Triste coincidencia

3 years, 3 months ago by jambavati dd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Nitay Goura Premanande!! querido y recordado Gurudev,

por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias!!


HpS/ASA - Pedimos disculpas por nuestra pereza al no responder antes, pero también ha habido una intensa presión con los viajes. Siempre somos tus sirvientes.

Nuevamente con problemas de comunicación, pues, no tengo wi-fi, ... Tengo tantas cosas que decirle, pero, sólo puedo ahorrarle su tiempo, y, decirle un informe concreto.

Hace más de 1 año y medio estaba próxima a viajar a MX, tenía mi boleto comprado, pero, por motivos de la pandemia, quedaron congelados los vuelos, .. el mes pasado la Aerolínea me comunicó que ya no podían alargar mi viaje y, tenía que realizarlo antes de que termine el año, ... justo cuando organize la fecha de viaje, me enteré que ud. viene a Perú, ... ya no pude cambiar la fecha, pues no dispongo de Laxmi para cambiar la fecha otra vez..... mi viaje está orientado a atender mi salud que en estos 3 años que llevo en Perú me fué imposible atender, ...

al parecer el tumor de la garganta ha avanzado pues, tengo varias complicaciones que van desde el cuello, clavícula y pulmón izquierdo, .... he bajado de peso 5 kg ... no sé si es por tanto trajín que me demanda el cuidado de mi padre, ... también la zona del maxilar se ha presentado algunas complicaciones, (el Doctor Kawasaki, ya me había advertido que se tiene que estar haciendo ajustes cada cierto tiempo) ....

HpS - No hay otra opción para ti excepto refugiarte por completo en la profundidad de tu corazón, más allá del mundo físico.

Bueno, mi partida a MX es el 21 y, ud. Llega el 26 ... estoy muy triste, pero, con la esperanza que por su infinita compasión pueda regresar a Perú a recibir su Darshan tan anhelado ... .. mi padre, continúa leyendo el Libro de Krishna, .. gracias al accidente de mi mano, y, lo enferma que se me ve, mi familia está en mejor disposición de ayudar a mi padre, ... ahora, él ha regresado a casa de mi hermana, está más protegido y acompañado .... por mi parte, sólo puedo, agradecer eternamente a sus divinos pies de Loto,

amado Gurudev que siempre ora por está discípula tonta que apesar de todas las circunstancias puedo tener una gota de la misericordia del Sankirtan...

en estos meses pude distribuir 172 libros y 2 BG grandes, .. la gracia de SRILA PRABHUPADA es tan dulce que me permite percibir el cielo en medio del infierno material, por cada libro distribuido es una felicidad y un agradecimiento eterno al Sena Pati Bhakta SRILA PRABHUPADA!! y, todo lo debo a ud. Querido Gurudev!!

Su inútil y torpe sirvienta

M. Jambavati d.d

HpS-ASA - Como podemos pensar que su vida no esta organizado por la energia interior. Sanatana Goswami tenía llagas sangrantes en el cuerpo, pero el Señor Caitanya lo abrazó personalmente.

Que tu corazón vuele en constante Sankirtan en este mundo. La poca ayuda que podemos ofrecer es suya. Solo envía más noticias de tu Sankirtan bajo la protección de Radha Madana Gopal y algunas fotos.

Nuestros respetos a los devotos en México.

Quizás nos encontremos en Vani en Perú o en Houston.


3 years, 3 months ago by yasoda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna muy querido y siempre recordado Gurumaharaja.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas y sinceras reverencias.

Gurumaharaja, me surgió la oportunidad de VIAJAR A TURQUÍA. En estos días por arreglo de Krishna la madre Madhumati (discípula de S.S. Sankarshan Das) me ofreció estadía por unos meses para acompañarla en su casa, porque ella se queda sola con su hija todo el tiempo que su esposo trabaja (viven en Estambul, en la zona europea cerca a la playa). Me parece que tendría que aprovechar esta oportunidad porque, al estar yo sola (mi relación de asociación terminó hace unos años atrás) y fallecer mi tía, TENGO QUE MUDARME DE ESTA CASA CUANTO ANTES. Mi papá está de acuerdo con que viaje fuera de Perú para comenzar una nueva vida (en cualquier país extranjero dice)


Con temores y sinceridad. 

