Your no so much humble Uruguayan disciple

2 years, 9 months ago by jaramara in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaja


Many things happend since my last letter.

Will try to resume

1)Bhaktin Marta and I keep trying to serve Srila Prabhupada, Krishna and his devotees at the best of our capacities.

2) Nanda Gram rural community is developing Slowly but surely, 3 families will be stablished at the land among this year.

Many other devotees are interested althow we do not actively promote the project.

3)The youth projects keep developing very nicely many second generation devotees from all around Europe are benefiting and many ISKCON projects are also getting funds.

4) Acting as RGB secretary for Spain, what to say, I try to do my best in that position.

5) Keep distributing books online more than 2000 Gitas already and several Srimad Bhagavatams (I do not know exact number maybe some 6-7 full sets)

6) I got Uruguayan citizenship and right now I am writing you from Uruguay.

I love the country and his devotees some lack of unity, no official temple, but I think that the devotees are very valuable and experienced.

Probably will try to get some facility here so i can travel regularly (Once a year) and have asociation with devotees in Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil.

7)Got involved in helping devotees refugees from Ukraine. There are 25,000 devotees in Ukraine and several hundreds of mothers with children are searching for shelter in Europe.

Do you have exact dates for your visit to Spain?

HpS - AgtSP!!! Paoho.... I think we already answered this letter. It is very nice!!!

We are looking to buy the tickets for Spain right now. Thinking like 15th July to 1st October. We would like to basically stay one place where people can be accommodated to visit us. New Vraja Mandala seems to have some of those characteristics?

Is good idea?

Will be great to host you in Nanda Gram

We have facilities to host 60 devotees in our head quarters

Please let me know if I can serve you in anyway



Informe personal

2 years, 9 months ago by rosa_canchucaja in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna

Mis Respetuoso saludos y Reverencia Gurudev Maharaj.🙏🙏

Toda Gloria y Reverencias a Srila Prabhupadaji. 🙏🙏🌼

Estimado Gurudev, Muchas gracias por su Misericordia de haberme dado refugio.

Actualmente estoy en Inglaterra y regreso el Primero de Marzo al templo de Vrajamandala...... Pero por motivos de salud de mi padre tengo que viajar a Perú, ahora en Mayo, pero antes me urge arreglar los documentos que los tengo caducados y posiblemente me vaya a vivir allí definitivamente el otro año.

Oh!! Gurudev Maharaj, con el Respeto que usted se merece, amorosamente, si me lo permite le haría una petición... Si me pudiese dar por favor El (Pranama Mantra) y así, sentirme más inspirada a seguir adelante.

HpS - Hare Krsna, Prabhu!!! Are you a Formal Aspirant? Did the temple send a letter of recomendation?

Gurudev : Recordar y escuchar su dulce voz... Ya es una Bendición.

Hari Boll


HpS - Hare Krsna!!!! Thank you for all your sincere determination. Meet as many people as you can well and give them your, Krsna's, point of view from BG, SB, CC etc!

[Gauranga is coming] - Please, your advice

2 years, 9 months ago by Mitravinda d.d in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva 🙏🏻

Please, accept my humble obeisances! AgtSP!!

Divya Drsti DD asked me to send you this letter:

Hare Krishna Guru majaraja

Please Receive my Humble Obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Gurudeva, thank you very much for all your mercy, because of my health problems I could not comunicate enought 🙏🙏.

Please, I Just wanted to ask your guidance, now I;m still with psycosis, panic and fear, when I chant 32 rounds and read the Srimad Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita I get calm, as Well when I go to the sea, when I wake up is so dificult for me I feel all, I think its a mixing of karma, with bhutas and trauma and fear, I'm suffering too much.

My questions are :

1_Do you think if I come back to Cusco and rent a room to live and go to the temple everyday for Govinda and then chant 32 rounds and read will be enought?

