Urgent: Asa Carnival project-interview proposal

3 years, 7 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Dear Maharaja,


As I write this letter I hope you are well.

HpS - AGTSP! Thank you. The blessings of a chaste lady are not a small thing! I guess we are as well as you considering our differences in age.

On the part of ASA Carnival we are trying to improve our service and give contributions to our Vaisnava community and among our service proposals is to make a historical compilation of their preaching in Peru.

For this reason we ask for your help. We want to know how your preaching began in Peru through an interview with you, the topic would be: Beginning of the preaching of SSHPS in Peru, this is for both the current community and the future one, know from first source the details of this great event.

We consider this project to be of utmost importance because:

1 would be a didactic tool to be able to know, understand and analyze the development of ISKCON in Peru and can be of help to future generations.

2. It also allows us to understand Srila Prabhupada's vision through his realizations and understanding (having the input of Srila Prtabhupada's disciples is invaluable material).

3. It allows us to delve into his service work and, through his practical example, find our own place in Srila Prabhupada's army.

I Praying to Krsna and Srila Prabhupada allow us to carry out this service for which we very humbly ask you to grant us your help.

I bid you farewell, offering my obeisances again and again.

With respect and appreciation

Ys isvari R dd

Note: If that's okay with you, we can arrange a short meeting with you and the ASA Carnival team to coordinate details.

HpS - ASA - Of course, but we would want to make it a part of our movie: DIARY OF A TRAVELING CREATURE - The Ultimate Trip. One thought that occurs is that we should include people who were there from the beginning eg. Rupanuga Caitanya and Divya-vani, Daru Krsna Das, who else? Kanu Pandita. From our side it can even be edited by Ambarisa and Vrsabhanu nandini Devi Dasi with the director that Art Das has befriended.

Just propose a time and we can work on this.

There was Hollywood, then there was Bollywood (Bombay), and now we will have Lollywood (Lima [Pollywood (Peru)????]).

Gandharva dasa's Short Report - House, Home and Village School.

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva

Please accept our sincere obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you are in good health. I haven't written the MOE report to you for a few months, and neither have my personal report.

I will try to summarize the most relevant news to bring you up to date. As I mentioned [to] you on the phone, we have moved to the city of Huaraz, 260 miles from Lima, at the foot of the Cordillera Blanca, a place of great natural beauty.

Since I can carry out our main work and service online, we prefer to settle here and begin another chapter of our lives.

HpS - It will include the previous chapters but with greater perspective.

The stage of service in the temple seems to have been left behind. In a climate controlled by mistrust, fear and conflict it is more difficult to develop our devotional path (maybe this is a big limitation of ours).

ASA - 😮 ???

For the time being, we are ready to consolidate our process in the small temple of our house, and if Krsna wishes, to preach His science to whoever is willing to hear it.

ASA - He wishes! Yes, there are faults in ISKCON. There were demons coming to Braja when Krsna was personally present there and by their loud sounds causing the girls to have miscarriages! So, problems in the institution and we always work to correct them, but as you say, we also have to work on making our personal Ashrama healthy. Both are necessary. They help each other.

The work of the MOE has progressed slowly. Education in many Yatras is deeply and worryingly politicized. Education boils down to Srimad Bhagavatam's class (at best) and, I believe, huge opportunities to systematize educational programs are missed by taking advantage of the myriad of digital platforms.

This is how I see it. However, there are perspectives at a regional level, the regional representatives seem enthusiastic about what I think that pedagogical development can be, strengthened by working at a more independent level from local authorities, with the institutional support of the MOE. They are just ideas, hopefully the Lord and you could give us some light on this.

HpS - Is good attitude. Always well wisher of everyone. Bali-mardana Das is working on this systematic institutional level, and we are trying to help from our position. It is not our immediate nature, but that is O.K! Great preachers, who do it through cooking and Prasadam distribution, may not even have a Sastric ability even up to the Bh. Sastri level, but they may know things more advanced that a Bhakti vedanta diplomat by their own method.

