
2 years, 10 months ago by jagatbd in Special Category A

Hare krishna dear Guru Maharaja, pamho agtsp.

How are you doing so far? I could see you had a nice vyasa puja fesival sorrounded by your dear most disciples; It is good to commemorate this special day, I guess your endeavour activities to serve god worth it. I am doing ok, still living in the far south part of Mexico City were my dad was born. I just wanted to offer my respectful obeisances unto you.

Where is the little Prahlad? Is he chastised? How about the lovely Hanuman deity? I hope you are doing very well, I keep away from the temple, but I talk to some friends once in a while. All people are important for me, as devotees call people karmies, we are miscreants, so we all have an important value, we have a personal identity, whether we believe in god or not; of course when one is more conscious of valuable and spiritual things, one is above in thinking, it depends on the reasoning too.

Ok just wanted to say hi, I attach some pictures I took myself in my most inner moments by 1990-1995 when I was your only student, I miss that close approaching when I could write personal letters and have a personal training.I hope we can have another programme over.

I wish you the best, health and a long life.

your servant,

Jagat Bandhu Jagannatha Swami dasa/ Mr Jesús Rosas

Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

You can find the Priority Code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krishna...Hare Rama...

Vyas Puja offering from Gaura Gadadhar Dasi

2 years, 10 months ago by gauragadadhara in Special Category A

Mi amado Guru Maharaja,

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

¡Todas las glorias a usted!

nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhutale

Srimate Hanumat Preshaka Swami iti namine

Ofreciendole mis reverencias -mi querido Gurudeva, mi eterno guía y maestro- ofrezco también estas sinceras palabras con motivo de celebrar su Vyasa-puja, como el muy querido descendiente y representante espiritual de Sri Vyasadeva.

Es una gran alegría para mi ofrecerte mis mejores deseos en la celebración de su Vyasa-puja. ¡Estoy muy feliz de tenerlo como mi maestro espiritual! ¡Como mi guía eterno en este maravilloso camino de regreso a Dios!

Es un privilegio y una gran responsabilidad para mi glorificarle debidamente, como se merece. Para esto, reflexioné sobre las Escrituras y seleccioné este verso del Srimad Bhagavatam con el significado de Srila Prabhupada, del cual no quiero omitir ni una sola palabra, punto, ni coma, porque refleja todo lo que yo quiero expresar en esta ocasión tan especial.

titikṣavaḥ kāruṇikāḥ

suhṛdaḥ sarva-dehinām

ajāta-śatravaḥ śāntāḥ

sādhavaḥ sādhu-bhūṣaṇāḥ


El sādhu que se describe aquí es el devoto del Señor. Por lo tanto, su preocupación es iluminar a la gente con el servicio devocional; esa es su misericordia. Él sabe que sin servicio devocional la vida humana se malogra. El devoto viaja por todas partes, predicando de puerta en puerta: «Vuélvete consciente de Kṛṣṇa. Sé un devoto del Señor Kṛṣṇa. No desperdicies tu vida tan solo en satisfacer tus propensiones animales. La vida humana es para la autorrealización, para volverse consciente de Kṛṣṇa». Eso es lo que predica el sādhu. No se satisface con su propia liberación. Siempre piensa en los demás. Es la personalidad más compasiva con todas las almas caídas. Así pues, una de sus cualidades eskāruṇika, una gran misericordia hacia las almas caídas. En su labor de prédica se encuentra con muchos elementos adversos, y en consecuencia, tiene que ser muy tolerante. Puede que alguien lo maltrate, porque las almas condicionadas no están dispuestas a recibir el conocimiento trascendental del servicio devocional. No les gusta; esa es su enfermedad. El sādhu tiene la ingrata tarea de inculcarles la importancia del servicio devocional. A veces los devotos son atacados violentamente. El Señor Jesucristo fue crucificado, a Haridāsa Ṭhākura lo apalearon en veintidós mercados, y Nityānanda, el asistente principal del Señor Caitanya, fue violentamente atacado por Jagāi y Mādhāi. Aun así, ellos fueron tolerantes, porque su misión era liberar a las almas caídas. El sādhu es misericordioso porque es el bienqueriente de todas las entidades vivientes, no solo de los seres humanos, sino también de los animales. La palabra sarva-dehinām se refiere a todas las entidades vivientes que han aceptado cuerpos materiales. El ser humano no es el único que tiene un cuerpo material; las demás entidades vivientes también. El devoto del Señor es misericordioso con todos: gatos, perros, árboles, etc. Trata a todas las entidades vivientes de tal modo que finalmente puedan liberarse de este enredo material. Śivānanda Sena, uno de los discípulos del Señor Caitanya, liberó a un perro dándole un trato trascendental. Hay muchos ejemplos de perros que obtuvieron la salvación gracias a un sādhu, porque el sādhu se ocupa en las actividades filantrópicas más elevadas para bendecir a todas las entidades vivientes. Pero, a pesar de que el sādhu no es enemigo de nadie, el mundo es tan ingrato que incluso él tiene muchos enemigos.