Su hija que le pide al Señor Nrishimha para que siempre lo proteja:

Yasoda Devi Dasi


Hare Krishna much loved and always remembered Gurumaharaja.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please accept my sincere and respectful obeisances.

Gurumaharaja, the opportunity arose to TRAVEL TO TURKEY. These days, by arrangement of Krishna, the mother Madhumati (disciple of SS Sankarshan Das) offered me a stay for a few months to accompany her at her home, because she remains alone with her daughter all the time that her husband works (they live in Istanbul, in the European zone close to the beach).

It seems to me that I would have to take advantage of this opportunity because, since I was alone (my association relationship ended a few years ago) and my aunt passed away, I HAVE TO MOVE OUT OF THIS HOUSE ASAP. My dad agrees that I travel outside of Peru to start a new life (in any foreign country, he says)


With fear and sincerity.

Her daughter who asks Lord Nrishimha to always protect him:

Yasoda Devi Dasi

HpS - AGTSP paoho. I have almost no knowledge of the advantages or disadvantages of this situation.

It is a dangerous move.

You should know the lady and her husband well.

If things become terrible will you be able to come back to Peru?

Maybe make an agreement that you can show your father, that if there is big problem and you have to return then you will pay XYZ% of the cost and they will pay ABC% of the cost.

Our ideas.

For more should discuss with people who know more of the people and the situation.

Keep a diary of your experiences.

Detalles de la ayuda para madre Sarvani

3 years, 3 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Respecto a su pregunta sobre la colecta que se inició para madre Sarvani.

Hace unas semanas madre Sarvani me contactó desde India por messenger porque estaría de tránsito en México en el mes de Septiembre rumbo a Perú, después de varios días me contó que tenía un cuadro de diarrea crónico que no había logrado controlar, se sentía débil y desnutrida, había bajado 6 kilos de peso y necesitaba que se le ponga suero en México en donde estaría 3 días para reponerse y lograr ingresar a Perú, ella había logrado extender esos días de tránsito, en ese momento me estaba escribiendo desde Egipto así que en México intentamos organizar la ayuda médica con Kalindi una madre enfermera quien también la contactó por Whatsapp pero muy pronto su salud sufrió una fuerte crisis y ya no pudo salir de Egipto.


Esos días contacté a madre Kaveri porque la salud y situación era muy delicado, madre Kaveri dijo que estaban viendo como ayudarla, posteriormente iniciaron la recaudación por la seriedad de las complicaciones. 

Madre Kaveri confirma que la recaudación es verdadera y conocen a la organizadora de la recaudación, Ananda Krsna Real, también tienen unas cuentas bancarias de la familia de la madre.

Gurumaharaja hemos estado pensando en el dedo de su pie, el golpe fue por nuestras faltas y pecados.

Usted es tan misericordioso que ha permitido conectarnos con Srila Prabhupada y no estamos siguiendo el vani sanga. 

Gurumaharaja disculpe, algún médico le ha revisado el dedo?

HpS - Si, M. Guru-bhakti Devi Dasi aqui. Esta bien. Solamente un noche bastante intenso, y depues recuperando pronto. Yoga de Srila Prabhupada.

Espero que buen cooridnacion ayudar a la gran 'warrior', Sarvani Devi Dasi! Pienso que Krsna y las Gopis siempre son bien atenta a ella.

Oramos intensamente a Sri Nrisimhadeva para que bondadosamente le proteja en su viaje con la energía óptima para su sankirtana y la estadía en Perú transcurra exitosamente para el placer de Srila Prabhupada. 

Disculpe por favor nuestras ofensas, debemos trabajar más para que el ventilador de nuestros pecados gire cada vez más despacio. 

Muchísimas gracias por enseñarnos a servir a Sri Krishna en medio de las dificultades.

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd. 

HpS - Siempre estamos "amazed" por su Sankirtan. Tan muchos devotos en esta movimiento quien no dejan su servicio cundo vea al institucion en kaos, o tiene grandes desafios de salud. No puede ser fuentes de satisfaccion a Senyor Caitanya y nos da mas servicio importante en el Sankirtan!!


3 years, 3 months ago by anandamayadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Pamho, TLGASP!!!

Quedé con Abhiram, en ir hoy o mañana a comprar unos juegos de dhotis para Usted...

Me olvidé el nombre del material de la tela que usa Usted y la medida.

