Hare Krsna Maharaj

6 years, 11 months ago by lakshmi108 in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!  

Please accept my humble obeisances! 

I go to a public school Maharaj and I study the following subjects: English, Maths B, Legal Studies, Philosophy, Chinese and Diploma of Business.

HpS - ASA -- Incredible.  What are you plans?   It seems like you might go into the diplomatic corp or go into international business and ecology programs.

At the moment, I'm not entirely sure what I want to pursue in the future but I do know that a Business degree is a very broad option that may lead to several different careers that I may use in Krsna's service.

HpS - My question is answered but we addes a couple of ideas.

I know my father always had a desire to open a restaurant or go into the food business, so I do wish to fulfil that at some point. But my mother says it will be like a hobby, secondary to my primary job (steady income). So I still need to study something and perhaps once I'm established, then I can think about prasadam distribution (either in a food van/stall or a restaurant called "Krishna's Kitchen").

Otherwise, I hope this year will reveal to me what I deeply have interest in so that I may be prepared for University. 

As for drama teachers, there weren't enough students who displayed interest to take the subject, so in our grade, we don't have drama.

Maharaj, may you bless me with your knowledge and expertise to guide me to a path in which I may enjoy and use it as my service to Lord Krsna. 

Hope your health is in good, healthy condition always! 

Hare Krsna!! 

Yours servant,

Lakshmi Devi Dasi

HpS - The real thing is coming out of our addiction to the material world. In philosophy did you study Plato's allegory of the cave?  We gave the allegory of the cell phone. These bodies are proectors - shadows or smart phone, the movie making machinery behind the thin covering reveals that. We are not these kindeys.

So real life means waking up.

We can play in the drama to help others wake up, preaching, we can play in the drama to stimulate our desire to return to the real world.
For that there is Varna-ashrama-dharma and with psycho-social position as a woman then the natural ashramas are brahmacarini, grhasta and vanaprasta. Always Krsna is our first love, so he sends a nice partner and we both realize that this ashrama is for purification. Natural dharma for women in Vedic culture is to thank Krsna for arranging a nice partner, with a nice family and then use that nice situation to do her part to send them all back home, back to godhead, and let the gopis sort them out.

Pregunta filosófica

6 years, 11 months ago by Piero Saavedra Torchio in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Maharaja, reverencias, todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Quiero agradecer por su clara instrucción sobre el proyecto musical que realizaré este año.

Tengo una pregunta filosófica, nuestro cuerpo sutil, compuesto por la mente, la inteligencia y el ego falso, son el medio por el cual pensamos, deseamos y decidimos, la pregunta es ¿cómo funcionan estas cosas en el mundo espiritual? ¿Nuestro cuerpo espiritual también tiene mente, inteligencia y ego?


Hare Krishna Maharaja, bows, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I want to thank you for your clear instruction on the musical project that I will realize this year.

I have a philosophical question, our subtle body, composed of mind, intelligence and false ego, are the means by which we think, desire and decide, the question is how do these things work in the spiritual world? Does our spiritual body also have mind, intelligence and ego?

HpS - AGTSP!!    From my understanding only the mind thinks about things, feels attraction or repulsion and then wills the senses to enagage. The false ego and the intelligence have other functions.  In the spirititual world, we are our our body we are our ego. We decide and we act. We are sat-cit-ananda, we exist, we know, and love. Different components of the same person but not coverings, us.

It is a good question and beyond what I have said above I don't have much more realization. As we read these things become more and more clear.

Feliz cumpleaños querido Gurudeva

6 years, 11 months ago by rodrigo hernandez piceros in Special Category A

Todas las glorias a Radha y Krishna

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitai

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva

Por favor reciba mis reverencias

Disculpe que yo no escriba antes a usted, sin embargo pensando mucho en usted, todos los días.

HpS - Y nosotros de Vd. Leyendo de la historia de arte, de Dada y entonces Surealismo.

Esta carta es nuestro saludo de cumpleaños para usted. Sabemos que su Vyasa Puja por calendario Vaisnava fue el día 19 de diciembre y también sabemos que su cumpleaños es hoy 12 de enero.

Hemos estado meditando mucho en esta carta, pensando varios días en qué escribir. Y ahora sentado frente al computador me doy cuenta que debo escribir libremente, dejar que las palabras y el corazón hablen y escriban.

