Lawless Love of Braja

2 years, 6 months ago by i8themaha in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna!

Please accept my humble obeisances!!

Maharaja, I hope you are having a fantastic time with your movie(s).

I'm still doing the morning program everyday, normally mangal in the temple and then the rest either at temple or home.

And 16/4/4 too.

Also, very slowly I am taking Spanish lessons on Duolingo. So maybe by 2029 I can say a sentence!! 😂

And my favorite part of the day now is the quick daily sun bath.

Also I'm listening more to Srila Prabhupada's books, and based on your recent comment from the Tava Pache Pache Friday lecture about over-collecting--- I'm also slowly giving away my extra things like books, paintings, etc.

My goal is to fit every thing into one room for now!

ASA - TB/BW - Very nice.

I quite often remember what you wrote in Twirl your beads--- (paraphrase) :

That which can be used in Krishna's service; remains.

I'm excited to see you this weekend (all day Saturday and a couple hours Sunday) in Houston! I'll be there with Arjuna Prabhu and Srinatha Krishna Prabhu.

I'm sure you are getting a lot of work done with Pablo?

HpS - Yes!!! You will like to meet him.

I'll be ready to "suit up and show up" when I get there! Although I'm not sure if this is the right metaphor, because of the lack of formal attire...

How are Monkey and Piggy?

HpS - Clever and fat.

Your happy to help servant,

Jaya Hari Das


Oh! I heard that now through July 2, all of the 9 planets are in alignment. I looked up to the sky one day and saw 5 planets lined up in a perfect arch!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Hare Krsna.

Bhagavan (Brujita blanca)

2 years, 6 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I hope this meets you happy :)

Thanks for this blog, due to within it we can find a guide.

I am almost finishing this term at the universities and I am exhausted. Next term we are going to return to the classrooms so I am going to quit to universities and just work on two of them. In one they hired me as a full time professor so I do not need to work in 4 universities.

I love to teach whenever I have the possibility I do indirect preaching about vegetarianism

I will tell you my little secret to feel good inside (I just recall one of your words and I immediately feel good inside) It is pretty amazing to have this bond with the Spiritual Master.

Jaya Laksmi is organizing one Pada Yatra and a Ratha Yatra with the Harinam Rucci's I will help her.

With this new course of calculus that I am teaching I can say that my father would have loved the new online tools that are nowadays.

Regarding the translation of waves of devotion the first part is already done, I am working on the second part in July I guess it will be done

I have one gift for you. I am going to give it to you in person

See you soon Gurudeva

Trying to be your disciple


HpS - Thank you Small White Witch with larger hairy dog, cats and nice sister. Any news from heaven from nice mother and father?

10.15PM we are also tired!!!


Given and Delta F(x) in a continuous Function, we can always find a Delta x that will fall within Delta F(x)?

We have a gift for the translation team. We are planning to pass it to someone when we get to Mexico.

[PC - Mangala Arati] Siempre presente 🌱

2 years, 6 months ago by nicole_silva in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna querido Maharaja, buenas noches. Lamento escribir tan tarde, pero necesitaba darme un espacio sin distracciones para escribir esta carta ☺️

Tengo hartas cosas que contarle, ya que me he ausentado bastante del blog, así que comenzaré de a poco para no alargar tanto la carta 🙏

Primero que todo, quería agradecer su permanencia y constante presencia en mi día a día. Es realmente un bálsamo al corazón tener la oportunidad de compartir con usted y los devotos a diario. Espero que Krsna nos permita mantener el contacto por mucho tiempo más 🙏😇

Por otro lado, quería hablarle sobre algo que me está dando vueltas en la cabeza y el corazón, y que tiene relación con mi vida espiritual 🙌📿

Desde hace un poco más de 2 años le escribí en este blog preguntándole humildemente si podía refugiarme en usted y en Srila Prabhupada, pero no estaba en mis planes o, más bien, no me había cuestionado el cómo funciona en ISKCON el refugio formal.

Hace un par de días, Priya Sakhi dd me escribió indicando que la posibilidad de tomar iniciación con usted era baja, ya que al parecer no iba a efectuar más iniciaciones, o bien, las últimas se iban a celebrar el próximo año.

Esa noticia tocó mucho mi corazón e hizo cuestionarme sobre la formalidad del refugio que le había solicitado en primera instancia.

Frente a aquello, quería consultarle humildemente, si es que me permite y si le parece correcto, comenzar con los trámites y protocolos necesarios para proceder con el refugio formal y luego llegar a tomar iniciación en un futuro próximo, si Krsna así lo permite.

En mi corazón solo hay gratitud hacia usted y hacia los vaisnavas.

