Homenaje a / Homage to St. Teresa

3 years, 2 months ago by hps in Special Category A

La Visión de Santa Teresa

Homenaje en su día de desaparición el 15 de octubre del año 1582.

Cuentas de Conciencia 38 – Sevilla 9 de agosto de 1575

En el libro Cuentas de Conciencia de las obras completas de la Santa hay una increíble descripción de la mayor visión que la Santa tuvo. Ella aquí afirma que es su Señor.

2. “Súbitamente me vino un recogimiento con una luz interior tan grande que me parecía estar en otro mundo, y hallose mi espíritu dentro de sí, en una floresta y huerta muy deleitosa, tanto que me hizo recordar de lo que se dice en el Cantar de los Cantares: Veniat dilectus meus in hortum suum – venga Él, mi amado, a Su huerto y coma sus delicadas frutas”.

“Vi allí, en este Eliseo (lugar delicioso donde van las grandes almas), un joven negruzco con una extraña belleza; encima de su cabeza tenía como una guirnalda, que no corona, de gran pedrería, y muchas doncellas que andaban allí con Él, con ramos en las manos, todas en cánticos de alabanzas de Dios. Yo no hacía sino abrir los ojos para no distraerme y no me era posible quitar la atención de ello”.

“Había allí una música de ángeles y canto de pajaritos, de la que el alma gozaba, aunque yo con los oídos físicos no lo escuchaba, más el alma, estaba en aquel deleite. Yo miraba como no había allí otro hombre ninguno”.

3. “Esto duró más de hora y media –que no podía apartar mi vista ni mi atención, y con gran deleite, cosa diferente de otras visiones; y lo que de allí saqué fue más amor a Dios y tenerle más profundamente presente con aquella belleza, no es posible que fuera imaginación”.


The Vision of Santa Teresa

Tribute on the day of her disappearance on October 15, 1582.

Accounts of Conscience 38 - Seville, August 9, 1575

In the book Accounts of Conscience of the complete works of the Saint there is an incredible description of the greater vision that the Saint had. She here affirms who is her Lord.

2. “Suddenly a recollection came to me with an interior light so great that it seemed to me to be in another world, and my spirit was found within itself, in a very delightful forest and orchard, so much so that it made me remember what is said in the Song of Songs: Veniat dilectus meus in hortum suum - come He, my beloved, to His garden and eat its delicate fruits.

“I saw there, in this Eliseo (delicious place where great souls go), a blackish youth with a strange beauty; On top of his head he had like a garland, which does not crown, of great stones, and many maidens who walked there with him, with bouquets in their hands, all in songs of praise of God. I kept opening my eyes so as not to be distracted and it was not possible to take my attention away from it ”.

“There was a music of angels and song of birds there, which the soul enjoyed, although I did not listen to it with my physical ears, but the soul was in that delight. I looked like there was no other man there ”.

3. “This lasted for more than an hour and a half - that I could not take my eyes off nor my attention, and with great delight, something different from other visions; and what I got from there was more love for God and having him more deeply present with that beauty, it is not possible that it was imagination ”.

HpS - Amazing!!!!

Kapi Dhvaja 20th October 2021

3 years, 2 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear gurudeva!!!!!!!!!!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to you.

Please accept our obeisances.


As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups as listed at: http://www.jayarama.us/hello.htm

Hare Krishna!!!

We are trying to balance a sane sadhana (4P, 16 GR, worshipping, reading).

Thanks a lot for your suggestion in the last letter. We agreed. We can start with a new group of kids.

Today we received a phone call from other school. They want a meet... apparently it's a job offer. This is a big school.

We will have the meeting, we will listen to the proposal and then we will decide what to do.

Thanks a lot for this Wonderful bulletin.

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette )

HpS/TB/BW/UG - Thank you. Just finishing N. B. Hari Das' letter on marriage. Guess the same thing is true for choosing a job: How will this help me chant better rounds! 🙂

Does the name of God appear on the lips of the school leader who is interviewing me.

Maybe better to leave our marriage, job, body and return to Goloka!!! [Forever]?

All these relations in this world only have reality as educational games, no?

"You play the Mommy this time and I'll play the Daddy."


8th. Manuel's Report

3 years, 2 months ago by manuel in Special Category A


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and his loyal disciples, like you, who have the attitude and determination to follow his instructions at all times and in all kinds of contexts. JAYA !!

First of all, it seems important to me to make a precision. ART das has been and is trying to serve you as efficiently as possible and although he lacks a lot to be a first class servant, even so, he is trying, but, prioritizes other things and does not give me time to express myself, which is a mistake, because if he is very busy anyway my report could be short and say "now we are super busy doing such a service and point" so I want to start this report by apologizing for this involuntary absence from in the blog. Done the precision, we started, this report, we have divided it into three parts:

PART I, FILM “DIARY OF A TRAVELING CREATURE, THE DEFINITIVE JOURNEY”. To analyze the details of the film SS HpS and the filmmaker Raúl Zevallos have had several fruitful meetings, at one point Raúl said: “Maharaja, you are very creative and you have so many ideas that, for me to take them to cinematography, I would need, not 6 months but 6 years ”.

