Reporte de Sadhana

2 years, 10 months ago by manjari.devi.dasi. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Todas las glorias a usted.

Por favor acepte mis mas humildes reverencias a sus pies de loto

Le ofrezco mis disculpas por no poderle haber escrito antes, pero sigo apoyando con el servicio hacia suseñorias Sri Radha Madan Gopal en el yatra de ISKON México el día sábado, también estoy estudiando pedagogía para poder hacer un gurukula para el yatra de CDMX.

Trato de seguir haciendo Harinama con los devotos

Y recién acabe el curso de Guru discípulo con el prabhu Deva Deva

Sin más que comunicarle, muchas gracias por su misericordia.

Con muchos deseos de servirle a sus pies de todo.


Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

You can find the Priority Code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krihna...Hare Rama...

KD-PC : Report 2

2 years, 10 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

previous letter

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO,AGTSP

referring to previous letter

the "fence" context-

we did not say we don't need fence, on the other hand- we don't have fence, we don't know how to build, even if I build it how long it will stand.

fence to us meant VAD- we don't how to stay with wife. we are running here and their to learn , but there is none as magnanimous as you..we don't know should we legally separate from her? legal process involves paying her alimony, so which means we have to earn , the legal process is long in India, it involves the whole family.

currently we stay alone, we work some times for university, we eat no onion-garlic food, but its cooked by random, some times us , some times hotel, some times hawker, some times cook. I know these are local problems but never stayed long at one place, to say we are local of a particular place. So our Asrama is messed up.

We are planning to serve in military for 2 months in a year if we get selected, may be that might help us. Our mind says to imitate life of HpS to some extent, but we know TB is heavy Brahmana, we are not that at all. Some identification and service to this pious land might lead us closer to SPOG.

if your definition of fence is four rules, then we can stay intact, but if the definition is VAD, then we dont know....


your statement that "Parikhshith will be remembering us", is very important.

frankly we are ready to leave this body, like Dakshayani did, if we just become sure Parikhshith does not want to stay with us. We are 99% sure, he wants to stay, but unexpected can ever happen.

moreover when you will leave the mortal world, we dont see any purpose, may be we might get trained enough, by time of your departure, to remember-live and your vani. Spiritual master stays in Instructions, we can understand it, and have experienced it.

we have increased our hearing from Brahmacharis from GEV, they conduct online classes.


if you think you, Panch-tattva Pr and me should meet? just ask him to initiate a whatsapp conversation.


our human life is successful, to meet a gem like you......but room for improvement always stay.


16 rounds are going, our mind and body remain disturbed or irregular..( or v r succumbing to the bad dog in us)... we hope we can accept first initiation level by Kartik 2022,and might formally register in the university. we do get up by 2am clock average. I wish to follow FMP like you do, but then our ashrama confusion comes in, and we have not seen anybody till now in grhaastha asrama as you are..

we still remember the moment, when you held parikhshith's finger and trolled in GEV.

we are fortunate to give birth to rare soul, and we are suffering because, we identified him with his mother, and lashed ire on him.... so now we are Durvasa, who is begging forgivess.

CMP,SP are most merciful, even if one shows faith in their instructions, but not able/want to follow, they change the world

faithless rascal

Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

You can find the Priority Code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krihna...Hare Rama...

Jay Maharaj

2 years, 10 months ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Jay Maharaj HK please accept my obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

how r u? How’s ur health? It’s been like 3 months since last time I wrote u, many things happened in my life. Well, finally I moved to Cordoba city, I’ve been trying hardly to adapt myself to this new life, overall I’m feeling better, trying to keep in touch with my friends the most I can, Im doing sankirtan once in a while and Im still doing my graphic design service which fills my heart with joy and helps me to wake up earlier. I pick up my daughter every day after work, sometimes we go to the shopping mall, sometimes we go on weekends to the river, Im really happy of beeing a father, and really happy of having the opportunity to raise this child Krishna gave me. Regarding my ex fiancee, we’re in really good terms, we’re going out with the baby almost every day and enjoying life. Im began practicing sports after so many years! And Im feeling better in my everyday :) I was playing roller hockey and later I began just rollerskating, there’s a very nice group of young people around my house that gathers almost every day.

