re: Copy of DTC

11 months, 1 week ago by pnd in Other
We see several more letters with titles DTC. It is good orientation for us. I guess we can send some back to Peru, some to Mexico, distribute some here. Keep some for later distribution here... and we can bring some to Spain (ISKCON Czech Republic) or send them!

If you will still have any and would be not making you any uncomfort I hope to meet you in Spain.

HpS - How do you get the left side grey line in front of the paragraph??? We got emos by keystrokes going!

How is the Beta, Kappa, Delta, Gama... version!???

Coming slower than I planned (that's my always wrong time estimates). But I am happy with progress. Will finish reading history remake today. Next thing will be most likely search.

We can schedule some date and time which suits you as it will be great honor to have you as first user of the new version. And I could still change something based on your desires before launching it for public.

HpS - We might be able to help a little bit but 🐵 and 🐷 would have many suggestions right away!

Uncle Gismo notes that there is a 🔬 but now Robot emoji!

Your son is Prahlada????

Wife at one moment wanted to name him Prahlad, but on end his legal name is Balarám and during name giving he got Balarám Nitai das.

HpS - Maybe he will be the next Maharaja Parishit and make the world One Planet Under Krsna with his capitol in Czech Republic! 😤

He will take over the Theta version???

Time will tell. I would be happy, but if astrology reading was correct he would be more connected with art. He is already drawing on walls 😀

HpS - Of course they do that in mental hospitals also. 😆 Maybe he will become as great a cartoonist as charles schulz!

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - Even if our body does not go to Spain. We will certainly send boxes, DTCs etc!

A very interestig week in sankirtan

Hare Krsna Guru maharaja



How is the health?

asa- agtSP, 60%

How is the rain?

ASA - occasional. sufficient, Jaya Sri Krsna.

How are the devoties?

ASA - 75-95%

Here in Chile the sankirtan is really nice (in comparison whit Argentina) now the number of books disteibuted is close to 60 (for the moment is 54 medium and 4 little Gitas) and now I'm treating to make every day, so I hope at the end of the next 4 or 5 months have the enough money to travel with you.

ASA - Do you know where we are traveling? 🙂 🚀🚀🚀

For the moment chanting all my rounds (sometimes with a lot of effort and other times in a very simple way) But at the end of the day I finish all of them, also I'm following the 4 principles and also (Since I start reading Tava Pache Pache [TPP] I'm also eating less and less of the things that are not necesary for this body and that is helping me very much in Sankirtan).

ASA - 🐵... 🐖 🐖 🐖 we follow your path!!

Also in sankirtan i meet many diferent people, sometimes I simply go to a couple (that from a distance seems to be a really happy one) but when i go closer enough I can see how they were not happy but crying. Also I have meet very nice people, the other day maybe 2 or 3 day ago I meet a brittish man from yorkshire he was really nice and was in the search for something spiritual and he was tired of material life (he was really joung maybe like 26)

we talk and make a good frienship but he just speak inglish so he wasin't able to buy a book,

that I like the 3rd person from other lenguaje that get interested in a book or the filosofy but for language barrier I'm not able to give them a book (because the book is in spanish)

maybe i should try to get some inglish and portuges books also y notice that my sankirtan works better in inglish,

ASA - 👍 Even print some nice purports from VedaBase.Io in the language you need.

Is kinda funny that im my mother language is not so effective jajaja.

Also as a last thing I will like to ask if i can take second iniciation, because I have now the bhakti shastri and also I will really like to take it and be able to to adore deities.

HpS - How strict is your Morning Program? Does you Temple President think you are ready.

Does your Father think you are ready?



Now, whit little to few to add I say good bye Guru Maharaja.

(The pictutes will go in less than 3 days if this page alows it)

🌿🌺Feliz Vyasa Puja Gurudeva🌺🌿

11 months, 2 weeks ago by Julieta Corzo Fillmore in Other

HpS - Hare Krsna! Thank you for your kind words. Receiving so many messages around our Vyasa Puja Festival that we are cutting them, pasting them into one Word file, and then later hope to read and appreciate and publish the file.

Thank you.

Humilde ofrenda

11 months, 2 weeks ago by Cruz Santa in Other

Thank you for your kind words. We are collecting all the Annual Reports etc. in one file and then will read and appreciate them! 🙂


11 months, 3 weeks ago by GAURA KARUNA SAKTI D.D. in Other



Haré Krsna recordado con afecto gurumaharaja.

Estuve de paseo en un lugar bonito al Este de Lima, todo lleno de naturaleza majestuosa, cante rondas bajo un cielo muy estrellado viendo estrellas fugaces, antes de las 4 am. Te agradecí infinitamente tu potente energía de amor de darnos la oportunidad de apreciar a Krsna.

Gracias gracias gracias!

Aún en éste corazón mío lleno de rebeldía encuentro una pequeña luz, la S. PRABHUPADA nos trajo y tú expandes con determinación, comparto también el último verso del siksastakam con las persona que voy conociendo, pues me inspira mucho. 

Pasaba por aquí para ofrecerte mis reverencia y Gratitud. Deseo estés en mi corazón en cualquier tiempo y espacio por donde me lleve la existencia!

Siempre intentando postrar mi cabeza sus pies de loto!

Gaura Karuna Sakti dd


  • Parece que la función de Google Chrome de traducir la pagina web al español introducía un bug que no permitía escribir (borraba el texto al escribir)
  • Ya le envío mi reporte anual.




I will make [Hare] Krsna, fondly remembered. guru maharaja.

I was out for a walk in a beautiful place east of Lima, all full of majestic nature, I sang rounds under a very starry sky watching shooting stars, before 4 am. I thanked you infinitely for your powerful energy of love for giving us the opportunity to appreciate Krsna.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

HpS - Srila Prabhupada, for letting us all deliver so much of your riches!

