educación sástrica URGENTE!

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaj, Pamho, AGTSP!
As I have been commenting lately, my focus on my service to ISKCON is now directed to the sastric education. I want to contribute with renewed educational technology that I am learning and remembering in my master's studies.
There is still a lot of work to be done to continue developing bhakti sastri and Bhakti Vaibhava, at least in Spanish. I ask you, please, to allow me to add things to your brilliant and unparalleled study guides "tava pace pace". Especially in matters of dynamics and other reinforcement and feed-back exercises, etc. Even Spanish still needs to improve.
I also urgently ask to formally participate in the curricular development group on Saturday mornings. I have requested my inclusion on several occasions. The first objective is to continue studying and also to prepare myself to continue teaching. And of course, the educational material will be transferred to Spanish.
Please, if you think it is convenient, send me the material and the links to my gmail, which I understand would be the means of communication for the group.
[email protected]
I'm still worried about the subject of the BS and BVB examination center. I hope it is resolved in your visit to Peru.
Thank you very much.

HpS - From our (imperfect point of view)Education in ISKCON is in much disorder, but we are going ahead!!!  You should write to Srinivasa das with a copy to me. I will Skype you his address.

If your participation is integrated it will be wonderful.

Boise Trip and ASA Online - Little Urgent

6 years, 11 months ago by srinath in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

I have registered for Sadhu Sanga and am looking to book tickets. If you are planning to come to Boise during the memorial day weekend, I will cancel my sadhu sanga registration and come there. Is there a plan to come to Boise during that time?

HpS - ASA --  No, I think we will come in the summer sometime.

My humble obeisances to Tulasi Carana Sevita Prabhu. I have updated all the tracks on soundcloud and given permission for downloads. All the new tracks have been uploaded in IDT as well.

From the last letter, you asked about chanting during brahma muhurta. I am chanting during brahma muhurta if it is 1.5 hrs before sunrise. The sunrise in SLC is at around 7.30 now.

HpS - Paoho... !

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

ASA - Now we have to setup a microsoft account, download windows on to VSD computer, make a Pptx for tonight's Georgia Tech program, finish Viplavah3 and Kapi Dhvaja and answer other mail.

Thank you for posting the lectures. We hope that Krsna will let people separate the milk from the water.

ASA Online Update and Sadhana Report

6 years, 11 months ago by srinath in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you for adding the link to the soundcloud account in the Kapi Dhvaja. I have now completed upload of all the lectures from IDT and e-sanga to the Soundcloud account. Dhruva prabhu and Mandara Sakha prabhu shared the lectures they recorded in Australia and Chile. Those have been uploaded as well. I thank them for sending the files.

I request all the devotees to send the lectures they have to [email protected]. I also request the devotees to record the lectures in the upcoming travel schedule and send them as well.

We now have 432 audio files. On an average there are 35 plays a week. This weekend, I think devotees from Russia have gotten to know about the account. I am seeing a massive increase in the number of plays. In the last 5 days alone there have been 345 plays!

HpS -  Hare Krsna!   We make mistakes. We learn and then correct them in later lectures. We can help to illuminate a path to Srila Prabhupada, but he is the Guru for everyone in ISKCON. You must have a personal relationship with him to really be in ISKCON.

There is a letter from TCSD thanking you for the lectures and asking for ability to download. He is one of the first devotees we initiated. Tulasi-carana-sevita Das. He grew up in California. His mothe is like 1/8th native American Indian as I remember. Graduate in Cultural Anthropology from UC. Went to Thailand. Married a nice Thai girl. Taught public school in the USA. Moved to Thailand and has taught there since then.

Sadhana wise, I have been chanting 16 rounds and following the principles strictly. I wake up between 5:30-6:00, complete at least 10 rounds, do a small arthi and read Srimad Bhagavatam before leaving to work. I completed Canto 1 Chapter 3 today. I hope to complete a first pass of the first 2 cantos this year and then use the PDP guides for a deep study. I also read The Six Goswamis of Vrindavan on the recommendation of Radhika Ramana prabhu. I wanted to know more about the Goswamis after visiting Vrindavan and it was a wonderful book. I couldn't put it down.