HpS - I do not know. I do not know the details of our situation and by telephone or telegraph cannot really give you detailed information. Krsna is in your heart. He can give you detailed information. People who see you daily can help. That is our distant information.

What nice association we have been able to get with you tells me you are a very nice person, so Krsna is taking personal concern with your Karma and progress.

Because I have the doubt where to stay. Now I'm in the temple of San Borja in Lima but I think I can not stay there so long maybe maximun 2 months more and then I have to decide where to stay because Im having body siknesses also and I can not do much service. My family live in Cusco, they can help me.

HpS - That sounds nice. The Sadhana you describe above sounds sufficient if you add your own daily stuff to it. Maybe Krsna is PUSHING you to go back to Kusco.

2_ Other option is to go to the asram of Chosica but the temple is open only on Sundays, because my problem I need to go to temple every day.

Become a Pujari and go every day? Associate with ladies in the Ashrama?

3._please Gurudeva what else could you recommend to me to do to solve my problem? 🙏🙏

What you describe sounds perfect, but again you have to look for local help that Krsna is sending. Maybe it is time for you to die. Let the raging river tear lose the roots of our snake infested body and go back to your real Friend.

Please I beg your mercy, please pray for me for my salvation, Im doing my best. Im already with psicological and psiquiátric treatment.

Thank you very much Gurudeva.

Your servant.

Divya Dristi DD.

HpS - We must all become Goswamis and then pure devotees. Hare Krsna!!

[Gauranga is coming.] Enroute to Mayapur

2 years, 9 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Sri Gauranga!!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories to H. H. Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaj!!

All glories to the Sankirtan movement of ISKCON!!!

Please ...pleeeaasseeee accept my humble obeisances at Your sweet, sweet lotus feet dear Guru Maharaj.....with tears in my eyes....I beg you....

Hare Krishna, dear Guru Maharaj,

HpS - We are still trying to see our lotus feet. Maybe we are a small buzzing, colorful insect, with others, trying to hang onto Hanuman's fur as he soars to Lanka!

Respects to your Siddha svarupa also!


Thank you for this priceless life you have taken and lead me into. No word can describe the joy of Krishna consciousness that you have awakened in my heart. Thank you so much...

ASA - We are just mailmen. It is Krsna who wants you to come home.

We are leaving for Mayapur tomorrow. Offering ourselves to the merciful Guru and Sri Gauranga, so that we get the dust of the servant of the servant of the million servants of Srila Prabhupada. Thank you for this mercy dear Guru Maharaj. Happy GauraPurnima dear Guru Maharaj. We depend solely on Your mercy.

Some of devotees of Manipur are getting initiated from HH Subhag Swami Maharaj. 10 devotees are aspiring to get initiation.

HpS - 🙂

🙂 🙂 🙂

  • Reading CC on a daily basis these days.
  • Reading SB 4.25.51 .
  • Evening we have daily BG classes with the young students online. There is a boy who is doing his graduation , and he seems to be a little disturbed with what his teachers are teaching him at his college, topics on political science especially. His name is Ajeshwor. He is such a nice and sincere person, happily distributes BG with unperturbed enthusiasm. He is a member of an organisation called 'Society for Peace'. Invited by this group to give a lecture on problems faced by younger generation....and how to solve them based on the teachings given in BG. With Gurudev's mercy, it was such a pleasant interaction.

Posting here in this blog. Very soon, Ajeshwor will write in the blog Guru Maharaj.

Other participants have been encouraged to write in the blog. We hope you are not too disturbed by us...

Our BV classes are taken by H. H. Vighna Vinasa Narasimha Swami Maharaj. We are struggling with the classes ' It is such a great joy to get such wonderful devotee association .....all credit to your mercy dear Guru Maharaj.

ASA - Where from is Maharaja??

Sharing few pics.... Ajeshwor with books he distributed....childrens' spiritual activity books.....

