Kapi Dhvaja 2022 March 17

2 years, 9 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Kapi Dhvaja

2022 March 17
Anjana Suta Academy
A Branch of ISKCON, Founder Acharya Srila Prabhupada, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Hare Krsna.



We have a new computer and we don't have Word yet, so we can't do a web version of the Kapi Dhvaja.

We should get Word when we get back to Nashville from the generous Kumari Manjari Singh.

Basically, we moved from Santa Eulalia in the foothills of the Andes to Punta Negra on the seacoasts of the Lima, and finished filming the movie, packing, editing until the last minute while saying good-bye to Jagat-guru Das and his wonderful family: Carolina, Madhavi and Rasa-rani; and Kunja-bihari Das, Panca-tattva Das and Adi-yajna Das; and flew .... to .... Houston. 🛫

Three very nice devotees took first initiation here in Houston:

  1. Devendra Krsna Das,
  2. Sumitra Radha Devi Dasi,
  3. Jaya-hari Das.

We traveled for two hours to College Station, and again, a very hard but very. very productive program with gads of college students.

Everything is very hard and very productive.

Thousands of disciples visiting from Dallas, Austin, Mexico.

Filming, FILMING, F I L M I N G.... with Abhaya and Thejas:

  • Very good interviews,
  • Excellent clips of the fire Yajna,
  • The complete Gaura-purnima festival.



March 19th to Murfreesboro. Get our feet on the ground and the 7th we go to Richmond for Rama-navami festival.



We have enough donations to cover the costs of the travel and increment the shooting of our movie.

First editing of 1st movie is very good.

Doing final editing now.

Our after-words to Srila Prabhupada's NoI has been released here in Houston and should be up at Amazon.com very soon. It is excellent. People clamoring to get it! 😦

Uncle Gismo

Our body is dwindling. We really start to feel whining in the knees and hip joints.

We left the old computer with Panca-tattva Das. He deserves better, but everyone says it is still a damn fine computer. Gopinatha Das gave us a new one to use here.

Piggy's Parting Pearls

We would like to write more, but without Word it is a little constrained.

  • Off course we Tweet minute by minute updates: huber_robinson.
  • Post daily Sankirtan reports from party members at the Blog: www.MonkeyWarrior.Com
  • This Kapi Dhvaja goes out fortnightly.

Regular ASA class schedule will start Sunday the 19th. It is in the calendar linked above.

Principal Needed

Very special news is that ISKCON Houston, Goswami Academy, is looking for teachers and especially a principal.

We think it might be a very, very, very nice job for someone or a family from South America etc.

English media.

Salary and accommodation.

Wonderful school and kids.

Contact: Seva Priya - [email protected].






to the Blog.

We want to wait to post his news here but we just have to run now: Aja govinda Das, finally shooting, packing...

Thank you!

See you in Sankirtan.

Gauranga is coming -Ambarisa Das-

2 years, 10 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Special Category A




All Glories To You Guru Dev

Thank you for your association, thank you for the ASA programs.

A summary of our lives in Cordoba: we are happy to have the association with families of devotees near where we live. They are Prabhu Madhavendra Puri and his family, Prabhu Devakinandana and his family, Prabhu Markandeya rsi and his family, Gaura jivana and his family and other families who also attend weekly programs that we organize for our children.

Our idea is also, in addition to sharing and organizing programs for children, is to intensify our individual and group practice. It is beautiful to be able to share the chanting of the holy name with others.

Our asrama (mountain forest tower) is still under construction. We hope to conclude the urgent quickly.

Hari vamsi dhari turns 6 on March 13 and his physical, social and mental needs are becoming more complex. He attends a Waldorf school which we see is beneficial to his development.

As for our work, we develop it remotely through the internet. basically for other countries and it s basically for photo retouching, image design and eventually videos.

ASA - Making a more beautiful world.

 As a family we are making arrangements to be available to travel and serve on the film project in Spain and India.

ASA - We are looking to make the Spanish itenerary within the next few days, weeks.

I hope you have an excellent stay in the USA and the new stage of filming is successful.

HpS - We seem to be contributing a lot to the life of cinematagraphy in Houston.

Keep doing our work and trying to adjust by what results we see.

Thank you very much Guru Dev We hope to be useful in your Sankirtan your servant Ambarisa m Das

Hare Krsna

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las Glorias a Usted Guru dev

Gracias por su asociación, gracias por los programas de ASA.