As a result of these dialogues, we are currently in the CONSOLIDATION process which will culminate next Sunday 24 with a filming schedule based on four points:

1) AEC, daily spiritual activities, to record that part, Pablo Rivasplata (director of photography) will stay in Nueva Asoka-van for 11 days in a row.

2) SAC, academic and cultural Sankirtana through interviews with different personalities from Latin America (Ramon Mujica, Héctor Béjar and others) and from the USA (Radhika Raman, mother Subra and others) ASA - Sonu Shaymdasani et al!

3) EFE, ephemeris: Govardhana Hill (November 5), the disappearance of Srila Prabhupada (November 7). In this area there is also the International Symposium of Tribute to Srila Prabhupada for the 125 years of his Glorious Appearance, an event scheduled for the last week of November, and Maharaja's Vyasa-puja on January 3, 2022.

4) ETE, thematic axes based on the conferences that Maharaja has developed throughout his trip: 1.- World classical literature. 2.- Science and the Vedas. 3.- Bhaktivedanta Library-Books are the foundation. 4.- Interfe Dialogue and 5.- Practical Arts.

Maharaja am I forgetting something?

HpS - That we also forget things, so some thing is certainly forgotten.

PART II ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT. For the “Rama vijayotsava” Festival, the victory of SRI RAMA and the death of Ravana, on Friday the 15th, we did our first professional broadcast from New Asoka-van. Then on Sunday 17, at the Temple of Understanding in Chosica, SS Hanumatpresaka Swami gave his first face-to-face class along with a short cultural program, that day the filmmakers went with two professional cameras to record details of the festival, it was a very intense day. JAY SRI RAMA!!


At the same time, SOLARIS has organized a painting contest and the tale of 108 words. We congratulate the devotees of Spain for their enthusiastic participation (they have sent 5 drawings, a poem and a story), we hope to see soon the work of the Goswami Academy in Houston and the devotees of Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Peru. Some suggestion?

That is all I can report for now, thank you so much for your merciful understanding of my humble service.


HpS - It is third class!!!! Congratulations! It will save the world!!! Thank Bh. M.

Urgent: Consult about the topic for Srimad Bhagavatam class.

3 years, 3 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja,

Please accept my humble and respectful obeissances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I am grateful for Sri Nrsimhadeva's mercy for coming to Lima with you.You are the best fortune for this country.

I am writing to make a query: this Monday, October 18, chapter 14 of the third Canto ends.

Please 🙏, what chapter do you recommend for Srimad Bhagavatam Monday classes now?

Thanks a lot of mercy

whit appreciation and affection

ys Isvari R dd

If krsna allow we will see you this Sunday in Chosica.🙊

ASA - Hare Krsna, Mataji, AgtSP.... Paoho..... Peru is wonderful opportunity for preaching for us. SB 3.21 then 22 etc. The story of Deva Huti and the Dharma of Ladys. Devas are the demigods and Huti is like fire sacrifice. Devahuti means worshiped by the gods.


Kapi Dhvaja 6th October 2021

3 years, 3 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear gurudeva!!!!!!!!!!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to you.

Please accept our humble obeisances.


As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups as listed at: http://www.jayarama.us/hello.htm

Hare Krishna!!! we are ok!. It was very, very , very, very nice to see you after a long time and talk a lot about everything.

As I told you... I'm still thinking and planning about a six year commitment to teaching the children. New group.

However, as this year I am also teaching at the secondary level, the school also offered me to continue with my group for 5 more years and switch to the secondary level.

so I have to decide what to do.

Thanks a lot for this Wonderful bulletin.

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette )

HpS - ASA - Thank you so much EDT!!! Was so nice to see you. Vidya vadu jivanam. By determined chanting we get knowledge of how to serve Krsna. The Holy Names, Srila Prabhupada's books, and the advice of nice devotees, then you can go ahead.

A break might be nice. Give your kids the chance to meet a new teacher.

You start with new kids.

The basis is Kirtaniya sada harih.

🙂  🙂 🙂

Consult about Srimad Bhagavatam class

3 years, 3 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Maharaja and ASA team,

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Welcome to Perú y I am very happy that you are here. I appreciate your mercy for all Latino devotees.

HpS - It is wonderful for us to join the Sankirtan in this wonderful Yatra.

I know that his main objective of preaching is the making of the movie.

And this will require exclusive dedication from you and the staff that will support you, for this I make the following queries:

1.-Will you give Srimad Bhagavatam class on Mondays? or continue with the devotees?

HpS - For now the current arrangement seems very nice.

2.-Will the program of the FEP on Mondays continue?

HpS - I think so.

3.-ASA carnival sent you a letter asking about the interview questions for Darukrsna prabhu.

HpS - Yes, we saw it and are sorry that have not been able to answer it yet.

I know you are already busy and sorry for taking your time.

I briefly inform you that the family is fine. The Sarasvati and Rajani girls continue with their sadhana and getting to know Srila Prabhupada more through her books,

They have been participating in the FMP for a few months now.

For now I am doing service for the BBT.

I'll send you a family report later.

Thank you very much for all the help I receive from you.

With appreciation and much respect

Ys Isvari R dd

HpS - Thank you all for your association. We hope Krsna keeps giving you more and more confidential service.

We got to Sta. Aulalia today. Maybe we will have more time to write now and join the ASA Carnival work. We have been drowning in interviews with devotees etc.