Gandharva Das Reports, Personal and Institutional.

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva

Please accept our humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

I hope you are in very good health. Unfortunately I couldn't follow you on the morning program but I read the Blog relatively frequently.

Hps/ASA - I hope that it is useful, that NIOS/ASA are one resource amongst others in your connection with Srila Prabhupada.

'he radhe vraja devike! he nanda suno kutah'?

At the moment, Indira Sakti and I are in Lima attending to some family emergencies. We hope to return to the mountains in 10 days, but with the commitment to return to the city more often because we are needed here.

Murari gupta would heal his patients spiritual ills along with their material ills.

The service in the MoE flows calmly. The regional representatives are now complete, having incorporated Aravinda das and Paramatma das.

On the other hand, we are organizing an educational community-program, initially for teachers only, with a view to incorporating other devotees in the future.

We have begun to meet fortnightly to discuss topics of common interest, organize training courses and possible publications, databases, seminars, etc.

The response has been relatively good, although I think more enthusiasm is needed (enthusiasm seems like the desirable jewel in these gray days).

We are also advancing in the organization of the Bhakti Vaibhava course for the Guayaquil temple, in charge of Karuna-nitay Prabhu and Mitravinda devi dasi.

Also, I'm giving Bhagavad-gita classes for the ISKCON Buenos Aires temple.

Indira Sakti and I are fine,

consolidated in a good marriage in which the presence of the Lord is never missed for long. My work as a teacher and researcher in visual and cultural issues has found new opportunities. It is interesting to observe the cultural theory as a distorted reflection of the sastra, sometimes related, sometimes contrary, but as a fragment of an archeology to be reconstructed from the sastric perspective.

In the next post I will send you two article proposals for the Kapi Dhvaja as you requested earlier.

HpS - The work you describe is excellent. It needs to be distributed. Of course, Abhirama Th. Das', NIOS's, Solaris is one good avenue. Do you know others?

Gurumaharaja, do you allow me to learn and perform Homa yajna? A need has arisen and I want to know if you agree with it. Basically it is to deal with domestic situations. My sadhana standard is fine.

If you are a Brahmana, of course, you can do it. You need to learn from an expert how to do it. How are you connected to GBC, Temple President et al?

Always praying for your health and well-being

your little servant

Gandharva das

HpS - Hare Krsna. Hare Rama. Let us look at another letter. It is 10.55PM here in Brihuega, Spain, but only now is the weather cooling so that we can work. During the day it is hot and a siesta is natural.

Thank you.

We hope your next article include nice art!

Personal Sadhana

2 years, 5 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna

Dandavat Pranam,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji Maharaja's padmacharan that I got the news of Guruji's Imphal (Manipur) visit during 22-25 Sept. 2022 from Dr. Sarda Devi. It is our golden chance to seed You and serve. I will try to participate in the four days in Imphal. Due to my health, I could not read and write on this blog. Excuse me thousands of times.

Your fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - Thank you. Your news is wonderful. Your Kirtan and Japa reach us as communication when other media fail. We will plan the visit to Manipur with our guests to be very pleasant and useful. See you then and in Goloka!! Respects to your family and all the devotees.

Nova Gokula Dhama Brasil!!

2 years, 5 months ago by Panca tattva das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva.

Pamho, AgtSP.

It's very Nice to know You are progresing in the filmation of the movie with Pablo and Raúl and planing the trip to Vrindavan Dhama..

Here we are in Nova Gokula Dhama Brasil.

Doing the Best to ingage in service in pujari. I realy came For one month to NG to solve a problem with a car document of the past but For Krishna Grace i'll have to stay for more time, Maybe till September and then back to bsas mar del plata.

My fone crashed in to a rock and I been for 2 months with out it. Just Know that I activated this redmi 8 from peru so ill be more active online.

Thank You very much for Your mercy to me.

Hope to see You soon!

Ys ptd

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna, PtD! Thank you for the news. It is very enlivening. From this Blog I hope you can see we have arrived in Spain.

