[PCM Gauranga is coming!] Letter of Franco Bone
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
All Glories to the Sankirtan of Sri Caytanya Mahaprabhu,
All Glories to Hanumat Presaka Swami and His infinite mercy.
Om ajñāna - timirāndhasya jñānāñjana - salakayā cakşur unmilitam yena tasmai Sri gurave namah
Dear Gurudev, I know I am a mess, I was not at your vyasapuja. I meditated on you. I hope you forgive my fault and limitation.
I am writing to you after recovering from sunstroke or covid, I don't know..
I tell him that in November we went to the house of Yajña Valkya Gopal Das prabhu, the devotee and friend with whom we worked in the Ratha Yatra in Córdoba. It was exciting and happy for me. We hadn't seen each other for many years.
He built a house next to the cemetery of the village where he went to live, and I thought that Lord Jagannatha is very mysterious, where he went to live.
We are seeing some devotee to go look for them. And we are looking at a way to bring the float home, go look for it and put it together because it is unarmed.
I'm trying to finish my workshop where I want the deities to be as comfortable as possible.
Yajña Valkya Gopal Das also gave me some Deities of Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra. I see little with the devotees but when one takes Darshan, everything becomes nectar.
We remember the times when we were penniless but really wanted to take Jagannatha out for a walk and the lord arranged for it to be so. I honestly don't think much about preaching, I just want to take Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra out for a walk, it makes me happy.
If I think about the material reality it is very very frustrating. The Ratha Yatra is underway, the times are set by Krishna, We are working our best to glorify Lord Caitanya, Srila Prabhupada, Bhakthitirta Swami Maharaja, and You dear Gurudev. Aristotle said that the remedy for 50 enemies is a friend, Thank you for being my friend and wanting to get me out of this garbage can, called material existence.
I am eternally grateful for Your Limitless Mercy, I hope You can excuse me for my etiquette limitations.
I remember a class of Bhakthitirta Swami Maharaja where he said that Krishna was the creator of the rules of the world but His infinite mercy is above them, and with You I do it.
Please forgive any offense committed inadvertently in this letter.
Eternally grateful His would-be servant: Bhakta Franco
HpS - Sorry that we are answering a little slow. 1. We are often lazy. 2. We do get so much Sankirtan service that it becomes hard to read all the letters. Please read the Kapi Dhvaja, News every two weeks. Patraka Das publishes a link to the Spanish translation here.
You can get a lot of our basic news there and also the fortnight priority code so that our Secretaries, Monkey and Piggy, answer your letter before we all die!
You seem to be doing very well.
We are all different and how we progress is different.
You seem to have not given up following Srila Prabhupada's path even though there are thors on it!
Great succeess!!!
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada,
Todas las Glorias al Sankirtan de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu,
Todas las Glorias a Hanumat Presaka Swami y Su infinita misericordia.
Om ajñāna - timirāndhasya jñānāñjana - salakayā
cakşur unmilitam yena tasmai Sri gurave namah
Querido Gurudev, sé que soy un desastre, no estuve en su vyasapuja. Medité en Usted. Espero perdone mi falta y limitación.
Le estoy escribiendo después de recuperarme de una insolación o covid, no lo sé ...
Le cuento que en noviembre fuimos a la casa de Yajña Valkya Gopal Das prabhu, el devoto y amigo con el que trabajamos en el Ratha Yatra de Córdoba. Fue emocionante y feliz para mí. Hacía muchos años que no nos veíamos. Se construyó una casa al lado del cementerio del pueblo donde se fue a vivir , y pensé que el señor Jagannatha es muy misterioso, por donde se fue a vivir.
Estamos viendo algún devoto para ir a buscarlos. Y estamos viendo la manera de traer la carroza a casa, irlo a buscar y armarlo porque está desarmado.
Estoy tratando de terminar mi taller de trabajo donde quiero que estén las deidades lo más cómodas posible.
También Yajña Valkya Gopal Das me regaló unas Deidades de Jaganatha, Baladeva y Subhadra.
Me veo poco con los devotos pero cuando uno toma Darshan, todo se vuelve néctar. Recordamos los tiempos cuando no teníamos un centavo pero muchas ganas de sacar a pasear a Jagannatha y el señor hizo los arreglos para que asi fuera.
Sinceramente no pienso mucho en predica, sólo quiero sacar a pasear a Jagannatha, Baladeva y Subhadra, me hace feliz.
Si pienso en la realidad material es muy muy frustrante. El Ratha Yatra está en marcha, los tiempos los pone Krishna,
Nosotros estamos trabajando lo mejor que podemos para glorificar al Señor Caitanya, a Srila Prabhupada, Bhakthitirta Swami Maharaja, y a Usted querido Gurudev.
Aristóteles decía que el remedio a 50 enemigos es un amigo, Gracias por Ser Mi amigo y querer sacarme de este tacho de basura, llamada existencia material.
Estoy eternamente agradecido por Su Ilimitada misericordia, espero sepa excusarme en mis limitaciones de etiqueta. Recuerdo una clase de Bhakthitirta Swami Maharaja donde decía que Krishna era el creador de las reglas del mundo pero sobre ellas está Su infinita misericordia, y con Usted lo realizo.
Por favor perdone cualquier ofensa cometida sin querer en esta carta.
Eternamente Agradecido
Su aspirante a sirviente: Bhakta Franco