Find our relation to the formal academic aspect of KC, no?

Then help to develop it.

Education all over the world is in great crisis.

Have you registered for Bali-mardana Das' Viplavah conference July 29 - Aug 1, and helping build a team of a few others from Pan-america to join? Can we join your team? Viplavah symposium will be each evening but we could do exciting, informative, practical, meetings in our hemisphere during the day, and/or before and after these days.

It is time for the West to lead again.

Srila Prabhupada is "pascatya desa tarine"?

👍 👍 👍

I say goodbye to you.

Indira Sakti devi dasi offers you her most humble obeisances

Your servant

Gandharva das

Urgent-SB Monday class

3 years, 7 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Maharaja and ASA team.


Please receive my obeisances and greetings and I hope the whole team is doing well.

I inform you that tomorrow, Monday, May 31, I will give the class of Srimad Bhagavatam,(3.14.20-21) Radhika dd, disciple of SS Hrdayananda Goswami. The devotee is from ISKCON-Mexico.

With appreciation and respect

ys Isvari R dd

HpS Next WeeK???

Bhadra devi dasi from RADHA DESA? Yadunanda SWAMI followers, associates?

Cumpleaños de Gopal !!

3 years, 7 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Por favor acepte mis reverencias a Sus pies de loto.todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Deseaba contarle que cuando era niña ibamos con mis padres y hermanos a cieneguilla. Y traiamos el auto lleno de manzanas!! Si Usted va a cieneguilla en Lima seguro podrá comer buenas manzanas. Esperemos sigan esos hermosos valles.

ASA - TlgaSP!!! Y tan cerca a Lima.

También me apena que este buscando alquilar en Lima un lugar. ¡ Como me gustaria que pudiera quedarse en la casa de mis padres! Hay lugar ahí porque se alquilan habitaciones. Pero me gustaria que Usted Gurudev se quedará gratuitamente porsupuesto y los devotos también!. Sólo que mi padre no se como reaccionaria. El es muy respetoso. Sólo que con los devotos CREO esta algo enojado hasta ahora porque le "quitaron " a su " hija"

ASA - Hacienda con 10 hectarias en el campo!

Le envió este "poema " palabras que me salieron en la cuarentena del año pasado.

Aprovecho pedirle sus bendiciones inigualables y maravillosas para mi adorado Gopalito !!!. Mañana sábado 15 de Mayo, cumple 9 años!!! Deseo Su bendición para El Para que sea siempre feliz en conciencia de Krsna!! Y vuelva en esta vida a Nuestro verdadero hogar en Goloka!

HpS - Todos bendiciones a Gopal. Espero sus padres ofreciendo muy buen oportunidades de educacion.


Un dia .. mientras hacia mis actividades

me pregunté 


Porque hago todo este esfuerzo ?..

Nunca me había preguntado esto...

Y me respondí: Para mi señor para estar con el , con ellos y me puse feliz ..pero pensé... pero no lo veo , no estoy con El ni con Sus asociados. .. que estoy haciendo AHORA realmente? 

Y me di cuenta que sólo estoy esperando... INCREÍBLE.! 

sólo estoy esperando! 

Y entonces me salieron estas palabras 

Somos Prakriti: Femeninos 

Sólo nos queda esperar 

Esperar la misericordia de Krsna 

Esperar Su misericordia por Servirlo

Esperar Su misericordia por Amarlo

Esperar Pacientemente 

Podemos actuar físicamente 

Y podemos actuar con todos los esfuerzos de nuestro corazón 

Servirlo Fervientemente y..


¿Que nos queda ?

Suplicar y Esperar

Su Misericordia 


Que alguna vez 

Nos lleve con El

Así como la novia espera que que el novio le diga Sus Sentimientos

Así como la Naturaleza espera la mirada de Krsna para Fecundar

Así esperamos todos aquí por Tí mi Amado

Esperamos Ardientemente

Que te apiades de nosotros

Que no nos dejes morir de Desolación 

Que nuestro esfuerzo y espera

No sean en vano

Te Amamos

Y te seguiremos Esperando 

Hasta el final de los tiempos



Por favor perdone mis ofensas cometidas sin querer en esta carta. Y por favor acepte reverencias de mis dos niños a veces ...a veces guardianes! !😊 Franco y gopal!

intentando complacer su hermoso corazon: J.P.Radha d.d.

