Happy Vyasa Puja Guru Maharaja

2 years, 10 months ago by Dhanisthadevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas Las Glorias a Sri Sri Gour Nitay

Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas Las Glorias sean a Usted

Querido Guru Maharaja por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias, le envío mi carta escrita, no pude estar en la celebración con los discípulos de Chile, porque estaba atendiendo actividades familiares.

En este Auspicioso día de su Vyasa Puja, quisiera saludarLo y desearLe un Muy Feliz Vyasa Puja, también ofrendarLe un mejor canto de Japa y la lectura diaria del Srimad Bhagavatam. Agradecerle también, por ser una Fuente constante de inspiración, para mí y para muchas personas en la vida espiritual, dado sus innumerables cualidades, que ayudan como abono, a hacer crecer la Planta del Servicio Devocional, Gracias por Su determinación, Su constancia, Su experiencia, Su inteligencia, Su bondad, Su inspiración, Su Amor a Srila Prabhupada; a veces soy una persona con una tendencia a la superficialidad en algunos aspectos y la presencia de Su persona en mi vida, ayuda a a profundizar en lo trascendente e importante, a veces también, me cuesta someterme a la autoridad, pero Usted lo hace tan fácil, que puedo progresar, no por imposición, sino por Inspiración. Quizás no dimensiono todo lo que Usted ha hecho, hace y hará por mí, pero en lo que a la capacidad de mi conciencia respecta, le digo Muchísimas Gracias, por su Misericordia y así permitirme acercarme al Servicio amoroso a Sri Sri Radha y Krishna, a través de Su guía, cuando pasa el tiempo, me doy cuenta, con mucha satisfacción, que el hecho que Usted sea mi Maestro Espiritual es justo lo que necesito.

Muchas Gracias Guru Maharaja

Se despide humilde y afectuosamente

Su sirvienta Danistha devi dasi.

Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

You can find the Priority Code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krishna...Hare Rama...

Happy Vyasapuja dear GuruMaharaja

2 years, 10 months ago by jambavati dd in Personal Sadhana Reports

En este bendecido día de su Sri Vyasapuja por favor permítame Glorificarlo

Mamá Om visnu padaya Krishna prestada Bhutale Srimate Hanumatpresaka Swami ti namine

Nuevamente mi mente se pone en blanco, quiero expresarle tantas cosas que llevo en mi corazón, pero, ... pero, torpemente solo puedo agradecerle por ser mi Maestro Espiritual y ser el Digno y Fiel Sirviente de Srila Prabhupada!!

día a día cumpliendo la tradición más sagrada de llevar el Conocimiento revelado por el Señor Supremo y cuidadosamente transmitirlo sin cambios ni especulaciones ...

nuestra Sucesión Discipular tiene sus raíces en Sankirtam, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu y sus seguidores como los 6 Goswamis expandían la Conciencia de Krishna y Ud siguiendo fielmente los pasos de su Maestro Espiritual y la de a de sucesión Discipular continúa llevando el Mensaje,, ..

Bhaktissidanta Sarasvati plasmó el deseo deseo del Param Param a Srila Prabhupada atraves de su Instrucción:. Que el Mensaje de la

Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

You can find the Priority Code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krishna...Hare Rama...

vyasapuja homage

2 years, 10 months ago by Madhumanjari in Personal Sadhana Reports

Nama om visnupadaya / Krsna prestaya bhutale 

Srimate Hanumat Presak Swami iti namine 

Nama om visnupaday / krsna prestaya bhutale 

Srimate Bhaktivedanta Swami iti namine.  


Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj. Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

Our experience of this material world is framed by the current of forms, qualities on a degrading flow; but, By Guru’s and Krishna’s mercy, we also have the experience of a glimpse of the spiritual world which is framed by the current of ever-increasing and upgrading flow of all kinds of manifestations. For instance, today is the most auspicious day, among the more auspicious of the auspicious days and one among the most auspicious days to come. It is your Sri Vyasapuja Day dear Gurumaharaj. It is an opportunity for us to express our gratitude and humble appreciation for your ever-increasing greatness. But, as always, to glorify you, to thank you in a suitable manner; this attempt falls short making evident my inability to do it, but this mere attempt to do so is another way to show the power of your greatness that it capable to bring out the best from an unsuitable person.   

