
4 years, 2 months ago by jagatbd in Special Category A

Hare Krishna beloved Guru Maharaja, today I was listening to your class in the morning where you describe the time of death of Bishmadeva. You also were describing that the attachment to material things is bad because it creates lust for instance. So then I thought if getting attachment to the guru isn´t something subtle too, for instance sometimes we or some devotees believe we are your eternal associates, Is that true?

HpS - ASA --- Thank you for this letter. Becoming attached to Krsna or Balarama or Krsna's flute or His messenger such as Guru are all fine, but we may become attached to Prasadam because it tastes good, so that is a weed growing along with our pure attachment, and that will keep us in the material plane.

To know our sva-rupa, form in spiritual life and eternal associates, is some thing we cannot really until the Bhava stage. Of course, as Krsna gave special mercy to Narada Muni in SB 1.6, so Krsna can show us things, but we can only appreciate them as impetous for purification, not practical work.

How do we know we are your eternal servants, I think this is some sort of sentimentalism. It is fine to think we deserve your shelter, but I do not think we are about close to be your eternal associates unless we are too much advanced in devotional service, I am not at least. We of course should aspire to be close to your lotus feet though.

HpS - Yes. Of course everyone is different, but we can have clear vision of our sva-rupa in Bhava. Described in Southern part of NOD.

Before that, always nice rounds, 4-regs strict, mangala arati, feeling Krsna's guidance as the Super soul.

What should we desire at the moment of death Gurudeva? I think just to remember Krishna and guru would be enought to finish our path on this material life, What do you think and how do we know what is the correct thing to do?

HpS - It is different for different people. The word is 'smaranam', meditation more than remembering some fact, or picture.

At the time of death we should be doing whatever regular duties we have in this world, while increasing our internal development.

Text 8 of NOI is of course perfect description.

Usually old age precedes death and that is proper stimulous for preparation for death.

Your very many fallen servant,

Jagat Bandhu Jagannatha Swami dasa

I am not associating to anybody, answering your previous question from my last letter. Krishna probably cursed me hahaha

HpS - Keep your self pure by Srila Prabhupada's Sadhana and then look for the innocent people Krsna sends and give them your association so that they can progress.

Este Ksetra, este Yantra, este cuerpo - PMD

4 years, 2 months ago by bhaktapiero in Special Category A

Google Traductor

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

 Please accept my obeisances

 All glories to Srila Prabhupada

 I've been thinking a lot about my nature. The truth is that it has been a journey, it has been difficult for me to understand how my body and mind work, we continue to do so.

HpS - AGTSP! Your Karma will change according to the results of your Karma over time. You will be under the influence of one planet for 17-years, then another, nO?

 I am a varna sankara, unwanted child, without a Vedic procedure upon being conceived, all natures mixed.

This vehicle is quite strange, super creative, I think that is the best tool it has.

Since I was a child, I was a well-rounded student, I had multiple skills, I had good grades in all subjects, I was always the man with the best rankings from college to university, but there was always a woman who won first place.

HpS - Drat! The gopas are plagued by gopis who win games also.

All this is good on the one hand, many skills that can be used in service, but on the other hand, it generates a lot of confusion.

 I have been analyzing my birth chart and have come to some conclusions to determine my varna.

What is repeated over and over again is the ability to communicate, the use of the voice. That is the strongest in my occupation.

House one, the ascendant, is ruled by a sign of the sudra nature, of air, although it is also quite ksatriya and vaisiya. There I have 3 planets, each one with a modality of material nature: goodness, passion and ignorance. 2 of them are brahminical in nature and the other one is sudra in nature.

On the other hand my nakshatra is sudra in nature, but also its description is super ksatriya. My atmakaraka is also Ksatriya. Furthermore, the only exalted planet in my chart is of a Vaisiya nature.

There are various yogas, combinations and positions of planets on the chart that are ksatriya in nature, such as raja yoga.

 This is what I think so far:

 40% Sudra

 30% Brahmana

 20% Kstariya

 10% Vaisiya

HpS - ASA -- h ttps://

Director Piyari Mohan Das at 65-years old? (All band with Tilaka).