Un resumen de nuestra vidas en Cordoba: estamos contentos de tener cerca de donde vivimos asociación con familias de devotos. Ellos son Prabhu Madhavendra Puri y su familia, Prabhu Devakinandana y su familia, Prabhu Markandeya rsi y su familia, Gaura jivana y su familia y otras familias que también asisten a programas semanales que organizamos para nuestros hijos.

Nuestra idea es también, además de compartir y organizar programas para los niños, la de intensificar nuestra practica individual y grupal. Es hermoso poder compartir el canto del santo nombre con otros.

Nuestro asrama (torre del bosque montañoso) sigue en construcción. Esperamos concluir lo urgente rápidamente.

Hari vamsi dhari el 13 de marzo cumple 6 años y sus necesidades físicas, sociales y mentales se van complejizando. El asiste a un colegio waldorf que vemos que es beneficioso para su desarrollo.

En cuanto a nuestro trabajo lo desarrollamos a distancia a través de internet. básicamente para otros países y sobre todo retoques fotográficos, diseño de imagen y eventualmente videos.

Como familia estamos haciendo los arreglos para estar disponibles y poder viajar y servir en el proyecto de la película sea tanto en España como en India.

Espero tenga una excelente estadia en USA y la nueva etapa de filmacion sea exitosa.

Muchas Gracias Guru Dev

esperamos ser de utilidad en su Sankirtan

sus sirvientes Ambarisa m Das


2 years, 10 months ago by wilfredo in Special Category A

Hare Krishna querido Gurudev:

Acepte Ud mis respetuosas reverencias. Quería informarle que por encargo de Prabhu Maturesh Sandi he sido convocado por la Madre Murti Mati dd para conformar un Equipo Multidiciplinario para la Defensa de la Infancia dentro de ISKCON PERU este equipo será un grupo de profesionales devotos que constará de: Abogados, Psicólogos, Educadores y otros, con la finalidad de orientar a las padres de familia en la mejor manera de cuidar a sus hijos libre de cualquier vulneración a su integridad física o psicológica sea de parte de ellos mismos como de terceros. En este ámbito de ideas germinales empezaremos a generar directrices en relación a estos temas. Esta es una labor que parte de la nada prácticamente sin embargo tomaremos las experiencias que ya se llevan a cabo en ISKCON ARGENTINA. De manera que le pido sus bendiciones para realizar un buen trabajo ya que no solo se tratara de elaborar documentos sino también de orientación en diversos ámbitos de cuidado de la infancia en el ámbito legal, psicológico y educativo. Este es un servicio adicional que voluntariamente le voy a prestar a ISKCON PERU por que guarda relación con mi profesión de Abogado y contribuir de ese modo que se cuide mejor a los niños dentro de lugares físicos y sociales dentro de la Conciencia de Krishna y como Institución dentro del Perú.

También mi querido Gurudeva y en atención a que en el último Kapi Dviya dijo que si hay un algún error en el archivo www.jayarma.us/kd/guru-tattva.txt le avisemos. Bueno pues hay un pequeño error en relación a mi fecha de nacimiento físico en este mundo ahí dice 2 de febrero y en realidad es 27 de febrero.

Por ultimo Gurudeva vengo realizando en forma fija mi servicio de Pujari en Wilson Mandir. Disculpe mi Ud. Mi lenguaje demasiado formal ya que es de costumbre escribir mis documentos de esta manera por lo que ruego su comprensión.

Su servidor



Hare Krishna, Dear Gurudev,

Please accept my respectful obeisances. I wanted to inform you that on behalf of Prabhu Maturesh Sandi I have been summoned by Mother Murti Mati dd to form a Multidisciplinary Team for the Defense of Children within ISKCON PERU. This team will be a group of devoted professionals that will consist of: Lawyers, Psychologists, Educators and others, in order to guide parents in the best way to care for their children free from any violation of their physical or psychological integrity, whether by themselves or by third parties.

In this field of germinal ideas we will begin to generate guidelines in relation to these issues. This is a task that starts from practically nothing, however we will take the experiences that are already carried out in ISKCON ARGENTINA. So I ask for your blessings to do a good job as it was not only about preparing documents but also guidance in various areas of child care in the legal, psychological and educational fields. This is an additional service that I will voluntarily provide to ISKCON PERU because it is related to my profession as a lawyer and thus contribute to better care for children within physical and social places within Krishna Consciousness and as an Institution. within Peru.