Y mi deseo de avanzar en Conciencia de Krsna está constante en mi corazón. Muchas veces la Bruja Negra me atrapa y me entretiene con sus juegos, pero Krsna siempre me llama con su flauta 💕🌻

Espero no importunar con mi pregunta, Maharaja. Quedaré atenta a lo que usted me recomiende 😇

Deseo de corazón que todo marche bien día a día, y que de salud se encuentre pleno y feliz. Que el Señor Nrisimha lo proteja eternamente.

Se despide humildemente.

Bh. Nicole


Hare Krsna, dear Maharaja, good evening. I'm sorry to write so late, but I needed to give myself a space without distractions to write this letter ☺️

I have a lot of things to tell you, since I've been away from the blog a lot, so I'll start little by little so as not to lengthen the letter so much 🙏

First of all, I wanted to thank him for his permanence and constant presence in my day to day life. It is truly a balm to the heart to have the opportunity to share with you and the devotees on a daily basis. I hope Krsna allows us to keep in touch for a long time 🙏😇

On the other hand, I wanted to talk to you about something that is spinning around in my head and heart, and that is related to my spiritual life 🙌📿

A little over 2 years ago I wrote to you on this blog humbly asking if I could take refuge with you and Srila Prabhupada, but it was not in my plans or, rather, I had not questioned how formal refuge works in ISKCON.

A couple of days ago, Priya Sakhi dd wrote to me indicating that the possibility of taking initiation with you was low, since apparently he was not going to do any more initiations, or else the last ones were going to take place next year.

That news touched my heart a lot and made me question the formality of the refuge that I had requested in the first instance.

Faced with that, I wanted to humbly consult you, if you allow me and if it seems correct, to start with the procedures and protocols necessary to proceed with the formal refuge and then get to take initiation in the near future, if Krsna allows it.

HpS - Of course. Is not difficult. Read: ... I think it answers all the formal questions.

In my heart there is only gratitude to you and to the Vaisnavas.

And my desire to advance in Krsna Consciousness is constant in my heart. Many times the Black Witch catches me and entertains me with her games, but Krsna always calls me with her flute 💕🌻

I hope I am not bothering you with my question, Maharaja. I will be attentive to what you recommend 😇

I wish from my heart that everything goes well day by day, and that your health is full and happy. May Lord Nrisimha protect him eternally.

He humbly says goodbye.

Bh. Nicole

HpS - Hello! Nice to hear from you!! Yes, please communicate more. It is interesting "wish that our health is full". That really means, "wish that you die while reading this letter".

This body is a very bad disease.

Death in Yoga means recover of good health.

We hope you die as soon as possible also!!!

More news.

We are always together in Srila Prabhupada's service!

Deva-Vrata das y Campaka Lata devi dasi

2 years, 6 months ago by bhaktadamian in Personal Sadhana Reports

(Traducido con google)

Hare Krsna Gurudev.

Please accept our humble and respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and you.

I hope this letter finds you in good health.

Here they write Deva-Vrata das and mother Campaka lata dd. from Córdoba.

We wanted to share with you that we have decided to start a relationship and spiritual companionship. Together our spiritual life is affirmed and we believe that we can better serve Srila Prabhupada's mission which is also yours.

We want to ask your blessings for our spiritual and material life to be healthy, productive and conducive to go back home, back to Krsna.


We love him very much

His would-be disciples.

Campaka Lata dd

Deva-Vrata das

Hare Krsna

HpS - Welllll! What kind of relation? 🐰🦁 NoI Text Five talks about relations between devotees. Hearing chanting etc.

Daivi Varna Ashrama Dharma (DVAD) talks about Brahmanas, Vaisyas, Sudras and men and women having economic, political and social relations within the NoI-5 perspective.

Relations as brother and sister?

DVAD is the natural development of Bhagavata Dharma.

Hari Bolo.


Hare Krsna Gurudev.

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a usted.

Espero que esta carta lo encuentre bien de salud.

Acá le escriben Deva-Vrata das y madre Campaka lata dd. de Córdoba.

Queríamos compartir con usted que hemos decidido comenzar una relación de pareja y compañerismo espiritual. Juntos nuestra vida espiritual se afirma y creemos que podemos servir mejor a la misión de Srila Prabhupada que también es la suya.

Queremos pedirle sus bendiciones para nuestra vida espiritual y material, para que sea sana, productiva y conducente para ir de vuelta al hogar, de vuelta a Krsna.


Lo queremos mucho

Sus aspirantes a discípulos.

Campaka Lata dd

Deva-Vrata das

Hare Krsna

[[[PC -Nrsmha Bhoga]]].

2 years, 6 months ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev!!

Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada!!

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias!!

Querido Gurudev, en relación es está según entiendo propuesta

HpS - Thank you. More news of our Sankirtan soon and then maybe you will see some help you can give!!