. As Lord Shiva says  

Dhyana Moolam Guru Murti / Puja Moolam Gurur Padam, 

Mantra Moolam Gurur Vakyam,/ Moksha Moolam Guru Kripa 

The Guru's form is the best to meditate upon; the Guru's feet are the best for worship: the Guru's word is the mantra; the Guru's Grace is the root of liberation (Guru-Gita Skanda Purana) 


On this day, I bow down to you again and again meditating on your divine lotus feet. Yes, your” lotus feet”. It means your lotus feet, your instructions, your guidance, your example of the highest level of purity in mind, words, and actions. 

 Meditating on your lotus feet means meditating on your sacred dedication and surrender to your spiritual master our beloved Srila Prabhupada; meditating on your high-quality devotional service; which is based on your unstoppable determination and highest expression of your pure love. Which are displayed on the high-quality of your sadhana, your Chanting of the Holy Names on Japa, kirtan, your worship, your Krishna-Katha, your preaching,  your loving care, and exchanges with devotees. So on..  

Meditating on your unlimited exalted qualities, some of which are the symptoms of a sadhu described on SB. 3.25.21.  

titiksavah karunikah / Suhrdah sarva-dehinam 

ajata-satravah santah/ sadhavah sadhu-bhusanah 

The symptoms of a sadhu are that he is tolerant, merciful, and friendly to all living entities. He has no enemies. He is peaceful, he abides by the scriptures, and all his characteristics are sublime.  

This meditation on your divine lotus feet is a glimpse of the spiritual world that we experience. You have become the power source of our ever-increasing spiritual experience, giving us direction, the meaning of life, and the spiritual strength to reach the goal of life “Krishna Prema”.  Despite my inability to remain always connected to you (my spiritual power source) and thus, experiencing uncountable fall-downs; by just a little attempt to turn toward you and reconnect with you, the opportunity to regain my lost spiritual strength and raise my consciousness level is manifest due to the power of your magnetic spiritual strength. In this way like everybody connected to you, I experience again and again your compassionate pure love. 

 Your compassion is an expression of your pure love, which is not a mere emotion or sentiment, it is expressed in a wide range of forms. Which goes from the humble and simple mood to the highly complex, refine, and exquisite visionary preaching programs; your kind compassion is expressed on your innovative, creative, and ingenious ways to instill in us the vision and taste for the Holy Names, HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE.  

Your compassion inspires and teaches us the ideal mood of how to approach the Holy Scriptures, awakening on us the appreciation and relationship with the sastras-Krishna. Just listening to you, your lectures, your reading is an open window and invitation to enter into Krishna’s pastimes; you create that passage – channel, giving Krishna to us; you are enhancing our experience and understanding of Srila Prabhupada and Guru param. This proves your exalted position; since you are in tune with the spiritual realm you can convey Krsna’s and Srila Prabhupada’s compassionate pure love to everybody. 

Your compassionate love is creating a favorable environment for each one of us to practice Krsna Consciousness from wherever level we are; you foster any little ability or a tiny spark of goodness that we may have and make it grow and become our unique asset in our spiritual life; thus, you are giving us eyes to see and tools to walk forward on the path of pure devotional service to Krsna. 

These are some of the many more gifts that you are giving constantly to all of us.  

Thank you Guruharaj. 

 I bow down to you and humbly pray for your blessing and mercy so that I can always remain at your divine lotus feet and transform my stonelike heart and dull intelligence into a purified, useful instrument on your hands in the service of Srila Prabhupada and devotees and thus, to please you, and only in that way making my existence fruitful and meaningful. 

Your insignificant servant 

Madhumanjari dd.  

Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

You can find the Priority Code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krishna...Hare Rama...

