1008 - Second Initiation Part 2

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Guru Maharaja, HG Pyari Mohan Prabhu said he sent the letter of recommendation to [email protected] yesterday. I finished Bhakti Sastri in 2019 and the ISKCON disciples course in 2016. 🙏

About the date of the initiation, whatever you say is fine, Guru Maharaja.

Thank you very much.

Your humble servant,

Sugopi Radha Devi dasi

HpS - AGTSP!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ....... paoho......... we saw the letter listed in our "vip" mail box. We will look at it and then we can have the initiation ceremony. Should we do it in the new Connecticut temple? ? ?

Then third initiation, 4th.. 5th... taking a part directly in the Mahabharata con Krsna. What role should you play???



3 years, 2 months ago by anandamayadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Espero encontrarlo más descansado.

Me hubiera gustado mucho poder verlo y conversar en persona.

Voy a escribir en esta carta lo que estaba esperando decirle personalmente, por favor no lo publique.

HpS - Certainly general comments:

Hare Krishna, AmD,

Muchísimas gracias por esta carta. Quizás somos un 75% de devotos sinceros y más allá de eso, nuestros ojos están fallando, etc.

Luego vimos el título de esta publicación y pensamos que era la carta anterior que había enviado, así que no la abrí hasta ahora.

Por supuesto, hemos conversado por Whatsapp y esperamos hablar por teléfono contigo con Parama karuna Das.

Hemos escuchado algunos comentarios sobre esta situación, y los de Patrak parecen ser los más directos, lúcidos y con su habitual motivación muy sincera.

Personalmente, nos enfrentamos a muchos desafíos personales como el suyo de otros amigos y discípulos, por lo que no podemos dar la atención personal a cada uno que queremos.

Tu historia ciertamente parece normal. Dentro del rango del Srimad Bhagavata. No dejes que The Witch destruya tu entusiasmo. Todos somos puros. Todos cometemos errores y luego tenemos que corregirlos. Eso es todo. Nadie tiene derecho a no aceptar la corrección de una situación.

¡¡Todos somos demasiado esenciales para los planes de Krsna de separarnos del movimiento Sankirtan !!

👍 🚙 🚙 🚙

FMP PC - Second Initiation

3 years, 2 months ago by sugopiradha in Personal Sadhana Reports

Tom Brown - AGTSP paoho. Ooops. We missed this! If you don't get an answer within three with a Priority Code, then write to us again!

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Since the beginning of this year, I've been contemplating the benefits of taking second initiation. I remember how you often mention in your classes that first initiation is experimental, and that real initiation is second initiation. At the time of second initiation is when Krishna accepts one as similar to Himself.

Guru Maharaja, I wake up at 3:45 AM daily, chant my rounds, do Mangala Arati, and listen to SB and BG classes. I wanted to humbly request for second initiation from you. I received first initiation in 2017 and have seriously kept my vows since then. I think that second initiation will help me achieve a greater degree of purity, cleanliness, and punctuality to serve Krishna.

If you bless me with second initiation, I wish to serve Sri Sri Jagannath, Baladeva, Subhadra, and Gaura Nitai along with my parents, after the grand opening of our temple on October 3rd.

Your servant,

Sugopi Radha Devi Dasi

HpS - It is fait accompli. We are struggling to be good machines for our Spiritual Master but we have challenges from being in foreign country, needing to use an old donkey etc.

Have you done the Bh. Sastri course? I think so.

When shall we have the ceremony?

Need a letter from The Piyari-mohan Das.

What useful are you learning in Yale?

Any friends, students or teachers of KC there?

KmDD Report

3 years, 2 months ago by karunamayi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Muchas gracias por la respuesta a mi carta, usted ha sido de mucha inspiración en mi vida espiritual y estoy en deuda con usted, eso me alegra porque estaré meditando siempre en esforzarme.

He visto a algunos devotos alejarse de conciencia de Krsna a causa de problemas personales y han caído o no han regresado. Tengo un poco de temor de no recuperar el entusiasmo y determinación de antes en mi vida espiritual.