Escribimos para usted este poema (poema inspirado en "Ser o no Ser" de Shakespeare):

Tantas veces pensé que nada tenía sentido

Que era lo mismo vivir o morir

Que era lo mismo el día y la noche

Que era mucho mejor no salir de mi habitación

Por días y días

Que nada era importante, solo dormir y no pensar en nada

Solo dormir o tal vez morir.

Durante nuestra juventud mucho alcohol

Nuestro ‘sueño’ era ser poetas borrachos

Y dejar de sufrir por la mujer más bella

Pero todo era pasajero, nada era verdadero.

Maya fue nuestra mejor compañera por vidas

Y en esta vida

Pero nunca hemos sido felices

No sabíamos qué era ser feliz de verdad

Hasta que Usted llegó a nuestras vidas

Gracias a Srila Prabhupada podemos conocer a Usted.

Noviembre 2007-Noviembre 2017

10 años sin alcohol, sin marihuana, sin otras drogas

Sin cigarrillos.

Tantos apegos, tantos errores, tantas caídas.

Gracias a Usted  realmente lo imposible es posible:

Que un demonio  como yo

Cante el Santo Nombre bajo su protección.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Rodrigo Hernández Piceros

HpS - Por la misicordia de Srila Prabhupada somos libre mucho de las garas de La Bruja (en realidad una gran amiga).  BG 2> 30, nehabikramos naso sti... en esta sendero no hay perdido o disminuacion. Cada paso adelante es eterno!!

Escribanos de sus actividades!

HAMLET: Ser o no Ser.

Traducción  de Nicanor Parra

 (Nicanor Parra es el poeta chileno vivo más importante en el mundo).

“…Ser o no ser
he aquí el dilema
qué será preferible me pregunto
soportar los caprichos del destino funesto
o rebelarse contra ese mar de tribulaciones
y terminar con ellas para siempre

no más
y por así decirlo con un sueño
poner fin a las cuitas del corazón
y a los miles de riesgos naturales
a que se expone la mísera carne
la tentación no puede ser mayor…”

12 de Enero

6 years, 11 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Special Category A

Querido Gurumaharaja!

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Si tuviera que agradecer un día sería el 12.
Si tuviera que agradecer un mes sería Enero.
Si tuviera que agradecer un año sería 1,948. 
Gracias Krishna!  

Feliz cumpleaños 70! 

Su aspirante a sirviente 

Asta Sakhi dd.

HpS - Muchas, muchas gracias por su asociacion. Esperamos su estimado esposo es bien!!!  Puedo recordar su boda.

Esperamos siempre mas y mas nuevo planes para predica de Krsna para Vd.

Posible convertiendo mucho der Mexico a la conciencia de Krsna.

Diferentes temas

6 years, 11 months ago by marcos in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj. Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am writing from Nueva Vrajamandala, now it is quite cold and my throat is not in very good condition but apparently we survived.

I keep doing my daily services and trying to maintain a rhythm of study of Srimad Bhagavatham, Sanskrit and Irish flute (tin whistle).

I am writing to tell you about different topics about which I have been reflecting lately and about which I would like to know your feelings, thoughts and opinions.


I have been reflecting about euthanasia, at first it always seemed to me an option that from the karmic point of view is not very recommendable since we could consider it a kind of suicide, but lately I have been trying to understand the subject under a point of more "human" view.

Let's suppose different cases.

1-A person who is without any serious health suffers a very serious accident and is hospitalized in critical condition and unconsciousness. After many treatments, operations and medicines, the patient manages to recover his conscience and finds himself in a totally new situation that he has not chosen. His body has been completely useless. He cannot move any of his extremities and constantly depends of other people for any type of activity to develop (eating, going to the bathroom, changing clothes). Under this situation this person expresses that if he had been able to choose he would have preferred to have died in the accident.

2-An old man takes several pills and is subjected to different medical check-ups. Thanks to these medicines and the advances of science, he has been able to live 5 more years in a very dignified way. Full capacity for discernment, respectable physical autonomy, etc ... In one of the medical check-ups he discover that he has  principles of dementia and Alzheimer's which are going to be manifested gradually, finally there comes a time where he has a mind lof a child or baby. The old man says that if is possible he would like to die in a way where he is fully aware of what is happening before dying in a state of dementia and unconsciousness.

In both cases we must assume that naturally the person in the first case would have died as a result of the accident and in the second case the old man would have died due to previous illnesses 5 years ago.

Do you think that if the people who express under these circumstances the desire to euthanize is acceptable, or on the contrary, it is not advisable? If you are in a situation similar to the first or second cases, what do you think you would do?

