Matrimonio formal

2 years, 6 months ago by marina-rendon in Personal Sadhana Reports

In response to your question

HpS - Bueno, bueno Bh. Rendón!! Estas formalmente casado???

Prabhu Sachinandana and I have been civilly married since January 24, 2020

Do you want to see some photos?

HpS - Hmmm. No thank you. We are Sannyasis. Yet, others might like to! Congratulations. As a step toward Death/Life it is very good.

The prabhu accepted this “mala ganga” as his wife and despite adversity we have managed to maintain a balance.

First Krishna, the arrival of the new member of the family is expected for the month of September. Maybe it's the karate kid, because he has a lot of strength.

Just a few days ago, my husband bought me a cell phone to be able to be more on the morning programs and have a better connection, although I must tell you that for now I have to go out to the garden at dawn to get connected, but the rains and the heat the mosquitos manage to feed for a while. My job is to fix that situation.

I also want to tell you that I am in contact with senior devotees at the Sri Sri Radha Madhan Gopal temple for them to consider my recommendation again. Some time ago I took a very good course on Guru Disciple, but I confess that I am barely understanding many things in my heart.

Our rounds I think could go better, singing with more attention is the most difficult for my traveling mind.

We are looking forward to seeing you again. The news of your visit has been as comforting as the warmth of the sun's rays after a cold night. An ointment on the wounds that have been left by the kicks of this material world.

Infinite thanks

You always well-wisher and candidate servant Bh. Marina Rendón.


HpS - Brave girl! Anyone lucky to have you for wife and mother.

Hari Hari, i hope all souls can have Mukti

2 years, 6 months ago by narotam_armijo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Pls acept my obeisances

Here Narotam Armijo

Hari bol maharaja, here i am, i dont know what to do whit my life, the future look uncertan, and i dont even know if im going to be live tomorrow, is the first time that i have this sensation in my heart, it feels so weird, this happend to you in a moment in your life?

But i still chantig my 16 rounds, and making service, also i have more relation whit the devoties and that feels so good, talk with them about Krishna and all clase of other stuff, yesterday for example y have a converzation whit prabhu Ekalatisvara, (im not sure if that is the correct form to write) we talk about mahabaratha and more specific the man that i think have the most sad history in the entire book, and how he looses because he dont follow the Krsna's orden to admit to every one that he is the hermano mayor (big brother i think?) Of the kurus, And in this way he can take the throne and all the war will stop, but he have this promise to Duryudana in contrast whit Aryuna how follow the orden of Krishna to fight althougt he have to kill his own parents, but because favor of God he will win aganst any enemy.

Good by Maharaja, i hope write more frecuent to you.

Hare Krsna.!!!! AgtSP. Radharani sees the whole world vacant unless She sees something that will make Krsna happy that She can do.

Karna! 4hours 38 minutes.

Amba-vrsa-vamsi arrive in Spain

2 years, 6 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Ambarisa Das writes:

[4:21 PM, 7/12/2022] Ambariśa Das: Hare krsna agtsp all glories to you.

We already arrive to la finca hare krsna in Brijuela.

[4:22 PM, 7/12/2022] Hp Swami: Super!!!!! Did Hari vamsi sit with the Pilot?

[4:24 PM, 7/12/2022] Ambariśa Das: No, He sleep very well and he already play with the kids here and thr water pipe.

[4:24 PM, 7/12/2022] Ambariśa Das: Thank you.

ASA - What does "thr water pipe" mean? Please send more details to the Blog. How was the trip? Did you meet any interesting people? What flights did you take? Who met you at the airport? Where are you staying? Have you seen Govinda Candra?

Grihasta Asram

2 years, 6 months ago by sacinandan das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurueva, please aceept my humble obeisances.

This isnt a good letter.

only is a whish sincere for thank you,

Im reading "Beyon Ilusion and Doubt".

listening carefully to the expert rebuttals by Srila Prabhupada.

Smaranam is my best service for this days,

I will be Dad,

my wife told you in her previous letter,

of course we are formally married.

HpS/ASA - Jaya!

A strange feeling towards the unknown,

run and run I arrived here looking for sharpness,

the asram has a high volumen

my daughters talk like that,

we have a nice garden,

of course you can visit us whenever you like,

ASA - Take artistic pictures of your garden for Lord Nrsmhadeva to see here in the Blog.

the night is very silent.

I trying to restart a Nama Hatta

and my chant well done,

looking for your service,

ASA - Send artistic pictures!

this letter is very similar to my mind, "sleepy".

The most cheerful and respectful greetings

your little servant:Sacinandan Das.

* Sorry for missing the standards in the letters.

Refugio a sus pies de loto

2 years, 6 months ago by dpsanchezm in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja, por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabupada!

Maharaja, me encuentro recopilando todo lo necesario para enviar a la administración de Iskcon Chile, con el objetivo de pedirle formalmente refugio a sus pies de loto.

HpS - ASA -- Pies de loco! TlgaSP!

Deseo con todo mi corazón ser parte de su grupo de discípulos. Pronto ellos se comunicarán formalmente con usted con la recomendación respectiva, dado que cumplo con los requisitos.

De antemano muchas gracias Maharaja 🙏

Su sirviente,

Bh. Diana Sánchez

Iskcon Mandir - Santiago de Chile

HpS - TlgaSP. Solamente esperamos servir a Vd. Puede enviar unos fotos de Vd. y sus environs?

Primero iniciacion, segundo, tercero... todo es fases de despierta, y despues mejorando nuestra sevicio en Vaikuntha..


2 years, 6 months ago by mandara sakha das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Greetings Guru Maharaj, I hope this letter finds you well.

I am writing to tell you a little about my life today.

The most important thing in my life is the preaching work that we are doing, so I am going to write to you about it.

A little over a year ago we began to share Krishna consciousness through zoom and we have had very good acceptance from people.

Currently approximately 30 people participate in different activities that we offer.

On Tuesdays we perform 1 hour of chanting the maha mantra, on Thursdays we carry out an introductory course to bhakti yoga (bhagavad gita among other texts), on Fridays we also carry out 1 hour of chanting the maha mantra, and on Sundays we carry out readings from Srimad Bhagavatam.

We want to add mondays

to read the Krishna Book,

but we are adding activities gradually as we also have to balance preaching with work.

It is impressive how every time we do an activity about Krishna with people we are filled with energy and joy.

Not long ago we decided to live closer to the city,


most of the participants

in our community

are from there,

so we are also holding face-to-face meetings once a month for now. We hope that with time we can have a large space to invite more people. I ask for your good wishes so that we can continue with this project.

Thank you very much for reading, I wish you all good fortune in your travels.

HpS - Hare Krsna. Thank you. We are losing our minds. Getting a new mind, at 74-years old. You also will be 74-years old soon... Your personality has slipped into oblivion for us!! You are from Spain? Chile? You came to see us once with Jara-mara...??

Your Sankirtan is great. Let it grow!