Rama Vijaya- Matrimonio y Divorcio - Consejeros y Asram-Guru

3 years, 1 month ago by kintsukuroi in Special Category A, Other

¡Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja!

Por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias.

Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada y todas las glorias a Usted.

Deseo se encuentre en buena salud. Reenviamos esta carta, leímos que quizá monkey podría borrarla así que usamos el PCKD

Esperamos no ser una carga para usted.

Gurudeva, he leído sus recientes publicaciones sobre el divorcio y me sentí inspirada a compartir con usted y los lectores mi perspectiva. Hace más de año y medio que no le escribo sobre este tema, he trabajado con fuerza para aprender de la difícil experiencia. 



Después de platicarlo con usted, en Diciembre de 2019 mi noble esposo y su sirviente decidimos separarnos definitivamente. Estuvimos casados por 10 años y antes de eso, fuimos “novios” por alrededor de 10 años. Nuestro matrimonio había pasado por serias dificultades durante más de 4 años.


Ambos hicimos todo lo que pudimos para estabilizarnos; incrementamos nuestros servicios juntos, mantuvimos nuestros votos de iniciación, canto de Japa… pero de algún modo los deberes materiales nos arrastraban con fuerza, parecía que una dificultad llamaba a otra. 


Cuando la situación era muy difícil pedí consejo y guía a usted, a algunas madres mayores en las que confío, a mi madre y a mi suegra… luego, realmente intente seguir sus consejos y creo que él también lo intento. Ambos nos esforzamos sinceramente… aún así, todo concluyó en nuestra separación definitiva. 


Mirando en retrospectiva creo que, aunque nos esforzamos, las “soluciones” que tomamos no fueron lo suficientemente profundas ni sostenibles, así que no pudimos obtener provecho de nuestras dificultades...


- Consejeros y Asram Guru


A) Aunque antes de casarnos recibimos guía pre-matrimonial. Me parece que nos confiamos y olvidamos continuar con ese apoyo para ajustarnos a nuevas circunstancias.  


B) Por otro lado quizá confundimos "Asram Guru" con "Consejeros". 

-Ahora me parece que el "Asram Guru" además de ser ejemplar en su Asram; tiene una relación profunda y constante de afecto y confianza, con la pareja a la que guía, así que, naturalmente, conocen la interacción de la pareja - ya sea con conflicto o sin él -. De esa manera pueden guiar de manera práctica al matrimonio joven, e incluso notar señales de alarma antes de que ocurra un "choque". 


-Mientras que los "consejeros", conocen solo la pequeña parte sobre la que se busca ayuda. Es decir, conocen solo el "problema", (que regularmente es apenas la punta del iceberg)... Así que frecuentemente están limitados a la información que la pareja en conflicto desee compartir y aunque intuyen el trasfondo, solo pueden hablarlo de manera indirecta. 


C) Creo que para mi matrimonio, la búsqueda de "Asram Guru" fue tardía; nos acercamos buscando instrucción detallada cuando el conflicto ya era serio, así que no podíamos ver, ni transmitir las cosas con claridad. "Necesitabamos una solución mágica a una catástrofe creada durante años"

D) ¿Por qué no buscamos ayuda de fondo? 

Usted me dijo "Consulte con 6 buenos brahmanas locales" y así lo hice. Sin embargo, quizá nos hizo falta revelar con mayor sinceridad o detalle nuestra situación a nuestros consejeros... Creo que (-basados en la experiencia-) nos detuvo el temor a que rompieran la confidencialidad y la vergüenza de ser "caídos"

(Aunque ahora que lo pienso, hubiera sido mejor correr ese riesgo - mejor arriesgar el orgullo que romper el matrimonio - ) 

Ahora me pregunto ¿Cómo podemos volvernos confiables para otros? Y después ¿Cómo podemos elegir apropiadamente en quien confiar? 


E) Por supuesto en mi caso, creo que mi esposo y yo tuvimos una visión muy pequeña para buscar "Asram-Guru"... ISKCON es muy grande y en distintas localidades, cuenta con varios devotos avanzados, experimentados y en muchos casos profesionales especializados que brindan apoyo y guía en el grihastha Ashram... tal vez pudimos "ir más allá de nuestro pequeño estanque".


