Kapi Dhvaja - 2nd March 2022

2 years, 10 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear Guru Maharaja!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada & All glories to you.

Please accept my humble obeisances. (PAMHO)


As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups (English & Spanish) as listed at: http://www.jayarama.us/hello.htm

Hare Krsna!!!

We started classes today... We had a very nice welcome for the students... They are very happy to back to school...

This Friday my group (1st grade) will have a special welcome ceremony. This is a very important event for the school. The kids will meet their teacher for the next 6 years... I prepared some gifts for them. And after the ceremony I have to tell them a story, I create, about this event. I take a commitment with them and they accept me as their teacher.

My sadhana is good. I can keep this rhythm since our classes start a little bit late. My health is ok. We are getting more fixed in our diet (mood of goodness).

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette)

"...If it is too much burden, let us adjust so that it does not molest your other work..."

Ptrk -- It is never too much.. we are very happy and grateful for this wonderful service. Actually, we are always waiting for this bulletin.

"...We are too weak now to always use the computer, so writing the Kapi Dhvaja manually was a great opportunity..."

EDT -- Yes!! Whatever is easier and practical for you. We can try and experiment.

"....Send me your whatsapp phone number here. We lost our address book, I will not publish it, and then we can send a copy of the TPP to you for your review..."

HpS - Got it! Will Whatsapp you. Talk with you!!!

FMP - Current Kirtan Leader Schedule

2 years, 10 months ago by Mitravinda d.d in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva! 🙏🏻

Please accept my humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Here is the current monthly schedule of devotees for leading kirtan on Full Morning Program:

MONDAY: H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami.

TUESDAY: Mitravinda devi dasi, Jagad Guru das.

WEDNESDAY: Yugala Kishora dasi, Jagadisvara das.

THURSDAY: Tarangaksi devi dasi, Apsara Gopi devi dasi.

FRIDAY: Panca Tattva das.

SATURDAY: Abhinanda das, Karuna Sakti devi dasi.

SUNDAY: Candramukhi devi dasi, Isvari Radha devi dasi, Parasurama Avatara das.

Recently Jagadisvara das asked to participate, so he will lead some Wednesdays.

I am sharing with him and the other leaders all the guidelines that you have given to us about how to lead the kirtan on FMP.

I am sending this monthly schedule on Dvadasi as you suggested me.

Thank you very much! 🙏🏻


Mitravinda dd.

HpS - Thank you. We will all find our eternal place in Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan party and these working relations will increase.

Next Monday we will be in the ✈ at 4.30AM.

Then, from 7th - 12th March we will be in Houston time and join the program there.

March 13th Day light saving's time starts in USA and Houston FMP in the Temple will be the same as Lima.

We will publish our planned USA travels with the next Kapi Dhvaja. Wednesday?

Thank you.

Next letter.

Nityananda is coming- Schedule of presenter

2 years, 10 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Maharaja and ASA team

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !

All glories to your mission of sankirtana!

I hope that both you and ashrama devotees of NewAshoka Van are well.

Here present schedule of presenter of Srimad Bhagavatam class (Monday).

Rol de expositoras Srimad Bhagavatam –ASA

Tema: Canto 3 Cap 22:  El Matrimonio de kardama Muni y Devahuti

Hora: 7.30 am (Perú), 8.30 am (Chile), 9.30am Argentina


Lunes 1: Tx 1-2 Yugala Kishora dd

Lunes 15: tx 3-4 Rohini dd

Lunes 29: tx 5 Mahavidya dd


Lunes 13 tx 6-7 Rohini dd

Lunes 27 tx 8-9 Radhika dd

ENERO 2022

Lunes 24 tx 10-11 Isvari dd


Lunes 7 tx 12-13 Guru Govinda

Lunes 21 tx 14-15 Priya sakhi dd

MARZO 2022

Lunes 7 tx 16-17 Campakalata dd

Lunes 21 tx 18-19 Vrsabhanu N dd

ABRIL 2022

Lunes 4 tx 20-21 Rohini dd

Lunes 18 tx 22-23 GuruGovinda dd

MAYO 2022

Lunes 9 tx 24-25 Priya Sakhi dd

Lunes 23 tx 26-28 Campakalata dd

JUNIO 2022

Lunes 6 tx 29-31 Vrsabhanu dd

Lunes 20 tx 32-33 Radhika dd

JULIO 2022

Lunes 4  tx 34-35 

Lunes 18 tx 36-37 Rohini dd


Lunes 1 T x 38-39 Isvari R dd

If you want to make changes please let me know it.

