TPP and Visit to Houston

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

I want to first apologize for not writing sooner.

ASA-HpS -- In harmony, we want to apo logize for not answering sooner!

You sent me the TPP edited document a couple of weeks back and I went through a little bit of the edited document only today.

Last couple of weeks have been crazy. My father in law got COVID in India. He lives in Nagpur and there was sever shortage of beds, oxygen cylinders and other medication. Divya Sri's cousin took him in a car at 5 am in the morning and after trying to get beds in several hospitals, finally got a bed at 8 pm. In the mean time we were calling people who were selling oxygen cylinders from here to get something. Thank fully by Krishna's mercy, he is discharged now and is doing fine.

HpS - . Why we have not learned to act like Maharaja Yuddhisthira?? In the paragraph it directly talks about "life breathing"! Amazing. Fly around in the sky without air. Learn to drink and eat a subtler fare!

We had several devotees from Krishna House visit us this week and a few of them tested positive for COVID. Now the temple is back to lockdown again for a week. I feel too much of my environment and mind space is occupied with COVID rather than Krishna katha. Thankfully, with the service of teaching the Bhakti Sastri course, where we are currently doing Chapters 7-12, the association with Bhagavad Gita and Srila Prabhupada's purports are at least helping me contemplate on Krishna rather than just COVID.

But I can definitely feel that my Sadhana standards have dropped over the last two months. I feel very fatigued both physically and mentally. We are somehow pushing through because of your mercy.

I think the TPP has come out really well. I like how you have changed the font size of the pull-in quotes. It is now very clear to differentiate/visualize your commentary from the quotes. I have some thoughts on the other steps that need to be taken to publish the book. I would like you feedback on them.

  1. Can we forward this to Abhirama Prabhu so that he can start typesetting? That way he can show you samples and we can finalize the formatting and design in parallel and when you finish the rest of the editing, the typesetting will be done very quickly since we have finalized the design.
  2. We also need to think about the front and back cover design. Should we ask devotees in the blog to send in their designs from which you can choose Guru Maharaja? If we can do these things in parallel, we can get the book out as soon as your editing is complete.

HpS - ASA - We just sent another copy with our new edits to you and Art Das and R. R. Das today. Largely so that it doesn't get lost. We've edited all the Texts and most of the Appendices. Need to finish our ASA index and the BhVai question bank. We did more format editing.

Any comments are very nice, but if no time then after we finish the Appendices we can talk with ArtDas about the format. He is professional.

We would also like to come and see you when you visit Houston. Srirama Krishna Das will also be with us and we are planning to come there on the weekend (22-23 May). We wanted to know if it is ok for us to come and see you in person?

HpS - We pub lished the current calendar for the visits. 19-23AM we are in Nila-madhava Dhama. Then we go about 10AM to Sugar Land. Hard to associate there, but in NMD we can chat outside with proper social dish stance, no?? Call us on the Tele Phone if needed!

Respects to the Sri Rama Krsna Das et al.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

Canciones PMD

3 years, 9 months ago by bhaktapiero in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Quería compartirle el link de la canción del Señor Hanuman.

ASA - HpS - We sampled it!!!

Aqui es un poco contrasta comparasion!

Y también la presentación que hicimos para su vyasa puja.

Deseo pronto subir la próxima canción:

UDILO ARUNA (Versión español)

Mis reverencias Gurudeva

Su pequeño cachorro

Piyari Mohan das

Udilo aruna..... super!!! Tratamos seguir sus paso, siguendo Srila Prabhupada.

Una carta mas!!

Dicen Joe Cocker era celibato y sigue los 4-principios.

Manuel NIOS Report #2, Progress of SOLARIS

3 years, 9 months ago by manuel in Special Category A



ALL GLORIES TO SRILA PRABHUPADA !! and his loyal and dedicated disciples like you.

Since the previous report we have had a joint meeting of the technical team and the communications team of the Journal. During the meeting we apply and try to answer your questions in depth: What is SOLARIS for you? What is your motivation and perspective to be in SOLARIS?

Here are the answers:

Purnamasi d.d.: Contribute to the academic preaching of Gurudeva by his backbone which is SOLARIS. Use my nature and professional experience as a journalist and teacher.

Bhaktin Sandra Salazar: SOLARIS allows me to integrate my material and spiritual knowledge (I am a graduate in Visual Arts) I want to contribute my artistic skills and knowledge to the magazine. I like this project that gives spiritual knowledge through philosophy and art.