Finally I found a psychiatrist who is homeopathic and uses ayurveda in his therapy, he told me, as another doctor, that the diagnosis I was given most of my life was wrong, and it relieved me a lot.

Im chanting my rounds every day, reading bhagavatam, and taking care of my beloved deities, I have Gaura Nitai here at home, I feel that helps me a lot also.

Maharaj I have a question for you: considering that in normal cases in Kali Yuga maximum 25% of the population are devotees, by the advent of Mahaprabhu, the percentage will remain during his golden age, will increase or maybe will decrease slower?

thank you very much for being there for mE when I need it!

best regards,


Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

You can find the Priority Code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krihna...Hare Rama...


2 years, 10 months ago by Amparo Hernandez Castillo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja!!!

Reciba mis respetuosas Reverencias a sus pies!!!

Todas las Glorias a sei Goura Nitay!!

Todas glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!! 

Maharaja puedo decirle que en mi día se sigue 16/4,estuve con covid 2 veces ,la primera la pasé sola con mi hijo en casa,la segunda vez fue mas fuerte,me contagie cuidando a mi mamá ,pase 3 semanas mal con un doctor en casa y tuve mucho apoyo de los discípulos de Jayapataka Swami,tuve la fortuna de su asociación.

Maharaja en este tiempo pasaron muchas cosas y la principal es que me sentí muy atraída por otro Gurú,yo sé que durante mucho tiempo estuve reportándome con ud,quiero me perdone pues todo este tiempo me sentí más y más atraída a Gurumaharaja Jayapataka Swami,el me aceptó como discípula ,yo comenté que ya había tomado refugio con ud,por eso le escribo ,para pedirle me perdone ,agradecerle por tanto aprendido y tantas buenas instrucciones.

Bhakti Amparo

Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

you can find the priority code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krihna...Hare Rama...

Letter of obeisance

2 years, 10 months ago by nalini in Personal Sadhana Reports

nama om visnu padaya Krishna presthaya bhu-tale srimate Hanumat Presaka Svamin iti namine.

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gouranga .

Pranam Gurudeva

I am sorry for not connecting my revered guru so long. Really I am such an unfortunate unfit servant who is unable to include in the active list among your disciples. Forgive me for this.

As usual I am carrying on association with the advanced devotees and hearing from them Bhagavatam and Bhagavat Gita. At present my close associates are HHBAHD Goswasmi Maharaj, HG Banamali Prabhu and HG Ramanuja Prabhu. This time I am unable to go to the temple because of pandemic corona. I converted my home as a temple and hearing online classes . I never forget your advice " All we need is to get and give good association. Institution will follow from that".

Maharaj myself, Nichinta nityai dd and some other of our temple are not getting 2nd initiation. When it will be is under your divine mercy and arrangements and this is for the service of the Lord.

Lastly I pray to the Almighty for your good health so as to enable you to help in the mission of Prabhu Pada.

Hanumat Presaka Maharaj ki Jai.

Yours unfit servant

Nandi mukhi DD

ISKCON Manipur.

Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

you can find the priority code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krihna...Hare Rama...

Report of Ramana reti Devi Dasi

2 years, 10 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

Todas las gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Hare krishna Gurudev comienzo mi reporte contando que mi Sadhana de la mañana está muy bien, rondas, a veces no muy concentradas pero estoy con ejercicios de meditación para mejorar en este aspecto, lecturas muy bien cada día leo a las devotas y nuestras lecturas diarias, atendiendo a Nitay Caitanya Candra lo mejor que puedo y mejorando cada día en los detalles, también de apoco distribuyendo Prasadam, siempre hacemos para la familia de LAD y ahora comenzamos con amigos, vecinos etc.... El prabhu Ray Ramananda fue a casa a comer Prasadam se fue muy contento esperamos continuar con este servicio , nuestro hogar cada vez más hermoso para krishna implementando y mejorando para hacer un buen servicio. se despide su humilde sirviente Raman Reti Devi dasi

HpS - Super!!! Esta en esta sendero el exito, predica de Gauranga Nama, es guarantizado.

Mas rapido, mas amplio, mas intenso!!

Vamonos a otro carta!