Lavangya Mangala dd

2 years, 9 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva AGTSP PAMHO 🙏:

I am attaching a picture from her.

ASA - Lavanya mangala Devi Dasi. Who left her body like yesterday.

She was always very prudent, an extremely sweet and nice person.

She was my friend and Godsister. We will miss her association a lot.



ASA - !!! Sad not to get her association for a few days while she is in another land.

Gouranga esta viniendo

2 years, 9 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las gloria a Goura Nitay.

Todas las gloria a Srila Prabhupada.

Hare KRISHNA Gurudev Esperando que este bien en su base para continuar su prédica. Le cuento que no hemos entrado al programa de la mañana porque coincide con nuestro programa de la deidad pero hemos escuchados clases grabadas muy buenas, además de esta información le comento tuvimos una fiesta de Goura purnima muy bonita, decoración para el altar con Nitay Caitanya Candra e hicimos varias presentaciones para la familia de Lad, distribuir en la calle, una bella experiencia muy satisfactoria la volveremos a repetir.

Programa de la mañana continuó, adoración, ofrendas lectura. Sigo leyendo cada día a las devotas, recordándole los ekadasi además de saludarlas en las fiestas espero estar haciendo un buen servicio para Srila Prabhupada siempre mejorando en las cosas que cuestan para hacer un servicio de calidad.

Por último le cuento que mi familia está muy bien, los saludo todos los días y video llamada una vez a la semana

Se despide su humilde sirviente Raman Reti Devi Dasi


All glories to Gaura Nitay.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare KRISHNA, Gurudev.

Hoping you are well at your base to continue your preaching.

HpS - Thank you!!! We hope Lord Nityananda helps us give up our material attachment!

I tell you that we have not entered the morning program because it coincides with our deity program but we have heard very good recorded classes, in addition to this information I tell you that we had a very nice Goura purnima party, decoration for the altar with Nitay Caitanya Candra and we made several presentations for Lad's family, distributed in the street, a beautiful and very satisfactory experience, we will repeat it again.

HpS - Chosika yatra !!! 🌴🐷🐶 🌴🐵

Morning program continued, adoration, reading offerings. I continue to read the devotees every day, reminding them of Ekadasi, as well as greeting them at parties, I hope I am doing a good service for Srila Prabhupada, always improving in the things that cost to do a quality service.

Finally, I tell you that my family is very well, I greet them every day and video call once a week.


Your humble servant,

Raman Reti Devi Dasi

HpS - Is this it? Where you a nun in your last lifetime? Will you return to your service in Goloka during this lifetime?

Gauranga esta viniendo - Reporte sadhana personal

2 years, 9 months ago by jagannitho in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas la glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a Sri Guru y Gauranga

Acepte por favor mis humildes reverencias

Hare Krsna Gurudev queria reportar mi avance que en verdad no es mucho ya que todavia sigo con mis cuatro rondas diarias y hasta algunos dias no llego a las cuatro, eso si las hago con mucha devocion.

Sigo haciendo servicio aca con mama siempre con devocion.

Aca le dejo unas fotos que me saque para que se acuerde de mi.

Su querido sirviente jaganitho


All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Please accept my humble obeisances

Hare Krsna, Gurudev, wanted to report my progress, which is not really much since I still continue with my four daily rounds and even some days I do not make it to four, that is if I do them with great devotion.

I continue doing service here with mom always with devotion.

Here she left some photos that I took so that she remembers me.

Your dear servant jaganitho.

ASA - Your form, pastimes, abode, do not come to mind!! Jagat Natha ... Jagannatha. Hari bolo!!!

[Gauranga!] Continuación de aventuras...

2 years, 9 months ago by nicole_silva in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Marahaja, ¡Hare Krsna! Mis reverencias eternas ¡AGTSP! 🙌

Muy agradecida por sus comentarios a mi carta anterior. Sus palabras llegan directamente a mi corazón 🙏

Hemos continuado con la dieta y hábitos de Ayurveda para que nuestro cuerpo y mente esté cuidados y protegidos 😄

Tomando medicina de Ashwagandha y Triphala, y me ha ayudado a calmar mi Pitta ardiente y a mantener mi carácter al margen antes de producir una bomba atómica hahaha!

Práctica de yogasana para mantener el cuerpo fuerte 5 veces por semana. Practicando antes de comenzar el día laboral. (¡Me hace muy bien!)

Buena alimentación, buen descanso 💛

Volviendo al sadhana habitual! Jaya!! 16 rondas diariamente.

Poco a poco a comenzando nuevamente a levantarme antes de las 5am 💪

El cambio de horario no me permite ingresar todos los días al FMP y tomar Darshan, pero cada vez que ingreso y comparto con usted y los devotos, mi día es mejor! 😍

La vuelta al trabajo no ha estado excento de problemas, pero es parte de este mundo material... Lo perfecto es solo Krsna... Aún así, con ganas de seguir aprendiendo en esta travesía.

Vuelta a la Universidad para terminar el magister. Muy poco tiempo para descansar, pero con entusiasmo de aprender constantemente.