Jayanta d.: Pleasing Gurumaharaja. To engage in service with my academic contacts, I directly accept that perhaps my contribution may be limited, but it can be effective through my contacts.

Srutipriya d.d.: Two Motivations, One spiritual: Serving Maharaja HpS. And a professional: As I study Languages ​​at the University, in SOLARIS I can apply my knowledge in the service of reading, writing, reviewing texts, etc. in English and Spanish.

Govinda Pramodini d.d.: To engage directly in the service of Guru-maharaja. SOLARIS addresses the need to connect spirit and matter in the scientific and academic fields. The magazine gives me the opportunity to better use my skills.

Abhiram Thakur d.: Magazines like SOLARIS are permanent and powerful vehicles for transmitting spiritual knowledge. SOLARIS opens the doors for us to dialogue with and influence different academics from different spiritual traditions (Jesuits, Sufis, Buddhists, ...). Then by developing the magazine we can give Krishna consciousness, both to readers and writers of the academic world, and, above all give them the opportunity to connect with Srila Prabhupada through his books.

In the 3rd report we will have the responses of the members who could not attend.

In addition, we invite all readers of the Blog to express themselves in the sense of why a magazine like SOLARIS is important. We look forward to your valuable comments.

That's it for now, thank you very much, HARE KRISHNA

HpS - Thank you... There was also an administrative meetting with Prof. Miguel Polo, HpSwami, Abhiseka Singh (President of NIOS) and Art Das. Art D showed the mock-up of the Solaris web page and is supposed to send the HTML files to HpS so he and ASingh can make more detailed comments.

We look at NIOS, Solaris having a good chance of living and being very useful, but it is not guaranteed.


Desde el informe anterior a la fecha hemos tenido una reunión conjunta del equipo técnico y el equipo de comunicaciones de la revista. Durante la reunión aplicamos tratamos de responder con profundidad a tus preguntas: ¿Qué es SOLARIS para ti? cuál es tu motivación y perspectiva para estar en SOLARIS?

A continuación, las respuestas:

Purnamasi d.d.: Contribuir a la predica académica de Gurudeva en su columna vertebral que es SOLARIS. Ocupar mi naturaleza y experiencia profesional como periodista y profesora.

Bhaktin Sandra Salazar: SOLARIS me permite integrar mis conocimiento materiales y espirituales (soy egresada en Artes Visuales) quiero contribuir en la revista con mis habilidades y conocimientos Artísticos. Me gusta este proyecto que da conocimiento espiritual a través de la filosofía y el arte.

Jayanta d.: Complacer a Gurumaharaja. Ocupar en servicio a mis contactos académicos, Acepto que de forma directa tal vez mi contribución puede ser limitada, pero puede ser efectiva a través de mis contactos.

Srutipriya d.d.: Dos Motivaciones, Una espiritual: Servir a Maharaja HpS. Una profesional: Como estudie Idiomas en la Universidad en SOLARIS puedo aplicar mis conocimientos en el servicio de leer, redactar, revisar textos etc. en inglés y español.

Govinda Pramodini d.d.: Ocuparme directamente en el servicio a Gurumaharaja. SOLARIS atiende la necesidad de conectar espíritu y materia en los ámbitos científicos y académicos. La revista me da la oportunidad de un mejor uso de mis habilidades.

Abhiram Thakur d.: Las revistas como SOLARIS son vehículos permanentes y poderosos para transmitir conocimiento espiritual. SOLARIS nos abre las puertas para dialogar e influir con diferentes académicos de diferentes tradiciones espirituales (Jesuitas, Sufís, Budistas,…) entonces desarrollando la revista podemos dar conciencia de krishna tanto a los lectores como a los escritores del mundo académico y sobre todo darles la oportunidad de que conecten con Srila Prabhupada a través de sus libros.

En el 3er informe tendremos las respuestas de los miembros que no asistieron.

Además, invitamos a todos los lectores del Blog a que se manifiesten en el sentido de porque es importante una revista como SOLARIS. Esperamos sus valiosos comentarios.

Eso es todo por ahora, muchas gracias, HARE KRISHNA

DTC (dialogo interfe 3-4) en ASA AUDIOVISUAL

3 years, 10 months ago by Victoria in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Gurudev,

por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Aqui le dejo los links a las sesiones 3 y 4 del DTC-UT- ID

Seguimos avanzando con el resto de las presentaciones.