I can analyze this description with my experience and what I feel in each of these natures in this life:

 Sudra: I need to make art, that keeps me balanced and satisfied, it allows me to flow. It is a natural part of my body and mind, I have done it all my life, both father and mother are artists, and also educators.

 Of all the arts, music is the one I have practiced the most, but what I have the most blessings in is writing. I'm a bit frustrated that I can't develop that area as I don't currently have the time to do it.

 Creativity seems to fall into this category, it is something spontaneous in me and expressing myself creatively helps me to be healthy.

 I think that studying advertising is what best unifies the development of these artistic and intellectual skills, as well as commercial ones. How I understand this university career helps to develop narrative, writing, the use of technologies, graphic and audiovisual design, among other things.

 Brahmana: Something that I am passionate about is being able to advise those who need it, promoting well-being and balance in life. My preferred tastes are acquiring knowledge, always learning new things. Since I was little I was studious.

 I really like health and I believe that Ayurveda is the means to channel that desire. I envision myself as a counselor, taking practices from Ayurveda, Jyotish, Vastu, and Yoga.

 I am not the smartest, my memory is fleeting (vatta), but with effort I can achieve good long-term results (kapha).

 Ksatriya: This is the part that I don't like. It requires a lot of effort and sacrifice for me.

 My emotions have not allowed me to carry out this area of ​​my karma well. I like justice and taking care of people.

 I feel the need to control, to organize, etc. I also have a lot of attachment to prestige, recognition and being the leader of the group. In me the sense of honor and duty is strong.

 I think that part of my nature is more intellectual: logistics, creating projects, organizing, etc. I think.

 What is most difficult for me and I do not like is to be supervising and correcting bad actions. I still don't develop the emotional strength to carry out this task without being upset. Currently I have diarrhea facing those situations hahaha.

 You said in a class: "maybe I'm a lawyer clown", who knows, maybe when he is old he will study another career.

 Vaisiya: I have not yet been able to fully develop this, I have blessings for commerce, I am doing a digital marketing course to be able to apply it in online Sankirtan and other projects. I seem to need to further develop my self-confidence and self-worth in order to be successful in this area.

 On the other hand, when I studied veterinary medicine, the cow was my favorite animal, I would like to learn about its care, but in agriculture I have not investigated yet.

That so far, maybe it is not quite correct, but I feel that it is closer to the current operation of this machine, of this yantra.

 My obeisances Gurudeva

 Your servant

 Piyari mohan das

Tom Brown - HpS was bewildered by the long letter, but we made him see it! He got 65% of it. Seems O.K.!! The more we engage in service with these hypothesis the more we will see our external and interior service.

The audience won't stop clapping? !



Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Por Favor acepte mis reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

He estado pensando bastante sobre mi naturaleza. La verdad que ha sido una travesía, me ha costado mucho entender cómo funciona mi cuerpo y mi mente, seguimos haciéndolo.

Soy un varna sankara, hijo no deseado, sin un procedimiento védico al ser concebido, todas las naturalezas mezcladas. 

Este vehículo es bastante extraño, super creativo, creo que esa es la mejor herramienta que tiene.

Desde niño fui un alumno integral, tenía múltiples habilidades, en todas las materias tenía buenas calificaciones, siempre fui el hombre con las mejores clasificación desde el colegio a la universidad, pero siempre hubo una mujer que ganaba el primer puesto.

Todo ello es bueno por un lado, muchas habilidades que se pueden ocupar en servicio, pero por otro lado, genera mucha confusión. 

He estado analizando mi carta astral y he llegado a algunas conclusiones para determinar mi varna.

Lo que se repite una y otra vez, es la capacidad de comunicar, el uso de la voz. Eso es lo más fuerte en mi ocupación.

La casa uno, el ascendente, está regido por un signo de naturaleza sudra, de aire, aunque también es bastante ksatriya y vaisiya. Allí tengo 3 planetas, cada uno con una modalidad de la naturaleza material: bondad, pasión e ignorancia. 2 de ellos son de naturaleza brahmínica y el otro de naturaleza sudra. 