Even in this heart of mine full of rebellion I find a small light, S. PRABHUPADA brought us and you expand with determination, I also share the last verse of the siksastakam with the people I meet, because it inspires me a lot.

I was passing by to offer you my reverence and gratitude. I wish you are in my heart in any time and space where existence takes me!

Always trying to prostrate my head on his lotus feet!

Gaura Karuna Sakti dd


It seems that the Google Chrome function of translating the web page into Spanish introduced a bug that did not allow writing (it erased the text when writing)

I have already sent you my annual report.

HpS - Damn Robots! 👹

Deseo que llegue esta carta

11 months, 3 weeks ago by GAURA KARUNA SAKTI D.D. in Other

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Acepte por favor mis reverencias a sus pies de loto!

Y a su alma y su conciencia determinada de compartir su luz en este mundo.

Bueno cartas que se escriben en la mente, en el universo de las experiencias, en la gratitud de cada lagrima maravillada cuando nos acercamos al néctar del mundo Haré Krsna! Cartas que no se ven en el block.

Tenemos la esperanza que en un mundo de amor te decimos todo nuestro sentir, incluso aquello que las palabras no saben plasmar, como reverencias al mundo de enseñanzas que nos regalas. Nos maravillamos con el servicio de nuestros hermanos y nos alegra saber que estarías contento con el nuestro, porque conocemos un poquito tu esfuerzo por compartir los libros de Srila Prabhupada. Cuando una persona toma algún libro de S. P. y dice algo bonito de lo que le decimos o percibe, tenemos la certeza de que te pertenece, eres nuestro mentor por siempre, me alegra el corazón cuando con dicha te ofrezco esos instantes en cada momento que ocurre.

Tengo tanto que purificar mi corazón, y tanto que entender sobre disciplina, esas gotas de misericordia por las veces que logro tocar alguna campanilla, me hace apreciar y atesorar la dicha plena del servicio devocional.

Todo es cíclico en la existencia, los apegos, las amistades, las pertenencias, experiencias, el tiempo en el cuerpo, la familia. Todo cambia, pero no cambia mi amor a tu deseo de complacer a tu maestro, nuestro amado Acarya. Gracias por guiarnos a él, por enseñarnos como amar el deseo del guru, por mostrarnos la determinación de que no importa lo loco que uno parezca, caminamos tras el sonido de la flauta más dulce.

Lo siento por ser cursi. No quiero dejar de sentir lo majestuoso que es pensar en ti, en el mundo Haré Krsna, en entregarnos a esta realidad, a esta parte de compartir una perspectiva de Dios tan sublime.

Voy tras los Santos nombres y tus instrucciones, aunque me lleve vidas, que no es mucho en otras líneas de tiempo, solo te ruego por favor, permíteme postrar mi cabeza a tus pies y encontrarlos. Gracias por el amor que has dado al mundo. Siento que en mis días finales estará más presente en mí tu compasión por el mundo y se que eso me hará feliz. Es allí donde deseo estar.

Quizá esto comience como una simple carta, pero nos aferramos a ella, porque al pasar el tiempo estamos viendo con más claridad los libretos de este vehículo.

Ud. Solo llena de gratitud mi corazón!

A su servicio, torpemente, distraídamente, pero con toda mi valentía! 

Gaura ksdd.


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please accept my obeisances at your lotus feet!

HpS - Lettuce feet. AgtSP.

And to your soul and your conscience determined to share your light in this world.

ASA - 🔦 🐒 Many monkeys with many flashlights make bright light, no?

Good letters that are written in the mind, in the universe of experiences, in the gratitude of each tear of wonder when we approach the nectar of the world Haré Krsna! Cards that are not seen on the Blog.

We hope that in a world of love we tell you all our feelings, even what words cannot express, as reverence to the world of teachings that you give us.

We marvel at the service of our brothers and we are happy to know that you would be happy with ours, because we know a little about your effort to share Srila Prabhupada's books.

When a person picks up a book by S. P. and says something nice about what we say or perceives, we are certain that it belongs to you, you are our mentor forever, it makes my heart happy when I happily offer you those moments in every moment that happens. .

I have so much to purify my heart, and so much to understand about discipline, those drops of mercy for the times I manage to ring a bell, make me appreciate and treasure the full joy of devotional service.

Everything is cyclical in existence, attachments, friendships, belongings, experiences, time in the body, family. Everything changes, but my love does not change to your desire to please your teacher, our beloved Acarya.

Thank you for guiding us to it, for teaching us how to love the guru's desire, for showing us the determination that no matter how crazy one seems, we walk after the sound of the sweetest flute.

Sorry for being cheesy [Corney]. I don't want to stop feeling how majestic it is to think of you, of the Haré Krsna world, of surrendering ourselves to this reality, to this part of sharing such a sublime perspective of God.

HpS - Tom Brown and Buck White are worse. 🐵 🐷😿 😿😿


I go after the Holy names and your instructions, even if it takes me lives, which is not much in other timelines, I just ask you please, allow me to bow my head at your feet and find them. Thank you for the love you have given to the world. I feel that in my final days your compassion for the world will be more present in me and I know that will make me happy. That's where I want to be.

HpS - AgtSP!!!!!!

Perhaps this begins as a simple letter, but we cling to it, because as time goes by we are seeing the scripts of this vehicle more clearly.

You just fill my heart with gratitude!

At your service, clumsily, absentmindedly, but with all my courage!

Gaura ksdd.

HpS - Ag, ag, tSP!!! He is the real engine. We are all just his hands!!!

Thank you!

Everyone thanks you.

Expect good fortune.