Please accept my obeisances at His lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

I wanted to tell him that when I was a child we went with my parents and brothers to Cieneguilla. And we brought the car full of apples !! If you go to cieneguilla in Lima, you will surely be able to eat good apples. Let's hope those beautiful valleys


It also saddens me that he is looking to rent a place in Lima. How I wish he could stay at my parents' house! There is a place there because rooms are rented. But I would like you Gurudev to stay for free of course and the devotees too!

Only my father didn't know how he would react. He is very respectful. Only with the devotees I BELIEVE he is somewhat angry until now because they "took" his "daughter" from him.

He sent you this "poem" words that came out in my quarantine last year.

I take this opportunity to ask for your unique and wonderful blessings for my beloved Gopalito !!! Tomorrow, Saturday, May 15, he will be 9 years old !!! I wish Your blessing for Him to be always happy in Krsna consciousness !! And return in this life to Our true home in Goloka!


One day .. while doing my activities I asked myself ... Why do I make all this effort? I've never asked myself this ...

And I answered myself: For my lord to be with him, with them and I became happy ... but I thought ... but I don't see it, I am not with Him or with His associates. .

what am I really doing NOW? And I realized that I'm just waiting ... INCREDIBLE! I'm just waiting!

And then these words came out

We are Prakriti: Feminine

We can only wait

Waiting for Krsna's mercy

Expect His mercy to Serve Him

Expect His mercy to love Him

Wait patiently

We can act physically And we can act with all the efforts of our heart Serve it fervently and ..

Then What do we have left?

Beg and wait His mercy In order to That sometime Take us with him Just as the bride expects the groom to tell her His Feelings Just as Nature waits for Krsna's gaze to fertilize

So we all wait here for You my Beloved We ardently hope Have mercy on us Don't let us die of desolation

That our effort and hope Do not be in vain

We love you And we will continue waiting for you Until the end of time

. ~.

Please forgive my inadvertent offenses in this letter. And please accept obeisances from my two children: sometimes ... sometimes guardians! ! 😊 Franco and gopal!

trying to please her beautiful heart:

J.P. Radha d.d

HpS - Poema poco larga para nuestra energia pequeno. Pero no deja enviar. Otros puede apreciar muchos!!!

Radha rani, Satyabama, son prakrtis, femina, pero agressiva de una manera!!

Candravali - Rukmini esperando muy hermosamente.

Sobreviviendo en el océano material

3 years, 7 months ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias.

¡Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada!

y Todas las Glorias a Usted Gurudeva.

Lamentamos escuchar las dificultades que la fiebre del heno le ha causado y oramos sinceramente para que su cuerpo mejore pronto.

Yo, me encuentro luchando contra la enfermedad física. Después de la última cirugía a mi cerebro (la cual dijeron que sería una cirugía menor) perdí el objeto material del que me sentía más orgullosa –mi memoria –... Ahora olvido cosas simples y la mayoría de “conocimientos técnicos” previos también se perdieron. Aunque creo que no es tan grave y parece que sigo siendo funcional me afectó mucho emocional y psicológicamente. Frecuentemente me he sentido muy sola, desprotegida y asustada. Gurudeva, creo que mi canto de Japa está contaminado por esos sentimientos, muchas veces ruego a Krsna por ayuda. Claro, por la misericordia sin causa de nuestro Señor, siempre recibo refuerzos externos y de una manera u otra parece que la inteligencia tranquiliza a mi mente… Gurudeva, no quiero ser una molestia para nuestro Señor, creo saber que nuestro Señor no es mi sirviente y no debo pedirle nada, pero de pronto algunas circunstancias me asustan mucho y me descubro otra vez implorando ayuda. Guru Maharaja ¿Qué puedo hacer para no contaminar mi canto de japa con estos deseos materiales?