Cuente con migo, y lo seguimos hablando..

HpS - I think I am not advancing but then I think about my Lord Nrsmha deva getting lost on the airplane of something and the thought is devastating. We don't realize how attached, much love we have for the Holy Names, dieties until they go away!

Does your heart begin to melt? Even a little bit?

Si, cambia mi día , si atiendo bien a mis Deidades, y cuando no puedo siento su Ausencia.

Ahora estoy visitando a mis padres en el Sur, y después volvemos a Mar del Plata.

Estamos bien en los cuatro principios y las 16 rondas,

Por Su gracias hemos obtenido siertas realizaciones que confirman lo que dicen las escrituras, que muchas veces solo las repetimos, pero ya no tenemos dudas, producto de la confusión de Kali.

Seguimos con el Curso de Electricidad.


Por qué cuando bañamos a las salagram Shilas, e invocamos a los Ríos Sagrados no se invoca el Río Gandaki, del cual las Salagram Shilas son originarias.

A Su Servicio Adi Yajña Das

Hare Krishna Gurudev!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! Please accept my humble obeisances!!

Dear Gurudev, in relation is as I understand proposalHpS - Thank you. More news of our Sankirtan soon and then maybe you will see some help you can give!!

Count on me, and we'll keep talking about it..

HpS - I think I am not advancing but then I think about my Lord Nrsmha deva getting lost on the airplane of something and the thought is devastating. We don't realize how attached, much love we have for the Holy Names, dieties until they go away!

Does your heart begin to melt? Even a little bit?

Yes, it changes my day, if I attend well to my Deities, and when I cannot feel their Absence.

Now I am visiting my parents in the South, and then we return to Mar del Plata.

 We are good in the four principles and the 16 rounds, By His grace we have obtained certain realizations that confirm what the scriptures say, that many times we only repeat them, but we no longer have doubts, product of Kali's confusion.

We continue with the Electricity Course.

Ask. Why when we bathe the Salagram Shilas, and invoke the Sacred Rivers, the Gandaki River, from which the Salagram Shilas originate, is not invoked.

At Your Service Adi Yajna Das

HpS - Very good question. It is a general Mantra to invoke sacred rivers for service of all Deities, not just Saligram. Maybe that is partially why.

We see very selfish, strong demoniac attitudes coming out of our heart as we advance in devotional service, no? Guess that is a sign that we are advancing. We are getting to the deep desires and then again and again and again we must chose to abandon them and chant Hare Krsna or just continue as egoistic deomons.

9.43PM --- long dia! Unas cartas mas y descanso. Eyes failing.

[PC - nrsinhabhoga]REPORTE Y CONTACTO

2 years, 6 months ago by bhaktadamian in Personal Sadhana Reports

(traducido con google)

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja

My obeisances at your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to you.

Here Deva-Vrata das from Córdoba Argentina.

I hope as always that you are in good health and in all aspects.

HpS - 74-year old body! Eyes etc failing. Intelligence increasing?


Here continuing with my humble sankirtan, distributing the mercy that Srila Prabhupada gives in his books.

In May I was able to distribute 159 books and 8 Bhagavad Gita.

ASA - 159!

It is insignificant, but preaching and going out with books keeps me alive and I feel useful in life.

ASA - Super, super, super. Every student of Nimai feels the same way: How can I do Sankirtan? Even a dog can take part and dance in ecstacy. What can I do?

Gurudev, I can really realize how insignificant I am...

HpS - You are very advanced!

Recently, I discovered on the YouTube channel of ASA Audiovisual a book by your disciple Jambavati dd called "Cada Oso has Its Dance -Autobiography of a Yogini" that inspired me a lot in sankirtan and made me see how great you and How much service have many of your disciples done...

HpS - Just hearing her name we feel strong emotion! She has got so much mercy. If you can meet her and get some association from her it will be wonderful.

To you and to them I want to give my humble obeisances.

Sometimes when I see all the service you do I don't want to bother you with my things, but I say to myself how can I have a personal relationship with my Guru if I don't communicate with him and raise my concerns?

TB/BW - You can also talk with us, Monkey and Piggy!

I am at a point in my life where the only thing that keeps me going is Srila Prabhupada's promise in his books that if we follow the path of Krsna consciousness, we will return to Krsna.

HpS - We will see rapid progress!

I perform my Sadhana to the best of my ability. But my material life is quite insipid. I don't find much motivation in material life itself.

HpS - How can we??? It is a two dimensional movie of a three (plus) dimensional relaity! Of course, as we advance we see that "material" life is also real, like the work of the hospital is also real life.

I don't know how long I can stay fixed in spiritual life, how long my feeble faith in Krsna can stay, when sometimes I feel so dissatisfied with my life in general.

