[PC] Aventuras...

2 years, 10 months ago by nicole_silva in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Maharaja, es un gusto tremendo saludarlo y poder contactarme con usted por este medio. Siempre agradecida de esta hermosa oportunidad que nos brinda. ¡Hare Krsna!

Primero que todo, agradecerle por sus respuestas en la carta anterior. Cada palabra me hace mucho sentido y agradezco mucho cada una de ellas. Cuando leo sus respuestas siempre entro en un humor de mucha admiración, ternura y alegría. ¡GRACIAS INFINITAS! 💟

Habían muchas cosas que quería contarle en la carta anterior. Ahora voy con la segunda parte de mis aventuras 😅

¡Estoy de vacaciones por fin! Hahaha... Necesitaba mucho descansar, desconectarme del trabajo, y darme un tiempo para volver a comenzar. Tiendo a ser una persona que necesita mucha rutina y estructura (Tambien harto Pitta hay en mí), y cuando esa estructura no está, se desmorona todo dentro y fuera de mí (Me ha pasado este último tiempo, y como he funcionado a "piloto automático", todo ha estado muy inestable en mi interior).

He comenzado a leer hartos libros interesantes en relación al poder de los hábitos ("Atomic Habits" de James Clear es excelente!) y cómo el mantener estos buenos hábitos nos ayuda día a día a lograr nuestros propósitos. Cuando comencé a leer recordé la palabra "Sadhana".

Y hablando de eso, he vuelto a mi "sadhana" (lentamente), con la intención, por supuesto, de retomar mi estandar "ideal", adoptando buenos hábitos.

Tengo 3 bellas Tulasis a mi cuidado. Son una verdadera bendición. Llegaron hace un año como semillas las cuales hice brotar y cuidé desde pequeñas. Mi humilde servicio es cantarles, hablarles con amor, regarlas y mantenerlas cómodas en estas latitudes tan frías (Gracias a Krsna sobrevivieron el invierno de Chile 🙌).

Por otro lado, justo hoy cuando leímos en el FMP a la Reina Kunthi, se reflexionó sobre el cuerpo material. Este último tiempo he sido muy descuidada con mi cuerpo físico. Por lo que, con las vacaciones me he propuesto mantener ciertas acciones (Gracias al Ayurveda 💖

) que me permiten cuidar de mejor manera este cuerpo, alimentándolo bien, fortaleciéndolo, desarrollándolo de manera sana y, finalmente, amándolo. Al final, el cuerpo material es de Krsna, por lo tanto, hay que cuidarlo y servirlo, no?

Esperó no haber alargado mucho la carta 😋

! Muchas gracias por todo, Maharaja!!! Espero Krsna me permita poder ir a visitarlo a donde esté 🤗! Que Nrisimhadev lo protega eternamente.

¡Radhe Radhe!

Se despide su eterna y agradecida sirvienta,

Bh. Nicole.


Dear Maharaja, it is a tremendous pleasure to greet you and to be able to contact you by this means. Always grateful for this beautiful opportunity that it gives us. Hare Krsna!

First of all, thank you for your answers in the previous letter. Each word makes a lot of sense to me and I am very grateful for each one of them. When I read your answers I always get into a mood of great admiration, tenderness and joy. INFINITE THANKS! 💟

HpS - ASA - AgtSP!! paoho.

There were many things I wanted to tell you in the previous letter. Now I'm going with the second part of my adventures 😅

I'm on vacation at last! Hahaha... I really needed to rest, disconnect from work, and give myself some time to start over. I tend to be a person who needs a lot of routine and structure (I also have a lot of Pitta in me), and when that structure is not there, everything falls apart inside and outside of me (It has happened to me lately, and since I have functioned as a "pilot automatic", everything has been very unstable inside me).

I've started reading lots of interesting books about the power of habits ("Atomic Habits" by James Clear is excellent!) and how maintaining these good habits helps us achieve our goals every day. When I started reading I remembered the word "Sadhana".

And speaking of which, I have returned to my "sadhana" (slowly), with the intention, of course, of returning to my "ideal" standard, adopting good habits.

I have 3 beautiful Tulasis in my care. They are a true blessing. They arrived a year ago as seeds which I sprouted and took care of since I was little. My humble service is to sing to them, speak to them with love, water them and keep them comfortable in these cold latitudes (Thanks to Krsna they survived the winter in Chile 🙌).

On the other hand, just today when we read Queen Kunthi in the FMP, she reflected on the material body. This last time I have been very careless with my physical body. So, with the holidays I have proposed to maintain certain actions (Thanks to Ayurveda 💖) that allow me to take better care of this body, feeding it well, strengthening it, developing it in a healthy way and, finally, loving it. In the end, the material body belongs to Krsna, therefore, you have to take care of it and serve it, right?

ASA - Yes!

He hoped he hadn't lengthened the letter too much 😋

! Thank you very much for everything, Maharaja!!! I hope Krsna allows me to visit him wherever he is 🤗! May Nrisimhadev protect him eternally.

Radhe Radhe!

He says goodbye to his eternal and grateful servant,

Bh. Nicole.