¿Qué diferencia hay entre un enemigo y un amigo? La diferencia está en el comportamiento. El sādhu busca que todas las almas condicionadas se liberen definitivamente del enredo material. Por lo tanto, nadie puede ser un mejor amigo que el sādhu en su empeño de liberar un alma condicionada. El sādhu es tranquilo; sigue los principios de las Escrituras sin ostentación y de manera pacífica. Además de seguir los principios de las Escrituras, el sādhu es un devoto del Señor. Quien verdaderamente siga los principios de las Escrituras debe ser también devoto de Dios, pues todos los śāstras nos enseñan a obedecer las órdenes de la Personalidad de Dios. El sādhu, por lo tanto, obedece los mandamientos de las Escrituras y es un devoto del Señor. En el devoto resaltan todas las cualidades auspiciosas, y en él se desarrollan todas las buenas cualidades de los semidioses; por el contrario, el no devoto, por muy cualificado que sea académicamente, no posee ninguna buena cualidad desde el punto de vista de la comprensión trascendental.

¡Querido Guru Maharaja, todas estas cualidades lo describen perfectamente!

Estoy muy agradecida con el Señor Krishna, por arreglar nuestros caminos hacia Él, por haberme dado ojos para verte y corazón para escucharte. A través de su infinita misericordia, usted transformó mi vida, me mostró el camino a seguir, y llenó mi vida de paz y dicha eterna.

Gracias por toda su infinita misericordia.

Gracias por toda su paciencia y tolerancia.

Gracias por todo su esfuerzo y dedicación a todos nosotros y a la misión de Srila Prabhupada.

Gracias por difundir la conciencia de Krishna a todos los rincones del planeta.

Gracias por la dulzura con la que nos enseña las maravillas del servicio devocional, la verdadera felicidad.


Por favor perdone mis ofensas, amado Gurudeva.

Estoy eternamente endeudada con usted.

Su aspirante a sirviente,

Gaura Gadadhara Dasi.

Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

You can find the Priority Code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krishna...Hare Rama...


2 years, 10 months ago by Mishra Bhagavan Dasa in Special Category A

My friend Basu Ghosh Prabhu and his wife Ananti Devi Dasi were staying with their son Vamana at Frisco in the vicinity of Radha Kalachandji Dhama Texas 🐄 They live in an overpriced gated community where solicitation is strictly prohibited and has the security of a chinese gulag. 🧱

We were taking prasadam together and I noticed out the window that a lot of Indian people were about. I suggested we do some door dee door sankirtan. Vamana was afraid that we would be popped and it would come back to him as a tenant. 

I assured him that security would not make a big deal of us as long as we didn't disturb people too much. Then I went to Kalachandji's and asked Yoga Maya Devi Dasi who runs the BBT book room to sell me something from each Indian language that she had.  

She came up with hardback Bhagavad Gitas and Krishna books in Hindi. Telagu, Gujarati, and Tamil. 📚 We started out with the books and met Michael from Greece who was in his car coming from somewhere.  Michael had heard of the Beatles and I told him about our temple in Athens. He paid $10 on my square swiper thing and chanted the Hare Krishna maha mantra splendidly. 

