Reporte Sadhana y Preguntas

2 years, 5 months ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna querido Gurudev

Por favor acepte mis humildes Reverencias.

Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada.

aqui en Govardan tierra de Krishna(MDQ).

Sadhana bien. cuatro principios y 16 Rondas bien. continuamos leyendo el SB canto 11.3. en portugués.( muy filosofico).

Bastante enfocado en mi Sadhana.El Servicio al Altar bien.

Me visito mi Padre durante 7 dias y despues vino Mi Madre y mi Hermana Mayor 5 dias. un poco de viaje para Ellos.

continuamos con el curso de Electricidad, mas claro todo.


Yoga Maya en el Krishna book es de quien emanan todos los cultos shaktas? y no es Subadra Segun entiendo.

HPS: traductor Ambarisa das. como yo entiendo si nos acercamos a Subhadra desde una perscpectiva espiritual ella es yoga maya con Krsna y Balaram en Vrndabana, que si nos acercamos a ella con deseos materiales, entonces ella es Maha MAya como Krsna lo describe muy bien en el Krsna Book hay muchos diferentes tradiciones de adoracion a Durga en el mundo moderno. Algunos de ellos son basados en escrituras autoritativas tales como purunas tamasicos y siva agamas. otros comunidades Shaktacas tal vez sean basadas en autoridades de Gurus falsos.

el mor es Balaram, despues viene Yoga Maya, despues Krishna y despues Subadra?

HPS: Porfavor aclare esta pregunta. Balaram es una expansion de Krsna, prakash, subhadra es sakti tal vez expansion de Radharani, ella nacio como hija de Yasoda y fue intercambiada por Krsna por Vasudeva.

no hay mension sobre el nacimiento de Subadra? o quienes son los Padres? quizas en otro Sastra? Hps: esta en el Krsna Book esto es un misterio?o por algun otro motivo? por que Sabemos en detalle sobre la aparicion de Yoga Maya o incluso de Srimati Radharani.

Yaga maya es una aspecto de la personalidad de Subhadra

otra Pregunta en el SB 10.87.18. Se mensiona que los chakras son una residencia secundaria del Paramatma, y es en el unico lugar que he encotrado esta info,Podria comentar algo Sobre esto? he leido algo acerca de meditacion en los Chakras y siempre Hay mension de deidades femeninas y Masculinas ademas de Sus simbologia, animales, colores, petalos y significado.Pero nunca con mension a la tradicion Vaishnava, sino Mas bien a la de los Shaktas.

Yo creo que es el capitulo 10 en el BG donde Krsna dice que encarna como el leon entre las bestias, es un cierto tipo de encarnacion, es una encarnacion de Krsna pero como Krsna describe sus encarnaciones en el capitulo 10, como soy el sabor del agua. hay muchas encarnaciones

Sin mas para decir.

Muchas Gracias!!

a Su Servicio

Adi Yajña Das


Hare Krishna dear Gurudev Please accept my humble Obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. here in Govardan land of Krishna(MDQ). Sadhana good. four principles and 16 Rondas well. we continue reading the SB chant 11.3. in Portuguese. (very philosophical). Quite focused on my Sadhana. Altar Service good. My father visited me for 7 days and then my mother and my older sister came for 5 days. a little trip for them. We continue with the Electricity course, but of course everything. Questions Yoga Maya in the Krishna book is from whom all Shakta cults emanate? and it is not Subadra As I understand. the mor is Balaram, then comes Yoga Maya, then Krishna and then Subadra? there is no mention about the birth of Subadra? or who are the Parents? perhaps in another Sastra? is this a mystery? or for some other reason? because We know in detail about the appearance of Yoga Maya or even Srimati Radharani. another Question on SB 10.87.18. It is mentioned that the chakras are a secondary residence of the Paramatma, and it is the only place that I have found this information. Could you comment on this? I have read something about meditation in the Chakras and there is always a mention of feminine and masculine deities in addition to their symbols, animals, colors, petals and meaning. But never with a mention of the Vaishnava tradition, but rather that of the Shaktas. No more to say. Thank you so much!! at your service Adi Yajna Das </pre>

PD:No sé cómo cambiar las fuentes del texto traducido

Inform Of Vajendra Kumara Das And Amala DD

2 years, 5 months ago by brian tellez in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja

please accept my humble obeisances.

All Glories to the devotional Service that emanates from your person

You are my only refuge and the goal of my life.

This has been a long year, full of growth in every aspect,

in short.

after living in Vrndavan and Mayapur, 

  • Colombia Adventure

I had a business, a house for me and my wife, a truck for sankirtan, but the devotees of the temple did not let us do service because I am a very fallen soul, then I was about to want to throw everything away (what is the use of laxmi if we dont have asocciation of devoties), then Krsna (meaby Giriraja maharaja) gave me the mercy to break my business there, they stole my motorcycles, they threatened me, etc, then I sold everything we had, and I bought tikets.

