Disciples list

2 years, 8 months ago by divya in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Hare Krishna Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you

Thank you so much for replying to my letter


I made a mistake in mentioning the date of initiation Maharaj

Please forgive me

Below are the correct details

Divya Sri Devi Dasi

1st initiation - 26th December 2019

2nd initiation - 17th September 2021

Secular Name - Divya Iyer

HpS - Okay. Our Chinese bureaucrats will begin working on the changes and you should see it done within this lifetime.


Your Black and Orange Krsna painting is the center of our room, after our Japa beads.

Srinatha Krishna Das

2nd Initiation - 26th December 2019

Yours Servant

Divya Sri Devi Dasi

Urgent! Kapi dhvaja 16th March 2022

2 years, 8 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear Guru Maharaja!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada & All glories to you.

Please accept our humble obeisances. (PAOHO)


As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups (English & Spanish) as listed at: http://www.jayarama.us/hello.htm

Hare Krishna.

We are still alive. By the mercy of Guru and Gauranga

Our sadhana is sane, online FMP. We are reading SB at school, just before classes.

Health is pretty good. Almost 90% of diet in mode of goodness.

Family is doing well.

Due to the situation in the country, we had to do virtual classes to protect children. After one week we are back to school. Today we celebrate Easter holiday. Next week i will be on vacation, but just for 10 days.

I would like to ask you if I can get your permission to perform fire sacrifices (homa) at home... They will be very simple and simplified.

Thanks a lot for your infinite mercy

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette)

ASA/HpS - Thanks Pataka, Antuanette. Your reports make us ashamed of not being stronger in our Sadhana. We are improving.

Kapi Dhvaja is essential to our ASA...

We made a note to write our thoughts on fire sacrifices and saligrama/govardhana sile worship. We will send you a link.

O.K. Here we go to Gaura arati.

Thank you.

Best wishes for your students.

ISKCON devotees in Lima can put their kids in your schiool.

Cookie Recipe, Sadhana, Sankirtan

2 years, 9 months ago by i8themaha in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Hare Krishna!

Please accept my respectful and humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Gurudeva!

If it's not too late for cookie recipes, here goes...

In a food processor, blend:

20 dates

1 1/2 cups cashews

This will make the "date flour". For more chewy, add more dates. For a harder cookie, add less dates.

Then add a banana, and blend again.

Next through the top keep the pulse button going, while gently pouring a sweetener (agave, maple syrup, honey

..) until the mixture turns into a ball.

Then flatten out onto a cookie sheet and cut into squares.

One option is to roll the squares in coconut flakes for a nice crunchy finish (for Lord Narasimhadeva!!) Or I'm sure Lord Narasimhadeva might also like these with fresh peanut butter spread beneath the coconut flakes!

This recipe can be interchanged with any type of fruit, any type of nut, and any liquid sweetener.

I used to work at a raw vegan cafe, so the only recipe I know is the "no bake" one..

Also, I just wanted to let you know that Iskcon Houston now has Nectar of Instruction on their book table..,😊🌲🌲🌴🌲😊🌲🌄😊🌲

I'm still good with the FMP daily, Mangala with Radha Kalachandji! 16R/4R zero K!

And I spoke with Paramesvar Prabhu, he has agreed to teach me the science of distributing Srila Prabhupada's books. I think I can join him in early August at the national parks....mode of goodness...


Your servant,

Jaya-hari Das

HpS - We are sitting in Richmond getting ready for the PanAmerican Symposium on Education.

Your recipe and news are super motivational for any even 25% sane human being.

Book distribution may become an inescapable addiction!

Urgent! Kapi dhvaja 31st March 2022

2 years, 9 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear Guru Maharaja!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada & All glories to you.

Please accept my humble obeisances. (PAMHO)


As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups (English & Spanish) as listed at: http://www.jayarama.us/hello.htm

Hare Krishna. We are writing from the beach...

We are here with the students to practice all they studied (they learned to write). They recognise nature and value it, too.

They collect some stones and shells. We are going to use them when we study maths.

Pedagogical outings are a very important part of Waldorf Methodology.

There is 1 student that has the same name and birthday as my father. He was born 3 months after my father's death. Lot of coincidence.

ASA - 😮

Our sadhana is still good, essentially thanks to you and FMP. Due to time, we cannot join SB class, so we are reading SB at school, just before classes.

Health is ok.

Family is doing well.

Thanks a lot for your patience and mercy

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette)

HpS - ASA - !!! Maybe Ananta Sesa will catch all your students and take them for an outing in his abode in the Garbodhaka Ocean. Then the children can tell there parents, "Of Mother and Father, teacher took us to a very strange place today!"

Thank you.

I wonder how people liked the PPTX.

We have been thinking of stopping it in May.

Start May 1979

Finish May 2022


Idam malam - FMP / Current Kirtan Leader Schedule

2 years, 9 months ago by Mitravinda d.d in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna, Gurumaharaja 🙏🏻

Please, accept my humble obeisances at your feet!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

This is the current monthly schedule of devotees for leading kirtan on Full Morning Program:

● MONDAY: H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami.

● TUESDAY: Mitravinda devi dasi, Jagad Guru das.

● WEDNESDAY: Yugala Kishora dasi, Jagadisvara das.

● THURSDAY: Tarangaksi devi dasi, Apsara Gopi devi dasi.

● FRIDAY: Abhinanda das, Deva Vrata das.

● SATURDAY: Isvari Radha devi dasi, Karuna Sakti devi dasi.

● SUNDAY: Candramukhi devi dasi, Parasurama Avatara das.

We are inviting new devotees to participate leading the kirtan.

Now, Deva Vrata das has joined us for leading on Fridays.

You will visit Richmond, Virginia from April 07 until April 17.

So FMP time will change to one hour early: 3: 30 am - Lima time.

Thank you, Gurudeva, for continuing giving us your holy association and enthused us to perform our daily sadhana with happiness 🙏🏻😇


Your aspiring servant:

Mitravinda dd.

HpS/ASA - Super!!! 

Hare Krsna.....

TPP en Espanyol

2 years, 9 months ago by hps in Special Category A



Jayanta Das de Whatsapp:

[5:14 AM, 4/4/2022] Jayanta Das: Hare Krisna Gurudev. Reverencias. Aquí le envío el informe de Partha Prabhu sobre la traducción de TPP. De momento todo va según lo previsto. A finales de Mayo debería estar terminado.

[5:15 AM, 4/4/2022] Jayanta Das: Hare Krishna, prabhu! Mis reverencias, toda gloria a SP. Me pongo en contacto para informaros del progreso de la traducción. A día de hoy, he terminado la "traducción bruta" de todo el texto y he empezado la primera corrección. En resumen, todo va según el plan previsto. Un abrazo.

ASA -- Oink! Oink! 🐷 Whoop! Whoop! 🐵

... Espero que esta esfuersa auyuda el movimiento de Senyor Caitanya!!! Muchas gracias a el. Ya tenemos el boleto ir a Espanya, no?

Sugeriencias de programa?