To die profoundly
Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Still relishing our time with you in Houston. A fire was lit and we are keeping it stoked. Some times there are just red coals and other times there is a lot of light. Maintenance and steadiness is our constant work. Internally crying selfish tears half the time, though. Noticing everyday and sometimes many times within a moment, how I am like a spoiled brat. An ungrateful child in the hands of so much mercy. Not fully taking advantage of what I have been given. A kind of purgatory. And then your voice comes in..Durga has given the reins to Radharani. And your illuminations are remembered. A few things I know by heart and text 3 and statement in the purport of NOI comes to mind/heart: devotional service is so pure and perfect that once having begun, one is forcibly dragged to ultimate success.
I endeavor to be dragged? Enthusiasm is more important than patience as I’ve heard you say. We’ve observed that when most rounds are done before breakfast and there is class then that momentum carries and we are able to actually give to others. Otherwise there is nothing to give really and it can feel like hell or purgatory. I don’t want to waist this life that you have given.
A lot of exciting new projects and pioneering work ahead here in New Biharvan dham. Our dear Kalakantha Prabhu has made Boise his number one focus for Krishna House and Krishna Lunch. Him and his good wife Jita Mitra Prabhu will be living here for a year and they are bringing other angels and experts to give us a strong push to get things going.
The New Biharvan perspective and bonsai tree is growing nicely despite so many challenges and opposition. I think about what you said a lot when I am feeling unhopeful..the temple is Sat Cit Ananda. I try to just lean into that and do my duties. Sing to God in His home, fix things here and there and be the janitor. Pretty good gig! Hope to just keep doing this after I die? Long row to hoe..
Here is a song/poem(it will change to fit music) I wrote for you this morning:
Profoundly Dying
For you, we are trying
But there is no try, there is only do?
Well I know what will be done
Can be done more for you
Giant steps, baby steps
Or a slow and steady crawl
A leap of faith, an effort made
or a care free flippant fall
I want more with you
And connection to that line
Disciplic succession
No more waiting for a sign
It’s you, the one I will die to follow
It is me, the false ego
Many bitter pills to swallow
To garland your shadow
What is the need?
When the root is watered
And it grows from the seed
Lighter, brighter days ahead
And the mercy river flows
Saintly joyous attributes
From the crown down to the toes
Rising above the gunas
Your arms stretched out like wings
Attention sharpens
If I can only hear you in the mornings
Divinity blues sung in the darkest hour
Preservation, cultivation
Then the light comes rushing in
As I offer you a flower
Now it’s a good day to die, to die profoundly
Thank you Maharaja for the constant inspiration. Your enthusiasm keeps our fire bright and illuminates Srila Prabhupada’s teachings for us. Praying that you heal quickly from the dental surgery! Transcend~dental
Eternally grateful and indebted, your aspiring servants,
Nitisara das, Anadi and Yamuna
P.S. We got the Improvisations for the Theater book like you suggested and have started trying out some of those exercises/games on our own and at Krishna Lounge. Thank you for that suggestion! Amazing young people coming each week and a very very sincere ex Christian.. hallelujah/hare Krishna!
HpS - The beginning part is very nice, where she talks about the fundamental principles of drama theory. she capitalizes the word Environment.
It think it is Paramatma yoga???
Very nice news.
You see we have been drowning in blood etc.
Yet getting to this wonderful mail, no!!