Muchas gracias por ocuparnos en servicio


Vrsabhanu Nandini dd

Dialogo Interfe Sesión 3

Dialogo Interfe Sesión 4

HpS - Super! SUPER! S U P E R!!! !

... Basically we are finishing Phases One and Two of the movie: DTC-UT. We all thank you so much for your generous help.

Of course, there is more work to do on these PPTXs and their availability by YouTube.

"God [the Devil 😈] is the Details"




3 years, 10 months ago by Victoria in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Gurudev, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las glorias a sus sinceros sirvientes como Usted!

Esperamos que su dolor de cabeza se haya ido.

ASA - Ha ido, pero ya allergia, pollen, primavera, la mas fuerte como recuerdo. Luchando minimizar. en fin acceptando utilizar medicina anti-alergica recomendado por Amit. Nuestra docotor.

Y ya la munyeca derecho en dolor. 🙂

Pienso es misma para Vds

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.

Sorry for our slowness, we are editing the DCT videos. Sessions 1 and 2 of the Inter-fe dialogue are now available at Asa Audiovisual. The third is on the way.

HpS - ASA --- We have a lot of room for improvement, but we can only pray that sincere people will tolerate the lower quality to get the message. I think the originals are still at GoToMeeting. I will try to send you the links by Whatsapp again.

We added a little animated introductory title, please let me know what you think about it.

HpS - Best part of the show!

Regarding the quality of the video: we noticed that the files downloaded from Facebook Asa Carnaval have lower quality than those from GoTomeeting. It is not something we can improve now, but in future videos. I also think that the quality is acceptable. Can you send me the PPT? to the WhatsApp of Ambarisa or to I've been searching but couldn't find them.

HpS, TB/BW - We just sent the PPTX to your gmail. There are two more wcl, wold classical literature, but I don't know if we used those?

We also sent the View link to Ambarisa Das's Whatsapp and the GTM Account Name and Passcode. Maybe you can log-on and access stuff directly. Didn't work last time.

Also, we downloaded the first IFD show and then tried to send it by We Transfer. Files sent to

asaudiovisual. . . com 1 item, 415 MB in total ・ Expires on 12 May, 2021

About the language on the YouTube cover: Most of the presentations are bilingual, the animated introduction in the videos is bilingual, but when designing the cover of each of the videos (which is seen as a thumbnail on the Asa channel) The text is very long if I include both languages. So I did them in Spanish. Does this sound good to you? or should they be in english?

HpS - I think English with with little note "Bilingue", no? It is more global language.

Thank you very much Gurudev for your infinite patience and care.

Thank you for engaging us in service.

intentando servirlo,

Vrsabhanu Nandini dd

HpS - ASA - We are pigs, dogs, monkeys and asses trying to be of some service to Guru, Gauranga and Devotee!!!

Such a nice movement.


Disculpas por nuestra lentitud, estamos editando los videos de DCT. Ya estan disponibles en Asa Audiovisual las sesiones 1 y 2 del dialogo Interfe. La tercera esta en camino.

Agregamos un pequeño titulo introductorio animado, por favor déjeme saber que piensa acerca del eso.

En cuanto a la calidad del video: notamos que los archivos descargados de Facebook Asa Carnaval tienen menor calidad que los de GoTomeeting. No es algo que podamos mejorar ahora, pero si en los futuros videos. Igualmente pienso que la calidad es aceptable. Puede usted enviarme los PPT? al whatsapp de Ambarisa o a [email protected]. Estuve buscando en pero no pude encontrarlos.

Acerca del idioma en la portada de Youtube: La mayoria de las presentaciones son bilingues, la introduccion animada en los videos es bilingue, pero al diseñar la portada de cada uno de los videos (la que se ve como miniatura en el canal de Asa) El texto es muy largo si incluyo ambos idiomas. Entonces las hice en español. Esto le parece bien? o deberían ser en ingles?

Muchas gracias gurudev por su infinita paciencia y cuidado. Gracias por ocuparnos en servicio.

intentando servirlo

Vrsabhanu Nandini dd

1st report of NIOS-Hispanio and SOLARIS of the quarter April-June 2021

3 years, 10 months ago by abhiramdas in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept our humble revelations.