Longing with all our hearts to get Guru Maharaj's darshan in Manipur. Eagerly waiting...

Your insignificant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Guess you passed the tests and made it to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Madhava!!!!

"How are you, Sarada Gaurangi?

You have been suffering so much in Sankirtan and finishing your attachment to the material world.

Just sit down here with Us for a while.

It is so nice to see you.

Please come to stay permanently as soon as possible."

We have to put Srila Prabhupada's books in a format people can understand, no?

[902] Deva Vrata das daksina

2 years, 9 months ago by bhaktadamian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Gurudev,

HpS - TlgaSP!

Por favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias a sus pies.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a usted.

HpS - TlgaSP....

Espero que usted se encuentre bien en la vuelta a la base en Nasville.

ASA - Eso es el mundo material! Mejor usa de una mala ganga.

Quiero preguntarle cómo puedo hacer para enviarte la guru daksina.

Si tiene una cuenta.. o western union, o algo así...

Gracias por todo Guru Maharaja, por haberme aceptado como tu discípulo. Estoy muy feliz.

HpS - Su sinceridad es super "Guru Daksina". Si tiene algo dinero extra utiliza para el Yatra y BBT. Despues, si quiere, puede ayudar con los gastos y mas con la predica de ASA en Argentina. Aun estamos conectar con Bernardo Nantes en la predica con Carl Jung y Bh. Siddhanta sarasvati.

El sábado salí a sankirtan por primera vez con mi nombre espiritual 😁.

Fue un día de realizaciones, pude distribuir 20 libros y 2 Bhagavad Gitas, por tu misericordia y la de Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - Y esta cultivando unos como Sankirtaneros en sus mismos???

Te saluda con afecto y reverencia.

Deva Vrata das (Damián de Córdoba)



Hare Krsna Gurudev

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances at your feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and you.

I hope you are well on the way back to base in Nasville.

I want to ask you how can I send you the guru daksina. If you have an account... or western union, or something like that...

Thank you for everything Guru Maharaja, for accepting me as your disciple. I'm very happy.

On Saturday I went out for sankirtan for the first time with my spiritual name 😁. It was a day of realizations, I was able to distribute 20 books and 2 Bhagavad Gitas, by your and Srila Prabhupada's mercy.

He greets you with affection and reverence. Deva Vrata das (Damián of Cordoba)

Grhasta Ashrama

2 years, 9 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports


I have now moved to Wrangel with my parents and Yugapati Prabhu had already moved to his parent’s home. Like you instructed I tried to write some nice letters to him. He also reciprocated a bit. I’m now able to do my 16 rnds in Brahama-Muhurat. I think maybe this is why Krsna has pushed situation to this limit, maybe it’s the kick I needed to wake up early in morning fixedly so that your Holiness may be pleased with us and give us initiation 🙏. As instructed by your Holiness, we are also trying to pray for both his and my spiritual upliftment. 

Maharaj, my right eye has been omenously twitching for almost 3-4 weeks now. So much has happened since. Srila Prabhupad wrote in the chapter where Srimati Rukmini Devi recieved news that Krsna is coming, before this news her left limbs were quivering as an auspicious omen and if right limbs quiver in a woman’s body, it’s inauspicious. (a few times our left eye was quivering too, until we came to Vrindavan, maybe that was the auspicious omen which has panned out). Maharaj, im perplexed, what more inauspicious can happen now? 🙏 

HpS - I don't know. Could be something materially bad [spiritually GOOD].

Yuga-pati Prabhu’s adulterous night habits give me insomnia, making morning sadhana impossible. I’ve communicated to him I’ll come back home when he does, but now I’m thinking I should go back only if my sadhana does not suffer, which seems impossible.

HpS - Definitely the second option. Without Sadhana you are dead stone. Can't help anyone.

Your aspiring servant,


HpS - HK-HR! Krsna and go, gopa, gopi are waiting for you and everyone you are dragging back with you.