Muchas gracias por los obsequios Gurudeva, usted siempre acordándose de nosotros.

Espero darle mejores noticias la próxima vez y verlo pronto.

Y ser más útil en su Sankirtan.

Perdone mis ofensas.

Que nuestro Señor Nrsimhadeva siempre lo proteja...

Su aspirante a discípula

         karuna Mayi Devi Dasi.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you very much for your response to my letter, you have been a great inspiration in my spiritual life and I am indebted to you, that makes me happy because I will always be meditating on trying.

I have seen some devotees drift away from Krishna consciousness due to personal problems and have fallen or have not returned. I am a little afraid that I will not regain the enthusiasm and determination of earlier in my spiritual life.

HpS - The gopis have the same fear, but more intense. Let us all stay together and make it back to Krsna. See Him and Srila Prabhupada face to face!

Thank you very much for the gifts Gurudeva, you always remembering us.

Hope to give you better news next time and see you soon.

HpS - Yes, we have a big box of Gel Pens of different colors and beautiful, large size sketch-book with art paper for you.

And be more useful in your Sankirtan.

Forgive my offenses.

HpS - The only offense is to stop chanting more and more!!

May our Lord Nrsimhadeva always protect you ...

Your would-be disciple

          Karuna Mayi Devi Dasi.

HpS - Krsna is resolving all problems but takes a little dhairyat (NoI 3) to get the final results. More news. Art projects, Sankirtan news.

Vijaya Govinda Das. Report Sep. 2021

3 years, 2 months ago by Bhakta Victor Junior in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna My dear Gurudev

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances

I have not written to you for a long time and I apologize for that. I'm still alive! and fighting for Krishna. A while ago I consulted an astrologer about what career and profession to follow and he told me: Culinary Arts. Although I do not feel very confident in this regard. I remember once I asked you in 2015 if a devotee should study for a college degree? And you explained to me that it depends on each type of case, it may or may not work for me. Nowadays I still think about that and although I know that it is not the most important thing in life, I understand that could help me in professional or work development, especially in Grihastha Asrama, that is why I wanted to tell you that I got married on May 19, 2019, at the present moment I have been married for more than 2 years. My wife, Noemi, took shelter whit ss. Japayataka Swami and probably take initiation very soon. Nowadays we are just fine, thanks to Krishna, I keep chanting my 16 daily Rounds and following the 4 principles, attending Mangal Aratik almost 3 times a week. I live with my wife just 1 block away from the Ikscon center in Asunción - Paraguay. I usually go to the temple to serve in Kirtan, Pujari, lectures, and to cook. It is very nectar all the services we perform, although my favorite one is Kirtan, and I feel that over time I learn more and I can do better service for Krishna and his devotees. One time I asked you, in 2018, How to serve properly in Iskcon? And you explained to me that by finding my position. so I'm still looking for that position so that I can properly serve you and Srila Prabhupada. Today I sincerely ask you what I can do in this life to serve and please you and Srila Prabhupada? 

Finally, I thank you infinitely for your spiritual guidance and your patience with this conditioned soul. I hope we can meet, maybe on your next visit to Peru or where Krishna arranges it, so maybe I can cook for you and listen to your Lectures. 

I Attach photos of our Janmashtami Festival In which all the devotees prepare +95 dishes for Krishna!

I hope you are in excellent health, my dear Master.

Your servant, Vijaya Govinda Das

HpS - Basically chant 16-nice rounds and follow the four princples. Then BG 10.10-11 will happen.

Please read the Kapi Dhvaja and write us with the current Priority Code.

Por favor lea el Kapi Dhvaja y escribanos con el Codigo de Prioridad actual

Presentación de una humilde aspirante a discípula

3 years, 2 months ago by Patricia in Personal Sadhana Reports

Estimado Maharaja:

Hare Krishna, acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies de Loto, Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Espero que su estadía en Nueva Asoka-van sea de su agrado, ¿cómo encontró el clima? ¿Le gustó la casa? A mí me pareció maravillosa! ¿Y la bienvenida? Espero que se hayan colmado sus expectativas.

