[PC-Oink] - Vuelo del ave.
HK, pamho querido Guru maharaja, pedimos su sus bendiciones estoy partiendo del asram, traté de complacerlo al quedarme después de su partida, sé que ese era su deseo para mí, pero no todos comparten el mismo deseo. Mi presencia en el asram por más de 20 años ha sido para servir a Sus Señorías, pacíficamente y muy entusiasta. No he amenazado a nadie, como dicen las malas lenguas, ni quiero, ni tengo tiempo. Trabajo con niños, es una bendición, ellos son geniales. Yo estoy a full en mi trabajo, tratando de equilibrar practicas espirituales y profesora eficiente. El poco tiempo que me queda libre deseo emplearlo en lectura del sastra, estudio para poder seguir predicando. Continuó haciendo servicio con devotos de harinama en Lima una vez por semana. “Aves del mismo plumaje vuelan juntas y en bandadas”, como le conté el líder de ese programa es un caballero. Pido sus bendiciones para poder seguir sirviendo a la misión de predica, si un día, Prabhupada desea que distribuya libros, lo hice, si desea que sirva como pujari, lo hice, si desea que enseñe, lo hago. Por favor sus bendiciones Gurudeva, en el área de enseñanza me siento a gusto. También continúo sirviendo con Gandharva en área administrativa educativa.
Esas son las novedades. Tratando de aplicar en nuestra vida las enseñanzas de Mahaprabhu, por ese esfuerzo sincero aunque insignificante, caen muchas bendiciones siempre, estoy muy agradecida y me voy en paz.
Su hija que lo adora:
Yugala Kishora Dasi.
HK, pamho
dear Guru maharaja,
we ask for your blessings I am leaving the asram,
I tried to please you by staying after your departure, I know that was your wish for me,
HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna, YkD. Thank you for your letter. Actually, no. We did not especially wish that you stay in the B'carini ashrama in Chosica. If it was possible, then that is very good. Very good. Maybe good for you, and also you could give your help to build a nice Temple Ashrama for ladies.
Yet, one can be a B'cari, B'carinia, and not live in a Temple ashrama. One can share accomodations with other single ladies and some Grhastha family.
Secondary consideration. Primary is how we can be occupied in the Sankirtan of Lord Caitanya!
... but not everyone shares the same wish. My presence in the Asram for more than 20 years has been to serve the Lordships of him, peacefully and very enthusiastically. I have not threatened anyone, as gossips say, nor do I want to, nor do I have time.
I work with children, it is a blessing, they are great. I am full in my work, trying to balance spiritual practices and an efficient teacher.
The little free time I have left I want to use in reading the sastra, I study so that I can continue preaching. He continued to do service with Harinama devotees in Lima once a week.
“Birds of the same plumage fly together and in flocks”, as I told you, the leader of that program is a gentleman.
I ask his blessings to be able to continue serving the preaching mission, if one day, Prabhupada wants me to distribute books, I did, if he wants me to serve as a pujari, I did, if he wants me to teach, I do.
Please blessings from him Gurudeva, in the area of teaching I feel comfortable. I also continue to serve with Gandharva in educational administration.
HpS - As far as I know that is also and area where devotees in Peru are trying to adjust there administrative relations, but as Brahmanas we can always associate with other devotees and do very nice things without much administative complexity, and work to expand things into wonderful efficient instritutional programs! Srila Prabhupada wants us to learn this, no? How to be Brahmanas AND Ksatriyas.
Those are the news. Trying to apply Mahaprabhu's teachings in our life, for that sincere effort, although insignificant, many blessings always fall, I am very grateful and I leave in peace.
His daughter who adores him:
Yugala Kishora Dasi.
HpS - Thank you. Please offer our respects to everyone. Try to be a good Mother to everyone.
Where is your Ashrama accommodation now? See you soon!