Actualmente visito muy poco el templo, pero estoy tratado de mantenerme activa en el servicio desde mi actual posición. Continúo cantando 16 rondas mínimo, 4 principios, Sadhana y lectura regular y soy muy feliz de asistir con regularidad al FMP y a vuestras clases y las de los elevados Vaisnavas de ASA. Estoy estudiando Bhakti Sastri online en el Instituto de Estudios Bhaktivedanta bajo la dirección de SS Yadhunandana Swami. –En alguna clase usted dijo “Estudie los libros, pensando cómo va a enseñarlo a otros”, así que mientras estudio estoy tratando de desarrollar mis ideas para compartirlo con los niños de Crecer Vaisnava– Esperamos ser de utilidad en algún momento, estamos avanzando lento pero parece que continuamos hacia adelante.

Tuve algunas charlas interesantes con el Dr. Sven Doehner (Cuando inició la pandemia él y su esposa –María- se mudaron a Oaxaca y menciona que ahora reducirá al mínimo sus encuentros presenciales y solo realizara grabaciones y entrevistas con temas clave para dedicarse a escribir) Está trabajando en un proyecto sobre “La voz - el sonido - como la manifestación de todos los aspectos de la experiencia humana” yo lo relaciono con el Kirtan, el Sankirtan y las clases de ASA, donde frecuentemente recibimos el impacto del sonido más allá de lo que lo que la vista ofrece (creo que es interesante). Él algunas veces Inicia su ponencia con la pregunta ¿Es mejor ser visto o ser escuchado? Y cuando Prabhu Abhirama Thakura, durante una clase, comentó sobre el proyecto de Miguel Polo, “El habla y la escucha activa”, no pude evitar relacionarlos.


Guru Maharaja, He pensado mucho en todo lo que usted nos comparte a través del DTC, la película y tantas y tantas cosas. Son proyectos realmente trascendentales y transformadores que le dan otro sentido a nuestras propias experiencias. Por supuesto, no podemos imitarlo, pero intentamos aprender de usted. Así que me parece apreciar con mayor claridad que, sin importar en que situación nos encontremos eso puede acércanos a Sri Krsna. (Creo que lo olvidó frecuentemente)

Gracias por permitirnos ser testigos de la magia trascendental del Místico Supremo. Muchas gracias Gurudeva. Ruego por poder ser útil para usted y no ser una carga que arrastrar.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja, please accept my obeisances.

All Glories be to Srila Prabhupada and All Glories to You Gurudeva.

We are sorry to hear of the difficulties hay fever has caused you and we sincerely pray that your body will improve soon.

HpS - You must have similar problems. Janma mrtya jara vyadhi, birth death disease and old age. these are pushes to acquire knowledge eg. this is not our home, this is a hospital where our only purpose is get purified and go home, and get back to our real job! Jaya!

Me, I find myself battling physical illness. After my last brain surgery (which they said would be a minor surgery) I lost the material object I was most proud of - my memory - ... Now I forget simple things and most of my previous "technical knowledge" is also they lost.

Although I think it is not that serious and it seems that I am still functional, it affected me a lot emotionally and psychologically.

I have often felt very lonely, unprotected and scared. Gurudeva, I think my Japa chanting is contaminated by these feelings, many times I ask Krsna for help.

Of course, because of the causeless mercy of our Lord, I always receive external reinforcements and one way or another it seems that intelligence calms my mind ...

Gurudeva, I don't want to be a bother to our Lord, I think I know that our Lord is not my servant and I shouldn't ask him for anything, but suddenly some circumstances scare me a lot and I find myself again begging for help.

Guru Maharaja what can I do to avoid contaminating my Japa chanting with these material desires?