HpS ASA - Thank you! Was very nice to see you and Abhinandana Das!

We will have to review the schedule in more detail but now it seems very nice.

See you tomorrow.

Thank so much for your mercy

All glories to Srimad Bhagavatam

whit affection and gratitude

ys Isvari R dd

Urgent! Kapi dhvaja 16th February 2022

2 years, 10 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear GuruMaharaja!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada & All glories to you.

Please accept our humble obeisances.


As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups (English & Spanish) as listed at: http://www.jayarama.us/hello.htm

Hare Krsna!!!

We back to work! It seems our health is ok so we can back to school.. this year I will start with a new group of kids (6/7 years old). It is a challenge. It's our first time working with very young kids.

Additionally, the school asked me to be the teachers' coordinator. We are trying to organise everything before classes start.

It was really really really great to see you and many devotees on Nityananda Trayodasi festival. We missed that kind of association. It gave us a lot of energy and strength.

Our sadhana and worship is ok. Thanks to Krsna our schedule at work does not interfere with that.

*In our last talk, you told me about your work on NoI-tpp. I am very interested in reading and studying that document. How can I get a copy of that, if it possible?

Thanks a lot for everything you do to help us to continue this path.

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette)

HpS ' TlgaSP. I feel that whatever you do for us is mercy for for insignificant members of Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan party. Thank you.

If it is too much burden, let us adjust so that it does not molest your other work.

If you are purified by Srila Prabhupada's principles, then Krsna will send innocent people, children, teacher, and they will be patient to understand the natutere of this world, Atma and Paramatma.

We are too weak now to always use the computer, so writing the Kapi Dhvaja manually was a great opportunity.

We were wondering how you could deal with it!.

Send me your whatasapp phone number here. We lost our address book, I will not publish it, and then we can send a copy of the TPP to you for your review.



El Exterminador - Dandavats

2 years, 11 months ago by YugalaKD in Special Category A

Hk pamho querido Guru Maharaja, respecto de los candidatos de segunda iniciación, comparto la siguiente reflexión, para ser tomada en cuenta por los candidatos.

Se toma la segunda iniciación por status?, por necesidad administrativa, por la cantidad de servicio, por cantidad de años en CK? ¿Por qué?

Si soy futuro candidato a segunda iniciación, y a la vez, he pasado por alto a otros que desde algún tiempo atrás, cantan los mantras…eso también debería tomarse en cuenta.

Un sabio dijo: Dale un puesto a alguien y vas a probar su carácter.

Observo en el carácter de algunos devotos neófitos que sólo consideran al Guru-Administrador-Deidad-adeptos. Eso me preocupa, porque como movimiento de prédica, la asociación es muy importante y la familia espiritual también. Mucha gente inspirada por los tratos entre la familia espiritual, acepta a un maestro espiritual o se aleja del movimiento. Pero si en la familia hay rencor, hipocresía…¿Snif!

En una clase un maestro explicó: A las personas que saludamos por primera vez es muy agradable esa experiencia, (pensé como en la distribución de libros en las calles)…porque no hay envidia...

No puedo hablar de mi experiencia con algunos de los candidatos a segunda, pues las escrituras mencionan que uno no debe protestar si se le ofende, si puedo mencionar de la frustración de persona que fueron maltratadas, no sólo hay maltratado cuando se le grita, se les golpea, se le desprestigia, sino cuando se le ignora. 

De todos en el VAD, los brahmanas son los que más me atraen, por su cualidad de perdón, compasión, amor al prójimo, limpieza, etc. Falta mucho por purificar Gurudeva…

Trabajo desde los 16 años en muchas empresas, que me enseñaron que un verdadero líder delega y es feliz cuando los demás tienen su realización, éxito en su servicio. Krsna da el ejemplo, Él se siente más feliz cuando sus devotos son glorificados, que cuando a Él lo glorifican.