ASA - Very nice! We know that the ISKCON Office of Child Protection has many years of work and as far as we know lots of documentation. I hope Mathuresa Das puts you in contact with them.

Also my dear Gurudeva and in attention that in the last Kapi Dviya you said that if there is any error in the file www.jayarma.us/kd/guru-tattva.txt let us notify you. Well, there is a small error in relation to my physical date of birth in this world, it says February 2 and it is actually February 27.

ASA - Thank you!!! Noted and hope to change soon.

Lastly Gurudeva I have been permanently performing my Pujari service at Wilson Mandir. Excuse me. My language is too formal since it is customary to write my documents in this way, so I ask for your understanding.

ASA - It does not seem too formal! It seems natural.

Today service Nimai - Nitai in Wilson, tomorrow in Nabadvipa!

Respects to everyone, Yamunisvara Das, your family.

Your server


GAURANGA IS COMING, Manuel's 13th Report

2 years, 10 months ago by manuel in Special Category A

HARE KRISHNA Holiness, all glories to SRILA PRABHUPADA to his sincere, humble and determined disciples like you.


At this time (after receiving a crash course at the Vatican) and given the current priorities, we are dedicated to cooperate with ARTD in supporting the release of the Movie DIARY OF A TRAVELING CREATURE, THE ULTIMATE TRIP, First destination: PERÚ.

At this point (March 6th) there are three important things to mention:

1. This movie is the first part of a series of 4 chapters (Peru, USA, Spain, India). Since the Peru episode is the first, then the details, guidelines and style that will be developed in this and the other three episodes have been defined and established here.

The director of the film, Raúl Zevallos, told us that, in this type of film (documentary genre), the script can be done in one of two ways: 1) A detailed script with all its guidelines, for him this option limited originality and genuine expression of the protagonists and 2) make the script from the recordings themselves (walker makes his way by walking). These characteristics will serve as references in the following stages. Although each place has its peculiarities, there are themes and contents that will be touched on in a spiral manner.

It's much clearer now, in terms of the movie, what it means: We're helping Hanuman to find Sita, have you seen her?

ASA - We see Her in the hearts of many people but still trying to get clear contact.

2. Due to the fact that all the recordings are made in 4K to store and edit, bulky and fast hard drives (SSD) are needed, unfortunately in Peru they still do not sell these products, we have already obtained them, but this has delayed us more than a week of edition. Therefore, on March 7, when his HH HpS travels to the USA, he is going to take everything that has been progress, but not the whole film.

We have set ourselves the goal of delivering a full version to you for your final Approval on Wednesday March 16th, so that you can have an Avant Premiere on March 17th at GAURA-PURNIMA in Houston, we are confident that by the mercy of Nimai and Nitai we will achieve it. It’s that alright?

ASA - We had 90% complete edition to take with us. Five times thank you. This is the result of so much austerity.

We have not received more edited form, but we hear that you are working on it. Maybe a little break after so much effort in the first phase.

All goo responses here.

3. This is the first time that HH Hanumatpresaka Swami is taking the original raw recordings of the entire film (in this case more than 40 hours of recording in 4K which weighs approximately 12 Terabytes [12TB]). In the previous occasions he was taking the final product, this has meant making a proper copy so that the files can be read on both MAC and Windows. We are in the process of recording the copy and an index of the files.

ASA - They are arrived safe in USA! Six more movies are waiting to be done from them!

This last week has been full of challenges and obstacles, we have only achieved good results at your mercy, Srila Prabhupada's and Sri Nityananda's, JAY!!

That's all for now, please excuse our involuntary delays, I'm just a useless monkey disguised with good intentions, that perhaps, his only quality is trying to serve you sincerely, HARE KRISHNA!!

ASA - You are all Number One in our estimation!

Hope the Lord enters your heart, all of our hearts, on this Gaura Purnima and makes us different people.




PanAmerican Education Symposium

2 years, 10 months ago by hps in Special Category A, Calendar Development


Hare Krsna,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

The ISKCON Ministry of Education - PanAmerica invites devotees to a symposium designed to bring together, via Zoom/Online, the PanAmerican members involved in Education:

The Symposium 2022 will be April 8th 2022 at 6:00PM CDT, for 3-hours via Zoom/FaceBook/YouTube Live mode.

