TPP and Visit to Houston
Dear Guru Maharaja
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!
I want to first apologize for not writing sooner.
ASA-HpS -- In harmony, we want to apo logize for not answering sooner!
You sent me the TPP edited document a couple of weeks back and I went through a little bit of the edited document only today.
Last couple of weeks have been crazy. My father in law got COVID in India. He lives in Nagpur and there was sever shortage of beds, oxygen cylinders and other medication. Divya Sri's cousin took him in a car at 5 am in the morning and after trying to get beds in several hospitals, finally got a bed at 8 pm. In the mean time we were calling people who were selling oxygen cylinders from here to get something. Thank fully by Krishna's mercy, he is discharged now and is doing fine.
HpS - . Why we have not learned to act like Maharaja Yuddhisthira?? In the paragraph it directly talks about "life breathing"! Amazing. Fly around in the sky without air. Learn to drink and eat a subtler fare!
We had several devotees from Krishna House visit us this week and a few of them tested positive for COVID. Now the temple is back to lockdown again for a week. I feel too much of my environment and mind space is occupied with COVID rather than Krishna katha. Thankfully, with the service of teaching the Bhakti Sastri course, where we are currently doing Chapters 7-12, the association with Bhagavad Gita and Srila Prabhupada's purports are at least helping me contemplate on Krishna rather than just COVID.
But I can definitely feel that my Sadhana standards have dropped over the last two months. I feel very fatigued both physically and mentally. We are somehow pushing through because of your mercy.
I think the TPP has come out really well. I like how you have changed the font size of the pull-in quotes. It is now very clear to differentiate/visualize your commentary from the quotes. I have some thoughts on the other steps that need to be taken to publish the book. I would like you feedback on them.
- Can we forward this to Abhirama Prabhu so that he can start typesetting? That way he can show you samples and we can finalize the formatting and design in parallel and when you finish the rest of the editing, the typesetting will be done very quickly since we have finalized the design.
- We also need to think about the front and back cover design. Should we ask devotees in the blog to send in their designs from which you can choose Guru Maharaja? If we can do these things in parallel, we can get the book out as soon as your editing is complete.
HpS - ASA - We just sent another copy with our new edits to you and Art Das and R. R. Das today. Largely so that it doesn't get lost. We've edited all the Texts and most of the Appendices. Need to finish our ASA index and the BhVai question bank. We did more format editing.
Any comments are very nice, but if no time then after we finish the Appendices we can talk with ArtDas about the format. He is professional.
We would also like to come and see you when you visit Houston. Srirama Krishna Das will also be with us and we are planning to come there on the weekend (22-23 May). We wanted to know if it is ok for us to come and see you in person?
HpS - We pub lished the current calendar for the visits. 19-23AM we are in Nila-madhava Dhama. Then we go about 10AM to Sugar Land. Hard to associate there, but in NMD we can chat outside with proper social dish stance, no?? Call us on the Tele Phone if needed!
Respects to the Sri Rama Krsna Das et al.
Your servant
Srinatha Krsna dasa