En mi corazón permanece el deseo constante de encontrarme con usted en alguna de sus paradas del viaje. Paramatma escucha y ve. Espero Krsna me de la oportunidad de tener su asociación.

Me alegro mucho que la película vaya bien! Y que su salud esté bien dentro de todo, Maharaja 🙃

Que el Señor Nrsimha lo protega siempre.

Mis oraciones y corazón siempre oran por su bienestar.

Estaré atenta al blog y a su itinerario de viaje.

Que tenga una bella estadía en Houston, y un buen retorno a Nashville.

¡Radhe Radhe!

Su eterna sirvienta, Bh. Nicole 😺


Dear Marahaja, Hare Krsna! My eternal obeisances AGTSP! 🙌

Thank you very much for your comments on my previous letter. His words go straight to my heart 🙏

We have continued with the diet and habits of Ayurveda so that our body and mind are cared for and protected 😄

Taking Ashwagandha and Triphala medicine, and it has helped me calm down my fiery Pitta and keep my temper out before producing an atomic bomb hahaha!


Yogasana practice to keep the body strong 5 times a week. Practicing before starting the work day. (It's good for me!)

ASA - Prabhupada said, that they are good if you have time!! Yet, dancing like a madwoman in Arati for Krsna by the mercy of Radha is complete!!

Good food, good rest 💛

Returning to the usual sadhana! Jaya!! 16 rounds daily.

Little by little starting to get up again before 5am 💪

The time change does not allow me to enter the FMP and take Darshan every day, but every time I enter and share with you and the devotees, my day is better! 😍

Returning to work has not been without problems, but it is part of this material world... The perfect is only Krsna... Even so, with the desire to continue learning on this journey.

Back to the University to finish the magister. Very little time to rest, but with enthusiasm to constantly learn.

In my heart remains the constant desire to meet you at one of your stops on the trip. Paramatma hears and sees. I hope Krsna gives me the opportunity to have your association.

I'm so glad the movie is going well! And may your health be well within everything, Maharaja 🙃

May Lord Nrsimha protect him always.

My prayers and heart always pray for your well-being.

I will be attentive to the blog and your travel itinerary.

Have a nice stay in Houston, and a safe return to Nashville.

Radhe Radhe!

His eternal servant, Bh. Nicole 😺

ASA - We are back in Nashville (Murfrees Boro) for about a week. We are making progress in controlling our senses. finding some little place in Gaura Nitai's Sankirtan!

Thank you for the news!!!!

Next report tell us about prospects for preaching at work.

Gauranga is coming - Gauranga came!!

2 years, 9 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna, Gurudev,

Please accept our humble obeisances,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Few hours ago we had Gaura Purnima festival here at our home in Sri Govardhan with local devotees!! It was ecstatic!!

ASA - 😶

This Bhakti yoga process is so wonderful!!

We feel so much gratitude for being in contact with Srila Prabhpada's teachings and his Iskcon family!!

The rural project is going forward nicely!!

This year we will focus in setting an online Ayurvedic academy, ver nice opportunity for preaching, and start some puppets shows!!

ASA - history of puppetry - YouTube

We feel very inspired and thankful for yours and Peru devotees association in our last visit there!!

ASA - It was certainly the same for us..... very much so....

We want to watch that movie so much!! Thank you!!

Family is ok, Margarita is growing nicely, and her mother, Julieta, is very inspired with this new responsibility. Manu and Benja are teenagers now, very challenging phase of life in this Kali yuga!! We try to be a nice source of inspiration for them!!

Our beloved dog, Roma, passed away twelve days ago, yesterday we made a little homage to her, we read Sivananda Sena's pastime with the dog from CC 3.1

ASA - Super!! 🐕 Human body!!!! With devotees.

16 R and 4 P ok. Plenty of room for improvement!!

Thank you for being always so kind towards us!! You inspire us a lot to trying to reach Srila Prabhpada's lotus feet everyday!!

Trying to become useful,

Your silly servant,

Nikunja Bihari das.

ASA - Thank you for your association. We are trying to become human beings and getting the mercy that you give to animals is very useful for us!!!

Thank you.

Please send us news of the Ayurvedic work.


2 years, 9 months ago by rohini in Personal Sadhana Reports


Jaya Gaura Purnima!

PAMHO Gurudeva.

You are the love that I dreamed of in my little house as a child, You are the illusion that I forged in the palace of my mind, You are the truth that I longed for in my heart.

Today is the Day of LOVE, natural, true, of the GOOD LORD for his GOOD SERVANT and of the GOOD SERVANT for HIS GOOD LORD.

My throat is tight, and it hurts, I want to scream your NAME, my ears want to hear YOUR VOICE.

The dawn is hope, the prayer that opens doors, there is a rope with sixteen diamonds to get out of these circumstances.

Big rocks from the past are a drag. But I follow you, don't let me go, I only have YOU, give shelter to my soul.

Hare Krsna!

Your disciple

Rohini Devi Dasi

HpS - Nice poem for Krsna, Radha-Krsna, Guru, Gaura-Nitai, Srila Prabhupada!!! It is nice meditation for us in thinking of Srila Prabhupada, Krsna.

Radha krsna pranamora, yugala kishora...