You can register for this event here - https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcocOqhrT0uHdxEGa_NUMcudBdEApgpiZ1w

This symposium will be able to provide ISKCON educators and leaders, within the PanAmerican community, another opportunity to connect.

By hearing from and sharing with each other, we aim to expand our frame of reference for serving in Srila Prabhupada’s mission.


If you are able to speak in this event, contribute in any way, or have any questions, then email us [email protected] so that we may develop the symposium and clarify any open questions.

MOE PAN America Symposium

  • April 8th 2022 - 6 pm CDT / 4 pm PDT / 7 PM EDT
  • Location: Zoom - https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcocOqhrT0uHdxEGa_NUMcudBdEApgpiZ1wFaceBook Event - https://www.facebook.com/events/482881463541312?active_tab=about
  •  Agenda: The detailed agenda and list of final speakers shall be circulated around end of March 2022.


Thank you.

Hare Krishna.

Your servant, Balimardana Das 

Regional Secy, ISKCON Ministry of Education

Clase en ISKCON RD----Zoom

2 years, 10 months ago by mukunda in Special Category A

Hare Krsna !

ISKCON República Dominicana con su Círculo de Estudio se honran con la presencia de Su Santidad HanumatPresaka Swami.

Este martes 25 de enero, 7:00 pm hora del caribe

Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami (Huber Hutchin Robinson, nació el 12 de enero de 1948, en California, EE.UU.) es un guru o maestro espiritual iniciador de ISKCON. Es un erudito vaisnava, que viaja continuamente dando conferencias acerca de filosofía y literatura india clásica. Es fundador de NIOS (North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies), y Profesor Itinerante de IECOO, (Institute for Oriental and Occidental Classical Studies), Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Perú. Es también miembro de la facultad en el Bhaktivedanta College, donde enseña acerca del Bhaktirasamrita-sindhu. El erudito de Estudios Hindúes, Radhika Ramana Dasa es su discípulo.

Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami nació el 12 de enero de 1948, en la isla de Guam y creció en California. Después de acabar la escuela en el Encinal High School en 1966, entró a la Universidad de California, Davis, graduándose en 1970 con premio al primer puesto en Psicología y estudios menores en Biología e Ingeniería Eléctrica.

 Luego empezó estudios de doctorado en la Universidad de Northwestern en Chicago donde también participó en el famoso teatro "Second City". Pronto se convenció de que el conocimiento occidental carecía de mucho de lo que podía aportar la sabiduría oriental. Su mentor, Donald T. Campbell, Presidente de la American Psychology Association, estuvo de acuerdo, así que fue rumbo a oriente obteniendo el cinturón negro en karate de Okinawa, y luego recibiendo iniciación y tomando votos como brahmacari, monje estudiante, de S.D.G. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada en 1974. En 1984 tomó votos como sannyasi (renunciante), y se convirtió en guru iniciador en 1994.

Desde 1990 Hanumatpresaka Swami ha desarrollado también un programa global de conferencias y viajes. Esto ha incluido trabajar como director asociado del Instituto Bhaktivedanta, que organizó dos "Congresos Mundiales para la Síntesis de Ciencia y Religión" en Bombay, 1985 y Calcuta, 1997. Allí participaron Premios Nobel como George Wald, Charles Townes, Sir John Eccles, Archbishop, Paulos Mar Gregorios (presidente del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias), el Dalai Lama y muchos otros.

 En marzo de 1999 Hanumatpresaka Swami fue Jefe Invitado para el "Seminario Nacional sobre Ciencia y Tecnología en la Antigua India" de la Universidad de Calcuta. En noviembre de 2004 y 2005 fue el principal expositor de la "Conferencia Nacional de Psicoterapia", Universidad César Vallejo, Trujillo, Perú.

Con la Universidad de San Marcos, la más antigua universidad de América, NIOS es co-organizador del “Bharatiya Sanskriti: El Festival de la Cultura Clásica de la India”. El Festival viene llevándose en Lima desde el 2005. Entre los auspiciadores y participantes se incluyen muchas prominentes universidades, el Embajador de la India y renombrados eruditos de cuatro continentes.

Todas las glorias al Fundador-Ācārya de la Sociedad Internacional para la Conciencia de Kṛṣṇa, su divina gracia A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Śrīla Prabhupāda.  

Join Zoom Meeting



Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

You can find the Priority Code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krishna...Hare Rama...