My WhatsApp Number

10 months, 3 weeks ago by manjuali@hpsgurumaharaja in Other

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, 

Dandavat Pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to you Guru Maharaja. 

I have no words to express my gratitude for you for your kindness upon this fallen servant of yours.

Guru Maharaj, I am extremely happy at this moment because I have seen mentioning my name in your blog post this morning and by seeing the post this thought is persisting in my mind that at least I am able to receive some mercy and love of yours.

Guru Maharaj please save me from Maya and give me guidance on my devotional life. 

HpS/ASA - AgtSP!!! Just read Srila Prabhupada's SB every morning, as much with devotees as possible!! Then we see you all together with Nimai in Nadiya!

Yes, Manjuali Devi Dasi!! We have your Annual Report!!

Thank you!!

If you have a WhatsApp address please send it here. We won't publish it.

Guru Maharaj, my whatsApp number is +91813xxxxxx.

HpS/ASA - Thank you. Tom Brown sent this message:

Hare Krsna. We, agtSP, are HpS/ASA Communications Secretary, Tom Brown. Thank you so very, very much for your Blog posts and determined contribution to Lord Caitanya's mission. Can you please post your paper-mail address in the Blog also, and confirm receipt of this WhatsApp message? Thank you.

Your humble servant

Manjuali Devi Dasi

Kaptanpur, Silchar, Assam

ASA - Thank you. The above is enough for paper mail to reach you all?

Is Indian mail service good?

Música - PMD

10 months, 4 weeks ago by piyari_mohan_das in Other

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please Accept my obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Thank you for giving me your instructions and advice, I appreciate it very much, you are my eternal teacher and friend.

When I went to see you in Buenos Aires, you told me that in my life music should be just a hobby, that my work should be something more “forceful.”

HpS - Yes!!! I don't remember that.    Lord Caitanya teaches us that music and dancing... for KRSNA ... with Him and Nitai ... are the most important. Even materially music can be top force.

And the truth is that I am a person with multiple abilities, I will not dedicate myself to just one thing in life, but after reflecting and analyzing my past and nature, I consider that music should be the most important activity, both in life spiritual as material.

HpS - Yeah!

What do you think? Could it be that on that occasion in Argentina you gave a general instruction? Or do you still think that music in my life should be something secondary?

HpS - Comments above. Maybe certain context or something.

Thank you very much Gurudeva

Hare Krishna!

Your servant

Piyari Mohan das

HpS - Thank you!!!! Hoping to hear more about your Sankirtan efforts and Sadhu Sanga.

Contribuciones importantes a ASA Carnaval

11 months ago by asacarnaval in Special Category A, Other

¡Hare Krsna! Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias. 🙇

Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada, Todas las Glorias a ISKCON y a todas las ramas que de él emanan.🙌

Guru Maharaja, nos permitimos comunicarle que, por su misericordia sin causa y la de sus fieles seguidores, después de la celebración de su VyasaPuja 76. Sus sirvientes ASA Carnaval recibimos apoyo importante:

1ro. Establecimos comunicación con Srinath-Krsna Prabhu, que desde hace tiempo deseaba contactarnos para pasarnos las credenciales de Soundcloud. Así lo ha hecho y esperamos contribuir armoniosamente a sus magníficos esfuerzos.

2do. Se nos informó que Gopinath Prabhu le proporcionó a Govinda Pramodini una Laptop (de 2do uso) para los servicios. Ella a su vez, decidió concesionarla a ASA Carnaval, para que la utilice en la realización del servicio.


Las condiciones de la concesión son:

A) La facilitación de este equipo, NO condiciona ni subordina a ASA Carnaval (ni ahora ni en un futuro) ante NIOS o cualquier otra organización que el propietario represente.

B) El equipo será devuelto al propietario en el momento que esté lo requiera.

C) Nos comprometemos a usar el equipo para el servicio y cuidar de él, así como informar acerca de su estado en el momento en el que el propietario lo solicite.


Agradecemos el apoyo y entusiasmo que ambas contribuciones nos otorgan. 🙇🙇🙇

Gurudeva, entendemos lo anterior como obra de su misericordia (recordando su respuesta a la carta  Con esto en el corazón, nos esforzamos por contribuir al servicio que usted ofrece a nuestro Divino Acarya.

Por favor háganos saber cualquier recomendación que considere.

Siempre a sus órdenes, su aspirante a discípula

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnaval

[Equipo coordinador de ASA Carnaval: Abhinanda D /Isvari Radha DD/ Karuna-Sakti DD]

PD - La Laptop, será custodiada por Karuna-Sakti DD. Esperaremos su aprobación y bendiciones para comenzara usarla.


Hare Krishna! Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept our humble obeisances. 🙇

All Glories be to Srila Prabhupada, All Glories to ISKCON and all the branches that emanate from it.🙌

Guru Maharaja, we take the liberty of informing you that, by his causeless mercy and that of his faithful followers, after the celebration of VyasaPuja 76, his servants ASA Carnival received important support from him:

1st. We established communication with Srinath-Krsna Prabhu, who had been wanting to contact us for a long time to pass on his Soundcloud credentials. He has done so and we hope to contribute harmoniously to his magnificent efforts.

2nd. We were informed that Gopinath Prabhu provided Govinda Pramodini with a Laptop (2nd use) for services. She, in turn, decided to concession it to ASA Carnaval, so that it could be used to carry out the service.