  • Adventure Russia

 and we went to live in Saint Retersburg Russia, they don't speak much English there and I didn't have documents to work so..... to support my family I worked in a hinu restaurant (but I sold chicken and fish) His Holiness Guru Prasad Swamy and H. H. Mahavisnu Swami gave me their good advice, there we did harinama with the devotees 3 times a week (almos 15 devoties in -20 degreessss!!! Amazing) , the devotees loved us very much and that love made Saint Petersburg not seem so cold.

  • 3. Back to Mayapur

Finally the devotees helped us to come to the Dham by H H Maha Visnu Swami's instruction, we participated in the Harinama Ruchi Party with my wife again, we went to Nepal and now we are living by the MERCY of Krsna and you Guru Maharaja in Mayapur Dham,

  • 4. Work and Services 

 We have 2 jobs for Iskcon , we are well paid,

 we have a food for life program every week, (we cook and sponsor ourselves with my wife and friends) we distribute 2000 dishes every sunday in Navadwipa and Godruma dvipa,


we do Harinama once or twice a week in the different islands of navadwipa (9 islands every month more or less) and we distribute books, 

  • Our Saddhana

I am chanting every day (somentimes next day) from 20 to 24 rounds, my wife 16,

i was getting up to mangala and all the morning program here in mayapur mandir, but now i am chanting rounds and reading with 15 people around the world from different countries (for me work), so sometimes at 4 am I have to connect with them, almost always at 5 am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. ( no Mangala :( )

So my service is to attend the deities at home in the morning, my wife cooks for them,

I wake them up and we do puja and honor prasadam together,

then I go to work in the office assigned to me.

It sounds very unbelievable now that I am writing it, but my eternal enemy is still there Gurudeva, waiting for me to be careless to bite me again and again, so I am trying (I am just trying, without success) to keep myself busy and active in Krsna Consciousness to escape from that.

We are now in the Mayapur committee making all the arrangements for your Coming to Mayapur and India Beloved GURUDEVA with mother Gaura Gadhadar DD, with mother Dhaneshvari dd and with Brajaja Naranjana prabhu.

  • A Question

Gurudeva we carry the standard we set to worship their Lordships Nitay Sacidulal (named by u 😍) all this year, we have had Giriraja in a clean place on our altar, offering bhoga to him through Gaura Nitay as you ordered us,

(Giri has given us given a lot of mercy in the form of His pranks as you explained to us especially in Colombia He take off everything)

You asked me to write to you after a year to see if we could start bathing and decorating Giriraja Maharaja.

what should we do? How should we assist you in your worship of these deities Beloved Gurudeva?

His eternal would-be servants

Vrajendra Kumar das and Amala devi dasi

HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna, Desculpa lenta responder as carta. Puede ver nuestra historia aqui y en el Kapi Dhvaja. Muuuy bueno oir de Vd.

4 regulations 16 rounds 3 gayatris good? Good Brahminical character? Consult other, but as far as I know is O.K. to bath Giriraja once a week in water from Ganges. Ver la reaccion. Claro, idea es. somos contamiandos pero por comenzar hacer servicion practico, podemos purficuarnos y adelantar a servicio masintima.

Nos vemos muy pronto.

Vamanos a proxima carta juntos.

Reverencias a su super esposa. Plans para familia?

Happy Gurupurnima!

2 years, 5 months ago by Bhakta Loren in Personal Sadhana Reports

Jaya Guru Maharaja!

Hare Krishna

Danvadat Pranam

please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Gurudev thank you for inviting me to New Biharvan! Wonderful meeting Godbrothers and Godsisters and their associates. Thank you blessing me with your association and counsel. Thank you for your mercy on me then now and always. Please bless me to pay forward some tiny portion of this mercy. Please bless me to be a strong finisher in this and any future lives.

HpS - ASA --- Forgive us for taking three weeks to answer this post. Forgive us for not being a better example of pure devotional service in New Biharvan. AgtSP!! Who gives us this fine standard in hihs books and his transcendental residence in our hearts. We pray you get direct experiences of his mercy, instructions... What's in the rest of this letter?

Recently sponsored a Bhagavatam set for my Mom on your behalf. We are going to alternate days reading together Bhagavatam and books she selects from her tradition- first one is ‘theology for beginners’ by Frank Sheed.

ASA - Super guy! Born one year after Srila Prabhupada. Could even read Your Ever Well Wisher with her.

I've been wearing Nectar of Instruction in my headphones for a little while now and looking forward to reading Tava Pache Pache.

ASA - Did you get it from Amazon? It is nice. Study guide, need a study partner.