HpS - Chant Hare Krsna.  It is a big topic and devotees have dealt with it. Basically I think that it is not recomended. Stick to your Karma and let Krsna decide. Srila Prabhupada was preaching with no material strenght at the end. Alzheimers cannot touch the deep inteligence of a devotee. Then there is individual situation. Sati was O.K. for ladies. Suicide by stopping to take food and water was O.K. for Raghunatha Das Goswami and Srinivasa Acharya, no?   In separation from Krsna.

Reason and faith

In all the writings of different religions we find accounts of events that took place long ago and that seem impossible to us in our current era (mystical powers, life of thousands of years, inexplicable climatic phenomena, kings that govern the whole world for millenniums). The way of interpreting these events can be very different depending on who the reader is. A practitioner of a certain religion will not have the same approach of a person who studies a particular religious movement in a scientific way.

While to take the fact that is told in the scriptures a believer makes an act of faith and takes the writing itself as the ultimate authority, a person who investigates from an academic level religious narrative will seek different references (historical, literary, archaeological, etc. .), to check if thes story is completely true, if it has a real part and another is invented, or even that it turns out to be false.

Of course this is something that affects all religions and not finding a certain test does not mean that something has not happened in the past. I don’t see the history or archaeology studies as enemies of religions, in fact I believe that if we use correctly they can contribute a lot to our understanding of religious phenomena.

When we are studying SP books we find in his comments that his interpretation and understanding of the scriptures is literalistic, he doesn’t have doubts about what is described in the different texts, he doesn’t give the possibility to interpret it in a different way.

But when I read about the battles of millions of men, kings who have ruled the world for thousands of years (if I remember correctly even during times when we have received records of different civilizations, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Vedic culture, etc.) it is very difficult for me, in my rational / speculative / material point of view, to accept such stories as 100% literal.

From the spiritual point of view this does not affect me excessively because what really attracts me in a very strong way is the teachings and instructions that we find in the sastras. These teachings to be put into practice and meditate on them I have been able to realize that my material suffering decreases, I can focus more strongly on serving Krishna and help me to be much happier and positive in life. Therefore something that happens or does not happen in the material plane under my perspective is something that does not affect the essence.

I accept Srila Prabhupada as the person who has the ability to free us from the material world and bring us back to Krishna, I feel happy when I do something that I think is useful for preaching. But the feeling that I have while im reading SP comments is that I have a dilemma between faith and reason and this makes me feel quite uncomfortable, because I feel that I do not fully share his point of view on a certain topic and that makes me feel that I am not fully following his instructions.

Have you ever had a dilemma between faith and reason while reading S.P books? How did you solve it? What should I do to avoid being offensive towards S.P? Why is there fear of the idea of ​​myth within religions as an instrument to explain the multiple human experiences? Do you think that all the narrations that are described in our scriptures really happened as they are described in the sastras or do you think that the idea of ​​myth can be accommodated?

I feel that repressing the doubts that arise is not the right way to advance spiritually. I think that in a certain aspect it is our duty as humans to question things and have freedom of thought.

Srila Prabhupada and Sanskrit.

 More I read Srila Prabhupada's books, more I admire the great work he did to make all this literature accessible to the Western world. A little reflection that I do on this subject is that perhaps for a materialist who studies Sanskrit philology the translations of S.P does not seem correct in their entirety. From my point of view, I think that even if for the philologist is not correct, for us that we seek a spiritual and Vaishnava understanding in these writings, they are perfect, because they establish Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and that is our goal.

Surely the translation of another sampradaya about the Bhagavad Gita or S.B is different, but I think we should continue our study under the understanding of Srila Prabhupada.

What is your opinion about the translations and Sanskrit meanings that S.P gives us?

HpS - In BG 4.34 purport Srila Prabhupada says that "Blind faith is condemned".   Not just undesireable, condemned. Looking at the statements of the Bhagavatam, which in some instances declare themselves to be allegory, and carbon dating, having studies quantum mechanisa at U.C. Berkeley et al. I can see that the physical statements of the SB can be quite correct. It is a big topic. can't type it all out here, but basically we say that the universe is going through cycles like your heart, the days the years etc.

So in previous ages things were different, just like New York in December and New York in June.   Thousands of bacteria in you garbage. Why not thousands of people in Dvapara Yuga. Look at carbon dating in the Britannica and tell us if you see faults with the proceess.

O.K. Gotta go to Gaura arati, no.


...    Next letter.

Thank you for your time and constant inspiration.

Your servant Mantri Rama Das.