ASA - Jaya!!! 16-nice rounds!!!! Step by step!!!

Let us read another letter!!

Siva Ratri_

Hare Krishna Maharj

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I start already to work again, try to chant all my rounds and read a bit in the BG, befor i start working.

i have a question from BG: 18.66 : Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.

1.Abandon all varities of religion, how can this understand a person from a other religion? like cristian or musulman ...e.t.c

HpS - It is a very common doubt. I think Srila Prabhupada is saying abandon all customary social responsibilities and so called religious duties fo sense gratification or liberation.

2.In our case we are also following a religion, so is Krishna talking about that KC is not to compare with a religion?

HpS - Same answer as above.

01.03.22 is Shiva Ratri, what is the best that we can do at this special day for please the greatest devotee of Krishna.

ASA - Read SB Canto 4, Chapter 6. 🙂

Write here with any thoughts about your reading.

thank you

Ys Bh.Dave

Books are the Basis

2 years, 10 months ago by rohini in Personal Sadhana Reports


Gurudeva, please accept my humble and respectful obeisances.

I was able to see you and receive your mercy, it had a light blue color, so nothing could stop me and I approached you. Always dedicate myself to your service, that is my most desired occupation, one life, two lives, millions of lives on the path of Bhakti, without distractions.

Of course, Gurudeva, fundamentally 16 rounds and 4 principles. Each day is a creation following Srila Prabhupada, who vibrates the Maha Mantra in his beautiful voice. And I see you Gurudeva, who is the living example of Love for Krsna.

Thank you Gurudeva for existing, I don't feel lost, I am on the way.

Your disciple.

Rohini Devi Dasi

HpS - Thank you. Can you explain "it had a light blue color"? What is the news of Ananga manjari Devi Dasi? Do you know the verse "adau sraddha..." from Nectar of Devotion, cited in BG 4.10 purport?

It describes the levels of spiritual development.

Can you see your level?

\'o'/ Hare Krsna!!!

Books are the Basis (FMP-PC) - Not enough gratitude for the invaluable gift of your association

2 years, 10 months ago by jagad.guru.das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Dear Guru Maharaj,

AGTSP, Pamho,

Dear Gurudev,

I came here to openly and honestly across (send) to you our sincere gratitude for letting us to be part of the New Ashokavan Ashram, and also to say the devotees thank you too, Abhirama, Panca Tattva, they're so patient.

Ceirtanly, it will be a lifetime experience for the whole family.

Excuse us all the bothering. I thought that Rasarani and Madhavi were much less loudly and relaxed, but the city and a kanistha father have this kind of bad influence on children, I suppose.

HpS - From my perspective they were wonderful. Wonderful. Nice father, nice mother, nice grandmother.... Nice Acharya, Srila Prabhupada. If you can protect them it seems they will be able to do wonderful things for the world.

I will save every minute that you gave us. When you were in the house that Krsna let us use sometime herein Santiago, a couple of years ago, I was working so much, so I barely could serve at that time . But now it was a little different.

Please, bless us, not just to keep, but also to increase our Krishna Consciousness more a more.

Thank you Thank you Thank you. Three times is for real.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj.

Your servants

Jagad Guru das, Carolina, Rasarani & Madhavi 

HpS - As we said in the NoI class tonight we explained to Raul all the work we accomplished and how we hope it develops, so that NIOS can become a very serious contributor to the mission of the Yuga avatar, Lord Caitanya.

We hope that eventually we can get a copy of the Hamlet and Arjuna show that we made and that it can be made available to others.

We hope that you are back into your life in Santiago with lots of energy!!!

See you soon.

books are the basis - respuesta de los brahmanas

2 years, 10 months ago by piyari_mohan_das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Well Gurudeva, I recently wrote you a letter called "[Varaha is Coming] - Sastric Studies - PMD". He talks about whether to continue studying Bhakti Sastri and whether it is recommended for me to take second initiation. You replied: Who do you have for brahminical advice? So I went to a group of brahmanas and showed them the letter for guidance.

I will expose the responses of the devotees:

1. Atma Tattva das: Finish Bhakti Sastri and take second initiation.

2. Arjuna das: They are not necessary, they are just formalities.

3. Jagad Guru das: Finish Bhakti Sastri but it is not time for second initiation

4. Saci suta das: Finish Bhakti Sastri and take second initiation

5. Janaka Raja das: Finish Bhakti Sastri and wait to take second initiation.

6. Jaganath Caran das: Finish Bhakti Sastri and take second initiation.

Well, those are the answers of the Devotees, so I am going to continue with the course of Bhakti Sastri and wait for their answer.

Hare Krishna

your servant

Piyari Mohan Das

HpS - I also vote, to finish Bhakti Sastri but is not time for second initiation, it is a formality that may be useful, but also maybe better just acting under Hari Nama initiation.



Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Bueno Gurudeva, hace poco le escribí una carta llamada " [Varaha is Coming] - Estudios Sastricos - PMD ". Habla sobre si seguir estudiando Bhakti Sastri y si es recomendable para mí tomar segunda iniciación. Usted me respondió: ¿A quien tienes para un consejo brahminico?. Por ello acudí a un grupo de brahmanas y les mostré la carta para que me orientaran.

