Books are the Basis! Reporte y contacto!

2 years, 11 months ago by bhaktadamian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias a sus pies.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las glorias a usted!

Con gran felicidad le escribo. Ayer (17 febrero) Panca Tattva das se comunicó conmigo para comentarme de mi iniciación para Gaura Purnima. Estoy feliz.

Quiero agradecerle por su misericordia conmigo. Uno nunca puede pagar la deuda con el maestro espiritual de uno, pero sin embargo debe intentar hacer todo lo posible.

Quiero decirle que desde ese día que se comunicó conmigo, me siento con mucho ánimo. Levantarme todos los días a las 4am me está haciendo muy bien a mi mente. Saber que a las 8 am/9am ya cumplí con mi sadhana me genera una paz mental muy grande el resto del día.

Sigo con la distribución de libros en las sierras Córdoba.

Mucho servicio en la congregación de Traslasierra: limpieza y trabajos varios. Aprendiendo entre todos a relacionarnos como congregación. Muchas esperanzas de poder hacer algo bueno con la prédica en este lugarcito del mundo.

La regularidad en GtM también está haciéndome muy bien, asociarme con usted me da potencia y alegría.

Muchas gracias por todo Maharaja.

Gaura Purnima es el 17 de marzo (creo). estoy muy ansioso por que llegue ese día.

Espero poder servirle como usted se merece.

Otra vez gracias por todo.

Bhakta Damián

Traslasierra, Córdoba, Argentina


Hare Krishna Maharaja

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances at your feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to you!

It is with great happiness that I write to you. Yesterday (2022/17/february) Panca Tattva das contacted me to tell me about my initiation for Gaura Purnima. I'm happy. I want to thank you for your mercy on me.

One can never repay one's debt to one's spiritual master, but nevertheless one should try to do one's best.

I want to tell you that since that day you communicated with me, I feel very encouraged. Getting up every day at 4am is doing my mind a lot of good. Knowing that at 8 am/9 am I have already completed my sadhana gives me great peace of mind for the rest of the day.

I continue with the distribution of books in the Córdoba mountains.

A lot of service in the Traslasierra congregation: cleaning and various jobs.

Learning among all to relate to each other as a congregation. High hopes that we can do something good with the preaching in this little part of the world.

Regularity in GtM is also doing me a lot of good, associating with you gives me power and joy. Thank you very much for everything Maharaja.

Gaura Purnima is March 17 (I think). I am very much looking forward to that day.

I look forward to serving you as you deserve.

Thanks again for everything.

Bhakta Damian Traslasierra, Cordoba, Argentina

HpS - Thank you! We just communicated with you during the NoI class. Is very nice. We are just small mail men for Srila Prabhupada. All the mercy you are experiencing, novelty, purification, waking up, is his mercy.

We may be contributing a little, little portion.








:>>>>>>> Next letter!!!

🙂 ! ! !!

[Nityananda is coming] Sadhana

2 years, 11 months ago by yajnasenidd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaj,


Dear Maharaj, we think of you daily, how can we chant better 16 rounds daily, do our duties better, become a bit happier so we can serve our husband better. He has told cooking and cleaning will not help our relationship. He has informed us leaving him alone and when he rejects our affection, not going mad, will better help our relationship. Again extra marital actions on his part. We felt like a hole in our heart. Tried to offer love to amend the heartbreak, but become worse upon being violently rejected. It’s like a situation of an unwanted child born to a mother who hasn’t accepted she’s now a mother and every time the child needs her, she freaks out on the child.

Upon rejection, we lost our mind that all our efforts and still the relationship does not become better, and we almost left. But somehow still here. We try to cook as service to you, Krsna and him 🙏. We know we are very flawed, our service is very poor quality, but all we can do daily is show up and try again with enthusiasm, determination and patience (we very very much lack in this). Still struggling to figure out how to have sane varnashram situation, decent sadhana, wife duties that pleasing to husband, and some activities to keep us busy after our attempts on the above.

We miserably fail daily in our very unpalatable service. We just hope Lord Krsna sees our effort instead of the quality of our poorly done service 🙏. So unqualified, yet because of your mercy He may still glance on it 😇 🙏. The heart feels happy today feeling your love and affection for us 🤗. Simply living for the day when I can give you some news that will make you happy with us, proud of us 🥲.

your aspiring servant,


HpS - Hare Krsna.


Trying to put your letter in perspective we can understand.

One thing that comes to mind is the situation of Mandodhari, the wife of Ravana. An extreme situation. Along with Sita she is considered an example of a chaste women for the entire universe,

but Prabhupada commented that we are not on that level and it is Kali yuga not Treta yuga, and if a wife has genuine problems with a husband who is fallen from a spiritual or even a human standard then she should not try to imitate these Vedic ladies of earlier ages but place some distance between herself and her husband and take shelter of the devotees.

As we know he recommended that solution for the wife of Karandhara Das in Los Angeles: She live separate from him and situate herself in practical, nice, service in the Los Angeles, New Dvaraka, community, and pray for her husbands adjustment.

Again we are Sannyasis at a distance.

Use our perspective, but also develop other counselors, and as you describe your efforts you will conquer this situation and come out with assets that will never fail you again in the future.

We want to wake up.

Your esteemed husband wrote to us a short letter also, and we answered as best we could, basically repeating what we said before about divorce.