Así que espero que los futuros brahmanas no le sonrían sólo al Guru, al administrador, que muestren respeto debido por todos, sin distinción de ninguna clase. Por el bien de nuestro movimiento.

Gurudeva, por favor tengo una duda, un requisito para segunda iniciación es el BS, ¿Todos los candidatos reúnen ese requisito?

¡Todas la glorias a los discípulos de HpS! ¡A la virtuosa familia ASA!

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kisora Dasi. (El exterminador, digo El Examinador)


HK, Pamho, dear Guru Maharaja, regarding the second initiation candidates, I share the following reflection, to be taken into account by the candidates.

Is the second initiation taken by status?, by administrative necessity, by the amount of service, by number of years in CK? Why?

HpS - It is and indication from the Spiritual Master that the disciple has become fixed in the mode of goodness in their service. For Brahmans, Ksatriyas and higher class Vaisyas.🐄

If I am a future candidate for the second initiation, and at the same time, I have overlooked others who have been chanting the mantras for some time... that should also be taken into account.

HpS - No, if they are in China and we are in Paraguay. -[;0]/\___

A wise man said: Give someone a position and you will test his character.

Abraham Lincoln, but he suggested money and position.

I observe in the character of some neophyte devotees that they only consider the Guru-Administrator-Deity-adepts. That worries me, because as a preaching movement, the association is very important and the spiritual family too. Many people, inspired by dealings within the spiritual family, accept a spiritual teacher or walk away from the movement. But if there is rancor, hypocrisy in the family… Sniff!

HpS - Yes, but Srila Prabhupada is always sitting on his Vyasa asana ready to give association to friendly people.

In a class a teacher explained: For the people we greet for the first time, that experience is very pleasant, (I thought like in the distribution of books in the streets)...because there is no envy...

I cannot speak about my experience with some of the candidates for the second, because the scriptures mention that one should not protest if they are offended, if I can mention the frustration of people who were mistreated, not only are they mistreated when they are yelled at, they he hits them, he is discredited, but when he is ignored.

Of all in the VAD, the brahmanas are the ones that attract me the most, for their quality of forgiveness, compassion, love of neighbor, cleanliness, etc. Much remains to be purified Gurudeva...

I have been working since I was 16 years old in many companies, which taught me that a true leader delegates and is happy when others have their accomplishment, success in their service. Krsna gives the example, He feels happier when His devotees are glorified than when He is glorified.

So I hope that the future brahmanas will not smile only at the Guru, at the administrator, but will show due respect to everyone, without distinction of any kind. For the good of our movement.

Gurudeva, please I have a question, a requirement for second initiation is BS, do all candidates meet that requirement?

HpS - Not officially in ISKCON. Especially not for Vaisya type people. Karuna K. Das is giving them all the Brahminical test of 50-questions that supposed to have come from Sriman Harikesa Das yatra and must pass disciple course, and be following regulative principles for long time and up early ... Is initiation, beginning. Then....

All glories to the HpS disciples! To the virtuous ASA family!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kisora ​​Dasi. (The exterminator, I say The Examiner)

ASA - Thank you "E"... 🙂

What was the level of freedom of the "E" release from lust, anger and greed whe taking second initiation? Has made progress? Some faults still challenge?

Urgente. Adjunto Diploma Gurú Discípulo y otros

2 years, 11 months ago by wilfredo in Special Category A

HARE KRISHNA Mi querido Gurudev.

Reciba Ud. mis reverencias a sus pies de loto. Y En atención a su amable respuesta sobre mi segunda iniciación acatare todas sus órdenes e indicaciones asimismo tengo a bien enviarle por este medio foto de mi Diploma del Curso GURU DISCIPULO, así como otros cursos realizados en Iskcon Perú. Nuevamente infinitas gracias de todo corazón y espero conversar con Ud. Personalmente en la fecha que Ud. Señale. Disculpe Ud. Mi lenguaje formal con que le escribo mi Gurudeva.

HpS - Ya falta solamente hablar de unos detalles. Esperamos conectar for el tele fono! 📞