Gurudeva, hasta ahora logró entrever la gran importancia de tener "Asram-Guru"... Parece que esta relación es casi tan profunda como Diksa Guru y Discípulo... Y también requiere de sinceridad, afecto, confianza y entrega por ambas partes y por supuesto demanda una gran inversión de tiempo...


Así que me he preguntado: ¿Cuántos Grihastas avanzados están dispuestos a tomar el rol de "Asram Guru", a involucrarse "más allá de un momento"? - En mi comunidad no conozco ningún Grihasta asi, -varios Grihastas exitosos, pero un poco distantes-... En el país donde resido, hay una pareja así, incluso se han preparado como consejeros profesionales... Aunque radican en otra comunidad, gracias al "Karuna Virus" se volvieron más accesibles a través de las telecomunicaciones. 


Por otra parte, ¿Cuántos matrimonios jóvenes hemos buscado, con sinceridad y sin prejuicios a un “Asram Guru”? ¿Cuántos nos hemos detenido, por temor a una indiscreción, o a ser juzgados o rechazados?

¿Cuántos comprendemos realmente la necesidad de tener un “Asram Guru”?... Es algo tan importante, pero tan subestimado… A pesar de que usted lo menciona regularmente ¡yo lo entendí hasta que mi matrimonio se destruyo por completo!


Pienso que si trabajamos sinceramente en esto, el beneficio a nuestro grihastha ashram también beneficiara a nuestra comunidad en general. (Ejemplo de ello son - ISKCON Chowpatty y Saranagati Village -) 


… Creo que estas, ¡son verdades evidentes!, pero en aquel momento yo no pude entenderlas. Ahora es tarde para mí, pero espero que mis errores ayuden a otros como señales de alarma.


Su sirviente



I think that if we work sincerely on this, the benefit to our grihastha ashram will also benefit our community in general. (Examples of this are - ISKCON Chowpatty and Saranagati Village -)

HpS/ASA - 👍

... I think these are obvious truths! But at that moment I couldn't understand them. It is too late for me now, but I hope my mistakes help others as red flags.

Your servant


ASA - We remember that Rama told Laksmana that there is no mistake you can make that you cannot correct.


3 years, 1 month ago by hps in Special Category A

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama,

Jaya Gauranga-Nityananda-rama.

Srila Prabhupada, Ki Jai!

Esteemed Prahlada nrsmha Das,


How is your health? 😐

Did you die and go to heaven?


  1. Our address book got corrupted and we lost many addresses. Can you please send your Whatsapp phone number here? We will not publish it.
  2. Can you erase all the disciple's Annual Reports from last year, so that we can start fresh for this year?
  3. Myself and Pancha-tattva Das both experience, on certain devices, that VedaBase.io hangs up on anything but the Home Page. Yet, if you disconnect from the wifi and then reconnect, the target page immediately loads. I have tried different browsers, erasing all cookies etc, but still it happens.
  4. Can we give any help to get TLC up in Spanish?

VedaBase.io is super, super service to ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada, humanity. In the next life the organizers will be librarians for Nimai in Nabadvipa?


Manuel's 10th report

3 years, 1 month ago by manuel in Special Category A

ALL GLORIES TO SRILA PRABHUPADA and all his loyal disciples, like you, who are laying down their lives to carry out his instructions.

HpS/ASA - At least giving 6-hours a day to help His ISKCON!

Since November 4, the filming of the film DIARY OF A TRAVELING CREATURE: THE DEFINITIVE JOURNEY (In English it should be "DTC: The Ultimate Trip") has been implemented. Pablo Rivasplata (director of photography) was filming for 5 days in Nueva Asoka-van, they were 5 intense days (some scenes were repeated several times) and very fruitful. Then, on Sunday the 14th, Dr Miguel Polo came with his wife Margarita and his two children, Joshua and Sebastián. This visit allowed the beginning of a series of interviews with SS HpS, grouped under the title “Conscientious Dialogues”. Any suggestion?

ASA - Not yet! Seems that we are on the right path.

For this Sunday 21 the visit of Eugenie Taze-Bernard, the owner of the country house, is expected, to refine the details and set a schedule for the implementation of a shadow theater whose content is a summary of the Ramayana. She has a Ph. D. in Performing Arts from the Sorbonne University in Paris.

The next guest for Sunday 28 is Oscar Naters and Ana Zavala, directors of Grupo Integro. Then will come Ramon Mujica, Walter León, Héctor Béjar ...

