Lalita Madhava Das

2 years, 9 months ago by LalitaMadhavadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to srila prabhupada

Please accept my humble obeisances, dear gurudev

I apologize for not writing so often, I have had some health problems and my poor coordination of time.

To begin with, I want to express my great interest and gratitude for allowing me to help you in the service that you practice daily and especially with the film that you direct.

In this regard, I had health and family problems that did not allow me to be very capable of responding promptly to all the requirements, but trying to make the best effort in those difficult moments.

In the same way, I sent my sincere apologies and audio material to Abhirama T. Prabhu, which were not accepted, excluding me from any possibility of being able to perform a service at his lotus feet, which made me very affected and sad.

HpS - Krsna has a better use for you music. 😁 I can see that we are all just little parts of Krsna's orchestra and He is really the only one who knows are ability and sincerity. The saintly Vaisnavas my think ill of us by Krsna's will, but we need to satisfy Him.

Due to the great brotherhood that I have with Juan (table player, Om Bhakti) he understood me and wished that I could collaborate, recording with him some pieces for certain scenes, hoping that they have reached his hands and being to his liking .(attached link to download music)

I am always willing to help in the mission of serving the Lord and facing these difficulties that test my determination and serenity.

Together with Manjuali DD we continue to distribute prasadam to all kinds of people, a service that keeps us in frequency and united.

We were able to get a date for the civil marriage process for April 11.

HpS - The day after the appearance of Lord Ramacandra!

Once I have the document I will present it to the temple authority.

Manjuali Dd continues his service to the deities on Wednesdays and has started his study of Bhakti Sastri.

Excuse my long letter, you are our refuge and guide day by day, our krishna consciousness in your example dear guruji.

Hoping to qualify myself day by day to be at your precious service, your sure servant

Lalita Madhava Das

March 2022, listening "Hanuman Chalisa"

HpS - 😁 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

😁😁😁😁😁😁 😁😁😁 😁



We have to pay for electricity, gas.... and also for the air we breath.

Should we chant one one Maha-mantra for each breath.

With our lips or in our heart?

We will fail in our "material" dities?

Really, leave as soon as possible.

I think there will be too much opportunity for music for these movies.

JayaRama - nueva etapa

2 years, 9 months ago by piyari_mohan_das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

How are you? It is miserable to live in a material body, as you repeat, it is not that this body gets sick, this body is a disease.

ASA/HpS - Let us become prison guards, psychologists in the prison. Then being in the hospital is Vaikuntha, no?

In my case the subtle body is not doing very well, but with medication it can be controlled, as you said in a previous letter, I am struggling with my illness.

I want to know how I can remedy what I did. Do you have any advice?

HpS - Talk with local devotees who know the situation and the people involved. Many. Then you can have good idea.

"Victim" will feel... Hmm... in the end it has all worked out with big profit for everyone, for Krsna.

I wish to be able to apologize to mother Guru Govinda soon. For this I go to the authorities of the temple, but they have told me that she continues with psychological treatment, just like me. That is why I have not been able to send you my letter.

HpS - Yes, you are doing well.

After that I want to make an apology to the congregation, I think it's good to do it.

I wanted to tell you that yesterday, March 25, I had my first visit to the institute. They gave us talk about high school and career. There are 2 years of study, this was one of the reasons why I chose the digital communication career. I wish I could finish the race, please your blessings for it. I will be able to learn various tools that can be used in the service of Srila Prabhupada and in a professional way.

HpS - 🙂

Sometimes I think that maybe I should have gone into music composition, but I'm already up and running with digital communication.

My psychiatrist asked me to take vitamin D, at first he made me take concentrated doses and now I have to take normal medication.

There is a Chilean company of vegetarian and vegan vitamin supplements. They have a vitamin D3 option that is vegetarian, which is made from sheep's hair, I didn't buy it as I thought it would break the principle. What do you think? Can this medicine be consumed?

HpS - Seems O.K. Sheep have a lot of hair. Doesn't hurt them.

Well thank you very much Gurudeva

says goodbye

Piyari Mohan Das


HpS - Go ahead. Show your sincerity and repentance and your adjustments to avoid this problem again.

Leave all material bodies and help others to do so.


Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Por Favor acepte mis reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

¿Cómo se encuentra? Es miserable vivir en un cuerpo material, como bien usted repite, no es que este cuerpo se enferme, este cuerpo es una enfermedad.

En mi caso el cuerpo sutil no anda muy bien, pero con medicamentos se puede controlar, como usted dijo en una carta anterior, estoy luchando con mi enfermedad.

Quiero saber de que manera puedo remediar lo que hice. ¿Tiene algún consejo?

Deseo poder pronto disculparme con madre Guru Govinda. Para ello acudo a las autoridades del templo, pero me han dicho que ella sigue con tratamiento psicológico, al igual que yo. Por ello no he podido hacerle llegar mi carta.

Luego de ello quiero hacer una disculpa a la congregación, creo que es bueno hacerlo.