Hope to be able to understand and follow strictly. I fast on ekadasi except temple prasadam, do not eat from restaurants, working on avoiding any garlic, onion. Will you be in California any time soon? Chaitanya Charitamrita Das is flying from Alachua second weekend in august to serve Ratha Yatra. Grateful for your mercy! Hope the Lord blesses you in all ways. Hare Krishna

HpS - Our calendar is in each Kapi Dhvaja (Except the last). Spain, India, Spain, Houston (22 Feb) ??? Mexico, Nashville... India??? Goloka???

your servant,

Loka Bandhu Rama Dasa

HpS - Please read the Kapi Dhvaja and send your reactions!!! Cynthia???

Mi servicio: Guirnaldas!

2 years, 5 months ago by dpsanchezm in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Le comento que desde hace 4 años realizo un servicio fijo en el Templo. Hacer las guirnaldas es un lindo servicio, el cual puedo desarrollar con mucho amor y devoción. Participo del servicio todos los jueves y por supuesto para los festivales, decorando el altar con hermosas flores y cintas de colores.

Muchas gracias Maharaja por permitirme compartirle algunas fotografías de mi servicio.

Su sirviente,

Diana Sánchez

Iskcon Chile


Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

I tell him that for 4 years I have been doing a permanent service in the Temple. Making the garlands is a beautiful service, which I can develop with a lot of love and devotion. I participate in the service every Thursday and of course for the festivals, decorating the altar with beautiful flowers and colored ribbons.

Thank you very much Maharaja for allowing me to share some pictures of my service with you.

his servant,

Diane Sanchez

Iskcon Chile

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!! In San Francisco the floral shops sold garlands from Hawaii. I think now they might be like $70 each!

Offering Krsna nice garlands and flowers is not a small thing.

I hope the systematic nature of your service extends to organize your life, other service, and add color to it.

Why not do the same job with the Gopis in Goloka?

There the flowers are people.

Very nice, informative photos. After our Lion on a Bicycle we offered some flowers.

Send some photos of your good self with some friends?

Candra in Jacksonville

2 years, 5 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva


I have seen your photos and videos in spain it's really wonderful. The band that was live when arrived it was so refreshing, sometimes the kirtan is so loud that the mahamantra is covered.

I came to Jacksonville in order to meet my little niece, Gabriele. I met a devotee at the airport in Miami. I was waiting my connection flight in one gate and then it change it to NASHVILLE. Some day I will go to know the city.

My cousin ordered Tava Pache Pache on Amazon prime!!!! I got it. I Will start reading it tonight. Reading it is like listening to You talking to us directly.

Superb Job. Lord Nrismhadeva is traveling with me. I made cookies for the family today.

Thanks for all your effort in spreading Krsna consciousnes.

I will see You soon

Trying to be Your disciple

Candramukhi dd

HpS/ASA - Very nice news. AgtSP! He guides our travel. All over the planet are nice devotees like us. People expect us to preach. Do it in an appropriate way, but remind ourselves and inform others of the principles of BG, SB, LOB, NoI, TLC!!!!

Happy life.

Lista de canciones vaisnavas - PMD

2 years, 5 months ago by piyari_mohan_das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Deseo se encuentre bien de salud al recibo de esta carta, lo tengo presente en mi corazón, pero me doy cuenta de lo mediocre que soy espiritualmente y de la misericordia que necesito de su parte para seguir avanzando.

Le pregunté en una carta anterior si usted me podía enviar un listado de canciones vaisnavas que yo pudiera adaptarlas al español, y usted me pidió que le enviara las que ya he compuesto hasta el momento, así que aquí se las dejo. En la descripción del video está la letra en español.




Bueno Gurudeva, dependiendo de lo que usted opine, me gustaría tener una listado de muchas canciones vaisnavas para trabajar en ellas y cumplir con su instrucción.

Gracias Gurudeva

su sirviente

Piyari Mohan das


Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I hope you are in good health upon receipt of this letter, I have it in my heart, but I realize how mediocre I am spiritually and the mercy I need from you to continue advancing.

I asked you in a previous letter if you could send me a list of Vaisnava songs that I could adapt to Spanish, and you asked me to send you the ones that I have already composed so far, so here I leave them. In the description of the video is the lyrics in Spanish.



-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------

Well Gurudeva, depending on what you think, I would like to have a list of many Vaisnava songs to work on and fulfill your instruction.

Thank you Gurudeva

Your servant

Piyari Mohan Das

HpS - We listened to clips of the songs and read some of the lyrics. Of course, we are 90% incompetent to judge them since we are not poetically fluent in Spanish.

You need someone else to review them.

What about Visvanatha Chakravarti Das or others?

Yourself, you can criticize them after you finish them and the sit for a few weeks, and then you will see room for improvement.

Your path is correct. Continue.

Composition, performance, criticism.