 In another car was Hayden and his wife. They were all American and liked the pictures in the Easy Journey to Other Planets, gave a donation and recited the Hare Krishna maha very well together.  

So two people have bought Srila Prabhupada's books from us and we had not even knocked on a door. When we did knock Jim opened and immediately bought a big Bhagavad Gita. 

The next door was a lady from Harayana province who wanted something to read for her two daughters and bought the Hindi Krishna book. Having spent years as the president of ISKCON Baroda, Basu Ghos is fluent in Hindi and knows a lot of other Indian languages. This helped distribute the books.  

A family from Hyderabad invited us into their home although we came in the middle of their lunch. I complimented the man's bright blue dhoti and they took the Telugu Bhagavad Gita and placed the book on their altar. They look forward to visiting Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji's mandir. 

The next two Puerto were a man from Argentina and another from Mexico. I speak okay Mexican and they both got Karma la Justicia Infalible, then chanted Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

Ananti Devi Dasi said that she knew some Gujarati friends in building 3 As we were heading there, the security guard Captain Katherine drives up in a golf cart and asked if we were soliciting.🐕 Wearing saris, dhoti and tilak we were not hard to spot. I was able to honestly say that were just going to a friend's. 

The gujaratis were not home. Meanwhile tattooed Paul was on his back porch and took an Easy Journey to Other Planets, attracted to the art work. 

By now security had us figured out and were hot on the trail, like back in the day. 👮‍♀️

I knocked on another door and a man from Chicago took the book inside with a thank you and shut the door before I could say anything. 🤷‍♂️The book was distributed and inside. I remembered how Srikara Prabhu became a devotee after stealing a Bhagavad Gita from a sankirtan devotee. Some devotees never ask for laxmi when distributing books.

The next door a tall african man who had heard of Stevie Wonder and liked the idea of an antimatter spirit soul said "wait " and took the Easy Journey to Other Planets inside. 🗿He came back and gave us $40, paying for his and the snatched one. 💰

Knowing that it's best to quit while ahead, we were heading back to Vamana's but couldn't resist two Indian men who were outside moving stuff into a truck. 🚛 One was named Balaji and they were from Tirupati. Balaji told us about his many visits to the Balaji temple, his namesake. He took the Tamil Krishna Book and chanted Hare Krishna maha mantra like they had done so for years. ☸

Captain Katherine came right up, a little perturbed that we had gotten past her. She escorted us to Vamana's like a presidential motorcade. We had gone through the entire place already. 🤠

Mishra Bhagavan Dasa

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Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

You can find the Priority Code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krishna...Hare Rama...

Vyasa-puja 2022 homage by Jiva-Sakti dasa

2 years, 10 months ago by Jiva-Sakti dasa in Special Category A

Querido Guru Maharaja:

En este día auspicioso de su Aparición Trascendental en este mundo, permítame ofrecerle estas palabras.


om ajñana-timirandhasya


cakshur unmilitam yena

tasmai sri-gurave namah

nama om visnu-padaya

krishna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate hanumatpresaka

-svamin iti namine


Por la misericordia de

Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu

un cojo puede cruzar montañas y

un mudo recitar las Escrituras védicas.


Gurudeva, yo seguiré sus huellas

no hay un océano tan profundo

ni montaña tan alta que pueda alejarme

yo seguiré su ejemplo donde sea que vaya.


Desde que tocó mi corazón supe

que cerca de sus pies siempre debo estar

y nada puede tenerlo lejos de mi

su sendero es mi destino.


Otros ojos ven la Luna arriba en el cielo

para mí, ella brilla en sus ojos

como los árboles alcanzan el Sol por encima

mi vida llega a su persona para servirlo.


Gurudeva, está en cada respiración que tomo

está en cada servicio que hago

con su mano en mi espalda

siento un poder tan trascendental.


Gurudeva, está en mi día y mi noche

está en cada oración que hago

si mi amor dejara de ser

entonces sería el fin de mi mundo.


Por favor perdone mis ofensas y errores.


Su sirviente eterno,

Jiva-Sakti dasa.


Su Santidad Srila Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaja ki jaya!

Sri Vyasa-puja ki jaya!

Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

You can find the Priority Code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krishna...Hare Rama...

Manipur Report

2 years, 10 months ago by Brajagopal k in Special Category A

Hare krsna Guru Maharaj 🙏,

PAMHO!! All Glorious to Guru and Gauranga, all Glorious to Srila Prabhupada. This is the first time that i m sending my letter. I used to type many a times but never clicked on the send button. First, i would like to apologize you Maharaj for my ignorant nature. Please engage me in the service of ur lotus feet.

Maharaj, i m continuing to serve the Imphal temple in every possible respects mainly on Sunday Youth Program, and also recently some young devotees under the supervision of Sadhubhusan Pr have started the FOOD FOR LIFE program in a small scale in remote areas like Moirang and Kakching. We were so overwhelmed to see people's positive responses. And we r looking forward to expand and improvise it.

In connection with Srila Sripada's 84th Vyasa Puja Celebration, the Youth Team organised a Conference on" INTERFAITH DIALOGUE: THE NEED OF THE GLOBAL SOCIETY", we chose the venue of this conference in a Manipur's well known 4star hotel, The Classic Grande. The Chief Minister of Manipur presided over the dice of Chief Guest and HG Ekanath das presided over the dice of president. Many prominent leaders from different religions were invited as esteemed speakers. Our HG Banamali Das spoke from the Gaudia Vaishnava Perspective. Our Sadhubhusan pr, Isana pr and Dwarkanath pr were the main organisers. Around 220 people from different faiths and professions participated in the conference. And 10+ media channels made a whole coverage. We also made it live telecast in a local TV channel. We were able to witness the glorious of Sripada from the mouth of prominent leaders from different faiths. Especially, the Glorification from the Muslim leader was heart touching. Vande Guroh Sri Charanara Vindam🙏. Everything is going well with ur mercy Maharaj.

However, a void is always created within myself, that even though i try to serve the vaishnavas, senior devotees, the temple, i feel like something is missed out. I m always thinking how can i serve my Guru Maharaj. Also, as i m the eldest son, i have the obligations to look after my parents and family. I also need to be financially little sound. So, i m still continuing to take tution classes, i was also asked to take classes in BHAKTIVEDANTA INSTITUTE MISSION SCHOOL for about a month. I m now doing nothing related to my Engineering degree. Some months back i did a TEACHER'S TRAINING COURSE on YOGA SCIENCE. And after that, i m thinking to continue my Master in Yoga Science from a nearby private University. With this degree, i think i could be able to serve in Srila Sripada's mission. Please guide me in this regards Maharaj.

Also Maharaj, Manipur's today's generation is totally different from the past generations. The mixed revolution of Revivalism and western culture is very prevalent in the youths of Manipur. Maharaj, i pray you to please guide this unfortunate conditioned soul.

And i hope Maharaj u r in good health and, i m eagerly waiting to get the chance to meet you soon and take the vapu seva.

May this Pandemic ends soon!!

May we get to see u soon!!

Sri Guru Charana Padma Kevala Bhakati sadma

Vando muhi savadana mate

Jahara prasade bhai ei bhava toriya jai, krsna prapti hoia jaha hate🙏

Yours most fallen servant,

Brajagopal Krishna Das

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Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

You can find the Priority Code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krishna...Hare Rama...

Greetings from New Jagannath Puri part2 :)

2 years, 10 months ago by ātmādās in Special Category A

Hare Krsna, Maharaj!

You had mentioned that I could send you my phone number, and we could talk further :)

Here it is: (510)684-7892

(Texting works better than calls)

And Lokanath Prabhu is doing well, though he went to the hospital for swollen legs yesterday. He put on a puppet show for SF Rathayatra this year


Sorry that I've taken so long to get back to you

And thank you for your reply


Your lowly, insignificant servant

Ātmā Dās

Thank you very much for your letter!!!

Unless you put the FMP or Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code in the Title field you won’t get Tom Brown’s attention and it may be after we are all dead and in Goloka that you get an answer to your letter.

you can find the priority code at the seccion Letters to/from the Editor from our blog MkW.

Hare Krihna...Hare Rama...