ASA - Then I think we have Oscars visit listed incorrectly on our Calendar.

On the other hand, ARTd and Visual Impressions finished formatting TAVA PACHE PACHE, Afterwords to the Nectar of Instruction of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. I am really surprised at the content of the book, it is a fine TOOL to understand details of the contents of the eleven verses of the Upadesamrita, it is a very useful spiral of perspectives to enter the heart of the NOI.

ASA - Now we have sent a copy to Srinatha and Radhika-raman Das for quick review, then we will send an E-pub version to scholars and friends for first general review. Want to review it?

SOLARIS, is progressing well, in the painting and poetry contest we have two countries with good participation of children: Spain and Chile, the jury of this contest is made up of HH Hanumatpresaka Swami, Oscar Naters, recipient of Peruvian National Prize of Culture, and Ana Zavala co-director of the prestigious Integro group.

Finally, it is very interesting how this project of consolidating the Sankirtan of HH Hanumatpresaka Swami in a film is an excellent opportunity to communicate and stimulate spiritual life through conscious daily practices, after all, being Krishna conscious means that our sva-dharma (activities according to the responsibilities, abilities and aptitudes according to the body that we specifically have now) and our Bhagavata Dharma (our essence of being eternal servants of Sri Bhagavan: Sri Krishna) can be perfectly united and complemented.

What is important and determining is not what we do in itself, but with what attitude of service we do it, that is, with what awareness we do it. Thank you very much Maharaja for being an example to follow of "Simple life and high thinking".

HpS/ASA - AgtSP!!! Paoho.

That's all for now, sorry for the limitations of this 3rd class monkey who sincerely hopes to one day become 1st category, JAY SRI RAMA !!

ASA/UG - If second class will be too late and 1st class may not even occur in this lifetime, then 3rd class is good enough!

Thank you so much Monkey Miguel.

ASA - List of attached fotos: Feet of HpS's Lord Nrsmha. Raul filming Prof. Polo and HpS. Sada Nitai-Nimai of ArtD/Bh. Maria. Paulo setting up equipment to record. Govardhana puja?

No foto of Monkey Miguel.

Hispanoamerican Symposium 01 (KDh PC)

3 years, 2 months ago by Germán Vegas in Special Category A

Hare Krishna dear Gurumaharaja


I met with Param Padam, Harinam Gauranga and Mitravinda dd yesterday to comment on the idea of the symposium and ask about their level of participation in the event:

  • Param Padam 100% (organization and participation as speaker)
  • Harinam Gauranga and Mitravinda dd 50% (participation as speakers only but they can help in specific duties - both have commitments until the fortnight of December).
  • Indira Sakti dd can take charge of social networks and graphic communication.

Three very important questions arose for the organization and curatorship of the symposium:

  • What dates do you have in mind?

ASA - AgtSP paoho. We seem to be available from December 27th through January 3rd.

  • How many days long / and how many hours per day?

ASA - That depends on who wants to participate. We can present for one (maybe two) hour(s)/per day in the morning, evening or during the day.

  • What do you specifically expect from this event? (this determines the profile and objectives)

ASA - We want to consolidate the efforts in education by the Anjana Suta Academy, a pioneering branch of ISKCON, Founder Acharya, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Prabhupada,

  1. NIOS,
  2. Latin American Yatras,
  3. Spain,
  4. Houston, Nashville, Boise, Richmond, North American Yatras,
  5. Ministry of Education,
  6. et al.

Which of course includes, Yadunandana Swami, Sesa Das, Karuna-krsna Das... et al!!!

We want this to be the first of a series of ASA symposia in :

  1. Peru
  2. Houston (Boise, Richmond)
  3. Madrid
  4. Kolkata (Manipur, Vrndavana)

It is a spiral: 1, 2, 3, 4; same topics, different emphasis.

  1. Who is an educated man? What are the Steps on the Educational Ladder?
  2. Books are the Basis, The Bhaktivedanta Library, Srila Prabhupada's Four Diplomas.
  3. Daivi Varna Ashrama Dharma (DVAD Education).

If you consider it necessary I can organize a Zoom meeting.

If it goes well we will need Zoom meetings, Room meetings and especially Doom meetings as Sukadeva Goswami and M. Pariksit, or Krsna and Arjuna, no?

We want the work to be edited into this movie: DTC-UT... and Solaris.... and Kapi Dhvaja...