I have decided to move to Dallas. It was a very difficult decision to make because of my attachment to the devotees here. But I feel it is the right thing to do. I love the work I do (I published a paper and filed 2 patens last year) and don't have too much pressure at work. I have a good balance at work that gives me time for sadhana and service. I'll be moving to Dallas sometime in the end of June.

HpS - Also, very nice Temple there. Your Sadhana sounds wonderful. Are you up and chanting Hare Krsna during the Brahma muhurta?  (FIND: "muhurta") It says "three hours" but I think it is 1-1/2 hours.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

Hare Krsna Maharaj

6 years, 11 months ago by lakshmi108 in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

Please accept my humble obeisances. 

 Sorry for the double or triple messaages I sent. I didn't think you recieved them XD. 

Thank you for your response Maharaj - I appreciate it. 

Bheemsen is good. He began high school this year, and he likes it. But he is quit annoying, hhehe.. But aren't all siblings?

HpS - Krsna and Balarama "fight". Radha and Krsna, fight. You all should visit Peru.  Get a government grant to do an exchange study program. From one 'land down under' to another 'land down under'.

I suppose I am also annoying to him. He plays to many games. It's too hard to convince these boys otherwise.

HpS - What is Goloka without games? Wrestle with Krsna!

Maharaj, this year I have begun year 12. The final year of my prison sentence ;) I have calculated I have around 145 days more of torturous time. I will have completed 3 terms. The 4th term should be quiet relaxed. I can't wait to finish school. Hopefully then I will understand what I want to do. I guess it will come to me in time. Or in uni after I try out some courses. 

I have also started driving Maharaj. It is quite fun. I might have alrready completed around 2 hours :) 

Also, thank you for answering my questions. The link was spot on. Now I know where to quote about this topic ;) Heheh! 

I have another question: 

1. When someone has committed sinful acts and has Karma to pay off, even us devotees, they have to pay it off. But always in the scriptures it is said the chanting of the holy name eradicates all sin. Does that mean the most sinful person may commit whatever actions they want and in the end, if they chant Hare Krsna, or perform some activity, for example, bathing in the Ganga, do they still have their Karma to pay off? Or maybe it's minimalised?

HpS - In the Gita, can't find it righ away!    Krsna tells Arjuna that the intricacies of Karma are difficult to understand and when we also include devotional service it becomes even more complicated.

If you break the law you have some reaction, but if the King gets involved then it changes. He takes some interest. He is being kind. He makes some personal adjustment, but decides that for the most part is better if you follow the law rather than try to be involved in things with Him personally.

You see how it works a little better?

If we can't be 100% devotees (Chapte Twelve) then... then  ... then...  Follow the Green path, Follow the Yellow path, Follow the Red path. Fot us, initiated devotees, at the time of second inistiation, Krsna takes charge of our Karma. It may still be running but now he controls how it runs and relates it more and more tightly to purer and purer service.

Is complicated. Depends on the individual situation, but basic principle is that anyone who yells, Hare Krsna, because you tell them Krsna will give them all protection, will get it.

You all should go to Peru!
What was Rukmini's solution to Her "career" choice?

Hope your health is in good condition Maharaj. Please visit us again :) 

Hare Krsna! 

Yours servant, 


Happy Nityananda Day!!!.PabloParikrama.

Agt SP


Jay Radha y Krsna.

Jay Krsna-Balarama

Hello Maharaja

I am Bhakta Pablo of the Parikrama, from Spain.

First of all happy day of the Appearance of Nityananda and Varaha.

ASA - Thank you.

I just wanted to tell you that one day like today I have had a strong realization about Sadhu-sanga, the association of devotees more advanced than one, especially of the same mood. Especially Sadhus, literally, and a poor wretch like me, lacking opportunities to associate in person with true Sadhus, licks the jar closed praying that one day I can taste the inside of the jar of honey.

HpS - You seem to be doing pretty well!