Eran 3 1/2 m. 2m. Dhotis y 1 1/2 m. Utariya?

Vamos esperar su respuesta para ir a comprar...

Su aspirante a Sirviente AmD.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

 Pamho, TLGASP !!!

 I stayed with Abhiram, to go today or tomorrow to buy some sets of dhotis for you ...

 I forgot the name of the fabric material you use and the measurement.

 They were 3 1/2 m. 2m. Dhotis and 1 1/2 m. Utariya?

4 meters long divided into 1/3 and 2/3. Tall enough to reach the ground.

 We will wait for your response to go shopping ...

 Your would-be Servant AmD.

Urgente ayuda para madre Sarvani dd.

3 years, 4 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurumaharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Nuestra querida madre Sarvani de Perú está atravesando una situación delicada de salud, ella estaba regresando de India - Egipto - México - Perú, pero su salud se agravó recientemente en Egipto y no ha podido salir de allí.

Por mucho tiempo ella ha sido miembro de ASA así que tomo el atrevimiento de compartir la búsqueda de apoyo en este foro por si alguien está en la posibilidad de apoyar por favor y porsupuesto solicitar las oraciones de los vaisnavas que son muy importantes.

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd


Dear Gurumaharaja.

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Our dear mother Sarvani from Peru is going through a delicate health situation, she was returning from India-Egypt-Mexico-Peru, but her health recently deteriorated in Egypt and she has not been able to leave there.

For a long time she has been a member of ASA so she took the boldness to share the search for support in this forum in case someone is in the possibility to support and of course request the prayers of the Vaisnavas that are very important.

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd

HpS - Hare Krsna. AgtSP. Thank you for this letter. We are sorry that we are slow in answering mail now, especially these last few days. The pressure from travel has been INTENSE! Yesterday we had strong allergy reaction, sneezing all the time. There are no symptoms of CoVid virus. Today it is a little better but we have been resting and not gone outside yet.

Today we have to put everything behind and work with Srinatha Krsna Das on our Tava-Pache-Pache, NoI, comments so that we can send it to Abhirama, Visual Imprint, for typesetting on Monday.

The following letter from M. Sarvani Devi Dasi seems a little suspicious. Of course, she is one of the most senior devotees we know in our Peruvian Yatra, and always a great, great honor to have here association in any of our ASA programs. We always want to help her in here service, and have!

On the other hand, we have received letters requesting money from people we know, we got one in Oscar Natars' name one time saying he was in Europe and had been robbed and needed money, but when we contacted him personally he said that it was false, and that someone had hacked his address book and was sending out the letter.

It is strange that Mataji is writing from Egypt?!! Even travel to India or Mexico seems strange now.

Are you sure this is here and the money transfer address is bonafide?

We hope that our body becomes more useful in the next few days.

Even avoiding pandemic while traveling is a big challenge.

Staying alive in this material world is a challenge.

*Ayudemos a Sarvani*

Helping Sarvani

I am Sarvani dd (my legal name is Sara Coahila). All my life I have worked as an accounting assistant and I practice spiritual life for many years, I am also a disciple of Jayapataka Swami. I am approaching you with this campaign to humbly ask you to help me raise funds to cover a number of financial expenses that I am having due to my situation.

Right now I am in transit in Cairo, Egypt and I was stranded. My stay has been extended and in this time I have suffered a sudden deterioration in my health, I have constant diarrhea and I have lost a lot of weight, in addition to this I am presenting symptoms compatible with COVID 19. I do not have access to public health and the access to a Private Hospital has been difficult because of the cost, my gender, different language and even because it is not easy to be treated because the demand that exists in the hospitals. I am afraid and I am alone, so I strongly ask that you help me financially to be able to go through this series of unfortunate events that I am going through.

With your contribution I will be able to pay for medical attention, medicines, accommodation, food and my return ticket as soon as I receive medical discharge. This fundraising is extremely urgent so that it can be treated in critical condition.

I thank you with all my heart for your contribution and for sharing this campaign with other people so that they can help me. 


Medical care 900

Medicines 700

Stay x 10 days. 3500

Food 1.500

Total 6600

Lee más aquí

¡Reenvía este mensaje a tus contactos para ayudar a que la recaudación de fondos logre su objetivo!

Personally sadhana and Mandir report

3 years, 4 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to AC Prabhupada, Srila Swarupa Damodar Swami Maharaja.