Waiting for your kind answer

Your servant

Gandharva das

HpS - Monkey wrote this and Piggy says that it is kind of an answer. We wait for your gargled, ecstatic answer. White - Pawn to E-4.

URGENT! Kapi Dhvaja 4th November 2021

3 years, 2 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear gurudeva!!!!!!!!!!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to you.

Please accept our obeisances.


As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups (English & Spanish) as listed at: http://www.jayarama.us/hello.htm

Hare Krishna!!!

4P, 16R, worshipping, reading. Keeping a good sadhana.

HpS/ASA - I bet Patraka is glad to hear that. He needs all the "Dases", servants, he can get in the service of Krsna. Prabhupada said that Krsna is conquered by the love of one who has conquered his senses!!

Still planning what to do next year. Thanks to Krsna we have good job offers. But as you said before: "How will this help me chant better rounds! ". I keep this advice in mind.

ASA - Thanks for reminding us!

We have some time to think and see what is best for us.

Health is ok. Our diet is getting better, more food in mode of goodness.

Family is fine. Yesterday we celebrate Govardhan puja... It was nice to see my family involve in this event.

Thanks a lot for this Wonderful bulletin.

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette )

HpS - We went to Chosika for the festival on Friday. Just us four and Temple devotees. It was wonderful. Did three hours of filming.

Thank you so much for your enthusiastic help.

So, much!!!

Mono Manuel's 9th Report

3 years, 2 months ago by manuel in Special Category A



ALL GLORIES TO SRILA PRABHUPADA !! and his loyal and dedicated disciples like you.

ASA - In a very practical sense, anyone who follows Srila Prabhupada's discipline is Srila Prabhupada's disciple, no? Of course, Srila Prabhupada was very expert in Vaisnava etiquette in terms of the different types of respect for different types of Gurus.


For reasons of order, I have divided this report into 3 parts:


On Thursday, October 21, Kartika began, so every day from 6 pm DAMODARA PUJA takes place in Nueva Asoka-van.

TB - and we broadcast it by GoToMeeting.com (737 859 341) and we are getting better at it.

On Saturday the 30th Pancatattva arrived, he is now Gurudeva's personal assistant and part of the devotees who will actively participate in the filming of the film.

TB - but since HpS is an impersonalist, Brahmavadi Sannyasis, there is not much personal assistance needed.

HpS, Raúl Zevallos and ARTd finished the round of dialogues to consolidate the themes and content for the filming of the film. There are two well-defined timelines: a vertical line of events from Guam to now [and continuing to USA, Spain, India] and the other spiral about 5 fundamental themes of the ASA Sankirtan: 1.- World Classical Literature. 2.- Science and Vedas. 3.- Bhaktivedanta Library, books are the base. 4.- Interfaith Dialogue and 5.- Practical Arts [by Uncle Gismo]. We want to thank the NIOS integrated team, in particular the devotees who made the summaries and poems about these 5 themes, the filmmaker Raúl Zevallos said “this service is very good, it is first class, it will be very useful to me in the film. ”.

TB - and MvDD, YkD, cooks/pujaris, T'aksi Devi Dasi, et al, et al.

...and we have done a ton of work on arranging the recording study and fixing the Calendar. Now we can begin to plan for the different events on those days.


Today, November 4, the filming of "DIARY OF A TRAVELING CREATURE: THE DEFINITIVE JOURNEY" officially begins. Pablo Rivasplata, cinematographer of the film is already in New Asoka-van, he will stay until Monday, November 8.


By the mercy of Lord Nityananda, we hope to advance strongly in the development of the filming of the film, Pablo will train Pancatattva as camera assistant and Parama Karuna as sound assistant. The locations for interviews inside and outside the house will also be defined. For his part, ArtDas is in the process of layout up TPP, his goal is to have it ready as an offering to Srila Prabhupada's Tirobhava, on Monday, November 8, in addition he is finishing negotiating with the University of San Marcos an agreement that will allow HH HpS stay until March 2022. Any suggestions?

For Sunday, November 14, the visit of Dr. Miguel Polo is scheduled, which will allow the first interview with HH HpS, then Oscar Naters and Ana Zavala, Ramon Mujica, Eduardo Gastelumendi, Walter León and others will come. Any suggestion?

That's it for now, thank you so much for everything JAY SRI RAMA !!

Mono Manuel