Por otro lado mi nakshatra es de naturaleza sudra, pero también su descripción es super ksatriya. Mi atmakaraka también es Ksatriya. Además, el único planeta exaltado de mi carta es de naturaleza Vaisiya.

Hay varios yogas, combinaciones y posiciones de planetas en la carta que son de naturaleza ksatriya, como por ejemplo raja yoga.

Esto es lo que creo hasta el momento:

40% Sudra

30% Brahmana

20% Kstariya

10% Vaisiya 

Puedo analizar esta descripción con mi experiencia y lo que siento en cada una de estas naturalezas en esta vida:

  • Sudra: Yo necesito hacer arte, eso me mantiene en equilibrio y satisfecho, me permite fluir. Es parte natural de mi cuerpo y mente, toda la vida lo he hecho, ambos, padre y madre son artistas, y también educadores. 

De todas las artes la música es la que más he practicado, pero en lo qué tengo más bendiciones, es la escritura. Estoy un poco frustrado de no poder desarrollar esa área, ya que actualmente no tengo el tiempo para hacerlo.

Al parecer la creatividad cae en esta categoría, es algo espontáneo en mí y expresarme de manera creativa me ayuda a estar saludable.

Creo que estudiar publicidad es lo que unifica mejor el desarrollo de estas habilidades artísticas e intelectuales, cómo también comerciales. Cómo entiendo esta carrera universitaria ayuda a desarrollar la narrativa, la escritura, el uso de tecnologías, diseño gráfico y audiovisual, entre otras cosas.

  • Brahmana: Algo que me apasiona es poder aconsejar a quienes lo necesitan, promoviendo el bienestar y equilibrio en la vida. Mis gustos preferentes son adquirir conocimiento, siempre aprender cosas nuevas. Desde pequeño que fui estudioso.

Me gusta mucho la salud y creo que el ayurveda es el medio para poder canalizar ese deseo. Me visualizo cómo un consejero, tomando prácticas del ayurveda, jyotish, vastu y yoga. 

No soy el más inteligente, mi memoria es fugaz (vatta), pero si me esfuerzo puedo lograr buenos resultados a largo plazo (kapha).

  • Ksatriya: Esta es la parte que no me gusta. Requiere mucho esfuerzo y sacrificio para mi. 

Mis emociones no me han permitido llevar a cabo bien esta área de mi karma. Me gusta la justicia y cuidar a las personas. 

Siento necesidad de controlar, de organizar, etc. También tengo mucho apego al prestigio, el reconocimiento y ser el líder del grupo. En mi es fuerte el sentido del honor y el deber.

Creo que esa parte de mi naturaleza es más intelectual: logística, creación de proyectos, organización, etc. Eso creo.

Lo que más me cuesta y no me agrada es estar fiscalizando y corregir las malas acciones. Todavía no desarrollo fortaleza emocional para llevar a cabo esa tarea sin perturbarme. Actualmente me da diarrea enfrentar esas situación jajaja.

Usted dijo en una clase: "tal vez sea un payaso abogado", quién sabe, tal vez cuando viejo estudie otra carrera. 

  • Vaisiya: Esto todavía no lo he podido desarrollar a plenitud, tengo bendiciones para el comercio, estoy haciendo un curso de marketing digital para poder aplicarlo en el Sankirtan online y otros proyectos. Al parecer debo desarrollar más mi autoconfianza y valoración para poder tener éxito en esta área.

Por otro lado, cuándo estudié veterinaria, la vaca era mi animal favorito, me gustaría aprender sobre su cuidado, pero en la agricultura no he indagado aún.

Eso hasta el momento, tal vez no está del todo correcto, pero siento que está más cerca del funcionamiento actual de esta máquina, de este yantra.

