editing of Srila Prabhupada's books

1 year ago by Namacarya das in Other

Dear Guru Maharaja, Hare Krsna. Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

If I may ask, 

-question in a short form- 

What are your views, experiences, and thoughts about editing of Srila Prabhupada's books? 

HpS - As Srila Prabhupada desires it to be done, we should do it. Eg. he had his KRSNA book dictation tapes edited into regular college level English, no?

-question in enlarged form-

We put a lot of emphasis on books for inspiration and our progress, it is our approach and faith that what is in the books is what SP wrote (wanted to be written there). 

My background to the question: over the years I watched some videos here and there from both sides. I read about it, too.

I find it a complex situation. Because SP dictated and had different devotees type and edit his books. To me it looks like SP wanted the books to be edited, that is for sure. But how much and until when, is a question? 

As one devotee says one thing and another says another, for me it is difficult to distinguish the truth. I was not there to see how it happened from 1965 to 1977. Even if I was there, there were a lot of personal exchanges on the topic. 

I am not in favor or against the editing. 

What I do is read and try to see what SP is saying about the same point somewhere else. This is maybe not a perfect solution, but one that I do until there is some new insight. Also, I may confer upon caitya guru, but I leave that to my inner world and do not share it. 

Thank you!

Your servant Namacarya Das

HpS - Our thought exactly!

👍👍 👍 👍👍

My fav bead

1 year ago by i8themaha in Other

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada...

My favorite bead is the Radha bead, it has almost half missing. It makes for a perfect fit for my thumb pad, and when I start my Japa I feel like my thumb is merging into the Radha bead...but in a completely simultaneously one and different kind of way!!

I like it because I remember Radha with this bead, and I feel like my thumb meant to chant there!

Your servant,

Jaya-hari das

ASA - Jay! AgtSP!!! Why do you call her the Radha bead? This is the first time we have heard this term. Interesting. 🙂

Priyasakhi DD - Reporte de salud -Urgente

1 year ago by priyasakhi in Other

Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada!

Gurudev, espero se encuentre muy bien.

Aquí estoy para entregarle un reporte de mi salud. En el hospital la señal era muy mala.

Parasurama escribió pero olvidó poner URGENTE.

El 16 de noviembre me hospitalizaron por una urgencia coronaria (al corazón). Al siguiente día el diagnóstico fue un infarto. Una arteria del corazón se rompió. Los médicos lo consideran un "Infarto Atípico" porque llevo una vida sana (sin vicios), soy "joven", mi familia no tiene problemas al corazón, ni tengo otras enfermedades. Además el infarto fue en reposo, no estaba haciendo fuerza.

Un equipo de la Universidad Católica de Chile que trabaja en el Hospital me trató y me pidieron firmar un consentimiento para mostrar mi caso en congresos y revistas académicas.

ASA - un burro con allas.

Todos los días me levanté temprano, tomé una ducha, cante el gayatri y 16 rondas. Mis lecturas fueron: Srimad Bhagavatam (4to canto capítulos 5-8), Upadesamrta, Tava Pache Pache y Saranagati.

Los médicos consultaban curiosos sobre el rezo y los libros.

Tuve 2 compañeros de habitación de 70 y 80 años aproximadamente. Postrados y esperando irse de éste mundo. Puse el maha-mantra cantado por Srila Prabhupada por las noches y oré mucho por ellos.

Recibí una dieta vegetariana, pero no prasadam. Deseaba con ansias comer prasadam y un kirtan y asociación con devotos.

Pensé mucho en la muerte y hasta ahora mis días no son los mismos.

La muerte está muy cerca y hay que estar preparados.

Yo confío en que aunque no estoy preparada, si Krsna quiere puedo recordarlo en el momento de la muerte,

ASA - 🐒 "Incluso si el devoto no recuerda, en el momento de la muerte su servicio divino, el Señor no se olvida de él. Se presenta esta oración para recordarle al Señor acerca de los sacrificios del devoto, pero aunque no ocurra ese recordatorio, el Señor no olvida el servicio devocional ejecutado por Su devoto puro.", https://vedabase.io/es/library/iso/17/#bb93743

Pero yo creo que tengo aún mucho por hacer por la conciencia de Krsna de mis hijos. Quiero que ellos se fortalezcan mucho más en su fe.

Quizás tengo la oportunidad de poder seguir sirviendo en la misión de Srila Prabhupada.

Ahora debo descansar por 2 meses aproximadamente, Sin actividad física, sin fuerzas ni agitaciones y con 2 medicamentos muy amables. La arteria se puede reparar, pero siempre debo cuidarme porque esto podría volver a pasar.