Soy Patricia Palomino, bhaktina del yatra de Chosica, hermana de Indira Shakti D.D. y cuñada de Gandharva Dasa, sus discípulos y bienquerientes que me han hablado tanto de Usted y claro de la Suprema Personalidad de Dios!

Lo conocí personalmente en Chosica en el año 2016, en una circunstancia que para mí fue una misericordia de Krishna! Yo esperaba ir al Mangala Arati con mi hermana y me preparé puntualmente, no la encontré cuando fui a buscarla, entonces pensé: “algún devoto va a pasar por el Psje. Santa Isabel para el templo, esperaré cantando rondas”, no recuerdo cuantas rondas canté, oí pasos apresurados pasando por el pasaje, cuando salí ya me habían sacado una buena ventaja! Los alcancé corriendo, adelante mío iban 2 devotos y madre Mitravinda, que fue la única que volteó, allí también la conocí a ella. En mi ignorancia de entonces (bueno, ahora disminuyo sólo un poco) no me percaté quién iba delante, sólo al llegar al templo, usted se descubrió la cabeza Maharaja, ¡fue un momento muy emocionante para mí!

Desde ese entonces usted ha sido para mí de tanta la inspiración que anhelo profundamente que usted me pueda aceptar como una de sus sirvientes, como una de sus discípulas y preguntarle humildemente si, por favor me puede instruir en mi proceso, me sentiría profundamente honrada Maharaja.

Le contaré algo de mí, empecé a conocer a Krishna hace 7 años más o menos, mi hermana empezó a predicarme, me hice vegetariana y adopté los 4 principios desde esa época, también aprendí a cantar el Santo Nombre.

Soy madre de 3 hijos, Ariel de19, Matías de 9 años y Zoe de 7 años. Con el papá de ellos tengo una relación singular, nos volvimos a separar, pero vivimos en la misma casa, no será así para siempre, la pregunta es hasta cuándo? La convivencia es pacífica, dormimos en habitaciones separadas desde que nos separamos en marzo de este año. Aunque él es amigable con mi proceso, no deja de tener sus vicios y me pregunto Maharajá qué tengo que aprender de esto, ¿y hasta dónde él está involucrado en mi proceso?

En estas últimas semanas estoy enfocándome en mi sadhana, pues en estos años lo que aún no he podido regular son mis rondas, pero, Maharaja pienso que estoy en el momento de mi vida donde toca decidir y pelear por lo que anhelo, por lo que quiero, entonces asumo con usted el compromiso de regular mis rondas, siento que es el momento para esto! Le estaré escribiendo más frecuentemente para contarle sobre mi proceso, estimado Maharaja!

En cuanto a mi servicio, actualmente, además de atender a mis Deidades de Goura Nitay en casa, trabajo junto a mi hermana Indira en el periódico mural del Templo del Entendimiento en Chosica, le pido Sus bendiciones; también leo y escucho sobre el SB durante la semana, esto me entusiasma y motiva muchísimo!

También me entusiasma su visita Maharaja! Quiero madurar y ser más constante, tener más inteligencia para elegir cuando Maya me distraiga, avanzar en mi proceso hasta poder recoger el polvo de sus pies de Loto, y seguirlo aquí, en la India, y en las vidas que hagan falta hasta regresar al hogar, sirviendo al Sirviente del Sirviente!


Jaya S.S. Hanumatpresaka Swami!

Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

Jaya Sri Sri Radha Krishna!!


Bk Patricia Palomino

Aspirante a sirviente


P.D. Disculpe si fui muy extensa, agradezco su misericordia! 