You can not believe the thanks I give for knowing You, for the influence You exert on me. For the respect, and the example that I see in You as a true master of the secrets of Yoga. Of the service and devotion to Radha-Krsna, Balarama and all the great personalities.

HpS - AgtSP!

I can not really complain, I have many great souls to inspire me besides You within ISKCON, people like You, make my heart can dream of pure devotional service.

Thank you very much for all Maharaja.

I hope someday to be able to fully please You, and to become a soul, to claim to be the servant of the servant of a servant of Radha-Krsna in Vrndavan.

Forgive me for praising You, I know it's not good for You, but a soul has to give thanks for His presence in our life.

I wanted to write a poem or a power point, but I could not, I hope to quote a song by Bhaktivinoda Thakura, subtract a bit from my silly sentimentality.

(1) Alas! Now I realize that all of my days had passed uselessly, for I never had the great fortune of associating with the devotees of the Lord. Therefore, instead of hearing from them about the process of attaining the topmost goal of human life, I have wasted my time simply working hard to earn money.

(2) This is such an unfortunate calamity, for I now consider that I have rejected pure gold simply to become attached and devoted to a small clod of dirt. In other words, I have abandoned the bright-faced golden devotees of the Lord to associate with filthy dirty persons who are averse to Krsna. Thus in their company I have passed my entire life dazed in madly intoxicated vanity.

(3) Whenever I saw someone decorated with the signs of a Vaisnava like tilaka, neck beads and sikha, etc., I would laugh at them within my mind, considering them to be completely insane. Regarding this attitude of mine to be the most highly cultured behavior, I have thereby robbed myself of the transcendental association of those touch stone-like devotees. So now in the end I am wondering . . . where has all this nonsense led me to?

(4) On the strength of my material education, I became puffed up and completely overlooked the most auspicious form of spiritual life, which is available only by devotional service. Thus I have completely steered clear of the ultimate goal of life. But now in my old age, all of this polluted material knowledge I worked so hard for is dwindling, for my memory is gradually fading away. Just see how I am captured and tormented in enjoying the fruits of my previous material activities!

(5) Now I have just one last hope. If only the devotees would be merciful to this sinful rogue by sprinkling me with one drop from the bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, the nectarine ocean of pure devotion, then I will be satisfied. By the sweet influence of that single drop, I will instantly and effortlessly become liberated from the strong grip of this material world, and thus I will finally be able to cross over the ocean of nescience.

Hare Krsna Maharaja


HpS - "May the land of Srila Vrndavana where Subala and the other wonderful cowherd boys, who are all dear friends of Sri Krsna, play, where Lalita and the other splendidly beautiful young gopis, who are all filled with love for Srimati Radharani, enjoy transcendental bliss, and where Sri Sri Radha-Krsna thirst to enjoy wonderful transcendental amorous pastimes day and night, become manifest in my heart." 1.15.

Thank you for your association over all these years.  More to do, more to do. We visit Spain soon.

Moviendo a Peru: Comentatario del "Shakti-man"!

6 years, 11 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Karuna Krsna Prabhu

Por favor acepte mis reverencias. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Deseo que esté bien de salud de salud y feliz en su vida espiritual.

Agradezco la deferencia bondadosa de quien se toma el tiempo de estar atento a mis mensajes con Su Santidad Srila Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaja. Es muy amable de darme importancia al tenerme presente.

1. Como ud. mismo escribe, yo solo recojo un comentario.

2. No doy ninguna opinión personal.

3. Se que Atmananda dasa (JpS) no es una autoridad de ISKCON Chosica.

4. Conozco quiénes son las autoridades de ISKCON Chosica.

5. Se lo que ha pasado con el asrama de brahmacaris de Chosica.

6. Se lo que ha pasado con el ex-gurukula de Chosica.

7. Entiendo sobre la recuperación del asrama de brahmacaris de Chosica.

Les deseo todo lo mejor. Muchas gracias nuevamente.

Krsne matir astu!

Su sirviente,
Jīva-Śakti dāsa (HpS).