Basically the same comments that we just made above, and wrote before in great detail.

It is almost 8PM.

A few more letters and then we must rest our old donkey.

Thank you!!!

As you describe the situation you are a very great soul.

Maybe in you next life you can date the role of Mandodari!

😂 😂😂😂😂

HpS - ASA.


Nityananda esta viniendo-reporte de sadhana

2 years, 11 months ago by jagannitho in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Todas las glorias sri guru y gouranga.

Hare krishna gurudev este es mi reporte mensual he estado cantando mis 4 rondas diarias ya que los estudios me quitan la gran mayoria de mi tiempo pero las 4 que canto las canto lo mas sinceramente posible.

Tambien queria preguntarle si usted cree que me alcance el tiempo para iniciarme.

Estoy haciendo servicio en el templo junto a mi mama y deseo pedirle sus bendiciones para continuar teniendo el deseo de realizar servicio devocional.

Su sirviente jaganitho.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.

Hare krishna, gurudev this is my monthly report. i have been chanting my 4 daily rounds as studies take up most of my time but the 4 that i sing, i sing as sincerely as possible.

I also wanted to ask you if you think I have enough time to get initiated.

HpS - It is not a matter of time. As soon as you are following the process for one year and have authorization from the ISKCON authorities you can be initiated! Jaya.

I am doing temple service together with my mom and I want to ask for her blessings to continue having the desire to perform devotional service.

His servant jaganitho.

HpS - Thank you . In our old age and inherent stupidity we cannot remember your form, character or pastimes.

Please enlighten us!

Jangama: Nityananda ¡¡¡¡

2 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I have just read that you are packing ¡¡¡¡ It is incredible how time pass so fast ¡¡¡

I was reflecting on the relationship that I have with you Gurudeva, and I guess it is more mature. I do not need to have your physical association to feel that we are connected. It is all a part of the big Mrdanga ¡¡¡¡ Sankirtan is the center. Nevertheless, it is still important to go and visit your very good self like I did ¡¡¡¡

Nityananda Prabhu always gives me a special mercy. This time I just asked to enter to the altar and touch His lotus feet and the authorities asked me to perform the Raja Bhoga artik ¡¡¡¡¡ I said yes without hesitation.

HpS - ASA --- Amazing!!!

I have to confess that I was a little bit sad, because I was meditating on Nityananda from Wilson. Some devotees were posting photos of Him, but we can see at least me that His sight is not the same. So I felt a little frustrated due to the authorities did not allow me to help with Their painting . I guess is Krsna's plan. Besides that I feel kind of nostalgic due to the fact that I am not going to be able to see You for a very long time. My life has changed a lot. Krsna is so merciful that allows me to have Your association and good devotees friends like Palika, Patraka, Jambavan and so forth

I guess I just want to say thank you for everything, for being so patient. Please never forget if any time you felt that I performed a little tiny sincere service for Your very good self

May Lord Nityananda always bless You

Trying to be your disciple


HpS - There may be a global catastophy at any point and we may be unable to leave Peru and we may be stuck here for the next five years.

Ha! Ha!

Who knows what will happen, but we are all sitting in the same cinema hall watching each other's puppets on the screen but if stop watching that only and come to the real platform we can have direct contact in our permament forms.

Mountain Life

2 years, 11 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

From WhatsApp:

Hare Krishna Dandavat pranam,

I was hospitalised on 16th feb due to kidney stone. Luckily the stone came down on the track and next day it came out. Then my sugar level came up to 700. In the meantime I got throat infection. Medical treatment is going on. Guruji, actually it is Maya sansar duties on the other hand I fought the yamaduths in my dream and they tried to pull me to yamaraj. Then bhagavan Vishnu's bhaktas stoped the yamaduths and sent me again to martalok for further continuation of Maya Marta karma. It all happens with the help of Your guru kripa. I'm physically weak from one month but not due to Corona. I have tested negative. Please give me strength to serve guruparampara, gaurangamahaprabhu and my radhakrishna.

HpSwami- ASA

AgtSP. Paoho. Thank you for the news. We are having similar experiences here.

Did you offer Hari kirtan to the Yama/Visnu Duttas?


You are in the hospital to preach!

Just published the "Kapi Dhvaja". Hope it is useful for you.

More Sankirtan reports! ... News.


Nityananda is coming! (relations with others)

2 years, 11 months ago by [email protected] in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Switzerland is a crazy country when you look at the atheistic and materialistic peoples lifestyle.

i recently had some experiences with some old friends and family members. i realized that it's not the same with our relationship like before.

But i still want to stay in touch with my old friends. And when i have the opportunity, i try to cook prasadam for them.

HpS - Yes!!! If someone is nice that means that they have some KC, even if it is not so direct.

I read in the Upadeśāmṛta in verse-2. It mentions:

   A person's devotional service becomes spoiled if he becomes too much involved in the following six activities one of them....--> associating with worldly-minded persons who are not interested in Kṛṣṇa consciousness

But I know it is very difficult to avoid this, especially when working and living with materialistic people together, because there are for the moment not other options.

HpS - Krsna understands that and will give you extra help. Also, He will move you into a better community.

As much as possible give them Radha's association rather than taking Maya's association from them.

I try to visit the devotees as often as possible in the temple, for have a good asociación.

HpS - Super!!!

Expect rapid progress!