Dear Maharaja:

Hare Krishna, accept my humble obeisances at your Lotus feet,

HpS - ASA -- Lettuce feet. AGTSP!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope your stay in New Asoka-van will be to your liking, how did you find the weather? Did you like the house? It was wonderful to me! And the welcome? I hope your expectations have been met.

HpS - ASA - Thank you for the banner. We are using it in our movine. Thank you. Reception, Ashrama are functioning well so far! Many things to arrange.

I am Patricia Palomino, Bhaktina of the Chosica yatra, sister of Indira Shakti D.D. and sister-in-law of Gandharva Dasa, her disciples and well-wishers of her who have told me so much about You and of course about the Supreme Personality of Godhead!

HpS - Yes, we had heard about. 🙏🙂🙏

I met him personally in Chosica in 2016, in a circumstance that for me was a mercy from Krishna! I hoped to go to Mangala Arati with my sister and I got ready promptly, I didn't find her when I went to look for her, so I thought: “Some devotee is going to go through Psje. Santa Isabel for the temple, I'll wait singing rounds ”, I don't remember how many rounds I sang, I heard hurried footsteps going through the passage, when I left they had already taken a good advantage of me! I caught up with them running, in front of me were 2 devotees and mother Mitravinda, who was the only one who turned around, there I also met her. In my ignorance at the time (well, now I decrease only a little) I did not realize who was in front, only when you arrived at the temple, you uncovered Maharaja's head, it was a very exciting moment for me!

ASA - ! !!!

Since then you have been such an inspiration to me that I deeply long for you to accept me as one of your servants, as one of your disciples and humbly ask if you can please instruct me in my process, I would feel deeply honored Maharaja .

HpS - Have you read: http://www.jayarama.us/peru/archivos/guru-tattva-es.txt

This gives nice description of our idea of Guru -tattva. Is it O.K?

I will tell you something about myself, I began to know Krishna 7 years or so ago, my sister began to preach to me, I became a vegetarian and adopted the 4 principles from that time, I also learned to chant the Holy Name.

I am a mother of 3 children, Ariel, 19, Matías, 9, and Zoe, 7 years old. I have a unique relationship with their father, we parted again, but we live in the same house, it won't be like this forever, the question is until when? Coexistence is peaceful, we have slept in separate rooms since we parted ways in March of this year. Although he is friendly with my process, he is not without his vices and Maharaja asked me what I have to learn from this, and to what extent is he involved in my process?

In these last weeks I am focusing on my sadhana, because in these years what I have not yet been able to regulate are my rounds, but, Maharaja I think that I am at the moment of my life where I have to decide and fight for what I long for, for what I want, then I assume with you the commitment to regulate my rounds, I feel that it is time for this! I will be writing to you more frequently to tell you about my process, dear Maharaja!

HpS - Very, very nice. Get some association for chanting rounds. Join us on line. Read the Kapi Dhvaja. Get a Japa partner and call them about how many rounds done, wake up each other. Bhakti yoga will adjust your social realtionships. It is wonderful

As for my service, currently, in addition to attending to my Goura Nitay Deities at home, I work with my sister Indira in the mural newspaper of the Temple of Understanding in Chosica, I ask for his blessings; I also read and hear about SB during the week, this excites me and motivates me a lot!

I am also excited about your visit Maharaja! I want to mature and be more constant, have more intelligence to choose when Maya distracts me, advance in my process until I can collect the dust from her Lotus feet, and follow her here, in India, and in the lives that are necessary until I return to the home, serving the Servant's Servant!

Jaya S.S. Hanumatpresaka Swami!

Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

Jaya Sri Sri Radha Krishna !!

Bk Patricia Palomino

Aspiring servant

P.S. Excuse me if I was too extensive, I appreciate his mercy!

HpS - We are in New Ashokavan Sta Eulalia, with Abhirama Thakura Das. He explained that you are three sisters. You are spiritual being from Vaikuntha. You have more intelligence and power than all the Indras in all the material universes combined. Wake up! No one is doing your service. Radha and Krsna are suffering from your confusion.