Hare Krsna Dear Maharaj
AgtSP, pamho
I hope you are well,
My name is Katherine, I am 25, I am from Santiago de Chile,
I wanted to thank you for the opportunity of service with Rupa Goswami's painting, it was a nice experience.
HpS - It was very nice. We are trying to organize book distribution and use the picture for the cover!
Currently for a month I am in Valeria del Mar, it is a very nice place near Mar del Plata, I am visiting some relatives who are disciples of Bhakti Bhusana Swami, you may remember them, they are Paramesvara and Janaki, once, when they lived in Chile, you visited us in the apartment in front of the temple, and you talked about education, it was in 2019.
HpS - Big tall building in front of the Temple?? I don't remember going there. Was he Pujari for some time?
A long time ago I wanted to write to you, but I didn't know how to start or what to tell you, so, I studied plastic arts for 4 years at the universidad de Chile, then I paused my studies due to academic doubts and to that the pandemic was added, but this year I have been thinking about resuming studies to learn more and finish it.
I learned about Krsna consciousness through my uncle Paramesvara, who told me about Krsna and the teachings of Srila Prabhupada, when I was a child I saw among the books of him, your book desde rusia con amor, I was curious about the drawings and what you wrote. I also keep a small handmade book of poetry, it is green with Radha Krsna on the cover.
Here, my uncles and their young children, have a stable sadhana, worship of the deity, reading of Srimad Bhagavatam and japa. Living this time at this pace has been very comforting, healing and educational from many perspectives.
about art
I have had the opportunity to paint some deities, and learn with a friend, (Yasmin, who is also devoted) about muralism, we painted Krsna Balarama, and recently she painted a beautiful mural of Lord Caitanya in the temple of Santiago.
I really like the art of Dhrti dasi and Ramdas Abhiram das there is also an Italian painter who made beautiful paintings where he plays with lights in nature and colors, his name is Vincenzo Irolli.
HpS - I also like Mata Dhrti Dasi's paintings. I even met her one time!!
As I had mentioned, I had had academic doubts about whether I really wanted to dedicate myself to art, fortunately I have been able to recover that taste and affection, seeing how Krsna acts and interacts with us through the different skills and circumstances.
Despite all this, I would like to have more enthusiasm and energy, to be more committed.
I often have you in my thoughts, I remember your classes, teachings and songs. I always wish your well-being with affection and respect.
I hope to have good news about you soon,
Your would be servant
HpS - Nice to meet you. I think any disciple of Srila Prabhupada is just transmitting one ray of Srila Prabhupada's character. Has different aspects.