Mis reverencias Gurudeva

Su sirviente

Piyari Mohan das

I can transcribe

4 years, 2 months ago by nataraj in Special Category A

Hare Krishna dear Guru maharaj

Please accept my dandavat pranams. All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

I can do the transcription

your servant

Nilachala Chandra das

HpS - Thank you!!!!!! Worth a million dollars to hear from you.... Can you transcribe the third five minutes.

Rati m. D.D./CMDD = 1st and 2nd five minutes

N. Chandra Das = 3rd five minutes.

Pandava vijaya Das = 4th

K. Bihari Das = 5th

Aja govinda Das = 6th

5 x 6 = 30 minutes = full interview!!!

Proyecto ASApedia

4 years, 2 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Special Category A

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Querido Gurumaharaja.

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

Envío esta carta en nombre de un grupo de amigos que compartimos ideas similares.

Disculpe que recién la enviemos, hubieron algunas circunstancias que nos fueron atrasando, entre ellas corroborar si contábamos con el compromiso necesario para algo que surgió claramente por arreglos de Sri Guru y Sri Gauranga.

Desde hace aproximadamente 9 años, algunos de sus Sirvientes en México mantenemos una página de Facebook. A través de ella hemos compartido los programas que usted ha realizado durante sus visitas (Videos de sus clases o conferencias, archivos de la Anjana Suta Academy, fotografías etc..) 

Durante este año, la pandemia propicio nuevas oportunidades para ampliar nuestro servicio, y cuando Usted inicio su gira virtual por sud-américa, observamos la oportunidad de compartir en vivo vuestras clases a través de nuestra página. Por su misericordia sin causa, las clases continuaron y del mismo modo este proyecto se ha extendido a lo largo de todo este tiempo de forma espontánea e ininterrumpidamente de forma asombrosa.

Así, nuestro equipo creció considerablemente, actualmente se compone de 12 devotos (Discípulos y simpatizantes de México, Perú y Bolivia) Encabezados por sus sirvientes Asta-Sakhi DD, Isvari DD y Karuna-Sakti DD, quienes han mantenido esta página desde su creación. 

Hasta hace poco, la página se llamó ASA México DAS porque era un proyecto local; sin embargo ahora que el público se ha ampliado, nos gustaría renombrarla como ASApedia ABC, porque nuestro objetivo es proporcionar un acervo de las clases, conferencias, memorias fotográficas y archivos que usted ha compartido con nosotros por distintos medios y Yatras.

Queremos pedirle su autorización para continuar con el servicio y renombrar la página para seguir compartiendo las clases de la Anjana Suta Academy, también hemos incluído una clase de nuestro amado Srila Prabhupada cada domingo.

Nuestro interés es servir su sankirtana ya que nos mantiene activos en la conciencia de Krsna.

Cabe mencionar que hasta el momento de la redacción de esta carta, la página cuenta con poco más de 160 videos de clases en vivo y tenemos una larga lista de material por compartir (Videos, audios, imágenes y otros archivos antiguos) además estamos trabajando en la subtitulación de los videos y en el desarrollo de un Glosario que permita a los usuarios localizar con mayor facilidad las clases que están en esta plataforma.

Hemos elegido el Facebook porque esta red proporciona varios beneficios para el publico general; 1) Para muchas compañías telefónicas el acceso a esta red es gratuito y los usuarios no necesitan internet de banda ancha para acceder a ella,

2) Un gran número de devotos tienen cuenta en esta red,

3) proporciona buena capacidad de almacenamiento y

4) los usuarios pueden seguir sus clases en tiempo real sin necesidad de descargar ninguna aplicación adicional. Incluso, en ocasiones recibimos preguntas desde la página (si usted lo aprueba y el tiempo de la clase lo permite tal vez podríamos transmitírselas en algún momento de la clase)

Gurumaharaja, sus instrucciones son y serán nuestra joya más preciada, por lo que consideramos que ahora y en tiempos venideros, este almanaque puede ser de gran beneficio para todos sus discípulos y simpatizantes.