I read a lot of Srila Prabhupada's books. I eagerly seek explanations to the enigmas of life, to apply them to my life. I want to find answers.

I started reading the Bhagavad Gita again, in detail, word by word. I want to untangle this constant dissatisfaction in my life that has haunted me since I was a child.

And also Srimad Bhagavatam.

My service is of low quality. I am always waiting for recognition. And when they don't give it to me, I suffer.

I wanted to ask you, how can we not be constantly waiting for recognition from others? It is a state that keeps me in anxiety... I would like to act for Krsna regardless of whether others see me or not...

ASA - We remember a nice instruction from the Bible: When you do your fasts and religious austerities, do not go out in public with a long face to show what you are doing.

Do your austerities alone in your closet, in private, and the Supreme Lord who sees all things in private, will reward you in private.

On the other hand it is not wrong to see that we are making the devotees happy! They are good windows to Krsna, no?

Be enthusiastic to ask questions. Solve problems, but be enthusiastic to be patient also, or your enthusiams will turn into passion!! 🎉

Thank you for everything Gurudev.

I am very, very, very fortunate that you have given me this opportunity to accept me as your disciple. When I see your face I am filled with joy and reverence.

HpS - Don't mistake the mailman for the letter writer! AgtSP!!! Maybe we have done a


to help Srila Prabhupada.

Your association. All ISKCON, ASA, members is essential.

Will we meet each other again taking birth in Nabadvipa with a very unusual neighbor

Since I met you in 2017 in Chile, I was able to understand how great and pure you are, and how insignificant and impure I am.

I hope I can do something useful for you one day.

Hare Krishna!

Deva-Vrata das



Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja

Mis reverencias a tus pies de loto

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y todas las glorias a ti.

Aquí Deva-Vrata das de Córdoba Argentina.


 Espero como siempre que estés bien de salud y en todos los aspectos.


Reportandome y revelando la mente.

 Acá siguiendo con mi humilde sankirtan, distribuyendo la misericordia que da Srila Prabhupada en sus libros. 

 En mayo pude distribuir 159 libros entre grandes y pequeños y 8 Bhagavad Gita. 

 Es insignificante, pero la prédica y salir con los libros a la calle me mantiene vivo y me siento útil en la vida.


 Gurudev, puedo darme cuenta realmente cuan insignificante soy... 

 Hace poco, descubrí en el canal de youtube de ASA Audiovisual un libro de tu discípula Jambavati dd que se llama “Cada Oso tiene Su Danza -Autobiografía de una Yogini” que me inspiró mucho en el sankirtan y me hizo ver cuán grande eres tu y cuánto servicio han hecho muchos de tus discípulos…

 A ti y a ellos quiero darles mis humildes reverencias.


 A veces cuando veo todo el servicio que haces no quiero molestarte con mis cosas, pero me digo a mi mismo ¿cómo puedo tener una relación personal con mi Guru si no me comunico con él y le planteo mis inquietudes?

Estoy en un momento de mi vida donde lo único que me mantiene en pie es la promesa que Srila Prabhupada hace en sus libros, de que si seguimos el sendero de conciencia de Krsna, volveremos con Krsna.

Cumplo con mi sadhana lo mejor que puedo. Pero mi vida material es bastante insípida. No encuentro mucha motivación en la vida material en sí...

No sé cuanto tiempo puedo mantenerme fijo en la vida espiritual, cuánto puede mantenerse mi endeble fe en Krsna, cuando a veces me siento tan inconforme con mi vida en general.

Leo bastante los libros de Srila Prabhupada. Busco ávidamente explicaciones a los enigmas de la vida, para aplicarlas a mi vida. Quiero encontrar respuestas.

Comencé nuevamente a leer el Bhagavad Gita, detalladamente, palabra por palabra. Quiero desenredar esta insatisfacción constante en mi vida que me persigue desde que era niño.

Y también el Srimad Bhagavatam.

Mi servicio es de baja calidad. Siempre estoy esperando que me den reconocimiento. Y cuando no me lo dan, sufro.

Quería preguntarte ¿cómo podemos hacer para no estar constantemente esperando reconocimiento de los demás? Es un estado que me mantiene en ansiedad... Quisiera actuar para Krsna sin importar si los otros me ven o no…

Gracias por todo Gurudev.

Tengo mucha, mucha, mucha, fortuna de que me hayas dado esta oportunidad de aceptarme como tu discípulo. Cuando veo tu rostro me lleno de alegría y reverencia.

Desde que te conocí en 2017 en Chile, que pude entender lo grande y puro que eres, y lo insignificante e impuro que soy.

Espero poder hacer algo útil por ti algún día.

Hare Krishna!

Deva-Vrata das