The conditions of the concession are:

A) The provision of this equipment does NOT condition or subordinate ASA Carnaval (neither now nor in the future) to NIOS or any other organization that the owner represents.

B) The equipment will be returned to the owner at the time he requires it.

C) We undertake to use the equipment for service and take care of it, as well as report its condition when requested by the owner.


We appreciate the support and enthusiasm that both contributions give us. 🙇🙇🙇

Gurudeva, we understand the above as a work of mercy from him (recalling his response to the letter With this in heart, we strive to contribute to the service you offer to our Divine Acarya.

Please let us know any recommendations you consider.

Always at your service, your aspiring disciple

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnival

[ASA Carnival Coordinating Team: Abhinanda D /Isvari Radha DD/ Karuna-Sakti DD]

PS - The Laptop will be guarded by Karuna-Sakti DD. We will wait for his approval and blessings to begin using it.

hps/asa - agtSP!!! paoho... yes, yes, start to use it immediately. srila prabhupada used airplanes, dictaphones, modern printing systems!

'maya tatam idam sarvam...' b. gita

become the most famous journalist in mexico with all protection etc!

use everything that KRSNA sends!

pray for resources.

all thanks to gopinatha das, hewlitt-packard.


Hanuman and HPS ki jai!

11 months ago by Kamagayatri in Other

"Perservere, for Rama and our queen Sita…”

Hanuman whispered this to himself alone looking onto his sleeping army

hearts of gold among furry mounds of sigh-full breaths. 

Maybe fatigue sets in but happiness of finding his Lord in the unsettling forest takes permanent seat,

Carries him forward to Lanka 

as ocean wind tries to tousle and tickle instead of push and hold back. 

Hanuman could shape-shift his body but also words.

During his poetic pep talks to his army kiln 

He would say, 

“Be thankful for the service given and we will not sway!

Our Sita will bring peace to us all…

Their peace will ignite millions of lights 

In the souls who need them 

therefore is there ever 

Any time to waste??

Write Rama on stones, say Rama for strength 

Chant Hare while remembering Sita 

With folded hands and their name

We never fall. 

Laugh at the face of 10,000 eye demons

Know your biggest demon is yourself and your own weaknesses 

You may have strengths but always look deeper..."

Guru Maharaj, I watched in your newest Diary of the Traveling Creature ponder the meaning of your name given to you by his Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.

Perseverance you always have, despite the dark Kali yuga forests we walk through that give so many of us problems.

In Snow White and in so many stories, we always get entangled in the dark forest of illusion.

Gurudev, you make friends and laugh in the face of danger while we are stuck in a swamp or being mesmerised by Cheshire cats.

Guru Maharaj, you always have love and tolerance for all of us. We only hope to somehow be a part of your monkey army. You can have that fatherly glance on us always as we are in jiva jago sleepy places.

You give your association as you encourage our meek monkey army offerings with sometimes even meaker strength.

Your poetic pep talks and devotion like Hanuman always made me feel encouraged to offer a play, children's class, or even cleaning the ashram as a way to persevere. How can we be simple in our offerings but inspiring? Hanuman does this Guru Maharaj and so do you. Maybe sleeping simply on his journey with very little is what Hanuman did.

You do this as well Gurudev in all of your simple abodes and encourage us to be simple in our lives as much as possible.

Thank you for encouraging us to shape-shift all hard situations into opportunities to grow. With strength and laughter in the face of danger, I pray we can chant the holy name despite the dark forest of the mind and world we are in. Hanuman did it. You do it every day Gurudev and we can have association of your daily attempts and example in your monkey warrior blog.

So happy to watch the Vyasapuja today and have our family be with you on this auspicious day. Below is a link to a scholarly article Bhakta Professor Jerry Catt has found: Searching for the Hidden God: the Intimacy of Sound and Listening among Krishna Devotees in Mayapur by Marje Ermel from Tallinn University.

Also there is a flier is attached for our upcoming children's festival and play. We will send a link soon to the performance.

Thank you for allowing me to be your spiritual daughter and continue carrying small stones on this path. I hope to build bridges with you Gurudev and escape the forest. Im happy to keep battling as long as you're our leader in this.

Your fallen servant,

Kamagayatri dd

HpS/ASA - Hare Krsna, Mataji, don't led your Man and you Kids fall down. Do your best to get them back on their feet again and again.

The dangling modifier + Goloka

11 months, 1 week ago by i8themaha in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaja!

Please accept my respectful obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

In the previous letter, I mentioned that it was by "his mercy" that I was able to make it to mangal, and by "his mercy" that I was able to go on the altar to throw flowers on Radha Kalachandji.

I have read many posts that devotees say "his" to refer to H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami, and that was my intention too!

Thank you! I just wanted to clarify that!

HpS - But also by the mercy of Temple President, Lord Nitayanand Das, no? So many people helping us develop OUR service in different capacities! 🐵 🐷 🐮 🐸 🐶 👨 👧 🐈

I also came up with this poem for you--

Like tears in the rain

Mangal without you isn't the same

Twirling your cane

Freeing us from mortal pain

For Krsna let's re-yolk

And all go to Golok!

Aspiring to be a monkey,

Jaya Hari das

Thank you for the Maha-art each morning!!!!

5.38PM. Sunset. Going to Bathe, Gayatri, visit Saranga thakura Das's home for a Nrsmha Yajna at 6.30PM and go to Temple for Gaura arati and BLS on Rama at 7.30PM.