Quería contarle que ayer 25 de Marzo tuve mi primera visita al instituto. Nos dieron charla sobre el instituto y la carrera. Son 2 años de estudio, esta fue una de las causas por la que elegí la carrera de comunicación digital. Deseo poder terminar la carrera, por favor sus bendiciones para ello. Podré aprender varias herramientas que pueden ser usadas al servicio de Srila Prabhupada y de manera laboral.

A veces pienso que tal vez debí entrar a composición musical, pero ya estoy en marcha con la comunicación digital.

Mi psiquiatra me pidió tomar vitamina D, al comienzo me hizo tomar unas dosis concentradas y ahora tengo que tomar medicación normal.

Hay una empresa chilena de suplementos vitamínicos vegetariano y vegano. Tienen una opción de vitamina D3 que es vegetariana, la cual se hace en base al pelo de oveja, yo no la compré ya que pensé que rompería principio. ¿Qué opina usted? ¿Se puede consumir ese medicamento?

Bueno, muchas gracias Gurudeva

Se despide

Piyari Mohan das


Visit to Boro for getting my beads chanted on [JayaRama]

2 years, 9 months ago by sriram in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

This is in reference to this post, Guru Maharaj:

Thank you so much for your kind words, Guru Maharaj. You are so merciful.

I have a request Guru Maharaj. I am waiting for replacement beads from Dallas, which should reach me by Monday(4th April). I know you're going to Richmond on 6th. Is it possible to visit you on Tuesday(5th April) and get darshan and my new beads chanted on?

HpS - AGTSP. paoho. As we understand Prabhupada told devotees who asked him to chant on replacement beads that it was not necessary. To be very careful to protect them, but if they had to be replaced, then it was not necessary to chant on the new ones. We usually take all 108 in our paws and chant one Maha-mantra.

We are really drowning in preparation for the Richmod trip so would only be able to smile at everyone and get back to work.

Visit when we come back? 17April - 16th May?

My parents are also here with me in Atlanta, and they would feel blessed to get your darshan.

Your humble servant

Srirama Krishna Das

Radha Sindhu Das's Father Passed Away yesterday - We ask to whole ASA and students to put this Soul in your japa a few moments

2 years, 9 months ago by in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,



We are writing right now because you requested us to do it. So, we want to tell you and all the devotees here that the father of your good disciple Raga Sindhu Das from Santiago, Chile just passed away yesterday.

His name was Ricardo Edmundo Gonzalez Mendez. A picture of him is attached here.

I met him on different family occasions and always he was kind to the devotees because in his family there are a lot of Krishna's devotees.

Jñana Skati d.d, his wife and Bhakti Busana Disciple told me today that her father-in-law, always was favourable, promoting even that Raga goes to the temple. Obviously, he always wanted that his son finishes his studies, but he feels secure if he knows that Raga Sindhu Das was in the temple.

ACTUALLY, he could call his own son by different names, but he prefers to call him by the spiritual name that you gave to him.

Family of Krishna Devotees

The youngest of his brothers, Sergio Gonzalez, is the one who preached to Govinda Bhajans (Claudio Gonzalez), who is Raga Sindu's older brother. And Bhakta Sergio preached to Bhakta Marcos too, a cousin of similar age to Raga, and a member of our community here.

So, then Govinda Bhajans and Raga Sindhu preached to their wives and children. So, "Don Ricardo" loves his grandchildren devotees.

His oldest grandchildren are Nitay, and the youngest -from Raga Sindhu and Jñana Sakti- are Radheya and Subal. He always requires his daughter in law takes care too much of the kids. They are his most precious treasure and sometimes he says hello to them saying "Hari Bol!" laughing with joy

He never questioned how they took care of the children...the strict vegetarianism o the devotees, for instance. In fact, Radheya preached to him about food... when he saw him eat something different.

Don Ricardo used to say: "This boy...I'm going to eat somewhere else...he tells me that animals are friends" and laugh. He was funny and liked social justice.

He didn't take alcohol, so when visiting the Raga's family just brings beer alcohol-free, suitable for children and makes jokes about it, this house was the only place where no alcoholic beverage is welcome.

The whole Gonzalez family appreciate the devotees. Understanding that Japa and Gayatri the devotees are "rezando". The Holy names are everywhere because of the children's names.

Raga visits him recently and put his own tulasi beads, so he left wearing tulasi beads.

We hope the whole spiritual family of readers of the Monkey Warrior Blog give their blessing to this soul to continue his journey and in the next stop always keep de Krsna devotees close to him.

Thank you for your concern and take care of us in different moments of our life.

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja.

HpS - Hari bolo!!! Hari Bolo! SB10.47.63 Chant in front of his picture for his satisfaction while he is in the subtle atmosphere. Give guidance.

A very unfortunate incident!

2 years, 9 months ago by sriram in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I apologize in advance for bringing you some bad news Guru Maharaj. I lost by initiation beads yesterday.

I have been searching everywhere and trying to find it, but i have failed to locate my beads.