It was a very long, arduous trip. All the flights were delayed for hours. We missed connections and had to be rebooked. Starved. Luggage lost. Standing for hours in lines with great agony in our legs.

Met some nice people.

Some nice Japa.

By Yoga and His Divine Grace we arrived in fighting strength and are setting up our Camp in New Vraja mandala.

Now we are focusing on the symposium on Jung and Bhakti siddhanta 4-11 September. We will post more news about that.

When do we submit the application for Sannyasa for your esteemed self?

Guru Purnima: White witch without powers

2 years, 5 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:

AGTSP, pamho

I hope this meets you in good health and happy

The last few weeks have been very stressful. My job is very demanding. I am so saturated that one day I forgot that I had to give classes. At which age shall I retire?? 55??

Sometimes I am scared to death that I am too much contaminated with material mentality. I like to have good accomodations as well as cultivate the human Spirit. It's an art 🎭

In the next period I will reduce the workload (I hope) I will not continue in 4 universities. Just two.

Janmastami is comming and on that date I will take the opportunity to renew my vows.

OVer the last two weeks I had the intention of joining the full morning program, nevertheless my body did not have the strength to join. My sincere apologies for that

On the other hand you are always in my heart. I just wanted to greet you on this auspicious day and thank you for always being there. Listening to your japa and classes are a breath of fresh air for my soul.

Next week I will finish the translation of my part of waves of devotion. This is my only current practical service. Thanks for engaging me in your service

I hope to see you soon. See you in FMP

Trying to be your disciple


HpS - ASA - Super, super, news bulletin. We don't need so much. We can be happy with Krsna and some other devotees in a little boat.

Go ahead. If you work at it in your next life you be in Goloka or in the body of a Sannyasi.

Were we like you in our last life, but did you job correctly?

Next letter. Let's go.

[Nrsimha bhoga] Updates

2 years, 5 months ago by yajnasenidd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaj,


I went to Bhrigu Nadi last month. They told me there is a constellation for your current marriage to not work and your second marriage to work. You desire your husband becomes better, but he will not. Doubt has killed your marriage. There is a woman who is acting to kill your marriage (I’m thinking my husband’s girlfriend). They told me some remedies and told me if at all things get resolved by October, they’ll be resolved, else it will get over. Remedies included giving clothing to women, food to birds, water to Surya, and visits to one shiva temple east of our home protecting us. We also bathed in a well and made cow dung swastikas in the temple in Bhandirvan where Radha and Krsna got married on a special day that can bestow fixing of all marital issues. We are trying our best to cover these bases.

ASA - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.

We finished our preaching teaching workshop program. Very difficult, abs we fainted from emotional stress, but somehow Krsna sent some help in the form of one prabhu.

Meanwhile my husband tells my father he’s moved on and how to dismantle stuff and wants to stop paying for a home for me. One judge told me I should ask him for place to stay as it’s his legal responsibility. But he won’t agree and now I have to pay all rent money out of my pocket. They want me to stay in Mumbai alone and pay rent and take counselling. Lawyer told more things I’d like to share privately. Even after my father agreed to pay for rent and to leave me here, my husband is shouting at my father 😖. So I can either do a court case or pay full money as he isn’t agreeing to pay. After court case no chance of things working out.

Speaking with the judge made me feel like up till now a sorry can forgive most things, the real fight and damage begins here. I didn’t want to be there even though the odds are in my favor.

Will Krsna protect my marriage vows? I’m still here ready to do my job. Meanwhile due to fainting during our sankirtan of teaching workshop, our brhama muhurta chanting went out the window. Trying to revive this.

Please give us your blessings. Feeling so tormented. __/\o__

your aspiring servant,


HpS - If I can breath, I can chant. Do I want something separate from Krsna's Name? Can Krsna vanquish everyone of Kaliya's hoods. We made comments on the details of these topics earlier. Things seem just the same the way you are describing them, so our crumb, bum, bumbling comments are just the same.

We are happy!

You be happy. . . with Krsna. . . He is the best first, second ... 27th marriage. Others are His real or false [pooh, pooh, pootana] representatives.