Muchas gracias Gurudev por leer.

Y quedo atenta a lo que usted me pueda decir.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Priyasakhi Devi Dasi

Hari Bolo! Hari Bolo!

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna! Continua enviar noticas de su Japa/Sankirtan aqui! Por favor!

Srila Prabhupada disappearance

1 year, 1 month ago by Cruz Santa in Other

¡Hare Krsna! Querido Gurumaharaja, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias 🙏

¡Todas las Glorias sean, a nuestro muy poderoso y misericordioso Fundador – Acarya!

Orando porque su salud sea buena y favorable a su Sankirtana, espero no molestarle con esta carta… Hoy conmemoramos la trascendental desaparición de nuestro Divino Maestro AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Estuvimos escuchando algunas clases de él y sobre él y también hicimos una pequeña conmemoración en casa.

Medite un poco sobre mi relación personal con Su Divina Gracia. Nunca terminaría de describir toda la misericordia que he recibido de Srila Prabhupada, él me ha rescatado muchas veces, a través de Usted que clarifica sus instrucciones, y a través de Sus libros, Sus clases, Sus cartas, Su Murti, Sus fieles Seguidores, Su voz, Su ISKCON… de esa forma parece que he adquirido distintas experiencias de mi relación con Srila Prabhupada y, en ocasiones, Su Divina Gracia incluso ha aparecido en sueños. (A veces pienso son solo alucinaciones mías, porque ¿Quién soy yo para que nuestro comandante se dirija a mí?... Luego pienso que la única explicación posible es, su infinita misericordia.) Así que, aunque nunca coincidí con Srila Prabhupada ni en tiempo ni en espacio, me siento tan cercana a él, que pensar en una vida sin su presencia resulta inconcebible.

Nisiquiera puedo imaginar lo potente que fue estar en su presencia física, ni el dolor de sus discípulos tras su partida... ¿Cómo pudieron soportar la separación quienes tuvieron la fortuna de estar en su Divina presencia física? ¿Cómo pudieron resistir aquellos que estaban acostumbrados a recibir sus cartas, sus instrucciones y sus palabras de aliento? ¿De dónde obtuvieron la fuerza para mantenerse cuerdos sus amados discípulos?

Me parece extremadamente sorprendente que hayan podido mantenerse en pie y que hayan encontrado la forma de mantener este movimiento. Mirándolo así, los “defectos, rencillas administrativas y otros problemas” que enfrenta el movimiento hasta la fecha, parecen apenas lógicos e insignificantes... aunque, sin perjuicio de lo anterior, debo confesar que, por distintos motivos, algunas veces he pensado abandonar ISKCON, pero me detengo, porque si miro con atención a ISKCON siempre encuentro a Srila Prabhupada en él. Esta enorme sociedad funciona solo por su inconcebible potencia y misericordia, aunque algunas veces me cuesta trabajo recordarlo.

Muchas gracias Gurudeva, siempre recuerdo la primera instrucción que usted me dio: “Es a él a quien debemos seguir, estamos aquí para ayudarlo en su misión” (Dijo mientras señalaba la murti de Srila Prabhupada) Solo deseo poder seguir su instrucción y ser un soldado útil a Usted y a Srila Prabhupada en esta trascendental misión. Muchas gracias.


Siempre a sus órdenes

Su aspirante a discípula

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Hare Krishna! Dear Gurumaharaja, please accept my humble obeisances 🙏

All Glories be to our very powerful and merciful Founder – Acarya!

HpS/ASA - AgtSP!!! Paoho. Thank you for writing to us.

Praying that his health is good and favorable to his Sankirtana, I hope not to bother you with this letter! ... Today we commemorate the transcendental disappearance of our Divine Master A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. We were listening to some classes by him and about him and we also had a small commemoration at home.

Meditate a little on my personal relationship with his Divine Grace.

I could never finish describing all the mercy I have received from Srila Prabhupada, he has rescued me many times, through You clarifying his instructions, and through his books, his classes, his letters, his Murti, his faithful Followers, his voice, His ISKCON… in this way I seem to have gained different experiences from my relationship with Srila Prabhupada and, at times, His Divine Grace has even appeared in dreams.

ASA - 👍

(Sometimes I think it's just my hallucinations, because who am I that our commander addresses me?... Then I think that the only possible explanation is his infinite mercy.)

ASA - Hansadutta Swami told us that Prabhupada said, that the Spiritual Master does not do anything extraordinary. He chants, he gives classes, but.. through him Krsna does many things.