Personal Sadhana and Mandir Report

2 years, 10 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!!

Gouranga Mahaprabhu ki Jai, Radha-Krsna ki Jai, Goura Bhakta Vrinda ki Jai

All glories to Srila A.C. Prabhupada, Bhakti Svarupa Sripad Maharaja and

HpS Guru Maharaja!


Dandavat Pranam, Guruji Maharaja!


Please accept my humble obeisances unto the Padmacharan of Sri Guruji Maharja that I am so pleased to hear Guruji Maharaja’s reply to my previous letter. Nowadays we are joining morning regular Bhagavatam Class under Bhakti Ananda Haridasa Goswami Maharaja through Zoom from 5.15 to 6.15 generally 6.30. It is very interesting and developed bhakti knowledge to hear Bhagavatam in our mother tong. Today we discuss the 2.9.33-36 chaturtha sloka of Bhagavatam. It is my first experience of reading Sanskrit words, then the sloka with ridum individually and in a group.

This time we are celebrating Gurujis Vyasa Pujah on the 4th Jan. 2022 in the Radha Krsna Mandir, ISKCON Temple at Imphal. From Thoubal some Prabhus and Mataji's are planning to join the celebration.

Guruji Maharaja what is the best time and place of Chanting? In my opinion, after mangal arati, in the morning is the most suitable. We can see in every temple or religious place, and some are chanting on the way, or seeing, listening to something. How far is it suitable? Guruji mentioned frequently in previous letters that “a nice chanting” what does it really mean? Please explain.

Your fallen servant, 

Yamunesvara Das

Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

You can find the Priority Code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krishna...Hare Rama...

Reporte de prédica

2 years, 10 months ago by jagat pavitram in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Acepte por favor mis reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Este año pude concluir 16 episodios del proyecto “Historias del Universo”, debido a unos errores en la edición prefiero detener la producción y comenzar una etapa de revisión que durará 8 meses, por lo menos, luego podré continuar hasta llegar al episodio 33.


Tengo planeado un nuevo lanzamiento del proyecto para promover la distribución de libros, como el Srimad Bhagatam, solo espero que Krishna me de la inteligencia y mande las personas adecuadas para poder terminar este proyecto.

Gracias a Krishna mi sadhana a mejorado, estoy siguiendo los 4 principios y cantando las 16 rondas cada día. Este 2022 tengo planeado seguir viviendo en Trujillo y continuar con mis servicios de prédica.

Muchas gracias Gurudev por darnos siempre el ejemplo

Hare Krishna,

Jagat Pavitram das

Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

You can find the Priority Code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krishna...Hare Rama...


Seeking blessing to serve in the dham

2 years, 10 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaja,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to your service. All glories to Srila a Prabhupada. 🙏🏼🙇🏻‍♂️🕉

   Although it has been too long since we have got your association, your example in Krishna consciousness and your kindness towards us are unforgettable.

   How are you, maharaja; how is your sankirtan going in Peru? 

   Life has thrown a few curve balls at us all over the past 2 years but I think Krishna’s Lila principle is enjoying seeing us dance.  

   We are writing to seek your blessings. My biological father, the great vaisnava Atul Krsna prabhu, has invited us to reside and assist him while giving us his spiritual guidance in Sri Mayapur Dham. The invitation is timely for 3 reasons: life in Australia is increasingly becoming turbulent and uncertain politically, socially and economically; it has been our plan for a long time to take our daughters to mayapur for their teenage years—the time which many devotee youth struggle due to lack of elevated engagement in our “developed” world; finally and most importantly, your holiness is set to reside at Sri Dham Radha Kunda for the coming years and we would like the opportunity to offer your service there. 

   We are tiny and lost in this world of cosmic lila and we therefore are totally dependent on the mercy of the vaisnavas for our existence and success. Please give us your blessings to reside in Sri Mayapur. 

Your servant Dhruvānanda Das (Aus) 🙂 🙏🏼🙇🏻‍♂️🕉

Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

You can find the Priority Code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krishna...Hare Rama...