Nrsimha bhoga

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Gurudeva

Gracias por responder nuestras cartas anteriores Gurudeva sé que pronto comienza su viaje a España e India deseamos tenga un maravilloso viaje con la protección de Sri Nrsimhadev🙏

, con la noticia de la probabilidad de visitar Monterrey se abrió comunicación con varios hermanos espirituales en México interesados en el proyecto y conocerlo más a fondo claro todos son bienvenidos constantemente hacemos mejoras para ofrecer a todos la posibilidad de visitar la finca.

Este año se realizó el festival #9 de Jala Yatra en Monterrey con invitados como H.G. Mahatma, S.S. Guru Prasad Swami y S.S. Bhakti Sundar Goswami. Al siguiente día del evento nos visitó en la finca Govinda Pramodini con su esposo Ranchor Krsna y también prabhu Laghu Bhagavatamrta de CDMX. fue una maravillosa visita con kirtan, prasadam al final realizamos una pequeña caminata en el sendero del río a una cuadra de la finca en Montemorelos fue muy buena asociación sin duda.

Nuestros 4 hijos están muy bien gracias por preguntar por ellos

Jay Govinda tiene 7 años, Krishna Gopal 5 años, Hari 3 años y Balaram 1 año cada uno se integra de diferentes maneras en el hogar en conciencia de Krsna también participan en el cuidado del Goshala con Nandita y el desarrollo del huerto.

Usted conoce a mi esposo Gadadhar él siempre está entusiasta de predicar, Su Santidad Guru Prasad Swami a enviado a mi esposo 200 ejemplares de Bhagavad Gita para distribución gratuita en Monterrey existe un consejo para ofrecer un buen Sankirtana?

No deseo quitarte más tu tiempo así que me despido y por supuesto queremos tomar la seriedad de escribirte más seguido es verdad no escribimos este año nuestro reporte anual pero seguimos adorando a krishna de diferentes maneras como proteger a las vacas, adorando a la deidad, cuidando la tierra, creando una vida auto sustentable, Sankirtana en la cuidad y cuidado de devotos mayores.

Muchas gracias, tu sirvienta Anandamaya Devi Dasi


All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my humble obeisances Gurudeva

Thank you for replying our previous letters Gurudeva I know that your trip to Spain and India begins soon we wish you have a wonderful trip with the protection of Sri Nrsimhadev🙏

, with the news of the probability of visiting Monterrey, communication was opened with several spiritual brothers in Mexico interested in the project and learning more about it, of course, everyone is welcome, we constantly make improvements to offer everyone the possibility of visiting the farm.

This year the #9 Jala Yatra festival was held in Monterrey with guests such as H.G. Mahatma, SS. Guru Prasad Swami and H.S. Bhakti Sundar Goswami. The next day of the event, she visited us at the Govinda Pramodini farm with her husband Ranchor Krsna and also prabhu Laghu Bhagavatamrta from CDMX. it was a wonderful visit with kirtan, prasadam at the end we took a short walk on the river path one block from the farm in Montemorelos it was a very good association without a doubt.

Our 4 children are very well thank you for asking about them

Jay Govinda is 7 years old, Krishna Gopal is 5 years old, Hari is 3 years old and Balaram is 1 year old, each one is integrated in different ways in the home in Krsna consciousness. They also participate in the care of the Goshala with Nandita and the development of the garden.

You know my husband Gadadhar he is always keen to preach, his Holiness Guru Prasad Swami has sent my husband 200 copies of Bhagavad Gita for free distribution in Monterrey is there any advice to offer a good Sankirtana?

HpS - Sell what you are using. Taste the fruit and then sell it.

I do not want to take up your time anymore so I say goodbye and of course we want to take the seriousness of writing to you more often it is true we did not write our annual report this year but we continue to worship krishna in different ways such as protecting the cows, worshiping the deity, taking care of the earth, creating a self-sustaining life, Sankirtana in the city and care of elderly devotees.

Thank you very much, your servant Anandamaya Devi Dasi

HpS/TB/BW - Thank you. Is very, very useful report. Respects to all.