HpS - We face exactly the same things. In old age you lose short term memory, but you can develop ways to connect your memorys to the Holy Name, Krsna, and that is transcendental to the changing material world. The things you want to remember now are connected to things that you need to remember eternally.

Relearn your technical skills.

It should be easier than learning for the first time.

Relearn the ones you want to relearn. Mercy of Krsna you can forget the rest.

Learn to take notes.

Chant HK and let Krsna remind you of what you need to know.

When I am afraid I chant and surrender: If you want to kill me, have me attacked by a pack of wild dogs and body ripped into pieces, that is O.K. I know that chanting and dancing in Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan can keep me above any material situation

Experiment with this.

We have been through tough times.

The social/emotional ones are worse than the physical ones, and it has worked.

We have more progress to do also so we can be transcendental to air plane crashes. Take the challenges as mercy sent by Krsna to teach you to be a better dancer.

Thank Krsna and chant with that attitude.

Hare Krsna!

I currently visit the temple very little, but I am trying to stay active in the service from my current position. I continue to chant minimum 16 rounds, 4 principles, Sadhana and regular reading and I am very happy to regularly attend the FMP and your classes and those of the high Vaisnavas of ASA.

I am studying Bhakti Sastri online at the Institute of Bhaktivedanta Studies under the direction of H. H. Yadhunandana Swami. –In some class you said “Study the books, thinking how you are going to teach it to others”, so while I am studying I am trying to develop my ideas to share it with the children of Crecer Vaisnava

HpS - Do not desire anything else!!! Super.

We hope to be useful at some point, we are moving slowly but we seem to keep moving forward.

I had some interesting talks with Dr. Sven Doehner (When the pandemic began, he and his wife -María- moved to Oaxaca and he mentions that now he will minimize his face-to-face meetings and only make recordings and interviews with key topics to dedicate himself to writing) He is working on a project on "The voice - the sound - as the manifestation of all aspects of the human experience" I relate it to the Kirtan, the Sankirtan and the ASA classes, where we frequently receive the impact of sound beyond what the view offers (I think it's interesting). He sometimes begins his presentation with the question, Is it better to be seen or to be heard? And when Prabhu Abhirama Thakura, during a class, commented on Miguel Polo's project, “Speech and Active Listening”, I couldn't help but relate them.

HpS - We also remember him! Hare Krsna. So many nice people with whom we can share the Bhakti vedanta Library ... Bh. Siddhanta S. commentaries on SB  through Srila Prabhupada.

Wonderful details. Archytypical stories.

Guru Maharaja, I have thought a lot about everything that you share with us through the DTC, the movie and so many things. They are truly transcendental and transformative projects that give another meaning to our own experiences. Of course, we cannot imitate you, but we try to learn from you. So I seem to appreciate more clearly that no matter what situation we find ourselves in, it can bring us closer to Sri Krsna. (I think he forgot it frequently)

Thank you for allowing us to witness the transcendental magic of the Supreme Mystic. Thank you very much Gurudeva. I pray that I can be of use to you and not be a burden to drag.

Your would-be servant

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA - - - Thank you. Send more news of your Sankirtan as it develops. You are very big help to us. Your progress seems to be very nice. Please offer our respects to everyone you meet in Mexico etc. Photos attached.

ASA(e) The World According to Brown.

3 years, 7 months ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A

Hare Krsna, Maharaj,


Please ask Tom Brown, when does he want to resume work on ASA(e). if he is pre-occupied not an issue. Does TB can use this horse some where else?

And TB if HpS is going on spontaneous journey, then just accompany him.

It's honor and fortune to associate with you and him

Un-evolved Horse.


Esteemed UEH (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eohippus),

Thank you for your letter.

We want to go ahead with the ASA Encyclopedia.

Have there been any new postings to the file from these Blog posts, Category B?

It might be tedious getting started but we can be enthusiastic (and patient) to make it work. The lecture we will give tonight is an example of TB's encyclopedic thoughts. We Tweeted the Zoom link.

Integrating ASA(e) with ASA audio visual channel on YouTube.

HpS - TB etc.