I am extremely distraught and i don't know what to do. I am usually a very cautious person when it comes to keeping my things safe, but I have no idea how or where i lost my chanting bag.

I have not been able to think straight from yesterday and am feeling really ashamed that i lost my beads. Please forgive me Guru Maharaj. I will make sure that this never happens again.

I have been doing my daily rounds yesterday and today with my pre-initiation beads.

Please advice me on what I should do next Guru Maharaj.

Your humble servant

Srirama Krishna Das

HpS - AGTSP. paoho. I can certainly agree that you are not an irresponsible person. Mybe they will reappear.

If not.... ... . then chant on your other beads. Do I need to chant on them again. We heard that Srila Prabhupada said, no, but we do feel comfortable taking the entire set in our hands and chanting one... mahamantra!

We worship a thief.

Gratitud, Conscious Parenting and Banana Recipes - Bhakti Carolina Ortiz - Chile

Hare Krishna Maharaja,



A few days ago I was thinking write to you and just this afternoon Candra Muki told me that you were requesting recipes for cookies and banana cake. So I immediately thought it was the best time to do it! 😁


Maharaja, the trip we made to Peru touched our hearts! I feel very, very grateful that you've allowed us to share with you in Santa Eulalia.

Were enriching days that renewed and recharged us spiritually. It was also like that for my husband, Jagad Guru, I know!

HpS/ASA - AGTSP!!! Who puts us little beings in situations where we can be of real use to each other. Everyone was very, very, very happy to have your whole family there. Rasarani's war with the Evil Rooster will forever be known of the property.

I'm very grateful to your disciples for allowing me to serve in any way possible. My spiritual family and my Guru Maharaj Radhanath Swami are far away so serving in vapu is something I really miss. It feels very good. I really hope to be able to increase my desire to serve day by day and that little by little any contamination that can dirty it, stay aside.

Rasarani keeps talking about Peru. She said that she just missed her books and toys here in Chile.

She doesn't separate from her flute and every day she "sings" her melody.

I'm giving her massages almost every night, as you recommended. She loves and asks me to do it.

Madhavi just wants to walk, dance, take the books, babble and now she's smiling a lot.

HpS/ASA - Not ordinary people!

Yvonne Laborda from Spain

I resumed my training certification in Conscious Parenting and Emotional Education by the renowned human therapist and author from Spain, Yvonne Laborda, as soon as I returned from Peru, since both girls keep me in a very active service, and they push me to want to improve day by day. have trained more than 5000 people (mainly mothers). Now, only in her online plataform, we are 2500. She's is vegan, have practiced homeschooling and unschooling with to her three children; her daughter wrote her own book already with 15 years old. She beleives that we are souls, and in the reencarnation. She lives nearby Barcelona. I think that a meeting between both of you could be Super wonderful for your respective communities.

HpS/ASA - You can see that we just bought the ticket for Spain.

Anyway, I hope I can become the mom that each of them needs, and maybe, in the future, I can support other mothers in conscious parenting.


Maharaja I don't want to take more of your valuable time., I just want to express my gratitude.

I'm truly grateful for your kind and gestures. It has been very important to me.

Please excuse any offense.

Your servant.

Carolina Ortiz


HpS/ASA - I hope Krsna regulates your life enough so you can take initiation soon!


Below I share these two recipes: Banana Cookies (the ones I made there) and Banana Cake. I hope are useful to you in pleasing Lord Nrsmha Deva.

Banana Cake

4 medium bananas, sliced

Juice of 1 lemon

2 1/2 cups self-raising flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 cup brown sugar

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 cup yoghurt

3/4 cup milk

1/2 cup oil

2 medium bananas, chopped

1 tablespoon sugar, mixed with 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

In a small mixing bowl, toss the banana slices and the lemon juice. Set aside. In a bigger mixing bowl, sift the flour and the baking powder. Stir in the sugar, cinnamon and yoghurt, Gradually, add the milk and the oil and beat with a spoon. Mix in the chopped bananas. Pour the mixture into the prepared cake tin. Arrange the banana slices on top and sprinkle with the sugar and cinnamon mixture. Bake the cake for 25 to 30 minutes

Oven temperature 180°C

Banana Cookies

125 gr unsalted butter

1 cup brown sugar

1 chopped banana

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 1/2 cups plain flour

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1 tablespoon boiling water

1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon salt

Optional 1/2 cup chopped nuts

In a bowl, beat the butter and sugar. Add the chopped banana and beat.

Dissolve the baking soda in the boiling water and add to the mixture, beating.

Add flour, ground cinnamon and salt until incorporated and finally the chopped nuts if you want.

Place in a greased baking tin, o with paper and bake for 12 min or until edges are lightly golden.

Oven temperature 180°C 

(One pictures attached with Madhavi first birthday celebration with distribution of prasadam to the Whole family)

HpS/ASA - We will see if anymore recipes come in inspired by these from you three devotees.

Madhavi has enough followers become Mayor of Santiago.