Si a usted le parece bien, nos gustaría rogar su aprobación, bendiciones e instrucciones para continuar con este servicio, que inicio hace algunos años con la intención de brindar a más devotos la posibilidad de seguirlo a pesar de la distancia y escuchar sus clases e instrucciones en una plataforma sencilla y accesible. 

Gurumaharaja, sentimos que no es suficiente recibir la misericordia también queremos compartirla como nuestro sankirtana.

Disculpe por favor por la demora en nuestro reporte.

Vuestros servidores

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd


All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Gurumaharaja.

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

I am sending this letter on behalf of a group of friends who share similar ideas.

Excuse us that we just sent it, there were some circumstances that were delaying us, including corroborating if we had the necessary commitment for something that clearly arose through arrangements by Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

For approximately 9 years, some of your Servants in Mexico have maintained a Facebook page. Through it we have shared the programs that you have carried out during your visits (Videos of your classes or conferences, files of the Anjana Suta Academy, photographs, etc.)

During this year, the pandemic provided new opportunities to expand our service, and when you began your virtual tour of South America, we saw the opportunity to share your classes live through our page. By his causeless mercy, the classes continued and likewise this project has spread throughout all this time spontaneously and uninterruptedly in an amazing way.

Thus, our team grew considerably, currently it is composed of 12 devotees (Disciples and sympathizers from Mexico, Peru and Bolivia) Headed by their servants Asta-Sakhi DD, Isvari DD and Karuna-Sakti DD, who have maintained this page since its creation.

Until recently, the page was called ASA México DAS because it was a local project; however now that the public has expanded, we would like to rename it ASApedia ABC, because our goal is to provide a collection of the classes, lectures, photographic mementos and files that you have shared with us through different media and Yatras.

We want to ask for your authorization to continue with the service and rename the page to continue sharing the Anjana Suta Academy classes, we have also included a class from our beloved Srila Prabhupada every Sunday.

Our interest is to serve your's and Srila Prabhuapda's sankirtana as it keeps us active in Krsna consciousness.

It is worth mentioning that until the time of writing this letter, the page has just over 160 videos of live classes and we have a long list of material to share (Videos, audios, images and other old files). We are also working on the subtitling of the videos and the development of a Glossary that allows users to more easily locate the classes that are on this platform.

We have chosen Facebook because this network provides several benefits for the general public;

1) For many telephone companies access to this network is free and users do not need broadband internet to access it,

2) A large number of devotees have an account on this network,

3) Provides good storage capacity and

4) Users can follow their classes in real time without downloading any additional applications. Sometimes we even receive questions from the page (if you approve and the class time allows it, maybe we could transmit them to you at some point in the class)

Gurumaharaja, your instructions are and will be our most precious jewel, so we believe that now and in times to come, this almanac can be of great benefit to all your disciples and supporters.

If that's okay with you, we would like to ask for your approval, blessings and instructions to continue with this service, which began a few years ago with the intention of giving more devotees the possibility to follow her despite the distance and listen to her classes

Gurumaharaja, we feel that it is not enough to receive mercy we also want to share it as our sankirtana.

Please excuse us for the delay in our report.

Your servers

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd

HpS - ASA --- All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!! Even a dog can take part in this movement and dance in ecstacy. We have been trying to develop media resources with Ambarisa Das and Vrsabanu nandini Devi Dasi at the youtube channel, ASA audiovisual.

Please look at that.

If you can contact Ambo and Vrsa and Harivamsi, that would be great.

It seems that a better name might be "ASA Carnival". Then you could include many kind of things in an ambience like a Carnival. Maybe it is a bad name in Spanish.

I think the big danger is to have too many things which are often redundant, or not of good quality and not organized. Then people may come and go away without achieving the goal which is that they read Srila Prabhupada's books.


Vidyapitha's Monthy Study Guide

4 years, 2 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Bhakta Tom and Bhakta Buck:

We get the Bhagavata Pradipika each month from Sriman Gauranga Darshana Das and the Vidhyapitha (place of knowledge) of the ISKCON Govardhana Eco-village near Mumbai, India.

Fine devotees!

Fine community!

