice letter. Please write again with some of your news of Krsna and your eternal, developing service to him!!!

Dead or alive we are together when we are with Krsna.

Gaura Nitai, BsAs. Ki Jai! How is Their service

Hare Krishna querido Gurudev

Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

Espero se encuentre bien he visto que ha llegado a Perú, lamento no poder ir visitarlo por el momento, he estado muy absorto con mis desafíos,recién este mes pude refleccionar un poco más, estube en Rosario y en Buenos Aires en el templo, fue una recarga muy necesaria,...en la finca en general bien, desde Enero a Junio estube acomodando el Asram, el éxito fue pasar el invierno sin Alergia y calefaccionado, yo contraje covid a finales de julio, fue leve, y me di una vacuna. He vuelto a mi lectura de NOI y terminando el SB por primera vez Canto 10 parte 4 conseguí en portugués el canto 11 y12,y voy por Ellos, mi vida lenta en la lectura, ahora me encuentro en Pinamar visitando a unos Devotos, me quedaré algunos días más, después voy a viajar al Sur,de visitas a Mis Padres.

Sobre 4 principios y 16 rondas bien.Mangalartik, podría Ser mejor Aún, Estado anímico positivo

Su discípulo, Chitrak Prabhu, me ha ocupado en Servicio, en las clases en vivo por FB para Buenos Aires, y a Sido muy bueno para Mí.

Espero poder visitarlo y servirlo en algún momento, así como hacerle preguntas personales cuando Usted vaya a vivir en Radhakunda, aunque sea poco tiempo el que me quedé yo ahí.

Gracias por aceptarme como Su Discípulo.

A Su Servicio Adi Yajña Das  


3 years, 3 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj,


We will be short. We want to take initiation from you or your representative. But we also know you may be leave this manifested world, by 2024.

In node:12424, HG grace said .

"what should be Prabhupada perspective on this problem? ,

HpS - Adjust to take first initiation"

This word Adjust for not clear to our head, but to our heart -it means to make up for offences we did towards mother (espousa) of great vaisnava (hijo). [Sane man thinks from heart].

We are contacting multiple teachers to get rectified for our Asrama properly.

We are in university, we dont know how would Krsna and parampara will like to use us. We have to purify ourself, before get used by Krsna . (you said in once lecture: Arjuna was first purified, then used by Krsna).

We deeply desire to be near to Head of State (nation or university). We will be working in that direction as service to SPOG.

But for Asrama, we now need to earn more money, (Laxmi ji comes for service for Vishnu ji).

over and out.

bown down

Horse (waiting to be bridled)

HpS - AgtSP. We really want to be with you in India always.

Srila Prabhupada commented that he thought: First Money then Preaching, but Krsna demanded and got: First Preaching and then Money.

Do you have anything to offer the King of India? Can you increase your offering? Eg developing a realization of the Krsna book. Firmly rejecting Lord Caitanya or accepting after seriously investigating His suggestions.

If you chant 16-nice rounds and follow the 4-rpinciples strictly for one year, having made your home a Temple, you can be initiated.

If you wife and son don't want your life, what can you do?

If the do then learn how to share it.

What are you teaching now?