Radha Krishna ki Jay, Gours Nitya ki Jay, Gourabhakta Vrinda ki Jay.

Dandavat Pranam HpS, Guruji Maharaj!

HpS - All glories to Srila Prabhupada. In Nectar of Instruction, Text Five, last paragraph, SrilaPrabhupada gives a very nice illumination of Guru Tattva. We are just presenting ourselves as Madhyama adhikari devotees for taking up this role of Diksa guru on behalf of Srila Prabhupada in ISKCON, and requiring that everyone we initiate is accepting Srila Prabhupada as an Uttama adhikari spiritual master.

How is your relationship with Srila Prabhupada? Do you feel his presence in you life, service?

To be a part of ISKCON we need to have that personal experience of his presence in our life, Sankirtan!

Thank you.

Hare Krishna, please accept my humble obeisanses unto Guruji Maharaja's Padma Charan that the CC I am reading is Pabhu Padas English book. Not only that the Manipuri translation of two different writers, they explain vastly.

Yes, in SB/CC is full of stories of devotees achieving success.

"Took two lifetimes and he we Great Devotees" Who are them?

HpS - Did we say something like this is a previous letter? Of course, Maharaja Bharata is an example of someone who took two lifetimes to become perfect devotee, no? I cannot think of another one right now.

Yes just some days back I read the news in the JayaRama.US.

Guruji it is my personal request that I choose my Sakhi Manjari. Actually such names are offered from the Jagat Guru Gouranga Mahapraphu, but today HpS Gurji Maharaja represents Him so please give me the permission to get Yamunesvari Sakhi and Yamuna Manjuri. My sadhana will fruitful if Guruji give me Gurujis Asirbat (anumati). It is the tradition of Manipuri Vaisnavas.

HpS - We discussed some of this before, no? If we look at NoI, Text 7, paragraph starting, "The conclusion is that in order to get freed from..."

we see how Srila Prabhupada develops the verse, "Adau sraddha..." by Srila Rupa Goswami in a very nice way.

This is one of the most quoted verses in the Bhakti-rasa-amrta-sindhu. Srila Prabhupada gives the full Sanskrit in the purport to his Bhagavad-gita Text 4.40.

We have to know in which of these levels we find ourselves: Kanistha, Madhyama, Uttama adhikari. As Srila Prabhupada explains, following Lord Chaitanya, our Siddha svarupa becomes manifest when we come to the stage of Bhava. Of course, we can start to follow in the footsteps of a Manjari, or cowherd boy, etc even in the stage of Raga-anuga Bhakti. We see this as beginning in the stage of Ruci.

Here we are liberated by following Vaidhi bhakti and we can stimulate these eternal feelings of Rasa by trying to follow the feelings of a Gopi or Gopa in our service.

For example, when we offer the Raja bhoga to Radha Govinda Chandra in Mani-mandir, we can try to do it with the mood of Mother Yasoda or a cowherd friend of Krsna.

So, are you "Nistha"? Are you fixed in devotional service? Every day up for Kirtan and Mangala arati during Brahma muhurta? Always chanting 16-nice rounds etc? Then you can, will, naturally begin Raganuga Bhakti, but your real Siddha svarupa will only become fully manifest when you progress to the stage of Bhava bhakti, and it does not have to be a Manjari. We me become like Krsna's garland or his flute. All this is basically explained in the NoI, and then by reading Srila Prabhupadas books like CC, SB, NoD, we become more familiar with the topic.

Naturally, by following Srila Prabhupada, we are following Rupa Goswami. In Vraja lila he is Rupa Manjari, who is serving Lalita sakhi.

Of course, we are following Manipuri tradition through Bhakti svarupa Damodara Goswami and how he accepted its different aspects, and put aside some others.

Please discuss Srila Prabhupada's Parampara instructions from Lord Chaitanya with Haridas Goswami. He knows the Manipuri perspective very well, no? Ask him what he understands about this topic and then have him send a copy of his thoughts to us.

That will be very great service.

I do not remember in CC where Lord Caitanya gives Manjari names to anyone?

Waiting to hear from you and Maharaja. It is certain that if you just go on chanting sixteen enthusiastic rounds while following the four principles under Srila Prabhupada's authority you will come to the platform of Maha bhagavata and you eternal relation and body with Krsna will become manifest again.

Once again Dangavat Prana.

Yours fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das.