🐗 🐗🐗

Issue Dec 2020 (#42)

~The Beginning Citations about book distribution are very nice. Especially SB10.2.37. We want to put that in our ASA(Encyclopedia).

~The first article "God at the Gate" is nice summary of Bali Maharaja and Vamana avatar. Very complete. We were wondering if there was not enough distinction between blessings of Brahmanas and blessings of devotees, some citations for the explanation about why Prahlada blessed Bali to conquer the demigods.

Our question is will common folk who will not read the story in the SB, read it in this format?  It takes some time and effort. Is it better for GDD to focus on video, pptx, shows of these subjects?

These are real questions. We are looking at the Vidyapitha as a source of real inspiration and knowledge and trying to take lessons from their work for the ASA.

~Prayers for Giriraja

No reference for these nice prayers!  Where are they from? Didn't Gaura tell Raghu to add the sweets?  What is Kaja?

~Magnifying Krsna Element

Nice summary of meeting of Vyasa and Narada Muni. Didn't Vyasa suspect the cause of his despondency? SB 1.4.31. We have an intuitive understanding our our problem, and then Guru makes it scientifically clear.

We remember Narada giving this very nice description of the fault in Vyasa's literature: SB 1.5.15, 'Your work is progressive Vyasa, but as the article points out, people will take the minimum austerity and the maximum concession'.

"Närada also narrates his journey from promiscuity to perfection." - Narada was promiscuous in the beginning?  "Def: promiscuity - Having or characterized by many transient sexual relationships."

This was in previous life, no?  Not narrated in the SB, no? Where? More story.

~Both the Ishopanisad Subodini and the NOI Subodini, study guides, that are promoted in this months issue are not available at Amazon. Go to to get on the periodical's mailing list.

com. We wanted to buy the Kindle copy!

😩 😬

Ayeee! We die a thousand deaths!

Go to to get on the periodical's mailing list.

The information of study materials is very important for us. New prayers of some real interest. Being able to link the Journal to new people in KC is important.

...but unless they make progress to direct study of the SB etc, is it is effective to maintain such a professional effort. Of course, some people may read this their entire life and never get to the SB direct, but is it good use of GDD effort to write these instead of making movies?

Maybe so?

Hope he writes to us here at the ASA with some comments and suggestions

How much money does a family need

4 years, 3 months ago by monkeydevotee in Special Category A

Hare Krishna

All glories to Srila Prabupada.

HpS - We asked KK to join this Blog and answer the following question. He is psychiatrist in USA, from India, and wife is also psychiatrist.

How much money needed to sustain family?

Before we approach this question we need to understand the concept of charity (Daan). Even before that we have to accept that we need money to sustain our family. For that we have to work one way or the other way. Money is important but how much we need for sustaining the family is a very interesting question.

There may not be any direct answer so let's first learn about Daan. 

How much charity needs to be done according to scriptures. 

Scriptures lay down a varying proportion of one's income (ranging from 10% to 50%) to give away in daan.

Skanda Puran - According to Skanda puran one should 10% of one's justly earned income on good deeds or works of pubilc benefit.

Bhagwat puran : He quotes learned people to recommend dividing one's fund into five equal parts.

1) One part should be used for Dharma e.g Supporting Sanayasis , helping temples (daan).

2) Second for Yash (public works like for hospitals, food).

3) Third should be re-invested for generating more wealth.

4) Fourth for material things

5) Fifth for one's family and friends.

 Charity should not result hardship to donors family or loss of livelihood  

Coming to the first question, how much money... Money we need to sustain family is the money where we can also do some charity for Krishna Consciousness. So people who have decent jobs should be doing more charity .

The amount may vary but the basic ground rule is the same. Earning money with intention to support Krishna Consciousness. But also not at the cost of time needed to do your chanting and other services. Hare Krishna.

ASA - Thank you. This is very nice discussion of principles and then individuals can start to apply in their own circumstances. Very specifically, someone like yourself: Husband, wife, two children... professional people, how much is needed per year to keep house, transport, food, health, recreation ?