Gurudeva first, and with your permission, we want to start this report by thanking all the devotees, family members and colleagues friends who stood in solidarity with us when they knew that my wife and I were infected with covid in March. Our greatest gratitude to you GURUDEVA and SADAI NIMAI-NITAI for your mercy we can still stay on this donkey and under your guidance purify ourselves to try to please the devotees, you, Srila Prabhupada and KRISHNA himself. The first week was smooth, but the second week was a bit tricky. Thanks to mother Lavanya-mangala for connecting me with an excellent pulmonologist. From April 20, one day before RAMA-NAVAMI we were discharged, JAY SRI RAMA !!!!

HpS - Hare Krsna!!! Hare KRSNA! We apologize for the delay in responding. We have never had such bad allergy reaction in the past. Little, little, little better today, but now our right wrist is extremely bad. Can barely rotate without howling in the wrist.


So typing is very hard, but we are not easily discouraged.

Well, now if we go to the specific points of this report:

Due to the growth and the possibilities of presence of SOLARIS in the academic world, we are currently trying to delegate and establish an organizational structure, useful and efficient for the Sankirtan-academic through SOLARIS. This implies resolving clearly, (as you always say, first, who I am, who we partner with and then the plans) this translates into the magazine collectively developing a strategic plan. The first steps we are taking in that direction are:

• Develop the concept "SOLARIS contributions for a new culture" We plan to hold two Round Tables in May and June, to address this issue, and have perspectives, clear criteria and consensus, okay? All those who wish to participate in the Round Tables can register by sending a request to: [email protected]

HpS-ASA -- Oink! Oink! Whoop! Whoop. You did not answer the first question. It is what is Solaris to you???? With some depth. Also, seems the partners don't mention their motives, perspective.

Why are you motivated by this periodical. Not, "I want to help people and the world." More details.

• SOLARIS is part of NIOS, that means having constant communication, periodic meetings with the board of directors and advisers to refine ideas and establish criteria and objectives to develop a calendar of activities for 2021, which will be executed and evaluated every three months. The reports on this topic are in charge of the monocyte Manuel.

HpS - !

That's all for now, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING GURUDEVA, her insignificant servant, Abhirama Thakura dasa.

HpS - Why does this attract you? Why do you like doing books and magazines? You could fix automobiles.


Gurudeva en primer lugar, y, con su permiso, queremos empezar este informe agradeciendo a todos los devotos, devotas, familiares, colegas y amigos que se solidarizaron con nosotros cuando se enteraron que mi esposa y yo nos contagiamos con el covid en marzo. Nuestra mayor gratitud a usted GURUDEVA y a SADAI NIMAI-NITAI por su misericordia aun podemos mantenernos en este burro y bajo su guía purificarnos para tratar de complacer a los devotos, a Usted, a Srila Prabhupada y a KRISHNA mismo. La primera semana fue suave pero la segunda se complicó un poco. Gracias a la madre Lavanya-mangala por contactarme con un excelente neumólogo. Desde el 20 de abril, un día antes de RAMA-NAVAMI nos dieron de alta, JAY SRI RAMA!!!!


Bueno ahora si vamos a los puntos específicos de este reporte:


Actualmente debido al desarrollo y las posibilidades de presencia de SOLARIS en el mundo académico estamos tratando de delegar y establecer una estructura organizativa, útil y eficiente para el Sankirtan académico a través de SOLARIS. Esto implica resolver claramente, (como usted siempre dice, primero, quien soy, con quienes nos asociamos y luego los planes) esto se traduce en la revista en elaborar colectivamente un plan estratégico. Los primeros pasos que estamos dando en esa dirección son:


·        Desarrollar el concepto “SOLARIS contribuciones para una nueva cultura” Pensamos hacer dos Mesas Redondas en mayo y junio, para abordar este tema, y tener perspectivas, criterios claros y consensos, está bien? Todos los que deseen participar en las Mesas Redondas se pueden inscribir enviando una solicitud a: [email protected]


·        SOLARIS es parte de NIOS eso significa tener una comunicación constante, reuniones periódicas con la junta de directores y asesores para afinar ideas y establecer criterios y objetivos para elaborar un calendario de actividades para el 2021, que se ejecutara y evaluara cada tres meses. Los reportes de este tema están a cargo del monocito Manuel.


Eso es todo por ahora, MUCHAS GRACIAS POR TODO GURUDEVA, su insignificante sirviente, Abhirama Thakura dasa.