So, although I never was never coincident with Srila Prabhupada, nor in time or space, I feel so close to him, that thinking about a life without his presence is inconceivable.


I can't even imagine how powerful it was to be in his physical presence,

ASA - https://vedabase.io/es/library/cc/madhya/10/65/


... nor the pain of his disciples after his departure... How could those who were fortunate enough to be in his Divine physical presence endure the separation? ? How could those who were accustomed to receiving his letters, his instructions, and his words of encouragement resist? Where did his beloved disciples get the strength to stay sane?

ASA - https://vedabase.io/es/library/sb/4/28/47/

I find it extremely surprising that they were able to stay upright and that they found a way to maintain this movement.

Looking at it this way, the “defects, administrative quarrels and other problems” that the movement faces to date seem barely logical and insignificant... although, without prejudice to the above, I must confess that, for various reasons, I have sometimes thought of abandoning ISKCON, but I stop, because if I look closely at ISKCON I always find Srila Prabhupada in it.

ASA - Same for us.

This enormous society functions only because of its inconceivable power and mercy, although I sometimes have a hard time remembering it.

Thank you very much Gurudeva, I always remember the first instruction you gave me: “It is him we must follow, we are here to help you in your mission” (He said while pointing to Srila Prabhupada's murti).

I just wish I could follow your instruction and be a useful soldier to you and Srila Prabhupada in this transcendental mission. Thank you so much.

Always at your service

His would-be disciple

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA - 🙇 Even if we don't get it all correct in this lifetime. Certainly SP will tell his senior devotees to drag us onto the boat for the next destination. Will we all recognize each other as dogs in Nimai's Sankirtan in Nabadvipa?

Srila Prabhupada citing something that "is not there in cited text"

1 year, 1 month ago by Namacarya das in Other

Dear Guru Maharaja,

please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you for always encouraging words in your responses.

Situated in a whirlwind of Kali Yuga consciousness, I attempt to cultivate the tender bhakti creeper (better say sprout).

I said it few times, that I do not want to burden you much with many of letters. So, I write from time to time. If having some inquiry, I wait a bit, research the possible answers, and (specifically if nothing comes about), then, write you.

I am doing a detailed study of Bhagavad Gita and observed that in 1.1. purport, second sentence, SP writes: "There (in Gita-mahatmya) it says that one should read Bhagavad-gītā very scrutinizingly with the help of a person who is a devotee of Śrī Kṛṣṇa and try to understand it without personally motivated interpretations. "

I went back one page to SP's Introduction where he cites the Gita-mahatmya. There it is easy to see the "scrutiny" idea, but nowhere could I read or imply the association of other devotees or anything similar. I find it interesting that SP first mentions (in the first sentence of his BG purport) the Gita-mahatmya and then says that there exists something which is not. According to my momentary understanding.

Another interesting point is that this is the only place SP mentions Gita-mahatmya.

And another interesting point is that it is a text coming from Adi Sankaracarya.

One background to my question is the perspective that I (we) have about SP's exactness in knowing and citing sastra and texts that uphold it.

If you think that I could understand, would you like to comment to the above?

Thank you!

Your servant Namacarya Das

HpS - AgtSP. I have had very similar experiences. I even had some thoughts just like yours on these specific texts.

I seem to remember that the full translation of the Gita Mahatmya was not in the earlier BG As It Is.

I wonder what is the actual original Sanskrita. I think a translation is in other book like Science of Self Realization. Maybe the 'other devotee' idea is from a commentary by Visvanatha Cakravarti.

I have basically the same observations and questions that you have. Cannot add much on this particular point.

Wonder when the purport was written. In the USA. Thinking that is SP was writing it in India he would have be very literal in his work because he expected scholatically inclined Indian readers.

As we remember discussions with Radhika-raman Das, he said that he and Krsna-ksetra Swami got this invitation from Columbia University Press to write summary of SB with specific extracts which would become a standard study book for university students.

It was wonderful, but, they were worried that they would have to give a scholarly and less devotional translation than Srila Prabhupad was doing.

Then, to their surprise, the first thing they discovered was that whether it was impersonal or personal, the translations that SP was giving were just the translations that our Acharya's had given.

So, any distortion to religious translation with their fault, not his.

Then going further to the standard Sanskrit dictionaries comming down for centuries, the religious, personal, translation of the word was the first one given. The impersonal translations were not the primary meaning of the words!

So many questions to answer, yet the first principle of the SB is: Reality distinguished from illusion for the welfare of all.

That's so fine, no?