Voy a exponer las respuestas de los devotos:

1. Atma Tattva das: termina el Bhakti Sastri y toma segunda iniciación.

2. Arjuna das: no son necesarios, solo son formalidades.

3. Jagad Guru das: Termina Bhakti Sastri pero no es tiempo de segunda iniciación

4. Saci suta das: Termina Bhakti Sastri y toma segunda iniciación

5. Janaka Raja das: Termina Bhakti Sastri y espera para tomar segunda iniciación.

6. Jaganath Caran das: termina Bhakti Sastri y toma segunda iniciación.

Bueno, esas son las respuestas de los Devotos, así que voy a seguir con el curso de Bhakti Sastri y esperar su respuesta.

Hare Krishna

Su sirviente

Piyari Mohan das

books are the basis - sadhana y estudio (Pmd)

2 years, 10 months ago by piyari_mohan_das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

please accept my obeisance

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I wish that the film is going well and that his spiritual life continues to rise, it never ends.

I appreciate it very much Gurudeva, thank you for accepting me as a disciple.

I want to tell you that on March 28 I will start studying digital communication at the Arcos de Viña del Mar institute. I will be living with some uncles near the institute.

I already feel 100% recovered since I had my decompensation in June of last year.

My sadhana has gone down quite a bit in quality compared to how it was when I lived in the temple.

I'm getting up at 6 AM and the first thing I do is sing my rounds. After that I help in the cleaning of the house.

Then I do exercise, breakfast and bath. After that I study. After every main meal I study sastra for half an hour. In total 30 minutes 3 times a day.

It is difficult for me to get up at 4 o'clock and I am sorry that I cannot do it since you ask us to do it, as Prabhupada states in the Upadesamrita.

I have thought to incorporate a simple worship in my sadhana, flower and incense for my painting of Panca Tattva and you with Prabhupada. What do you think?

HpS - ASA - Super!!

I am receiving advice from several devotees regarding the above letter I sent to you which talks about the study of Bhakti Sastri and the second initiation.

Here at home I have my pots, kitchen implements, dishes, etc. I cook for myself and sometimes for my family.

I am offering all the fruit that my mother buys along with the bottles of water that we drink.

My big weakness is the factory fries, I still can't give them up. What I want to give up completely is the chocolate that you advise the brahmacaris not to eat. I didn't know it had caffeine, I think I can avoid it, but the chips...

Will I be like a home brahmacari? That's what I try, I avoid association with women and study the scriptures. Well, whatever it is, I have a desire to serve.

HpS - Yes...

I could go much further but I don't want to take up any more of your time.

your servant

Piyari Mohan Das

HpS - It is very nice to hear from you. Are you having any legal results from your psychotic breakdown?

Very nice to hear from you, but seems that you have very big mental problems to deal with, no?

Please write more!

Hope you meet nice professors in your studies!!


Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Deseo que la película esté marchando bien y que su vida espiritual siga en ascenso, nunca termina.

Lo aprecio mucho Gurudeva, gracias por aceptarme como discípulo.

Quiero contarle que el 28 de marzo comienzo a estudiar comunicación digital en el instituto Arcos de Viña del Mar. Estaré viviendo con unos tíos cerca del instituto.

Ya me siento recuperado al 100% desde que tuve mi descompensación en Junio del año pasado.

Mi sadhana a bajado bastante de cualidad respecto a como era cuando vivía en el templo.

Me estoy levantando a las 6 AM y lo primero que hago es cantar mis rondas. Luego de ello ayudo en el aseo de la casa.

Luego hago ejercicio, desayuno y baño. Luego de eso estudio. Luego de cada comida principal estudio media hora el sastra. En total 30 minutos 3 veces al día.

Se me dificulta levantarme a las 4 y lamento no poder hacerlo ya que usted nos pide que lo hagamos, tal como Prabhupada lo establece en el Upadesamrita.

He pensado incorporar una adoración simple en mi sadhana, flor e incienso para mi cuadro de Panca Tattva y usted junto a Prabhupada. ¿Qué opina usted?

Estoy recibiendo consejo de varios devotos respecto a la carta anterior que le envío la cual habla sobre el estudio de Bhakti Sastri y la segunda iniciación.

Aquí en casa tengo mis ollas, implementos de cocina, platos etc. Cocino para mi y algunas veces para mi familia.

Estoy ofreciendo toda la fruta que mi madre compra junto con los bidones de agua que tomamos.

Mi gran debilidad son las papitas fritas de fábrica, todavía no las puedo dejar. Lo que quiero dejar por completo es el chocolate que usted le recomienda no comer a los brahmacaris. No sabía que tenía cafeina, creo que puedo evitarlo, pero las papitas…..

¿Seré cómo un brahmacari de casa? Eso intento, evito la asociación con mujeres y estudio las escrituras. Bueno, sea lo que sea, tengo el deseo de servir.

Podría extenderme mucho más pero no quiero quitarle más tiempo.

Su sirviente

Piyari Mohan das